Lt Col Ralph Peters( US Army Ret) says Obama is a total pussy

My expertise is that I opposed the Iraq war making me smarter than you and Ralph Peters and Hillary Clinton put together.
Because you examined all the evidence? Or you foresaw the future when a spineless president would throw away all that was gained in the ME?
"all that was gained" ROFL "keeping a lid on it" =/= gains hack boi.
There were no gains in Iraq? You need to take a break from sucking your obama lolipop and check it out.

There were no gains in Iraq. Before we invaded, for no good reason, Iraq was not dependent on the US spending blood and treasure to defend it.

Now it is. And people like you are happy to do it.
Liar. We went many months with not even any news on Iraq. It was stable. You may not like it but that's your shortcoming, not mine. Fail
My expertise is that I opposed the Iraq war making me smarter than you and Ralph Peters and Hillary Clinton put together.
Because you examined all the evidence? Or you foresaw the future when a spineless president would throw away all that was gained in the ME?
"all that was gained" ROFL "keeping a lid on it" =/= gains hack boi.
There were no gains in Iraq? You need to take a break from sucking your obama lolipop and check it out.

There were no gains in Iraq. Before we invaded, for no good reason, Iraq was not dependent on the US spending blood and treasure to defend it.

Now it is. And people like you are happy to do it.
Liar. We went many months with not even any news on Iraq. It was stable. You may not like it but that's your shortcoming, not mine. Fail

It was more stable before we invaded. And threw away 4500 American lives that you don't give a shit about.
Because you examined all the evidence? Or you foresaw the future when a spineless president would throw away all that was gained in the ME?
"all that was gained" ROFL "keeping a lid on it" =/= gains hack boi.
There were no gains in Iraq? You need to take a break from sucking your obama lolipop and check it out.

There were no gains in Iraq. Before we invaded, for no good reason, Iraq was not dependent on the US spending blood and treasure to defend it.

Now it is. And people like you are happy to do it.
Liar. We went many months with not even any news on Iraq. It was stable. You may not like it but that's your shortcoming, not mine. Fail

It was more stable before we invaded. And threw away 4500 American lives that you don't give a shit about.
More stable? Dumbass. Why do you think they had mandatory UN inspections?
"all that was gained" ROFL "keeping a lid on it" =/= gains hack boi.
There were no gains in Iraq? You need to take a break from sucking your obama lolipop and check it out.

There were no gains in Iraq. Before we invaded, for no good reason, Iraq was not dependent on the US spending blood and treasure to defend it.

Now it is. And people like you are happy to do it.
Liar. We went many months with not even any news on Iraq. It was stable. You may not like it but that's your shortcoming, not mine. Fail

It was more stable before we invaded. And threw away 4500 American lives that you don't give a shit about.
More stable? Dumbass. Why do you think they had mandatory UN inspections?

To assure that Iraq remained stable. The proper course of action.
So what is Col. Peters combat record like, I bet all kinds of medals for bravery, in his many combat tours.
My expertise is that I opposed the Iraq war making me smarter than you and Ralph Peters and Hillary Clinton put together.
Because you examined all the evidence? Or you foresaw the future when a spineless president would throw away all that was gained in the ME?
"all that was gained" ROFL "keeping a lid on it" =/= gains hack boi.
There were no gains in Iraq? You need to take a break from sucking your obama lolipop and check it out.
All the Repub candidates have admitted vietraq was a ginormous boondoggle yet you cling to some dream world where if we just stayed longer they would grow to embrace our occupying forces? :rofl: Iceweasel I used to pay good money to get into alternate universes that you seem to inhabit around the clock :thup:
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Because you examined all the evidence? Or you foresaw the future when a spineless president would throw away all that was gained in the ME?
"all that was gained" ROFL "keeping a lid on it" =/= gains hack boi.
There were no gains in Iraq? You need to take a break from sucking your obama lolipop and check it out.

There were no gains in Iraq. Before we invaded, for no good reason, Iraq was not dependent on the US spending blood and treasure to defend it.

Now it is. And people like you are happy to do it.
Liar. We went many months with not even any news on Iraq. It was stable. You may not like it but that's your shortcoming, not mine. Fail

It was more stable before we invaded. And threw away 4500 American lives that you don't give a shit about.
he just doesn't "get it" or, more likely, the fact that admitting that Repub-manufactured crisis in Iraq is a dish he'd rather not savor given what is now known.

The sad part is that he RETIRED as a Lt Col
Didn't even make O6 in his military career
I can see why that would be the best conservatives can get to criticize the Presidents war on ISIS
There are plenty of three and four stars criticizing him also...all you have is Hollywood defending him....fags and Libtards...or am I repeating myself....

Criticizing Obama for what? Not plunging us into another full fledged disaster in the Middle East?

Not preventing the San B. attack that no president could have prevented?

Not getting us into a full scale war the Russia?
How about fumble fucking around and not listening to the generals and pulling out of Iraq, creating the power vacuum ISIS thrived in?

President Bush was the one who was forced to sign a new SOFA with Iraq. In that document the withdrawal date was set with no precondition or requirements at all. The FUBAR occupation is the main cause of the Iraq civil war and the rise of ISIS.
So then why did Obama take credit for pulling the troops out?

No need to answer.

I, unlike you, understand how the SOFA agreement works...and how, regardless of what the left wing blogs and left wing politicians claim, the SOFA agreement was subject to renegotiation based on conditions.
The Prime Minister of Iraq thought otherwise. He wanted US Troops to fall under Iraqi jurisdiction rather than having immunity for the troops which was the US's position
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There are plenty of three and four stars criticizing him also...all you have is Hollywood defending him....fags and Libtards...or am I repeating myself....

Criticizing Obama for what? Not plunging us into another full fledged disaster in the Middle East?

Not preventing the San B. attack that no president could have prevented?

Not getting us into a full scale war the Russia?
How about fumble fucking around and not listening to the generals and pulling out of Iraq, creating the power vacuum ISIS thrived in?

President Bush was the one who was forced to sign a new SOFA with Iraq. In that document the withdrawal date was set with no precondition or requirements at all. The FUBAR occupation is the main cause of the Iraq civil war and the rise of ISIS.
So then why did Obama take credit for pulling the troops out?

No need to answer.

I, unlike you, understand how the SOFA agreement works...and how, regardless of what the left wing blogs and left wing politicians claim, the SOFA agreement was subject to renegotiation based on conditions.
The Prime Minister of Iraq thought otherwise. He wanted US Troops to fall under Iraqi jurisdiction rather than having immunity for the troops which was the US's position
And Weak man Obama could do nothing about it. Still don't get it do ya?
My expertise is that I opposed the Iraq war making me smarter than you and Ralph Peters and Hillary Clinton put together.
Because you examined all the evidence? Or you foresaw the future when a spineless president would throw away all that was gained in the ME?
"all that was gained" ROFL "keeping a lid on it" =/= gains hack boi.
There were no gains in Iraq? You need to take a break from sucking your obama lolipop and check it out.
All the Repub candidates have admitted vietraq was a ginormous boondoggle yet you cling to some dream world where if we just stayed longer they would grow to embrace our occupying forces? :rofl: Iceweasel I used to pay good money to get into alternate universes that you seem to inhabit around the clock :thup:
You neglected to back up anything. Schoolyard taunts are a poor substitute. The fact this needs to be explained is proof you are an idiot.
"all that was gained" ROFL "keeping a lid on it" =/= gains hack boi.
There were no gains in Iraq? You need to take a break from sucking your obama lolipop and check it out.

There were no gains in Iraq. Before we invaded, for no good reason, Iraq was not dependent on the US spending blood and treasure to defend it.

Now it is. And people like you are happy to do it.
Liar. We went many months with not even any news on Iraq. It was stable. You may not like it but that's your shortcoming, not mine. Fail

It was more stable before we invaded. And threw away 4500 American lives that you don't give a shit about.
he just doesn't "get it" or, more likely, the fact that admitting that Repub-manufactured crisis in Iraq is a dish he'd rather not savor given what is now known.

Oh look. A cartoon! Children and liberals love them!
Criticizing Obama for what? Not plunging us into another full fledged disaster in the Middle East?

Not preventing the San B. attack that no president could have prevented?

Not getting us into a full scale war the Russia?
How about fumble fucking around and not listening to the generals and pulling out of Iraq, creating the power vacuum ISIS thrived in?

President Bush was the one who was forced to sign a new SOFA with Iraq. In that document the withdrawal date was set with no precondition or requirements at all. The FUBAR occupation is the main cause of the Iraq civil war and the rise of ISIS.
So then why did Obama take credit for pulling the troops out?

No need to answer.

I, unlike you, understand how the SOFA agreement works...and how, regardless of what the left wing blogs and left wing politicians claim, the SOFA agreement was subject to renegotiation based on conditions.
The Prime Minister of Iraq thought otherwise. He wanted US Troops to fall under Iraqi jurisdiction rather than having immunity for the troops which was the US's position
And Weak man Obama could do nothing about it. Still don't get it do ya?

Yes we get it. Obama should have kept troops in Iraq by force, against the will of the Iraqi people we just 'liberated',
making our forces an occupying army. lol, the shit you people come up with.
There are plenty of three and four stars criticizing him also...all you have is Hollywood defending him....fags and Libtards...or am I repeating myself....

Criticizing Obama for what? Not plunging us into another full fledged disaster in the Middle East?

Not preventing the San B. attack that no president could have prevented?

Not getting us into a full scale war the Russia?
How about fumble fucking around and not listening to the generals and pulling out of Iraq, creating the power vacuum ISIS thrived in?

President Bush was the one who was forced to sign a new SOFA with Iraq. In that document the withdrawal date was set with no precondition or requirements at all. The FUBAR occupation is the main cause of the Iraq civil war and the rise of ISIS.
So then why did Obama take credit for pulling the troops out?

No need to answer.

I, unlike you, understand how the SOFA agreement works...and how, regardless of what the left wing blogs and left wing politicians claim, the SOFA agreement was subject to renegotiation based on conditions.
The Prime Minister of Iraq thought otherwise. He wanted US Troops to fall under Iraqi jurisdiction rather than having immunity for the troops which was the US's position
Yeah, because he has it all under such great control.
How about fumble fucking around and not listening to the generals and pulling out of Iraq, creating the power vacuum ISIS thrived in?

President Bush was the one who was forced to sign a new SOFA with Iraq. In that document the withdrawal date was set with no precondition or requirements at all. The FUBAR occupation is the main cause of the Iraq civil war and the rise of ISIS.
So then why did Obama take credit for pulling the troops out?

No need to answer.

I, unlike you, understand how the SOFA agreement works...and how, regardless of what the left wing blogs and left wing politicians claim, the SOFA agreement was subject to renegotiation based on conditions.
The Prime Minister of Iraq thought otherwise. He wanted US Troops to fall under Iraqi jurisdiction rather than having immunity for the troops which was the US's position
And Weak man Obama could do nothing about it. Still don't get it do ya?

Yes we get it. Obama should have kept troops in Iraq by force, against the will of the Iraqi people we just 'liberated',
making our forces an occupying army. lol, the shit you people come up with.
The will of the Iraqi people? Surely you jest. A quiet hint to the PM that his future could involve 72 virgins, would have done the job.
So....what we know so far

Community Organizer Obama was correct in his assessment of the Iraq situation in 2002 while high ranking LTC Peters completely blew it and supported a US invasion that completely destabilized the region
So....what we know so far

Community Organizer Obama was correct in his assessment of the Iraq situation in 2002 while high ranking LTC Peters completely blew it and supported a US invasion that completely destabilized the region
Which would mean Hillary cannot be supported for President.
So....what we know so far

Community Organizer Obama was correct in his assessment of the Iraq situation in 2002 while high ranking LTC Peters completely blew it and supported a US invasion that completely destabilized the region
Which would mean Hillary cannot be supported for President.

Cost her the Presidency in 2008

Hillary admits she was many republicans will do the same?
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So....what we know so far

Community Organizer Obama was correct in his assessment of the Iraq situation in 2002 while high ranking LTC Peters completely blew it and supported a US invasion that completely destabilized the region
Which would mean Hillary cannot be supported for President.

Cost her the Presiency in 2008

Hillary admits she was many republicans will do the same?
And you believe her? Lmao! What cost her the election was her inability to promise more than her opponent. She's not making that mistake with Bernie.

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