Lt Col Ralph Peters( US Army Ret) says Obama is a total pussy

A year and a half ago when Obama threatened bombing Syria at "a time of my own choosing", he was called a dictator and a tyrant by RWNJs.

Now they call him a pussy.

Whatever you morons call Obama one day, you completely flip-flop 24 hours later and call him the opposite.

Only pussy I remember is the asshole President who called off the search for Bin Laden, not the one who re-opened it and then had Bin Laden shot between the eyes, which is the most badass move a U.S. President has made in decades.
No he wasn't.....That'sbeside the point. To date, Obama has had many opportunities to do so and in deference to the Iran Ayatollah, has not.
And nearly 3 years later, Ralph Peters is ready to quit fox.
"In my view, Fox has degenerated from providing a legitimate and much-needed outlet for conservative voices to a mere propaganda machine for a destructive and ethically ruinous administration."

Its amazing to see somebody hardcore right wing call out fox as propaganda, and to call out Trump as Putin's bitch.
Col. Peters has long been a never-Trumper. I has always been a mealy mouth. I can't imagine how he made it to Colonel in the US Army. I'm guessing that brown nosing pays off.

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