Lyndsey Graham Who Was Directly Lied To Says House Benghazi Report Full of C R A P

OC 10243146
what's troubling is they never sent one at all.

There has been no scandal related to the reality that a military response could not have saved two Americans at the consulate where over twenty Americans were safely evacuated. And a military response other than saturation bombing of every square meter of a two mile radius around the perimeter of the CIA Annex would have worked. Woods and Dougherty were killed by random mortar fire that came after a lull in attacks hours after the Consulate had been attacked.

The "scandal", Notfooled is that there never was a military response to the attacks even though those in charge didn't know how long the battle might go on. You're right, people WERE killed by mortar fire that came hours after the Consulate had been attacked and there was still no military response. We couldn't even secure the consulate for weeks after the attacks because they STILL hadn't had a military response. It's akin to someone in charge of emergency responses to 911 calls saying that they didn't dispatch a fire truck to a fire because they didn't think they could save the house...or didn't send an ambulance because they didn't think the person having the heart attack was likely to survive until one got there.

If we responded with military attacks in every country where we had a consulate that had been attacked, those countries would likely kick us out. And then where would we be? The fact is that a military response was always a non-starter in this case, and would not have saved our people.

Why would a military response to an attack on American soil be a "non-starter"? Explain to me how anyone could have known that sending help wouldn't have helped?

On CBS' "Face the Nation" Sunday, Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates knocked critics of the Obama administration's response to the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, saying many have a "cartoonish view of military capabilities."
"We don't have a ready force standing by in the Middle East, despite all the turmoil that's going on — with planes on strip alert, troops ready to deploy at a moment's notice — and so getting somebody there in a timely way would have been very difficult, if not impossible," Gates told interviewer Bob Schieffer.

Read more: Gates Benghazi Critic Cartoonish Military - Business Insider

not that a former Defense Secretary who served under 43 has a better idea of military output than armchair generals like you, you dumbass ..

At Ease Cartoon Boy.
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OC 10243146
what's troubling is they never sent one at all.

There has been no scandal related to the reality that a military response could not have saved two Americans at the consulate where over twenty Americans were safely evacuated. And a military response other than saturation bombing of every square meter of a two mile radius around the perimeter of the CIA Annex would have worked. Woods and Dougherty were killed by random mortar fire that came after a lull in attacks hours after the Consulate had been attacked.

The "scandal", Notfooled is that there never was a military response to the attacks even though those in charge didn't know how long the battle might go on. You're right, people WERE killed by mortar fire that came hours after the Consulate had been attacked and there was still no military response. We couldn't even secure the consulate for weeks after the attacks because they STILL hadn't had a military response. It's akin to someone in charge of emergency responses to 911 calls saying that they didn't dispatch a fire truck to a fire because they didn't think they could save the house...or didn't send an ambulance because they didn't think the person having the heart attack was likely to survive until one got there.

If we responded with military attacks in every country where we had a consulate that had been attacked, those countries would likely kick us out. And then where would we be? The fact is that a military response was always a non-starter in this case, and would not have saved our people.

Why would a military response to an attack on American soil be a "non-starter"? Explain to me how anyone could have known that sending help wouldn't have helped?

On CBS' "Face the Nation" Sunday, Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates knocked critics of the Obama administration's response to the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, saying many have a "cartoonish view of military capabilities."
"We don't have a ready force standing by in the Middle East, despite all the turmoil that's going on — with planes on strip alert, troops ready to deploy at a moment's notice — and so getting somebody there in a timely way would have been very difficult, if not impossible," Gates told interviewer Bob Schieffer.

Read more: Gates Benghazi Critic Cartoonish Military - Business Insider

I keep hearing that excuse, Siete...and I keep asking the same did they know how long the attack was going to last? If they sent offensive aircraft to the Benghazi area and they arrived too late then fine...I can see Gate's point and would say that they tried their best. But they never scrambled ANY air response at all!
OC 10243146 There has been no scandal related to the reality that a military response could not have saved two Americans at the consulate where over twenty Americans were safely evacuated. And a military response other than saturation bombing of every square meter of a two mile radius around the perimeter of the CIA Annex would have worked. Woods and Dougherty were killed by random mortar fire that came after a lull in attacks hours after the Consulate had been attacked.

The "scandal", Notfooled is that there never was a military response to the attacks even though those in charge didn't know how long the battle might go on. You're right, people WERE killed by mortar fire that came hours after the Consulate had been attacked and there was still no military response. We couldn't even secure the consulate for weeks after the attacks because they STILL hadn't had a military response. It's akin to someone in charge of emergency responses to 911 calls saying that they didn't dispatch a fire truck to a fire because they didn't think they could save the house...or didn't send an ambulance because they didn't think the person having the heart attack was likely to survive until one got there.

If we responded with military attacks in every country where we had a consulate that had been attacked, those countries would likely kick us out. And then where would we be? The fact is that a military response was always a non-starter in this case, and would not have saved our people.

Why would a military response to an attack on American soil be a "non-starter"? Explain to me how anyone could have known that sending help wouldn't have helped?

On CBS' "Face the Nation" Sunday, Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates knocked critics of the Obama administration's response to the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, saying many have a "cartoonish view of military capabilities."
"We don't have a ready force standing by in the Middle East, despite all the turmoil that's going on — with planes on strip alert, troops ready to deploy at a moment's notice — and so getting somebody there in a timely way would have been very difficult, if not impossible," Gates told interviewer Bob Schieffer.

Read more: Gates Benghazi Critic Cartoonish Military - Business Insider

I keep hearing that excuse, Siete...and I keep asking the same did they know how long the attack was going to last? If they sent offensive aircraft to the Benghazi area and they arrived too late then fine...I can see Gate's point and would say that they tried their best. But they never scrambled ANY air response at all!

We don't have a ready force standing by in the Middle East, despite all the turmoil that's going on — with planes on strip alert, troops ready to deploy at a moment's notice.

what part of Gates comment has you so confused ?
OS 10245805
You are so full of shit, Notfooled! There is the transcript from "Face the Nation"...tell me again that Rice didn't blame the Benghazi attacks on a video!

No. You need to show me where in that link Susan Rice blames the Benghazi attacks on a video.

I have already posted from that link that show's the transcript where Susan Rice actually blames "extremist elements' that at that time she was not sure if they were al Qaeda affiliates or Libyan based extremists or al Qaeda itself.

I think it's clear that there were extremist elements that joined in and escalated the violence. Whether they were al Qaeda affiliates, whether they were Libyan-based extremists or al Qaeda itself I think is one of the things we'll have to determine.

How can you not see that Rice blamed "extremists elements" possibly tied to al Qaeda itself rather than blaming a demonstration against the video? Are you blind?
The "scandal", Notfooled is that there never was a military response to the attacks even though those in charge didn't know how long the battle might go on. You're right, people WERE killed by mortar fire that came hours after the Consulate had been attacked and there was still no military response. We couldn't even secure the consulate for weeks after the attacks because they STILL hadn't had a military response. It's akin to someone in charge of emergency responses to 911 calls saying that they didn't dispatch a fire truck to a fire because they didn't think they could save the house...or didn't send an ambulance because they didn't think the person having the heart attack was likely to survive until one got there.

If we responded with military attacks in every country where we had a consulate that had been attacked, those countries would likely kick us out. And then where would we be? The fact is that a military response was always a non-starter in this case, and would not have saved our people.

Why would a military response to an attack on American soil be a "non-starter"? Explain to me how anyone could have known that sending help wouldn't have helped?

On CBS' "Face the Nation" Sunday, Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates knocked critics of the Obama administration's response to the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, saying many have a "cartoonish view of military capabilities."
"We don't have a ready force standing by in the Middle East, despite all the turmoil that's going on — with planes on strip alert, troops ready to deploy at a moment's notice — and so getting somebody there in a timely way would have been very difficult, if not impossible," Gates told interviewer Bob Schieffer.

Read more: Gates Benghazi Critic Cartoonish Military - Business Insider

I keep hearing that excuse, Siete...and I keep asking the same did they know how long the attack was going to last? If they sent offensive aircraft to the Benghazi area and they arrived too late then fine...I can see Gate's point and would say that they tried their best. But they never scrambled ANY air response at all!

We don't have a ready force standing by in the Middle East, despite all the turmoil that's going on — with planes on strip alert, troops ready to deploy at a moment's notice.

what part of Gates comment has you so confused ?

You honestly believe that the United States of America doesn't have ANY air assets in the Middle East that are "ready" at a moments notice for action? If that IS the case, Siente it's a scandal of it's own! I don't believe that for a second however and never have.
OS 10245805
You are so full of shit, Notfooled! There is the transcript from "Face the Nation"...tell me again that Rice didn't blame the Benghazi attacks on a video!

No. You need to show me where in that link Susan Rice blames the Benghazi attacks on a video.

I have already posted from that link that show's the transcript where Susan Rice actually blames "extremist elements' that at that time she was not sure if they were al Qaeda affiliates or Libyan based extremists or al Qaeda itself.

I think it's clear that there were extremist elements that joined in and escalated the violence. Whether they were al Qaeda affiliates, whether they were Libyan-based extremists or al Qaeda itself I think is one of the things we'll have to determine.

How can you not see that Rice blamed "extremists elements" possibly tied to al Qaeda itself rather than blaming a demonstration against the video? Are you blind?
Are you brain dead? Can you not read the transcripts?
BOB SCHIEFFER: And joining us now, Susan Rice, the U.N. ambassador, our U.N. ambassador. Madam Ambassador, he says this is something that has been in the planning stages for months. I understand you have been saying that you think it was spontaneous? Are we not on the same page here?

SUSAN RICE (Ambassador to the United Nations): Bob, let me tell you what we understand to be the assessment at present. First of all, very importantly, as you discussed with the President, there is an investigation that the United States government will launch led by the FBI, that has begun and--

BOB SCHIEFFER (overlapping): But they are not there.

SUSAN RICE: They are not on the ground yet, but they have already begun looking at all sorts of evidence of-- of various sorts already available to them and to us. And they will get on the ground and continue the investigation. So we'll want to see the results of that investigation to draw any definitive conclusions. But based on the best information we have to date, what our assessment is as of the present is in fact what began spontaneously in Benghazi as a reaction to what had transpired some hours earlier in Cairo where, of course, as you know, there was a violent protest outside of our embassy--


SUSAN RICE: --sparked by this hateful video. But soon after that spontaneous protest began outside of our consulate in Benghazi, we believe that it looks like extremist elements, individuals, joined in that-- in that effort with heavy weapons of the sort that are, unfortunately, readily now available in Libya post-revolution. And that it spun from there into something much, much more violent.

BOB SCHIEFFER: But you do not agree with him that this was something that had been plotted out several months ago?

SUSAN RICE: We do not-- we do not have information at present that leads us to conclude that this was premeditated or preplanned.
Benghazi was settled when the House Intelligence Committee handed the LOSER RW'S their verdict .. continuing any so called debate with morons who have the brainpower of a gaggle of geese is pointless. Nothing will ever satisfy these idiots. Not even when Trey Gowdy failed to offer the evidence he said he to the HIC had long before they made their verdict public .. Gowdy had nothing to give either.

But these morons are still hoping he does when he didn't.

Gowdy said he had evidence about Bebghazi in May ... 6 months later he never offered that evidence to the HIC ... or maybe he did and the HIC laughed in his face, maybe that's what decided the HIC final decision on Benghazi ..
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I really can't believe that there is anyone out there who STILL is trying to argue that Susan Rice didn't try and blame the attacks on a spontaneous protest over a video! That was the WHOLE REASON FOR HER GOING ON THOSE TALK SHOWS THAT SUNDAY MORNING!!!
Benghazi was settled when the House Intelligence Committee handed the LOSER RW'S their verdict .. continuing any so called debate with morons who have the brainpower of a gaggle of geese is pointless. Nothing will ever satisfy these idiots. Not even when Trey Gowdy failed to offer the evidence he said he to the HIC had long before they made their verdict public .. Gowdy had nothing to give either.

But these morons are still hoping he does when he didn't.

Gowdy said he had evidence about Bebghazi in May ... 6 months later he never offered that evidence to the HIC ... or maybe he did and the HIC laughed in his face, maybe that's what decided the HIC final decision on Benghazi ..
They are only trotting this out yet again because they know Hillary will be running. Same ole shit.
Benghazi was settled when the House Intelligence Committee handed the LOSER RW'S their verdict .. continuing any so called debate with morons who have the brainpower of a gaggle of geese is pointless. Nothing will ever satisfy these idiots. Not even when Trey Gowdy failed to offer the evidence he said he to the HIC had long before they made their verdict public .. Gowdy had nothing to give either.

But these morons are still hoping he does when he didn't.

Gowdy said he had evidence about Bebghazi in May ... 6 months later he never offered that evidence to the HIC ... or maybe he did and the HIC laughed in his face, maybe that's what decided the HIC final decision on Benghazi ..
They are only trotting this out yet again because they know Hillary will be running. Same ole shit.

Her total miscalculation on the dangers present in Libya cost four men their lives. It's not "shit". What someone did in the past is how you judge someone's fitness for office in the future. Otherwise you elect on vague notions like "Hope & Change" and get another Barry.
Benghazi was settled when the House Intelligence Committee handed the LOSER RW'S their verdict .. continuing any so called debate with morons who have the brainpower of a gaggle of geese is pointless. Nothing will ever satisfy these idiots. Not even when Trey Gowdy failed to offer the evidence he said he to the HIC had long before they made their verdict public .. Gowdy had nothing to give either.

But these morons are still hoping he does when he didn't.

Gowdy said he had evidence about Bebghazi in May ... 6 months later he never offered that evidence to the HIC ... or maybe he did and the HIC laughed in his face, maybe that's what decided the HIC final decision on Benghazi ..
They are only trotting this out yet again because they know Hillary will be running. Same ole shit.

Her total miscalculation on the dangers present in Libya cost four men their lives. It's not "shit". What someone did in the past is how you judge someone's fitness for office in the future. Otherwise you elect on vague notions like "Hope & Change" and get another Barry.
Just so we don't get Some idiot Repub. Can you imagine Cruze or Romney? :lol:
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Can you imagine some unqualified, incompetent, weak, narcissistic buffoon like obama? Oh wait...
Can you not read the transcripts?

I am reading and citing the transcripts. The entire transcripts . I do not ignore what Rice actually said after she mentions the video demonstration that the CIA said was there first. Do you have a mental block when you read the words "extremists that brought heavy weapons" if Susan Rice says them? How long will you pretend that she did not say those word in every appearance.
Benghazi was settled when the House Intelligence Committee handed the LOSER RW'S their verdict .. continuing any so called debate with morons who have the brainpower of a gaggle of geese is pointless. Nothing will ever satisfy these idiots. Not even when Trey Gowdy failed to offer the evidence he said he to the HIC had long before they made their verdict public .. Gowdy had nothing to give either.

But these morons are still hoping he does when he didn't.

Gowdy said he had evidence about Bebghazi in May ... 6 months later he never offered that evidence to the HIC ... or maybe he did and the HIC laughed in his face, maybe that's what decided the HIC final decision on Benghazi ..
They are only trotting this out yet again because they know Hillary will be running. Same ole shit.

Her total miscalculation on the dangers present in Libya cost four men their lives. It's not "shit". What someone did in the past is how you judge someone's fitness for office in the future. Otherwise you elect on vague notions like "Hope & Change" and get another Barry.
Just so we don't get Some idiot Repub. Can you imagine Cruze or Romney? :lol:

Yeah, Sarah...that Mitt Romney would have been such a disaster! He's a moderate who has a long history of working well across the aisle...understands economics and how businesses create jobs...and he's an expert at turning around troubled organizations. In short he's everything that Barack Obama never was!
Can you not read the transcripts?

I am reading and citing the transcripts. The entire transcripts . I do not ignore what Rice actually said after she mentions the video demonstration that the CIA said was there first. Do you have a mental block when you read the words "extremists that brought heavy weapons" if Susan Rice says them? How long will you pretend that she did not say those word in every appearance.

How long are you going to pretend that she doesn't blame the attacks on a protest over a video that was then exploited by extremists with heavy weapons...when the heavy weapons were there from the START and there was no protest that took place before the attack? Rice says the same misleading things in each of her Sunday morning talk shows because those are the words that the Obama White House put in her mouth before they trotted her out there. You just claimed that she never mentioned the video. YOU WERE WRONG!!!
Benghazi was settled when the House Intelligence Committee handed the LOSER RW'S their verdict .. continuing any so called debate with morons who have the brainpower of a gaggle of geese is pointless. Nothing will ever satisfy these idiots. Not even when Trey Gowdy failed to offer the evidence he said he to the HIC had long before they made their verdict public .. Gowdy had nothing to give either.

But these morons are still hoping he does when he didn't.

Gowdy said he had evidence about Bebghazi in May ... 6 months later he never offered that evidence to the HIC ... or maybe he did and the HIC laughed in his face, maybe that's what decided the HIC final decision on Benghazi ..
They are only trotting this out yet again because they know Hillary will be running. Same ole shit.

Her total miscalculation on the dangers present in Libya cost four men their lives. It's not "shit". What someone did in the past is how you judge someone's fitness for office in the future. Otherwise you elect on vague notions like "Hope & Change" and get another Barry.
Just so we don't get Some idiot Repub. Can you imagine Cruze or Romney? :lol:

Yeah, Sarah...that Mitt Romney would have been such a disaster! He's a moderate who has a long history of working well across the aisle...understands economics and how businesses create jobs...and he's an expert at turning around troubled organizations. In short he's everything that Barack Obama never was!
Thank god he will never be president. He's a puppet and a pandering whacko, a magic pajama wearing idiot.

Empty suit. Like all of your wingnut candidates.

Obama is
Benghazi was settled when the House Intelligence Committee handed the LOSER RW'S their verdict .. continuing any so called debate with morons who have the brainpower of a gaggle of geese is pointless. Nothing will ever satisfy these idiots. Not even when Trey Gowdy failed to offer the evidence he said he to the HIC had long before they made their verdict public .. Gowdy had nothing to give either.

But these morons are still hoping he does when he didn't.

Gowdy said he had evidence about Bebghazi in May ... 6 months later he never offered that evidence to the HIC ... or maybe he did and the HIC laughed in his face, maybe that's what decided the HIC final decision on Benghazi ..
They are only trotting this out yet again because they know Hillary will be running. Same ole shit.

Her total miscalculation on the dangers present in Libya cost four men their lives. It's not "shit". What someone did in the past is how you judge someone's fitness for office in the future. Otherwise you elect on vague notions like "Hope & Change" and get another Barry.
Just so we don't get Some idiot Repub. Can you imagine Cruze or Romney? :lol:

Yeah, Sarah...that Mitt Romney would have been such a disaster! He's a moderate who has a long history of working well across the aisle...understands economics and how businesses create jobs...and he's an expert at turning around troubled organizations. In short he's everything that Barack Obama never was!
Thank god he will never be president. He's a puppet and a pandering whacko, a magic pajama wearing idiot.

Empty suit. Like all of your wingnut candidates.

Obama is

Did you really just compare Barack Obama to Mitt Romney and call Romney the empty suit? That's one of the more amusing things I've heard in quite some time.

Do me a favor, Sarah...list the "exceptional things" that Barry accomplished while he was a lawyer...or a college lecturer...or a legislator.
You see one of the two men actually IS an empty suit...but it's not Mitt Romney! Say whatever you want to about Mitt...he's always been someone who got the job done. That was the case when the leader of his Mormon mission in France was seriously hurt in a car accident and a young Romney had to fill in for was the case in his business was the case when he turned around a troubled Salt Lake City Olympics and made it wildly was the case when he got into politics as a Republican Governor in a completely Democratically controlled State like Massachusetts...he STILL got the job done!

Barry has always been an empty's just taken years of incompetence for most people to figure that out. You apparently still haven't...

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