Lyndsey Graham Who Was Directly Lied To Says House Benghazi Report Full of C R A P

President Obama and the Democrats saved this country. We were on the brink of another Depression that happened under Bush/Cheney. We were throwing billions and billions in that pit in the Middle East. There was zero domestic policy and failed foreign policy.

Obama saved us from wingnutty rule. No Republican will take the WH. Take that to the bank.
While Mitt Romney was accomplishing those very real things in his adult life, Barack Obama was taking advantage of his being named the first black President of the Harvard Law Review to skate through his. Right out of Harvard Law, Obama got a high paying job at a prestigious Chicago law firm at which he did nothing to distinguish himself...he also got a lecturer's position at the University of Chicago handed to him at which he did little else but show up. Name a scholarly work that Obama produced during his time at the University of Chicago, Sarah! Heck, show me ANYTHING scholarly that Barack Obama produced during his time as a student, as the Harvard Law Review President or as a college professor! You can't because he never did the work! He skated through that part of his life just like he's skated through the past six.
You see one of the two men actually IS an empty suit...but it's not Mitt Romney! Say whatever you want to about Mitt...he's always been someone who got the job done. That was the case when the leader of his Mormon mission in France was seriously hurt in a car accident and a young Romney had to fill in for was the case in his business was the case when he turned around a troubled Salt Lake City Olympics and made it wildly was the case when he got into politics as a Republican Governor in a completely Democratically controlled State like Massachusetts...he STILL got the job done!

Barry has always been an empty's just taken years of incompetence for most people to figure that out. You apparently still haven't...

that's nice .. Hold that thought. Someone will be with you later.
President Obama and the Democrats saved this country. We were on the brink of another Depression that happened under Bush/Cheney. We were throwing billions and billions in that pit in the Middle East. There was zero domestic policy and failed foreign policy.

Obama saved us from wingnutty rule. No Republican will take the WH. Take that to the bank.

Barack Obama has led this country through the worst recovery from a recession SINCE the Great Depression. That's not my opinion, Sarah...that's an economic FACT!
First the USMB eXtreme Right don't want anything to do w/ Lindsay then, when he perpetrates a brazen hack piece, they all of a sudden say he's the next best thing to letting poor people die. Transparent OP is transparent.
If you are a Middle Class American then Barack Obama's two terms have meant a diminished standard of living for you and your family. His lack of an economic policy to create jobs and get the economy back on track has made the wealthy richer while ignoring the plight of the Middle Class.
Still waiting to hear about something "exceptional" that Barack Obama did as a lawyer, a lecturer or a legislator, Kiddies! Surely someone of his "caliber" would have been doing exceptional things on nearly a daily basis...litigating high profile cases?...writing scholarly pieces on constitutional law?...writing pieces of legislation that were instantly supported by others because of their innate brilliance? So where are these examples of "exceptional" from Barry?
See the problem you have is that Barry really IS the epitome of the term "empty suit" which is why it's so amusing when his supporters try to accuse someone else of that!
President Obama and the Democrats saved this country. We were on the brink of another Depression that happened under Bush/Cheney. We were throwing billions and billions in that pit in the Middle East. There was zero domestic policy and failed foreign policy.

Obama saved us from wingnutty rule. No Republican will take the WH. Take that to the bank.

Barack Obama has led this country through the worst recovery from a recession SINCE the Great Depression. That's not my opinion, Sarah...that's an economic FACT!
He LED us that much is true. Repubs obstructed and said no and did nothing to help America recover. After his first term, Bush fired his entire economic team and tried to start over. As if it was their fault he and Cheney were more interested in lining their own pockets.

STOP WHILE YOU'RE BEHIND. You're looking even sillier than usual.
President Obama and the Democrats saved this country. We were on the brink of another Depression that happened under Bush/Cheney. We were throwing billions and billions in that pit in the Middle East. There was zero domestic policy and failed foreign policy.

Obama saved us from wingnutty rule. No Republican will take the WH. Take that to the bank.

Barack Obama has led this country through the worst recovery from a recession SINCE the Great Depression. That's not my opinion, Sarah...that's an economic FACT!
He LED us that much is true. Repubs obstructed and said no and did nothing to help America recover. After his first term, Bush fired his entire economic team and tried to start over. As if it was their fault he and Cheney were more interested in lining their own pockets.

STOP WHILE YOU'RE BEHIND. You're looking even sillier than usual.

The GOP didn't have control of the House or Senate when Barry took office. The reason we now have the ACA in all it's "glory" is that the GOP couldn't obstruct it. After the Obama Stimulus was such a failure that unemployment went up, the Obama Administration had to invent a whole new economic statistic, "jobs created or saved" to hide how badly they'd failed at creating jobs. Obama didn't have to fire Larry Summers and Christina Romer...his economic team fled back to their tenured positions teaching at Harvard and Berkeley after their little Keynesian "experiment" imploded.
And you still can't come up with anything exceptional that Barry did as a lawyer, a lecturer or a legislator since he left Harvard Law, can you Sarah? Shouldn't that be a tip off that he's NOT the guy you think he is and never has been?
And you still can't come up with anything exceptional that Barry did as a lawyer, a lecturer or a legislator since he left Harvard Law, can you Sarah? Shouldn't that be a tip off that he's NOT the guy you think he is and never has been?
I talk about what I want to discuss. Don't you think we've already heard your Rush Limpballs talking points a million times? I'm telling you, you're boring. I've heard your rhetorical talking points over and over. This stuff is nothing new.
And you still can't come up with anything exceptional that Barry did as a lawyer, a lecturer or a legislator since he left Harvard Law, can you Sarah? Shouldn't that be a tip off that he's NOT the guy you think he is and never has been?
I talk about what I want to discuss. Don't you think we've already heard your Rush Limpballs talking points a million times? I'm telling you, you're boring. I've heard your rhetorical talking points over and over. This stuff is nothing new.

You know what I've noticed, Sarah? Whenever I ask a question that you don't have an answer accuse me of being "boring" and declare that you don't want to discuss the subject. "Rush Limpballs"? Really? It's bad enough you can't back up your claims with a reasoned response but to have to resort to childish name calling really shows your true character.
You ARE free to talk about whatever you want to, Sarah but when you make a claim that Mitt Romney is an empty suit while you laud the accomplishments of Barack Obama then you should expect to be challenged to back up that claim. When you do what you're doing now you simply come across as petulant as well as ignorant.
And you still can't come up with anything exceptional that Barry did as a lawyer, a lecturer or a legislator since he left Harvard Law, can you Sarah? Shouldn't that be a tip off that he's NOT the guy you think he is and never has been?
I talk about what I want to discuss. Don't you think we've already heard your Rush Limpballs talking points a million times? I'm telling you, you're boring. I've heard your rhetorical talking points over and over. This stuff is nothing new.

You know what I've noticed, Sarah? Whenever I ask a question that you don't have an answer accuse me of being "boring" and declare that you don't want to discuss the subject. "Rush Limpballs"? Really? It's bad enough you can't back up your claims with a reasoned response but to have to resort to childish name calling really shows your true character.
No, you keep going over the same thing, it is really boring. You think you are setting people in this thread up but if you really wanted to know the answer to that question, he's been in office for 6 years. It's very easy to find out and yes I have posted them before.

Take your boring talking points and go find someone desperate enough to discuss issues with some wingnut.
And you still can't come up with anything exceptional that Barry did as a lawyer, a lecturer or a legislator since he left Harvard Law, can you Sarah? Shouldn't that be a tip off that he's NOT the guy you think he is and never has been?
I talk about what I want to discuss. Don't you think we've already heard your Rush Limpballs talking points a million times? I'm telling you, you're boring. I've heard your rhetorical talking points over and over. This stuff is nothing new.

You know what I've noticed, Sarah? Whenever I ask a question that you don't have an answer accuse me of being "boring" and declare that you don't want to discuss the subject. "Rush Limpballs"? Really? It's bad enough you can't back up your claims with a reasoned response but to have to resort to childish name calling really shows your true character.
No, you keep going over the same thing, it is really boring. You think you are setting people in this thread up but if you really wanted to know the answer to that question, he's been in office for 6 years. It's very easy to find out and yes I have posted them before.

Take your boring talking points and go find someone desperate enough to discuss issues with some wingnut.

I didn't ask you what Obama had done in office, Sarah...I simply asked you what he'd done since leaving Harvard Law School as a lawyer, a college professor or as a State legislator. For some reason you think I'm "setting people...up" with that question. Why would THAT be a set up question? Because you know you don't really have a good reply to it?
And you still can't come up with anything exceptional that Barry did as a lawyer, a lecturer or a legislator since he left Harvard Law, can you Sarah? Shouldn't that be a tip off that he's NOT the guy you think he is and never has been?
I talk about what I want to discuss. Don't you think we've already heard your Rush Limpballs talking points a million times? I'm telling you, you're boring. I've heard your rhetorical talking points over and over. This stuff is nothing new.

You know what I've noticed, Sarah? Whenever I ask a question that you don't have an answer accuse me of being "boring" and declare that you don't want to discuss the subject. "Rush Limpballs"? Really? It's bad enough you can't back up your claims with a reasoned response but to have to resort to childish name calling really shows your true character.
No, you keep going over the same thing, it is really boring. You think you are setting people in this thread up but if you really wanted to know the answer to that question, he's been in office for 6 years. It's very easy to find out and yes I have posted them before.

Take your boring talking points and go find someone desperate enough to discuss issues with some wingnut.

I didn't ask you what Obama had done in office, Sarah...I simply asked you what he'd done since leaving Harvard Law School as a lawyer, a college professor or as a State legislator. For some reason you think I'm "setting people...up" with that question. Why would THAT be a set up question? Because you know you don't really have a good reply to it?
Because you have your talking points at the ready. Make sense now? I've already told you that a lot of times, it's obvious you have no idea how to read other people's posts, you simply setup scenarios where your talking points fit and you think it makes you look informed. It doesn't, we've all heard this crap many times. Many, many times...

In 1998, according to the Congressional daily newspaper The Hill, Graham was describing himself on his website as an Operation Desert Shield andDesert Storm veteran. In reality, he never left South Carolina.

Bob Somerby notes that Lindsey Graham escaped from the incident relatively unscathed. In 2002, when Graham was running for his Senate seat, Joe Conason discovered that Graham’s website still had the misleading biography. And it was still leading people to write stories claiming Graham served overseas. But Graham was elected anyway.

Since then, everyone seems to have completely forgotten that Lindsey Graham lied about being a war veteran.

lindsey graham the hill desert storm veteran - Google Search

Another Republican hero. A GOP leader made up of nothing but lies. Why am I not surprised? Anyone surprised? Anyone?
What are you talking about?
You know how you guys LOVE going in your time machines to 2001 - 2008 to try and indict Bush Co.?

Well, hop in your hoopty and tell us what you dug up about Obama that everyone needs to know to make an informed choice in the 2008 Presidential election, okay?

Oh, you mean you learned investigative journalism as a result of the Obama regime?

Chalk up one positive for Obozo.

What are you talking about?
And you still can't come up with anything exceptional that Barry did as a lawyer, a lecturer or a legislator since he left Harvard Law, can you Sarah? Shouldn't that be a tip off that he's NOT the guy you think he is and never has been?

What BUTTHEAD said: And you still can't come up with anything exceptional that Barry did as a lawyer, a lecturer or a legislator since he left Harvard Law, can you Sarah?

What 5 minutes of searching discovered:

Partial review of Obama's Illinois state senate success:

In January 2003, Obama became chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee, after six years on the committee and four years as its minority spokesman.

He sponsored successful efforts to expand children's health care,

create a plan to provide equal health care access for all Illinois residents, and

create a "Hospital Report Card" system, and worker's rights laws that protected whistleblowers,

domestic violence victims,

equal pay for women, and

overtime pay.

His most public accomplishment was a bill requiring police to videotape interrogations and confessions in potential death penalty cases.

Obama was willing to listen to Republicans and police organizations and negotiate compromises to get the law passed. That helped him develop a reputation as a pragmatist able to work with various sides of an issue.

Obama also led the passage of a law to monitor racial profiling by requiring police to record the race of drivers they stopped


In his first session (109th Congress), he was involved in immigration reform.

Legislation bearing his name was passed for armament reduction and federal transparency as well as relief aid.

In the first year of the 110th Congress, he worked on lobbying and campaign finance reform,

election reform,

climate control and

troop reduction.

In the second year, he legislated for oversight of certain military discharges,

Iran divestment and nuclear terrorism reduction, but

President George W. Bush vetoed his legislation forState Children's Health Insurance Program-related military family job protections.

Q: Is it true that George W. Bush took more vacation days than Barack Obama?

A: Yes. Before his two-week trip to Martha’s Vineyard in August, Obama’s count was 125 full or partial days and Bush’s total at the same point in his presidency was 407.

Barack Obamasponsored 137 bills from 4 Jan 2005 until 16 November 2008. Two became law.[1] This figure does not include bills to which Obama contributed as cosponsor, such as the Coburn-Obama Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 or the Lugar-Nunn Cooperative Proliferation Detection, Interdiction Assistance, and Conventional Threat Reduction Act of 2006. Nor does it include amendments to other bills, although in the Senate these are not required to be germane to the parent bill and can therefore effectively be bills in their own right.[2] During the same time period, Obama has co-sponsored 689 bills in total; 408 of which had secured his support by the day they were originally introduced in the Senate.

Illinois Senate career of Barack Obama - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

United States Senate career of Barack Obama - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

List of bills sponsored by Barack Obama in the United States Senate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Obama isn't George Bush or Ronald Reagan. He had a fantastic record to run on with a lot of experience. But the right wingernut echo chamber keeps saying that he was just a community organizer and had nothing to run on the dipshit moronic GOP base believes it without question. A true definition of "lemming".

We all sit in front of the Internet. Go look at the bills WRITTEN by John McCain. Remember, Republicans wanted him to be President. Sure, he sponsors a number of bills, but I couldn't find a single one he actually wrote. Can you? Worse, he was one of the Keating 5. And dipshit Republicans have nerve to slam Obama. Fuckers. What a bunch of dirty people.
I hate to burst your bubble, R-Derp but Barack Obama's legislative record in the Illinois Senate was so bad before Emile Jones took him under his wing that he hadn't had a single bill he wrote passed into law since he became a Senator. Jones fed Obama the work of other Democratic legislators and let him sign his name onto that work. All the things you named from above? That was the work of someone else that Barry just signed his name to.

2000-2003, Illinois State Senate
Obama during this time passed a bill to put limits on racial profiling and place cameras in police interrogation rooms. [12] These bills, including the racial profiling bill originally worked on by Senator Rickey Hendon, had been previously the efforts of other Senators. Nonetheless, Obama struck a deal with then-head of the Illinois Senate, Emil Jones, in a well-recorded conversation asking Jones to make him a U.S. Senator, following which, Jones appointed him head of prominent, headline-grabbing legislation worked on by other Senators to raise his political profile, and had him craft legislation to meet major tragedies in the news.[13]

As Houston Press reporter Todd Spivak would note:

"But what's interesting, and almost never discussed, is that he built his entire legislative record in Illinois in a single year... Jones appointed Obama sponsor of virtually every high-profile piece of legislation, angering many rank-and-file state legislators who had more seniority than Obama and had spent years championing the bills... During his seventh and final year in the state Senate, Obama's stats soared. He sponsored a whopping 26 bills passed into law — including many he now cites in his presidential campaign when attacked as inexperienced. It was a stunning achievement that started him on the path of national politics — and he couldn't have done it without Jones. Before Obama ran for U.S. Senate in 2004, he was virtually unknown even in his own state. Polls showed fewer than 20 percent of Illinois voters had ever heard of Barack Obama. Jones further helped raise Obama's profile by having him craft legislation addressing the day-to-day tragedies that dominated local news headlines."[14]"
Spivak quotes another Illinois Senator, Rickey Hendon, as saying,

"I took all the beatings and insults and endured all the racist comments over the years from nasty Republican committee chairmen, Barack didn't have to endure any of it, yet, in the end, he got all the credit. I don't consider it bill jacking, but no one wants to carry the ball 99 yards all the way to the one-yard line, and then give it to the halfback who gets all the credit and the stats in the record book."
Barack Obama - SourceWatch
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