Lying Is An Infectious Disease


Sep 23, 2010
Lying to make Taqiyya the Liar look good is standard practice among the government class, but why does any private sector American believe a word the liar says about anything?:

Ted Cruz puts my question in different words:

The American people do not trust President Obama.


And the reason is simple: for far too long, politicians in Washington have not told the truth.​

I always called the Democrat party the party of liars. They lie about everything; so it follows that their presidents have to be the most accomplished liars.

There was a time when I truly believed that Democrats hit bottom with the lies they told in order to bring defeat to their own country. They also created the welfare state/parasite class; told lies about immigration beginning in 1965, and, of course, the ‘Up Yours’ lies they told, and still tell about the Affordable Care Act are pretty close to deliberately losing wars.

I can now see that it is not just the president the American people distrust. Taqiyya the Liar’s disease has infected Republican leadership in Congress:


And they do not trust Republican leadership in Congress.​

Before Karl Rove's Republicans began sneaking the TPP past the American public in secret à la the ACA, conservatives knew that current Republican leaders were not to be trusted. I am not referring to Republican verses conservative policies. I am talking about Republican leaders betraying this country to the New Word Order as surely as Democrats always do. If Republicans legislate TPP rather than trying to ratify it they will surpass every act of treason Democrats got away.

. . . TPA in this Congress has become enmeshed in corrupt Washington backroom deal-making, along with serious concerns that it would open up the potential for sweeping changes in our laws that trade agreements typically do not include.​

Senators Cruz and Jeff Sessions are speaking out:

When TPA last came up for a vote, both Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) 80% and I introduced amendments that would have barred fast-track treatment for any trade agreement that attempted to impact immigration law. Two other Republican senators objected, and we were both denied votes on our amendments. Instead, the House inserted substantially weaker language in related legislation.

At the time that Sessions and I introduced our amendments, many said our fears were unfounded. But now we have far more reason to be concerned.

Second, TPA’s progress through the House and Senate appears to have been made possible by secret deals between Republican Leadership and the Democrats.

Exclusive — Ted Cruz: Obamatrade Enmeshed in Corrupt, Backroom Dealings
by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)23 Jun 2015

Exclusive -- Ted Cruz Obamatrade Enmeshed in Corrupt Backroom Dealing

UN-loving traitors, joined by New World Order bankers, will never stand still should one of their essential objectives goes down in defeat when they are so close to handing America’s sovereignty to foreigners. Not even defeating the ACA made me think Democrats would turn to the violence implied against Senator Cruz —— discussed by Megyn Kelly and Ann Coulter in this video:

I believe that defeating the TPP will end in worse than simply publishing threatening photos.

Finally, Democrat liars become nauseous just thinking about putting the American people ahead of foreigners.
Time is running out for America’s sovereignty.

Sessions: They Won the Vote, But Lost the 'Trust of the American People'
'Washington broke arms and heads to get that 60th vote'
2:27 PM, Jun 23, 2015 • By DANIEL HALPER​

"The same routine plays out over and again. We are told a massive bill must be passed, all the business lobbyists and leaders tell how grand it will be, but that it must be rushed through before the voters spoil the plan. As with Obamacare and the Gang of Eight, the politicians meet with the consultants to craft the talking points—not based on what the bill actually does, but what they hope people will believe it does. And when ordinary Americans who never asked for the plan, who don’t want the plan, who want no part of the plan, resist, they are scorned, mocked, and heaped with condescension.

"Washington broke arms and heads to get that 60th vote—not one to spare—to impose on the American people a plan which imperils their jobs, wages, and control over their own affairs. It is remarkable that so much energy has been expended on advancing the things Americans oppose, and preventing the things Americans want.​

Do not believe that "Washington broke arms and heads to get that 60th vote—not one to spare . . .”. There were more than enough votes to spare among the other senators, but they were let off the hook. Sixty was what they needed; so there was no reason to get the others in trouble by identifying them.

Remember before New START was ratified. The media told the public there was a chance Democrats might not get the necessary 67 votes needed to ratify a treaty. The drama was unbearable.

When the vote was taken, every Democrat voted to ratify New START. They had 59, but needed 8 Republicans to get to the magic number. Surprise, surprise! Democrats got 4 more votes than they needed. How’s that for bipartisanship?

The final tally was:

Yeas —71 —— Nays — 26.

Three Republicans did not vote:

Bond (R-MO)
Brownback (R-KS)
Bunning (R-Ky)

Here are the names of the RINO who voted to ratify New START:

Alexander (R-TN)
Bennett (R-UT)
Brown (R-MA)
Cochran (R-MS)
Collins (R-ME)
Gregg (R-NH)
Corker (R-TN)
Isakson (R-GA)
Johanns (R-NE)
Lugar (R-IN)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Snowe (R-ME)

In the unlikely event the TPP TREATY has to be ratified, Democrats will give Republicans more than enough. Note that Republicans only have 54 votes. So let’s guess that 14 Republicans will vote NAY. That means that Republican leadership will have to rustle up 27 Democrat votes to get to 67. Considering that the Senate is a nest of traitors, I suggest that you get your bets down early. Send it in heavy on ratification.
Desperate times call for desperate lies. If you paid attention to the lies up until now, you just wait until they ALL pour on the lies about the benefits Americas will reap from TPP. Surrendering America’s sovereignty with one piece of legislation demands the very best, the most original, the most creative, lies from the REPUBLICAN liars:

With fast-track the president could submit a finalized trade deal to Congress, like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), that could not be amendment or filibuster and only need a straight up or down vote.

Senate Approve Fast-Track For Second And Final Time
Connor D. Wolf
1:22 PM 06/24/2015

Now With Fast-Track The President Can Focus On TPP The Daily Caller

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