Lunch Nazis to be fired

Hungry kids? Clearly you don't have any, mine were crying almost non-stop since Obama's lunch thing went into effect. They were trying to buy two lunches just to get through the day it was so unfulfilling/unsatisfying. And no, none of my boys are overweight.
The only thing getting filled with obama lunch are trash cans. The crap was inedible.
Ah Americans are stupid. Plain stupid. They consider mcpukes and chic fill a as good food. I hope they keep feeding their kids this slop. Slowly kill them. Fact. Indisputable.
Nope....I was born here and lived here for 80 years. but I am of Swedish heritage. Swede first american second. Eat healthy. Fast food is the major reason we have u affordable health insurance. But I intelligence be damned in this country.
IDK my kids eat damn near everything and they ate the school lunches too, but every one of them complained that it wasn't enough to get them through the day. Up here they ate at early as 10am so it became enough of a problem that they were packing "secondary" lunches just to get through classes. It hadn't been as big a problem before the nutritional guideline changes. I mean I suppose one could argue they were growing and all, but the kids have been in school since 2002 and there was a marked change to their satisfaction. My youngest is thrilled this year because he's only got three classes so he comes home for lunch - in fact he kind of planned his schedule for getting his diploma for it; or at least it was mentioned as a worthy benefit when I'd suggested he could take afternoon classes and sleep in instead of taking morning classes. (Neither here nor there but I'd pointed out that he could just eat lunch before he went to school and he didn't want to do that for whatever reason.)

~Shrug~ I guess I never saw anything particularly wrong with the lunches when I was in school, nor when the kids were in school prior to the change in requirements. Food just isn't a major thing in my sphere of give a shit, I only eat like twice a week and it's usually Yakisoba noodles...
Ah Americans are stupid. Plain stupid. They consider mcpukes and chic fill a as good food. I hope they keep feeding their kids this slop. Slowly kill them. Fact. Indisputable.
So you hope Americans slowly kill their kids, either you are just an evil, disgusting human being, or you need mental help. How many children are you helping to eat healthy food?
We need to get back to old school nutrition

I'm old school (menu) and was never over weight, and only remember one friend that was at that time. Certainly not what we are hearing about now. Healthy food is great as long as the child eats it, and it doesn't go in the trash. Lack of exercise is a huge factor, something we got plenty of as children, and I made sure my son did also. Also, long before President Trump, the schools here (not elementary) had vending machines with chips, soft drinks, etc. His high school had a subway and Pizza Hut.
Yep. Was just thinking of trump's diet of coke and fat food. And he looks it.

RWNJs look at him and want their kids to look just like him ... big fat bellies they try to cover with ill fitting clothes and a long wide tie they pretend covers.

I have tried to respect the RWNJ point of view but they're just plain stupid, they know they're stupid and they work to STAY stupid.
Thought you leftist clowns were all for CHOICE.....guess its only CHOICE if you want to murder your baby....choosing your child's lunch not so much.
Yea ....stick it to Michelle Obama

Look at all those chubby kids. They look just like Trump
Michelle Obama's healthy school lunches could be on the chopping block with the Trump administration expected to announce new measures as early as Monday to ease the program's regulations.

The US Department of Agriculture announced on Friday that its secretary Sonny Perdue is set to introduce new standards that will give schools more flexibility in relation to the National School Lunch Program.

Read more: Trump administration to change Obama's lunch program | Daily Mail Online
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Now if only this kind of common sense would extend to the rest of govt programs that are obviously broken.

Yep, we don't want poor kids eating healthily, they might end up learning as much as the rich kids and taking "their" jobs.
Yep. Was just thinking of trump's diet of coke and fat food. And he looks it.

RWNJs look at him and want their kids to look just like him ... big fat bellies they try to cover with ill fitting clothes and a long wide tie they pretend covers.

I have tried to respect the RWNJ point of view but they're just plain stupid, they know they're stupid and they work to STAY stupid.
Thought you leftist clowns were all for CHOICE.....guess its only CHOICE if you want to murder your baby....choosing your child's lunch not so much.

I'm for choice. You can CHOOSE to send your kid to govt run school, you can CHOOSE to give them packed lunch or pay for a school meal, but if you CHOOSE the school meal, then it should be healthy and nutritious.
To save $$ because large school districts need to shave back more and do away with more every year, they have gone to what's cheapest. It's cheaper to buy frozen preprocessed junk that costs more per meal because it's still cheaper than running a cafeteria in each school and cooking from relative scratch. It's not like cafeteria ladies are getting rich, either, but it's still cheaper to heat up garbage in a centralized kitchen. Of course kids "like it," they get it at home too. Michelle thought maybe she could introduce something a little healthier, give kids a taste of something else, but OH NO Republicans won't have that!

Jamie Oliver also tried, and found out that America is made of shit food and people don't want nun ov dat foowkin hellfy shit.

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