Lyft Offers Free Rides To Illegal Aliens Across The United States....Excludes Homeless American Vets

The drivers barely make any money since the company takes their cut, plus fuel and vehicle maintenance. How are they supposed to fund this?
My local grocery store, Food City that is, has been gathering money for disabled vets. I donated on the day before yesterday and just before I left the store today, I happened to chat with a Navy vet who was also getting ready to leave. He walked with a cane and had to use one of them motorized chairs to help him get around. I thanked him for his service before I left.

God bless you and him and the rest of our troops who are still here always!!!

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Because they're profiting off of degeneracy.
This is likely a promotion for illegals to choose Lyft.

What us absurd is those who complain ove4 & over about Capitalists like this.
But believe its their Capitalist freedom to do so.
Giving illegals free rides will cost Lyft as much business as it earns them. Likely more.
No one questions the right of that business to make their decision. We question the wisdom of it and
the necessity of jumping into the middle of a charged issue.

If illegals choose Lyft but it makes that business no money, in fact it costs them, how stupid is that?
Because they're profiting off of degeneracy.
This is likely a promotion for illegals to choose Lyft.

What us absurd is those who complain ove4 & over about Capitalists like this.
But believe its their Capitalist freedom to do so.
Giving illegals free rides will cost Lyft as much business as it earns them. Likely more.
No one questions the right of that business to make their decision. We question the wisdom of it and
the necessity of jumping into the middle of a charged issue.

If illegals choose Lyft but it makes that business no money, in fact it costs them, how stupid is that?

Not if it's limited time.
The bottomline is Capitalists mess up America over & over again.
This is just another evidence.

To make matters more absurd John Zimmer who co founded Lyft is Kosher.

Republicans put Kosher Capitalists on a pedastal despite their attempts to destroy America.
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What a bunch of worthless bastards doing this. Lyft has to be run by Democrats!


Could be an interesting undercover operation by ICE.

I'm adding some levity, but you could imagine ones shock when the rider is told "don't worry man, I know a good shortcut" and he is driven to ICE headquarters or maybe right to the border.
You know, one of the people responding to that asked why Lyft doesn't give rides to veterans to get them to the VA?

Short answer? They don't need to. If a veteran needs a ride to the VA for an appointment, they can request one from the VA, which will pick them up at their house, and take them back home after their appointment.
Could be an interesting undercover operation by ICE.

I'm adding some levity, but you could imagine ones shock when the rider is told "don't worry man, I know a good shortcut" and he is driven to ICE headquarters or maybe right to the border.
I'm sure this is how many illegals will see things.
It's their business, they can do what they want.

Keep in mind that they are NOT driving illegal aliens up from the border and dropping them off in cities. The service is being used to "transport immigrants and their advocates to court appearances and legal consultations."

Furthermore, unless I'm reading the article wrong, and I may very well be, it looks as if Lyft has committed to only $50,000, with the balance being made up from customers who choose to "round up" their bills to the nearest dollar.

Lyft donates $150,000 in rides to immigration groups across US

The bigger question in my mind: If the driver is called upon to perform this task, transporting immigrants and their advocates to court appearances and legal consultations, and the ride is "free", where does the driver make his, or her, money? Don't they receive a percentage of the fare? Admittedly I don't know how these services work, I've only ever used one once, and that was paid for by the dealership servicing my FJ...
Of course not.
Brits are usually morbidly retarded.
I'm not a Brit, bro, But probably being "morbidly retarded" yourself how could you possibly know that?

Your name is British in origins & most White Americans are Brits.

Which explains why they complain about Kosher Capitalists constantly like LYFT but then decide to worship the Kosher Capitalists anyways.
Could be an interesting undercover operation by ICE.

I'm adding some levity, but you could imagine ones shock when the rider is told "don't worry man, I know a good shortcut" and he is driven to ICE headquarters or maybe right to the border.
I'm sure this is how many illegals will see things.

It's an interesting reality, and as much as I believe in being empathetic, and I am; there are two sides to the coin I suppose. A good thing for these illegals became an abuse. You gave an inch and they took many miles.

If there were only say, 25,000 illegals in America. Guys keeping their head down, doing what they needed to to provide for their family, it wouldn't even be an issue. Americans would say "it is what it is". It must have been the way Americans viewed it say 30 years ago.

Now, it's an invasion. Women, children, welfare costs, health costs, crimes, illegal substances, the abuse against children and trafficking along the way, the cartels, and, some using them for political purposes and potential future votes. Worse of all, 22M+ are in your country.

It's insanity. If ICE can round up 1 Million who were ordered to leave and send them home, it would be a great investor for the taxpayers.

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