Lt Col Vindman Has A Chance Now To Defend His Country....Ukraine

It's not a veteran. It broke the chain of command in treasonous manners and should have been hung.

I say "hung" because people are hanged.

It's the equivalent of saying Timothy McVay is a veteran.
Just because he is a veteran doesn't make him angelic. Look at John F'ing Kerry. Lurch. More than one vet has betrayed his country.
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It has been mentioned that the Democrat's whistleblower now has an opportunity to show us what he's made of.
After acting as a spy for the DNC he now has a chance to go to the country of his birth and defend it from Russian aggression.

After all....he was so up for spying on Trump to protect Ukraine. Why not go back to Ukraine and fight the Reds.

February 26, 2022

Where is Ukraine 'defense minister' Alexander Vindman?​

By A.J. Rice

Remember Alexander Vindman? He is the man whose "whistleblowing" about an innocuous phone call between President Donald Trump and Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky turned America inside-out for months.

Playing into the now-proven Democrat and media hoax that Trump was some kind of dangerous foreign puppet, Vindman declared that his patriotism just wouldn't allow him to stand by while the president discussed perfectly ordinary things with a foreign head of state who shared a border with Russia and Vladimir Putin.
Now that foreign head of state is losing his country. Vindman helped shade Trump straight into impeachment — a political act that destabilized the United States and helped pave the way for sleepy, barely aware, and not-leadership-material Joe Biden to become president. Biden spent his first year in office making America weaker — economically and militarily. America barely has a southern border thanks to Biden, but we're being asked to worry about someone else's border half a world away by the same man, thanks in no small part to Col. Vindman.
Ukraine is under invasion from Vlad Putin's Russian military, coming at what Vindman has called his "homeland" from the north, south, and east. Zelensky is pleading for the world to help save his country from a madman, which raises the most obvious question no one has asked yet.

Where is the great patriot Alexander Vindman? Can Zelensky count on his compatriot?

You see, Vindman is Ukrainian. He was born in Kyiv — the city Putin is bombing into submission right now.
Vindman is quick to point out his military bona fides; he does so in just about every comment he utters on any subject, while taking pains to remind you what a stout patriot he is, and what a good American and Ukrainian he is.

But now that Ukraine is under massive assault, where is Col. Vindman, hero of Nancy Pelosi's Impeachment Media War? Can anyone find him?
Is he leading a squad of Ukrainian commandos somewhere on the outskirts of Kyiv? Is he consulting President Zelenskyy and offering his wisdom to the embattled president in his hour of need? Maybe he's listening in on Biden's phone calls as our European allies water down the sanctions to be imposed on Russia, and not reporting any of that conversation to his own allies at the DNC.
Where. Is. Vindman?

Vindman is a sniveling little weasel.
It's not a veteran. It broke the chain of command in treasonous manners and should have been hung.

I say "hung" because people are hanged.

It's the equivalent of saying Timothy McVay is a veteran.
See....attacking an American citizen veteran who obeyed orders and obeyed a subpeona and told the truth....which, of course, is antithetical to the trump trash.
Just because he is a veteran doesn't make him angelic. Look at John F'ing Kerry. Lurch. More than one vet has betrayed his country.
Lurch is not a veteran. Coward, yes... veteran, no. People that drive within 20 miles of an air force base are more of a veteran than that shitstain.

Being a veteran is something you EARN. It's not automatic.
Reporting illegal or unethical activity has never been treason. Whistleblowers often get run through the mill and usually get fucked over but they are vindicated in the end. Thank God for people who possess such courage.
There was nothing illegal or unethical about a phone call between Zelenksky and Trump.
Vindman was listening in on his conversations and leaking it to House Democrats so they could make false claims using doctored evidence. They used this phone call to impeach Trump because it was a similar subject as the bribe Biden admitted to years ago. Biden wanted an investigation squashed and he used a Billion in foreign aide to do it. Trump simply wanted assurances from Zelensky that the corruption that the investigation uncovered would be handled properly. The Democrats essentially where trying to cover up the investigation into Biden's coke snorting kid.
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You most certainly are. And here I thought you too were a veteran. I was wrong, wasn't I?
Lt. William Calley, Jr., was a veteran. Did that shield him from being tried for murder? He's a veteran -- do you support him?

Do you believe being a veteran is a blank check to break the law? I don't.

Face it. You'll excuse anyone of anything as long as the ORANGE MAN BAD agenda is served. If Vindman had done the same thing to Obama or Biden, you'd be demanding he be hanged from the yardarm.
There was nothing illegal or unethical about a phone call between Zelenksky and Trump.
Vindman was listening in on his conversations and leaking it to House Democrats so they could make false claims using doctored evidence. They used this phone call to impeach Trump because it was similar to the bribe Biden admitted to years ago. Biden wanted an investigation squashed and he used a Billion in foreign aide to do it. Trump simply wanted assurances from Zelensky that the corruption that the investigation uncovered would be handled properly. The Democrats essentially where trying to cover up the investigation into Biden's coke snorting kid.
Tell yourself whatever it takes to sleep at night.
rodishi said:
Wanting liberty for the people of Ukraine doesn't mean that I give two shits to be with those whom you mention anymore than I support KKK peeps even if they may support some of the same issues I do.

Kadyrov's Chechens are in the Ukraine right now pulling men out of their cars and shooting them. If you do not support that country being free from Putin does that mean you agree that it is okay to murder people and raping innocencts after invading their country for one of the worse thugs now in the world?

That is not our problem. We have people coming over our border raping our innocents and nothing NOTHING is done about THAT!! Indeed the left invites MORE. Chicago citizens are murdered every week. Blue state cities are seeing rising crime over this defund the police. How 'bout you get concerned over what's going on here that is just as bad, perhaps worse.

The Ukrainians are fighting this themselves. Do you want to be the world's policeman or NOT. You wanted out of AFghanistan, Now you want to do this AGAIN?
VINDMAN might have papers to say he is american...but we know he is NOT.
He is more American than the entitled Trump cultists who take their freedoms for granted and whine about how they are treated like the victims of tbe Holocaust.
He's also a dirty sneak and a coward.
He should have been put in front of a firing squad and shot for treason.
No..that should have been Trump.
He is more American than the entitled Trump cultists who take their freedoms for granted and whine about how they are treated like the victims of tbe Holocaust.

No..that should have been Trump.

Trump degraded the soldiers who died in WWII and Vietnam.

Yet veterans like Mudwhistle desperately cling to the illusion that Trump gives a shit about him.
McCain was a veteran and because he got his own damn nose out of joint, he screwd the entire nation. Just like he screwed his first wife. Just like he screwd Arizona voters every four years.
McCain was a veteran and because he got his own damn nose out of joint, he screwd the entire nation. Just like he screwed his first wife. Just like he screwd Arizona voters every four years.
He obviously didn’t screw a whole lot of Arizona voters who kept putting him back in office.

He was a veteran because he WAS a veteran.
McCain was a veteran and because he got his own damn nose out of joint, he screwd the entire nation. Just like he screwed his first wife. Just like he screwd Arizona voters every four years.

Trump fucked a porn star while his third wife was at home tending to his newborn.

Yet, somehow, that doesn't matter to the retarded Trump cult because precious snowflake feelings.

If that traitor Vindman is any example of how some Ukrainians are..... I don't like it.

Hope he is the exception and not the norm.

If that traitor Vindman is any example of how some Ukrainians are..... I don't like it.

Hope he is the exception and not the norm.

That's because you are a moron.
Trump degraded the soldiers who died in WWII and Vietnam.

Yet veterans like Mudwhistle desperately cling to the illusion that Trump gives a shit about him.
Trump was talking about John McCain....nobody else.
Biden did call a bunch of uniformed military graduates that they were a bunch of dumb bastards.

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