Lyndsey Graham Who Was Directly Lied To Says House Benghazi Report Full of C R A P

Ah, because an attack by "protesters" isn't going to be the same as an attack by "terrorists"?

Since the President acknowledged it was a terrorist attack the day after it happened, that's a moot point.
Yeah, right before he said that it wasn't one? Come on, know that reference to terrorists given in the Rose Garden that morning was generic and not directed at Benghazi! Nice try though...
Only in your mind...only in your mind. Good luck on the golf game by the way. Glad the policies of our President have worked out well for you (as they have for millions of Americans).

It was great that he saved us from the Bush depression.

The policies of Barack Obama haven't helped me one bit, Candy. I'm simply lucky enough not to be hurt badly be them like millions of Americans have.

Its okay to admit it. Or is it one of the Econochick things to where the price of gas dropping below $3 a gallon is not his doing until it was deemed a "bad thing" then she tried to pin it on him under the new context.

Enjoy the Obama recovery.

Is it going to be here soon?
'Cause I KNOW you wouldn't be bragging about what we've had for the past six years...right, Candy?
Poor republicans are the victim of liberals constantly out doing them.

Liberal news, liberal the republicans report isnt even respublican..its liberal


It is like watching Kosmo Kramer on Seinfeld. The "pigman" episode comes to mind.

So you agree with Closed that it was a "Republican report", Candy?

No...I'm pretty sure I didn't mention that. Musta been during the pigman video.
Not quite so.

Never do you look stronger than when your opponents look weaker.

After squandering more thousands of dollars and (more importantly) time....Hillary will look plenty strong on this. Her problem is staying out of her own way.

How does anything that Clinton did in regards to Benghazi possibly make her look "strong", Candy? She misread the situation on the ground in Libya. She disregarded what was happening there because it didn't jibe with the narrative of what the Obama White House was putting out and then when the whole thing blew up on her she went in front of the American people and asked "What difference does it really make?" That isn't something that makes her look "strong". That's something that makes her look out of touch with reality.

When trying to protect a building from attack, what difference does the reason they are being attacked make?

Ah, because an attack by "protesters" isn't going to be the same as an attack by "terrorists"?

Since the President acknowledged it was a terrorist attack the day after it happened, that's a moot point.

Where'd you run to, LITTLE LAW BREAKER.

I have a number of friends who specialize in investigations. You and Plasma are going to be at the top of my list to them.

How would you propose to know my name in the first place? What have you and others been hacking into or accessing without permission?

Now back to topic, this is not a Republican report. The Dems and that idiot Rogers....who will now be hammered.....completed that report, not the Repubs.

Get a clue.

All anyone knows here about you is that which you have revealed.

You're a high level government official, or a high level privately employed individual, with security clearances equal to those of Lindsey Graham.

Correct? Nobody had to hack anything to get that information. That is what you have told us.

I was just curious about the level of security clearance you hold.
When trying to protect a building from attack, what difference does the reason they are being attacked make?

Ah, because an attack by "protesters" isn't going to be the same as an attack by "terrorists"?

Since the President acknowledged it was a terrorist attack the day after it happened, that's a moot point.

Where'd you run to, LITTLE LAW BREAKER.

I have a number of friends who specialize in investigations. You and Plasma are going to be at the top of my list to them.

How would you propose to know my name in the first place? What have you and others been hacking into or accessing without permission?

Now back to topic, this is not a Republican report. The Dems and that idiot Rogers....who will now be hammered.....completed that report, not the Repubs.

Get a clue.

You have no friends who do any such thing. Your an internet fraud who's been pulling this shit for years.

LOL. Wow, you've been trying to do a LOT of illegal access, haven't you????

I knew you were a criminal but instead of being in prison, maybe you're out of prison engaging in illegal activity. You're no S-2. Idiot.

Now prove to us that Graham is lying about his accusation.


I take a GUESS that you're an internet fraud who's been doing this shit for years and you claim I must have been hacking to find that out.

LOLOL, you just admitted to what I GUESSED. lolol

Once more, let's see some proof that anything in the report was false...
It will be fun watching the GOP go down this road again...all for naught.

I hate to point out the obvious, Candy but since the person that is hurt the most by Benghazi has always been Hillary Clinton...rehashing that debacle would not be in her best interest.

Not quite so.

Never do you look stronger than when your opponents look weaker.

After squandering more thousands of dollars and (more importantly) time....Hillary will look plenty strong on this. Her problem is staying out of her own way.

How does anything that Clinton did in regards to Benghazi possibly make her look "strong", Candy? She misread the situation on the ground in Libya. She disregarded what was happening there because it didn't jibe with the narrative of what the Obama White House was putting out and then when the whole thing blew up on her she went in front of the American people and asked "What difference does it really make?" That isn't something that makes her look "strong". That's something that makes her look out of touch with reality.

When trying to protect a building from attack, what difference does the reason they are being attacked make?

Ah, because an attack by "protesters" isn't going to be the same as an attack by "terrorists"?

Being attacked by protesters in Egypt isn't going to be the same because they don't have militia's with heavy weapons running around in control of territory. Besides which we know that for some of the attackers in Benghazi it was about the video. But that has little to do with how to fortify a building to prevent attacks does it? That was the discussion that day when she said that wasn't it, not the motivation for the attack? But I know the Faux machine wants people to believe she was being callous about the lives lost but...........
Poor republicans are the victim of liberals constantly out doing them.

Liberal news, liberal the republicans report isnt even respublican..its liberal


It is like watching Kosmo Kramer on Seinfeld. The "pigman" episode comes to mind.

So you agree with Closed that it was a "Republican report", Candy?

No...I'm pretty sure I didn't mention that. Musta been during the pigman video.

So you don't agree with Closed that it was a Republican report.
I remember when I posted links to the recently declassified of various generals/admirals/etc testimonies given under oath given to The House Armed Services Committee covering Benghazi and none of the Benghazi obsessives would read them. All of those testimonies are from military leaders directly involved one way or another to Benghazi. They just went ahead and claimed it was lies/bullshit without reading a word.
That says everything about their opinions. They want it their way or no way.
I also would like to point out that I have stated that Obama fucked up on Benghazi, just like previous presidents have in regards to their own Benghazi-like mistakes where hundreds of Americans died.
The difference was when those incidents happened and Benghazi, there weren't and two years worth of investigations (and counting) by the party that was out of power in White House.
Oh, and here are the links to the ignored testimonies.
Press Releases - News - Armed Services Republicans
Poor republicans are the victim of liberals constantly out doing them.

Liberal news, liberal the republicans report isnt even respublican..its liberal


It is like watching Kosmo Kramer on Seinfeld. The "pigman" episode comes to mind.

So you agree with Closed that it was a "Republican report", Candy?

No...I'm pretty sure I didn't mention that. Musta been during the pigman video.

So you don't agree with Closed that it was a Republican report.

Did the Republicans on the committee refuse to sign off on it?
Hey remember that bomshell report we were going to come out with and have been leaking for months?

Yeah well, forget about that
lots of table pounding here coming from the right
I don't get why they're still so mad, they won. :)
Righties are never happy.
Neither are lefties.
Righties can't stop whining about Obama -- that makes me happy.
Poor republicans are the victim of liberals constantly out doing them.

Liberal news, liberal the republicans report isnt even respublican..its liberal


In a few weeks when Gowdy's hearings resume, you'll be singing another tune, LOL. It will be NO FAIR, NO FAIR, NO FAIR. LOL.

But thanks for bumping my thread.

:rolleyes: Sure I will :rolleyes:

Of course you won't.

More's the pity.
Poor republicans are the victim of liberals constantly out doing them.

Liberal news, liberal the republicans report isnt even respublican..its liberal


It is like watching Kosmo Kramer on Seinfeld. The "pigman" episode comes to mind.

So you agree with Closed that it was a "Republican report", Candy?

No...I'm pretty sure I didn't mention that. Musta been during the pigman video.

So you don't agree with Closed that it was a Republican report.

This is about the report not me you little Alinsky
When trying to protect a building from attack, what difference does the reason they are being attacked make?

Ah, because an attack by "protesters" isn't going to be the same as an attack by "terrorists"?

Since the President acknowledged it was a terrorist attack the day after it happened, that's a moot point.
Yeah, right before he said that it wasn't one? Come on, know that reference to terrorists given in the Rose Garden that morning was generic and not directed at Benghazi! Nice try though...

That's a lie and the main ingredient in what you denialists are trying to sell.

That was always a bullshit talking point, Carbineer! You don't state that it WAS an attack by terrorists and then send your Press Secretary and your UN Ambassador out to say that it wasn't. Obama never said that the Benghazi attack was carried out by terrorists in that speech in the Rose Garden. It simply didn't happen. What DID happen was that Obama apologists tried to go back and declare that was what Obama was saying because they knew how bad it looked once the cover-up was revealed.

You're too deep in denial and ignorance to reason with at this point. The President called it an act of terror. Period.

There are not enough rightwing denialist propagandists in the world to change that fact.
I hate to point out the obvious, Candy but since the person that is hurt the most by Benghazi has always been Hillary Clinton...rehashing that debacle would not be in her best interest.

Not quite so.

Never do you look stronger than when your opponents look weaker.

After squandering more thousands of dollars and (more importantly) time....Hillary will look plenty strong on this. Her problem is staying out of her own way.

How does anything that Clinton did in regards to Benghazi possibly make her look "strong", Candy? She misread the situation on the ground in Libya. She disregarded what was happening there because it didn't jibe with the narrative of what the Obama White House was putting out and then when the whole thing blew up on her she went in front of the American people and asked "What difference does it really make?" That isn't something that makes her look "strong". That's something that makes her look out of touch with reality.

When trying to protect a building from attack, what difference does the reason they are being attacked make?

Ah, because an attack by "protesters" isn't going to be the same as an attack by "terrorists"?

Being attacked by protesters in Egypt isn't going to be the same because they don't have militia's with heavy weapons running around in control of territory. Besides which we know that for some of the attackers in Benghazi it was about the video. But that has little to do with how to fortify a building to prevent attacks does it? That was the discussion that day when she said that wasn't it, not the motivation for the attack? But I know the Faux machine wants people to believe she was being callous about the lives lost but...........

So what you're saying is that Libya was much more dangerous for our diplomats than Egypt...yet Hillary Clinton decided that putting the bulk of security of those diplomats in the care of Libyan militias would be a wise move because we didn't want to give the impression that we didn't "trust" the Libyans? Ignoring the escalation of violence against Western targets by terrorists in Libya was also a wise decision? Really, Boo?
Poor republicans are the victim of liberals constantly out doing them.

Liberal news, liberal the republicans report isnt even respublican..its liberal


It is like watching Kosmo Kramer on Seinfeld. The "pigman" episode comes to mind.

So you agree with Closed that it was a "Republican report", Candy?

No...I'm pretty sure I didn't mention that. Musta been during the pigman video.

So you don't agree with Closed that it was a Republican report.

This is about the report not me you little Alinsky

I'm an "Alinsky" for pointing out that it isn't a Republican report? I'm curious, an "Alinsky" another word for a liar? I ask that because that's the way you're making it sound.
So you're going to make the point that one of the big influences on our President is synonymous with a liar? Sure you want to go that route?
Not quite so.

Never do you look stronger than when your opponents look weaker.

After squandering more thousands of dollars and (more importantly) time....Hillary will look plenty strong on this. Her problem is staying out of her own way.

How does anything that Clinton did in regards to Benghazi possibly make her look "strong", Candy? She misread the situation on the ground in Libya. She disregarded what was happening there because it didn't jibe with the narrative of what the Obama White House was putting out and then when the whole thing blew up on her she went in front of the American people and asked "What difference does it really make?" That isn't something that makes her look "strong". That's something that makes her look out of touch with reality.

When trying to protect a building from attack, what difference does the reason they are being attacked make?

Ah, because an attack by "protesters" isn't going to be the same as an attack by "terrorists"?

Being attacked by protesters in Egypt isn't going to be the same because they don't have militia's with heavy weapons running around in control of territory. Besides which we know that for some of the attackers in Benghazi it was about the video. But that has little to do with how to fortify a building to prevent attacks does it? That was the discussion that day when she said that wasn't it, not the motivation for the attack? But I know the Faux machine wants people to believe she was being callous about the lives lost but...........

So what you're saying is that Libya was much more dangerous for our diplomats than Egypt...yet Hillary Clinton decided that putting the bulk of security of those diplomats in the care of Libyan militias would be a wise move because we didn't want to give the impression that we didn't "trust" the Libyans? Ignoring the escalation of violence against Western targets by terrorists in Libya was also a wise decisiing I'm sayon? Really, Boo?

Nope what I'm saying is when she made that statement the discussion was about how to defend our people from an attack with RPG's and other heavy weapons. It matters not if they are piss about some cartoon, a movie, or they simply hate Americans.
In 1998, according to the Congressional daily newspaper The Hill, Graham was describing himself on his website as an Operation Desert Shield andDesert Storm veteran. In reality, he never left South Carolina.

Bob Somerby notes that Lindsey Graham escaped from the incident relatively unscathed. In 2002, when Graham was running for his Senate seat, Joe Conason discovered that Graham’s website still had the misleading biography. And it was still leading people to write stories claiming Graham served overseas. But Graham was elected anyway.

Since then, everyone seems to have completely forgotten that Lindsey Graham lied about being a war veteran.

lindsey graham the hill desert storm veteran - Google Search

Another Republican hero. A GOP leader made up of nothing but lies. Why am I not surprised? Anyone surprised? Anyone?
Poor republicans are the victim of liberals constantly out doing them.

Liberal news, liberal the republicans report isnt even respublican..its liberal


It is like watching Kosmo Kramer on Seinfeld. The "pigman" episode comes to mind.

So you agree with Closed that it was a "Republican report", Candy?

No...I'm pretty sure I didn't mention that. Musta been during the pigman video.

So you don't agree with Closed that it was a Republican report.

Was that during the pigman video?

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