Lyndsey Graham Who Was Directly Lied To Says House Benghazi Report Full of C R A P

What's amusing about that comment, Carbineer is that it's an EXACT description of the hardcore Obama supporter! You have a "narrative" that you've bought into when it comes to Barack Obama and you steadfastly refuse to admit that your narrative has little to do with the reality of the man who is floundering so badly as President.

Quote me doing any such thing.
Keep in mind ... this is from the same poster who falsely claimed that Obama invoked executive privilege on 14,000 documents about Benghazi. :eek:

You should take it up with the Republicans in the House. They liked their report.
It hurts bad when you lose with what you thought was a winning hand.
You do understand that it is only people like you who would accept nothing less than placing full blame on Obama or Hillary or both.

Just come out an admit that nothing less than finding Obama and CO fully responsible for the deaths in Benghazi would be acceptable.

But really, your problem is with the Republicans conducting the investigation. Someone should have bribed them to get the results you wanted.

Everyone knows that committee is stove piped. This will boomerang in your faces because the holes are so big it's got to be one of the shittiest reports ever out of the House.

No one knows why that idiot Rogers signed off....he will lose credibility too. Trey Gowdy has had serious investigations underway that already refute the stupid report.

Gee, a Republican thinks a Republican report is shitty. What's the world coming to?

Most Republicans on that committee didn't have a chance to weigh in on it, moron. If you actually read anything other than liberal rags you'd know that.

Between what Gowdy is about to do with his Select Committee, and the way the Republicans on THIS committee are going to correct Roger's's going to be fun watching you libs come unglue in a few weeks from now.

Can hardly wait.

Give us a link to that. Give us proof. Or shut the fuck up, poser.

You wanna play that game of lying about my background? Ok, fucker. From now on, you didn't serve in the military. You're a fucking convict that's in the can for multiple rapes.

See how Kharma works you piece of trash.

Now, I -UNLIKE YOU LIBS that keep breaking the rules (which is being documented)- will make this relevant to the thread.

All one has to do is look at alternative sources of information to know that Col Bauer showed up on a radio station yesterday and he took the report apart one piece at a time. It was right out there in public for anyone to listen to..

I can't help you're an indoctrinated criminal stuck in prison that can't read other sources.

Tell us what your security clearance is, why you have one, and why you would have access to classified material about Benghazi.
It will be fun watching the GOP go down this road again...all for naught.

I hate to point out the obvious, Candy but since the person that is hurt the most by Benghazi has always been Hillary Clinton...rehashing that debacle would not be in her best interest.

Not quite so.

Never do you look stronger than when your opponents look weaker.

After squandering more thousands of dollars and (more importantly) time....Hillary will look plenty strong on this. Her problem is staying out of her own way.

How does anything that Clinton did in regards to Benghazi possibly make her look "strong", Candy?
It doesn't.

The GOP trying (5 years) to pin it on her unsuccessfully makes her look strong. She's not running for Mayor of Benghazi; she'll be running for President against a GOP opponent.

She misread the situation on the ground in Libya. She disregarded what was happening there because it didn't jibe with the narrative of what the Obama White House was putting out and then when the whole thing blew up on her she went in front of the American people and asked "What difference does it really make?" That isn't something that makes her look "strong". That's something that makes her look out of touch with reality.

Yet after all that, she still out-polls any GOP contender.

That should be your first clue how silly the GOP will look after another trip down the Ben-Gotcha rabbit hole.

Correct me if I'm wrong, Candy but didn't she "out-poll" any Democratic contender at this point when she ran last time? Just sayin'...'d that work out for you?
If Clinton really was as intelligent as her hubby she would have simply admitted to misjudging the situation and that would have been the end of it. Yes, she would have been taken over the coals for a period of time and then the controversy would have died a natural death under the weight of all the OTHER Obama scandals. Instead they made the call to try and stonewall the thing. Now it's years later and it's STILL news!

Denialist. You no longer have ANY facts on your side. Give it up.
Quote me doing any such thing.
Keep in mind ... this is from the same poster who falsely claimed that Obama invoked executive privilege on 14,000 documents about Benghazi. :eek:

Everyone knows that committee is stove piped. This will boomerang in your faces because the holes are so big it's got to be one of the shittiest reports ever out of the House.

No one knows why that idiot Rogers signed off....he will lose credibility too. Trey Gowdy has had serious investigations underway that already refute the stupid report.

Gee, a Republican thinks a Republican report is shitty. What's the world coming to?

Most Republicans on that committee didn't have a chance to weigh in on it, moron. If you actually read anything other than liberal rags you'd know that.

Between what Gowdy is about to do with his Select Committee, and the way the Republicans on THIS committee are going to correct Roger's's going to be fun watching you libs come unglue in a few weeks from now.

Can hardly wait.

Give us a link to that. Give us proof. Or shut the fuck up, poser.

You wanna play that game of lying about my background? Ok, fucker. From now on, you didn't serve in the military. You're a fucking convict that's in the can for multiple rapes.

See how Kharma works you piece of trash.

Now, I -UNLIKE YOU LIBS that keep breaking the rules (which is being documented)- will make this relevant to the thread.

All one has to do is look at alternative sources of information to know that Col Bauer showed up on a radio station yesterday and he took the report apart one piece at a time. It was right out there in public for anyone to listen to..

I can't help you're an indoctrinated criminal stuck in prison that can't read other sources.

Tell us what your security clearance is, why you have one, and why you would have access to classified material about Benghazi.

She could get into trouble for simply saying she had classified information; whether she revealed it or not. You'd think she'd know that.
I hate to point out the obvious, Candy but since the person that is hurt the most by Benghazi has always been Hillary Clinton...rehashing that debacle would not be in her best interest.

Not quite so.

Never do you look stronger than when your opponents look weaker.

After squandering more thousands of dollars and (more importantly) time....Hillary will look plenty strong on this. Her problem is staying out of her own way.

How does anything that Clinton did in regards to Benghazi possibly make her look "strong", Candy?
It doesn't.

The GOP trying (5 years) to pin it on her unsuccessfully makes her look strong. She's not running for Mayor of Benghazi; she'll be running for President against a GOP opponent.

She misread the situation on the ground in Libya. She disregarded what was happening there because it didn't jibe with the narrative of what the Obama White House was putting out and then when the whole thing blew up on her she went in front of the American people and asked "What difference does it really make?" That isn't something that makes her look "strong". That's something that makes her look out of touch with reality.

Yet after all that, she still out-polls any GOP contender.

That should be your first clue how silly the GOP will look after another trip down the Ben-Gotcha rabbit hole.

Correct me if I'm wrong, Candy but didn't she "out-poll" any Democratic contender at this point when she ran last time? Just sayin'...'d that work out for you?

About as well as it worked out for Hillary, Candy!:dance::dance:
If Clinton really was as intelligent as her hubby she would have simply admitted to misjudging the situation and that would have been the end of it. Yes, she would have been taken over the coals for a period of time and then the controversy would have died a natural death under the weight of all the OTHER Obama scandals. Instead they made the call to try and stonewall the thing. Now it's years later and it's STILL news!
:lmao: Sure it would have been the end of it. Don't try to advise Mrs. Clinton or president Obama, you aren't near ready.
If Clinton really was as intelligent as her hubby she would have simply admitted to misjudging the situation and that would have been the end of it. Yes, she would have been taken over the coals for a period of time and then the controversy would have died a natural death under the weight of all the OTHER Obama scandals. Instead they made the call to try and stonewall the thing. Now it's years later and it's STILL news!

Denialist. You no longer have ANY facts on your side. Give it up.

Nothing has changed by the report just issued, Carbineer. The Obama White House still dropped the ball on Benghazi. The Obama White House still is guilty of a cover-up. Why you think THAT has changed because of THAT report, baffles me.
If Clinton really was as intelligent as her hubby she would have simply admitted to misjudging the situation and that would have been the end of it. Yes, she would have been taken over the coals for a period of time and then the controversy would have died a natural death under the weight of all the OTHER Obama scandals. Instead they made the call to try and stonewall the thing. Now it's years later and it's STILL news!

Denialist. You no longer have ANY facts on your side. Give it up.

Nothing has changed by the report just issued, Carbineer. The Obama White House still dropped the ball on Benghazi. The Obama White House still is guilty of a cover-up. Why you think THAT has changed because of THAT report, baffles me.

Because I deal in facts.
Not quite so.

Never do you look stronger than when your opponents look weaker.

After squandering more thousands of dollars and (more importantly) time....Hillary will look plenty strong on this. Her problem is staying out of her own way.

How does anything that Clinton did in regards to Benghazi possibly make her look "strong", Candy?
It doesn't.

The GOP trying (5 years) to pin it on her unsuccessfully makes her look strong. She's not running for Mayor of Benghazi; she'll be running for President against a GOP opponent.

She misread the situation on the ground in Libya. She disregarded what was happening there because it didn't jibe with the narrative of what the Obama White House was putting out and then when the whole thing blew up on her she went in front of the American people and asked "What difference does it really make?" That isn't something that makes her look "strong". That's something that makes her look out of touch with reality.

Yet after all that, she still out-polls any GOP contender.

That should be your first clue how silly the GOP will look after another trip down the Ben-Gotcha rabbit hole.

Correct me if I'm wrong, Candy but didn't she "out-poll" any Democratic contender at this point when she ran last time? Just sayin'...'d that work out for you?

About as well as it worked out for Hillary, Candy!:dance::dance:

Secretary of State slot.
Campaign debt re-paid
Presumptive front-runner for 2016

Oh the horror...

Lemme show you how it's done child:

:dance: :rofl: :dance:
:dance: :rofl: :dance: :rofl: :dance:
It will be fun watching the GOP go down this road again...all for naught.

I hate to point out the obvious, Candy but since the person that is hurt the most by Benghazi has always been Hillary Clinton...rehashing that debacle would not be in her best interest.

Not quite so.

Never do you look stronger than when your opponents look weaker.

After squandering more thousands of dollars and (more importantly) time....Hillary will look plenty strong on this. Her problem is staying out of her own way.

How does anything that Clinton did in regards to Benghazi possibly make her look "strong", Candy? She misread the situation on the ground in Libya. She disregarded what was happening there because it didn't jibe with the narrative of what the Obama White House was putting out and then when the whole thing blew up on her she went in front of the American people and asked "What difference does it really make?" That isn't something that makes her look "strong". That's something that makes her look out of touch with reality.

When trying to protect a building from attack, what difference does the reason they are being attacked make?
Not quite so.

Never do you look stronger than when your opponents look weaker.

After squandering more thousands of dollars and (more importantly) time....Hillary will look plenty strong on this. Her problem is staying out of her own way.

How does anything that Clinton did in regards to Benghazi possibly make her look "strong", Candy?
It doesn't.

The GOP trying (5 years) to pin it on her unsuccessfully makes her look strong. She's not running for Mayor of Benghazi; she'll be running for President against a GOP opponent.

She misread the situation on the ground in Libya. She disregarded what was happening there because it didn't jibe with the narrative of what the Obama White House was putting out and then when the whole thing blew up on her she went in front of the American people and asked "What difference does it really make?" That isn't something that makes her look "strong". That's something that makes her look out of touch with reality.

Yet after all that, she still out-polls any GOP contender.

That should be your first clue how silly the GOP will look after another trip down the Ben-Gotcha rabbit hole.

Correct me if I'm wrong, Candy but didn't she "out-poll" any Democratic contender at this point when she ran last time? Just sayin'...'d that work out for you?

About as well as it worked out for Hillary, Candy!:dance::dance:

You've enjoyed the last 6 years have you? Do tell.
If Clinton really was as intelligent as her hubby she would have simply admitted to misjudging the situation and that would have been the end of it. Yes, she would have been taken over the coals for a period of time and then the controversy would have died a natural death under the weight of all the OTHER Obama scandals. Instead they made the call to try and stonewall the thing. Now it's years later and it's STILL news!
:lmao: Sure it would have been the end of it. Don't try to advise Mrs. Clinton or president Obama, you aren't near ready.

I would be very surprised if Hillary Clinton wouldn't now ruefully admit that the decisions made back then were probably not in her best interest now, Sarah. I'm a history major...history tells us that the cover-up almost always gets you in bigger trouble than the initial problem.
Quote me doing any such thing.
Keep in mind ... this is from the same poster who falsely claimed that Obama invoked executive privilege on 14,000 documents about Benghazi. :eek:

Everyone knows that committee is stove piped. This will boomerang in your faces because the holes are so big it's got to be one of the shittiest reports ever out of the House.

No one knows why that idiot Rogers signed off....he will lose credibility too. Trey Gowdy has had serious investigations underway that already refute the stupid report.

Gee, a Republican thinks a Republican report is shitty. What's the world coming to?

Most Republicans on that committee didn't have a chance to weigh in on it, moron. If you actually read anything other than liberal rags you'd know that.

Between what Gowdy is about to do with his Select Committee, and the way the Republicans on THIS committee are going to correct Roger's's going to be fun watching you libs come unglue in a few weeks from now.

Can hardly wait.

Give us a link to that. Give us proof. Or shut the fuck up, poser.

You wanna play that game of lying about my background? Ok, fucker. From now on, you didn't serve in the military. You're a fucking convict that's in the can for multiple rapes.

See how Kharma works you piece of trash.

Now, I -UNLIKE YOU LIBS that keep breaking the rules (which is being documented)- will make this relevant to the thread.

All one has to do is look at alternative sources of information to know that Col Bauer showed up on a radio station yesterday and he took the report apart one piece at a time. It was right out there in public for anyone to listen to..

I can't help you're an indoctrinated criminal stuck in prison that can't read other sources.

Tell us what your security clearance is, why you have one, and why you would have access to classified material about Benghazi.

I talk to Kris Paronto on a daily basis, shit for brains. You of the guys the Admin tried to of the Benghazi Security Team that was part of the Team that lost people.

The information is right there in his book. It's sold in book stores, idiot. What does that mean, little S-2????

Tell me, what does it mean if it's being sold in bookstores???????

I'm waiting LITTLE CLERK.

You never answered whether you're still in the military. Are you?????

What are you doing digging around in people's information??????????????????

It's against the law to be doing what you're doing.

I'm waiting for your answer LITTLE CLERK......

It will be very easy to get the name of someone breaking the law. Flip flop on that one.
Republicans say that the republican report is wrong and not to believe..
1. Republicans
2. The report by Republicans
3. Both
How does anything that Clinton did in regards to Benghazi possibly make her look "strong", Candy?
It doesn't.

The GOP trying (5 years) to pin it on her unsuccessfully makes her look strong. She's not running for Mayor of Benghazi; she'll be running for President against a GOP opponent.

She misread the situation on the ground in Libya. She disregarded what was happening there because it didn't jibe with the narrative of what the Obama White House was putting out and then when the whole thing blew up on her she went in front of the American people and asked "What difference does it really make?" That isn't something that makes her look "strong". That's something that makes her look out of touch with reality.

Yet after all that, she still out-polls any GOP contender.

That should be your first clue how silly the GOP will look after another trip down the Ben-Gotcha rabbit hole.

Correct me if I'm wrong, Candy but didn't she "out-poll" any Democratic contender at this point when she ran last time? Just sayin'...'d that work out for you?

About as well as it worked out for Hillary, Candy!:dance::dance:

You've enjoyed the last 6 years have you? Do tell.

I actually have, Candy. I'm living rather comfortably down here in Florida, working on my golf game! I don't think that's the case for a whole lot of Americans though. To use the words of one of my liberal friends...the last six years have been "underwhelming".
It will be fun watching the GOP go down this road again...all for naught.

I hate to point out the obvious, Candy but since the person that is hurt the most by Benghazi has always been Hillary Clinton...rehashing that debacle would not be in her best interest.

Not quite so.

Never do you look stronger than when your opponents look weaker.

After squandering more thousands of dollars and (more importantly) time....Hillary will look plenty strong on this. Her problem is staying out of her own way.

How does anything that Clinton did in regards to Benghazi possibly make her look "strong", Candy? She misread the situation on the ground in Libya. She disregarded what was happening there because it didn't jibe with the narrative of what the Obama White House was putting out and then when the whole thing blew up on her she went in front of the American people and asked "What difference does it really make?" That isn't something that makes her look "strong". That's something that makes her look out of touch with reality.

When trying to protect a building from attack, what difference does the reason they are being attacked make?

Ah, because an attack by "protesters" isn't going to be the same as an attack by "terrorists"?
Keep in mind ... this is from the same poster who falsely claimed that Obama invoked executive privilege on 14,000 documents about Benghazi. :eek:

Gee, a Republican thinks a Republican report is shitty. What's the world coming to?

Most Republicans on that committee didn't have a chance to weigh in on it, moron. If you actually read anything other than liberal rags you'd know that.

Between what Gowdy is about to do with his Select Committee, and the way the Republicans on THIS committee are going to correct Roger's's going to be fun watching you libs come unglue in a few weeks from now.

Can hardly wait.

Give us a link to that. Give us proof. Or shut the fuck up, poser.

You wanna play that game of lying about my background? Ok, fucker. From now on, you didn't serve in the military. You're a fucking convict that's in the can for multiple rapes.

See how Kharma works you piece of trash.

Now, I -UNLIKE YOU LIBS that keep breaking the rules (which is being documented)- will make this relevant to the thread.

All one has to do is look at alternative sources of information to know that Col Bauer showed up on a radio station yesterday and he took the report apart one piece at a time. It was right out there in public for anyone to listen to..

I can't help you're an indoctrinated criminal stuck in prison that can't read other sources.

Tell us what your security clearance is, why you have one, and why you would have access to classified material about Benghazi.

She could get into trouble for simply saying she had classified information; whether she revealed it or not. You'd think she'd know that.
Keep in mind ... this is from the same poster who falsely claimed that Obama invoked executive privilege on 14,000 documents about Benghazi. :eek:

Gee, a Republican thinks a Republican report is shitty. What's the world coming to?

Most Republicans on that committee didn't have a chance to weigh in on it, moron. If you actually read anything other than liberal rags you'd know that.

Between what Gowdy is about to do with his Select Committee, and the way the Republicans on THIS committee are going to correct Roger's's going to be fun watching you libs come unglue in a few weeks from now.

Can hardly wait.

Give us a link to that. Give us proof. Or shut the fuck up, poser.

You wanna play that game of lying about my background? Ok, fucker. From now on, you didn't serve in the military. You're a fucking convict that's in the can for multiple rapes.

See how Kharma works you piece of trash.

Now, I -UNLIKE YOU LIBS that keep breaking the rules (which is being documented)- will make this relevant to the thread.

All one has to do is look at alternative sources of information to know that Col Bauer showed up on a radio station yesterday and he took the report apart one piece at a time. It was right out there in public for anyone to listen to..

I can't help you're an indoctrinated criminal stuck in prison that can't read other sources.

Tell us what your security clearance is, why you have one, and why you would have access to classified material about Benghazi.

I talk to Kris Paronto on a daily basis, shit for brains. You of the guys the Admin tried to of the Benghazi Security Team that was part of the Team that lost people.

The information is right there in his book. It's sold in book stores, idiot. What does that mean, little S-2????

Tell me, what does it mean if it's being sold in bookstores???????

I'm waiting LITTLE CLERK.

You never answered whether you're still in the military. Are you?????

What are you doing digging around in people's information??????????????????

It's against the law to be doing what you're doing.

I'm waiting for your answer LITTLE CLERK......

It will be very easy to get the name of someone breaking the law. Flip flop on that one.

lol. We don't really need to know who the voices in your head claim to be.

Again, tell us what level of security clearance you have and why?
If Clinton really was as intelligent as her hubby she would have simply admitted to misjudging the situation and that would have been the end of it. Yes, she would have been taken over the coals for a period of time and then the controversy would have died a natural death under the weight of all the OTHER Obama scandals. Instead they made the call to try and stonewall the thing. Now it's years later and it's STILL news!
:lmao: Sure it would have been the end of it. Don't try to advise Mrs. Clinton or president Obama, you aren't near ready.

I would be very surprised if Hillary Clinton wouldn't now ruefully admit that the decisions made back then were probably not in her best interest now, Sarah. I'm a history major...history tells us that the cover-up almost always gets you in bigger trouble than the initial problem.

Good thing there was no cover-up.
It will be fun watching the GOP go down this road again...all for naught.

I hate to point out the obvious, Candy but since the person that is hurt the most by Benghazi has always been Hillary Clinton...rehashing that debacle would not be in her best interest.

Not quite so.

Never do you look stronger than when your opponents look weaker.

After squandering more thousands of dollars and (more importantly) time....Hillary will look plenty strong on this. Her problem is staying out of her own way.

How does anything that Clinton did in regards to Benghazi possibly make her look "strong", Candy? She misread the situation on the ground in Libya. She disregarded what was happening there because it didn't jibe with the narrative of what the Obama White House was putting out and then when the whole thing blew up on her she went in front of the American people and asked "What difference does it really make?" That isn't something that makes her look "strong". That's something that makes her look out of touch with reality.

When trying to protect a building from attack, what difference does the reason they are being attacked make?

Ah, because an attack by "protesters" isn't going to be the same as an attack by "terrorists"?

Since the President acknowledged it was a terrorist attack the day after it happened, that's a moot point.

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