Lt Col Ralph Peters( US Army Ret) says Obama is a total pussy

The Libtards have you...a loud mouth Girl Scout...

The sad part is that he RETIRED as a Lt Col
Didn't even make O6 in his military career
I can see why that would be the best conservatives can get to criticize the Presidents war on ISIS
There are plenty of three and four stars criticizing him also...all you have is Hollywood defending him....fags and Libtards...or am I repeating myself....

Criticizing Obama for what? Not plunging us into another full fledged disaster in the Middle East?

Not preventing the San B. attack that no president could have prevented?

Not getting us into a full scale war the Russia?
For not containing and then eliminating Isis, as he said he would do. It's a JV team for god sake...and he is Tom Brady...lmbbffao!

Eliminate ISIS? What was Obama's time limit for doing that? long as it was on the next president's watch.
Obamas plan to defeat ISIS

Destroy all identified targets of tactical value
Send in US Special Forces
Encourage allies to deploy ground forces
Keep US forces out of Iraq and Syria

Now, if Republicans disagree with that strategy, let them endorse their own strategy that will be more effective
His plan is a total fail.
My expertise is that I opposed the Iraq war making me smarter than you and Ralph Peters and Hillary Clinton put together.
Because you examined all the evidence? Or you foresaw the future when a spineless president would throw away all that was gained in the ME?

President Obama was also against the Iraq war....some lameass LTC rightwing talking head was not
Obamas plan to defeat ISIS

Destroy all identified targets of tactical value
Send in US Special Forces
Encourage allies to deploy ground forces
Keep US forces out of Iraq and Syria

Now, if Republicans disagree with that strategy, let them endorse their own strategy that will be more effective
His plan is a total fail.


Then what plan do you propose?

Somehow, conservatives are great at telling you what they are against......but run away when asked what they are for
Obamas plan to defeat ISIS

Destroy all identified targets of tactical value
Send in US Special Forces
Encourage allies to deploy ground forces
Keep US forces out of Iraq and Syria

Now, if Republicans disagree with that strategy, let them endorse their own strategy that will be more effective
His plan is a total fail.


Then what plan do you propose?

Somehow, conservatives are great at telling you what they are against......but run away when asked what they are for
As I have said over and over...gather all Muslim nations and demand they rid their populations of radicals. Help them. Lead them. Cooperate with them. Those that refuse, die with their radicals. Those that fail, die with their radicals. Those that succeed, thrive and become members of the civilized world. If it's time for WW3... let's do it!
Obamas plan to defeat ISIS

Destroy all identified targets of tactical value
Send in US Special Forces
Encourage allies to deploy ground forces
Keep US forces out of Iraq and Syria

Now, if Republicans disagree with that strategy, let them endorse their own strategy that will be more effective
His plan is a total fail.


Then what plan do you propose?

Somehow, conservatives are great at telling you what they are against......but run away when asked what they are for
republicans have been very articulate with what they would analyze your rhetoric...

Destroy all identified targets of tactical value
Truth....Obama has not been attempting to destroy all targets of tactical value. His concern for killing the "innocent" driver of an ISIS oil truck has prevented him from destroying MANY targets.
Republicans.....destroy them all. If there is an innocent civilian at a training camp or driving an oil truck...he or she is not an innocent civilian

Send in US Special Forces
A few hundred special ops personnel will have a very limited reach.
The GOP says send in thousands of special ops personnel including ATC's, trainers, operators, etc.

Encourage allies to deploy ground forces
You can not encourage someone to do something that you have said over and over that you are against.

Keep US forces out of Iraq and Syria
And how is that working for us?


He has the simple minded fooled into thinking his plan is solid......yet he hasn't done squat.

By the way....a little comparison....

In 1992 during the gulf war that was short lived and a victory....we flew over 1000 sorties a day.

In 2015, we are flying an average of 8 a day.

Enough said.

We need a leader.
Obamas plan to defeat ISIS

Destroy all identified targets of tactical value
Send in US Special Forces
Encourage allies to deploy ground forces
Keep US forces out of Iraq and Syria

Now, if Republicans disagree with that strategy, let them endorse their own strategy that will be more effective
His plan is a total fail.


Then what plan do you propose?

Somehow, conservatives are great at telling you what they are against......but run away when asked what they are for
As I have said over and over...gather all Muslim nations and demand they rid their populations of radicals. Help them. Lead them. Cooperate with them. Those that refuse, die with their radicals. Those that fail, die with their radicals. Those that succeed, thrive and become members of the civilized world. If it's time for WW3... let's do it!

I actually agree with that strategy....We should have started after 9-11 with Saudi Arabia and held them accountable for the rhetoric that drives terrorism
Obamas plan to defeat ISIS

Destroy all identified targets of tactical value
Send in US Special Forces
Encourage allies to deploy ground forces
Keep US forces out of Iraq and Syria

Now, if Republicans disagree with that strategy, let them endorse their own strategy that will be more effective
His plan is a total fail.


Then what plan do you propose?

Somehow, conservatives are great at telling you what they are against......but run away when asked what they are for
republicans have been very articulate with what they would analyze your rhetoric...

Destroy all identified targets of tactical value
Truth....Obama has not been attempting to destroy all targets of tactical value. His concern for killing the "innocent" driver of an ISIS oil truck has prevented him from destroying MANY targets.
Republicans.....destroy them all. If there is an innocent civilian at a training camp or driving an oil truck...he or she is not an innocent civilian

Send in US Special Forces
A few hundred special ops personnel will have a very limited reach.
The GOP says send in thousands of special ops personnel including ATC's, trainers, operators, etc.

Encourage allies to deploy ground forces
You can not encourage someone to do something that you have said over and over that you are against.

Keep US forces out of Iraq and Syria
And how is that working for us?


He has the simple minded fooled into thinking his plan is solid......yet he hasn't done squat.

By the way....a little comparison....

In 1992 during the gulf war that was short lived and a victory....we flew over 1000 sorties a day.

In 2015, we are flying an average of 8 a day.

Enough said.

We need a leader.

So you support another US invasion of both Iraq and Syria

How many troops? 100,000? 200,000?
Well you know what they say, you are what you eat! I think Peters looks and acts like a Big Dick.
A year and a half ago when Obama threatened bombing Syria at "a time of my own choosing", he was called a dictator and a tyrant by RWNJs.

Now they call him a pussy.

Whatever you morons call Obama one day, you completely flip-flop 24 hours later and call him the opposite.

Only pussy I remember is the asshole President who called off the search for Bin Laden, not the one who re-opened it and then had Bin Laden shot between the eyes, which is the most badass move a U.S. President has made in decades.
The problem is you don't have the ability to understand what was said in any context. obama declared Assad was crossing a red line in the sand if he used wmd. Assad did, then obie folded up. There are many examples, you need to pop your head out of your ass to see them though, no one can see it for you.

What ever happened to Syria's chemical weapons?
Obamas plan to defeat ISIS

Destroy all identified targets of tactical value
Send in US Special Forces
Encourage allies to deploy ground forces
Keep US forces out of Iraq and Syria

Now, if Republicans disagree with that strategy, let them endorse their own strategy that will be more effective
His plan is a total fail.


Then what plan do you propose?

Somehow, conservatives are great at telling you what they are against......but run away when asked what they are for
republicans have been very articulate with what they would analyze your rhetoric...

Destroy all identified targets of tactical value
Truth....Obama has not been attempting to destroy all targets of tactical value. His concern for killing the "innocent" driver of an ISIS oil truck has prevented him from destroying MANY targets.
Republicans.....destroy them all. If there is an innocent civilian at a training camp or driving an oil truck...he or she is not an innocent civilian

Send in US Special Forces
A few hundred special ops personnel will have a very limited reach.
The GOP says send in thousands of special ops personnel including ATC's, trainers, operators, etc.

Encourage allies to deploy ground forces
You can not encourage someone to do something that you have said over and over that you are against.

Keep US forces out of Iraq and Syria
And how is that working for us?


He has the simple minded fooled into thinking his plan is solid......yet he hasn't done squat.

By the way....a little comparison....

In 1992 during the gulf war that was short lived and a victory....we flew over 1000 sorties a day.

In 2015, we are flying an average of 8 a day.

Enough said.

We need a leader.

So you support another US invasion of both Iraq and Syria

How many troops? 100,000? 200,000?
that's what I said? An invasion? 100's of thousands of troops?

Maybe you should concentrate on your reading comprehension skills as opposed to worrying about who is going to win the GOP nomination...seeing as you wouldn't vote for him or her anyway.
Well you know what they say, you are what you eat! I think Peters looks and acts like a Big Dick.
of course you do. You have made it clear that you have absolutely no respect for anyone that disagrees with you.
Obamas plan to defeat ISIS

Destroy all identified targets of tactical value
Send in US Special Forces
Encourage allies to deploy ground forces
Keep US forces out of Iraq and Syria

Now, if Republicans disagree with that strategy, let them endorse their own strategy that will be more effective
His plan is a total fail.


Then what plan do you propose?

Somehow, conservatives are great at telling you what they are against......but run away when asked what they are for
republicans have been very articulate with what they would analyze your rhetoric...

Destroy all identified targets of tactical value
Truth....Obama has not been attempting to destroy all targets of tactical value. His concern for killing the "innocent" driver of an ISIS oil truck has prevented him from destroying MANY targets.
Republicans.....destroy them all. If there is an innocent civilian at a training camp or driving an oil truck...he or she is not an innocent civilian

Send in US Special Forces
A few hundred special ops personnel will have a very limited reach.
The GOP says send in thousands of special ops personnel including ATC's, trainers, operators, etc.

Encourage allies to deploy ground forces
You can not encourage someone to do something that you have said over and over that you are against.

Keep US forces out of Iraq and Syria
And how is that working for us?


He has the simple minded fooled into thinking his plan is solid......yet he hasn't done squat.

By the way....a little comparison....

In 1992 during the gulf war that was short lived and a victory....we flew over 1000 sorties a day.

In 2015, we are flying an average of 8 a day.

Enough said.

We need a leader.

So you support another US invasion of both Iraq and Syria

How many troops? 100,000? 200,000?
that's what I said? An invasion? 100's of thousands of troops?

Maybe you should concentrate on your reading comprehension skills as opposed to worrying about who is going to win the GOP nomination...seeing as you wouldn't vote for him or her anyway.

Then what are you proposing that is different than what Obama is already doing?
His plan is a total fail.


Then what plan do you propose?

Somehow, conservatives are great at telling you what they are against......but run away when asked what they are for
republicans have been very articulate with what they would analyze your rhetoric...

Destroy all identified targets of tactical value
Truth....Obama has not been attempting to destroy all targets of tactical value. His concern for killing the "innocent" driver of an ISIS oil truck has prevented him from destroying MANY targets.
Republicans.....destroy them all. If there is an innocent civilian at a training camp or driving an oil truck...he or she is not an innocent civilian

Send in US Special Forces
A few hundred special ops personnel will have a very limited reach.
The GOP says send in thousands of special ops personnel including ATC's, trainers, operators, etc.

Encourage allies to deploy ground forces
You can not encourage someone to do something that you have said over and over that you are against.

Keep US forces out of Iraq and Syria
And how is that working for us?


He has the simple minded fooled into thinking his plan is solid......yet he hasn't done squat.

By the way....a little comparison....

In 1992 during the gulf war that was short lived and a victory....we flew over 1000 sorties a day.

In 2015, we are flying an average of 8 a day.

Enough said.

We need a leader.

So you support another US invasion of both Iraq and Syria

How many troops? 100,000? 200,000?
that's what I said? An invasion? 100's of thousands of troops?

Maybe you should concentrate on your reading comprehension skills as opposed to worrying about who is going to win the GOP nomination...seeing as you wouldn't vote for him or her anyway.

Then what are you proposing that is different than what Obama is already doing?
again....reading comprehension skills are a bit lacking......let me clarify for you.

It is not what Obama says he is doing. It is what he he is actually doing.

One is not taking out ALL strategic targets when one refuses to hit targets that may have "innocent" civilians driving them or inside of them.

One is not taking out all strategic targets to decimate an enemy when one fly's only 8 sorties a day when one has the capability to fly 1000 a day.

One is not shoring up the mission by sending in 100 special ops personnel to a land of 72,000 square miles

One can "encourage" til the cows come home....but one will never be able to encourage his "allies" to do something he refuses to do and made clear he refuses to do.

How to decimate ISIS....

Destroy their infrastructure quicker than they can rebuild it.

Obama only likes the targets that have a reputation.....he likes to be able to say...."I killed Jihad Johnny"....meanwhile, Jihad Johnny was replaced before the last fragments of his body fell back to earth.

I would like to hear him say.."we took out that training camp"....Instead, he said..."we gave the French the intel as to where the training camp was"

Really? We knew where the training camp was but we didn't take it out but, instead, proud that we helped the French take it out?

What's that say to you?
Last edited:
His plan is a total fail.


Then what plan do you propose?

Somehow, conservatives are great at telling you what they are against......but run away when asked what they are for
republicans have been very articulate with what they would analyze your rhetoric...

Destroy all identified targets of tactical value
Truth....Obama has not been attempting to destroy all targets of tactical value. His concern for killing the "innocent" driver of an ISIS oil truck has prevented him from destroying MANY targets.
Republicans.....destroy them all. If there is an innocent civilian at a training camp or driving an oil truck...he or she is not an innocent civilian

Send in US Special Forces
A few hundred special ops personnel will have a very limited reach.
The GOP says send in thousands of special ops personnel including ATC's, trainers, operators, etc.

Encourage allies to deploy ground forces
You can not encourage someone to do something that you have said over and over that you are against.

Keep US forces out of Iraq and Syria
And how is that working for us?


He has the simple minded fooled into thinking his plan is solid......yet he hasn't done squat.

By the way....a little comparison....

In 1992 during the gulf war that was short lived and a victory....we flew over 1000 sorties a day.

In 2015, we are flying an average of 8 a day.

Enough said.

We need a leader.

So you support another US invasion of both Iraq and Syria

How many troops? 100,000? 200,000?
that's what I said? An invasion? 100's of thousands of troops?

Maybe you should concentrate on your reading comprehension skills as opposed to worrying about who is going to win the GOP nomination...seeing as you wouldn't vote for him or her anyway.

Then what are you proposing that is different than what Obama is already doing?
When did Obama travel to the Middle East and meet jointly with the heads of Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Did he vocally support al Sisi's call for Muslim reform?

Then what plan do you propose?

Somehow, conservatives are great at telling you what they are against......but run away when asked what they are for
republicans have been very articulate with what they would analyze your rhetoric...

Destroy all identified targets of tactical value
Truth....Obama has not been attempting to destroy all targets of tactical value. His concern for killing the "innocent" driver of an ISIS oil truck has prevented him from destroying MANY targets.
Republicans.....destroy them all. If there is an innocent civilian at a training camp or driving an oil truck...he or she is not an innocent civilian

Send in US Special Forces
A few hundred special ops personnel will have a very limited reach.
The GOP says send in thousands of special ops personnel including ATC's, trainers, operators, etc.

Encourage allies to deploy ground forces
You can not encourage someone to do something that you have said over and over that you are against.

Keep US forces out of Iraq and Syria
And how is that working for us?


He has the simple minded fooled into thinking his plan is solid......yet he hasn't done squat.

By the way....a little comparison....

In 1992 during the gulf war that was short lived and a victory....we flew over 1000 sorties a day.

In 2015, we are flying an average of 8 a day.

Enough said.

We need a leader.

So you support another US invasion of both Iraq and Syria

How many troops? 100,000? 200,000?
that's what I said? An invasion? 100's of thousands of troops?

Maybe you should concentrate on your reading comprehension skills as opposed to worrying about who is going to win the GOP nomination...seeing as you wouldn't vote for him or her anyway.

Then what are you proposing that is different than what Obama is already doing?
When did Obama travel to the Middle East and meet jointly with the heads of Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Did he vocally support al Sisi's call for Muslim reform?
why are Muslims able to admit that they are at war with Radical Islam.....but Obama cant?

Why doesn't someone say this very simple thing....

"American is at war with Radical Islam. American Jews are at war with radical Islam. American Christians are at war with radical Islam. American Hindus are at war with radical Islam. American Muslims are at war with radical Islam."
What is the Republican fascination with Lt Colonels?

Ollie North, Allen West......Why don't they just give Corporals a mouthpiece and be done with it?
The Libtards have you...a loud mouth Girl Scout...

The sad part is that he RETIRED as a Lt Col
Didn't even make O6 in his military career
I can see why that would be the best conservatives can get to criticize the Presidents war on ISIS
There are plenty of three and four stars criticizing him also...all you have is Hollywood defending him....fags and Libtards...or am I repeating myself....

Criticizing Obama for what? Not plunging us into another full fledged disaster in the Middle East?

Not preventing the San B. attack that no president could have prevented?

Not getting us into a full scale war the Russia?
How about fumble fucking around and not listening to the generals and pulling out of Iraq, creating the power vacuum ISIS thrived in?

President Bush was the one who was forced to sign a new SOFA with Iraq. In that document the withdrawal date was set with no precondition or requirements at all. The FUBAR occupation is the main cause of the Iraq civil war and the rise of ISIS.
The Libtards have you...a loud mouth Girl Scout...

The sad part is that he RETIRED as a Lt Col
Didn't even make O6 in his military career
I can see why that would be the best conservatives can get to criticize the Presidents war on ISIS
There are plenty of three and four stars criticizing him also...all you have is Hollywood defending him....fags and Libtards...or am I repeating myself....

Criticizing Obama for what? Not plunging us into another full fledged disaster in the Middle East?

Not preventing the San B. attack that no president could have prevented?

Not getting us into a full scale war the Russia?
How about fumble fucking around and not listening to the generals and pulling out of Iraq, creating the power vacuum ISIS thrived in?

President Bush was the one who was forced to sign a new SOFA with Iraq. In that document the withdrawal date was set with no precondition or requirements at all. The FUBAR occupation is the main cause of the Iraq civil war and the rise of ISIS.
So then why did Obama take credit for pulling the troops out?

No need to answer.

I, unlike you, understand how the SOFA agreement works...and how, regardless of what the left wing blogs and left wing politicians claim, the SOFA agreement was subject to renegotiation based on conditions.

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