Lyndsey Graham Who Was Directly Lied To Says House Benghazi Report Full of C R A P

In congress you negotiate, not just say no to everything.

Unless you're a democrat, right? Then you just cross your arms and tell the other side to sit in the back of the bus and STFU, right hypocrite?
I really wish it would work to just tell you to stfu. Jeezus you are overbearing.


Oh, is it uncomfortable to have your hypocrisy thrown back in your face? That's really too bad.
What's amusing about that comment, Carbineer is that it's an EXACT description of the hardcore Obama supporter! You have a "narrative" that you've bought into when it comes to Barack Obama and you steadfastly refuse to admit that your narrative has little to do with the reality of the man who is floundering so badly as President.

Quote me doing any such thing.
Keep in mind ... this is from the same poster who falsely claimed that Obama invoked executive privilege on 14,000 documents about Benghazi. :eek:

You should take it up with the Republicans in the House. They liked their report.
It hurts bad when you lose with what you thought was a winning hand.
You do understand that it is only people like you who would accept nothing less than placing full blame on Obama or Hillary or both.

Just come out an admit that nothing less than finding Obama and CO fully responsible for the deaths in Benghazi would be acceptable.

But really, your problem is with the Republicans conducting the investigation. Someone should have bribed them to get the results you wanted.

Everyone knows that committee is stove piped. This will boomerang in your faces because the holes are so big it's got to be one of the shittiest reports ever out of the House.

No one knows why that idiot Rogers signed off....he will lose credibility too. Trey Gowdy has had serious investigations underway that already refute the stupid report.

Gee, a Republican thinks a Republican report is shitty. What's the world coming to?

Most Republicans on that committee didn't have a chance to weigh in on it, moron. If you actually read anything other than liberal rags you'd know that.

Between what Gowdy is about to do with his Select Committee, and the way the Republicans on THIS committee are going to correct Roger's's going to be fun watching you libs come unglue in a few weeks from now.

Can hardly wait.

Give us a link to that. Give us proof. Or shut the fuck up, poser.


Now, I -UNLIKE YOU LIBS that keep breaking the rules (which is being documented)- will make this relevant to the thread.

All one has to do is look at alternative sources of information to know that Col Bauer showed up on a radio station yesterday and he took the report apart one piece at a time. It was right out there in public for anyone to listen to..

I can't help you're an indoctrinated criminal stuck in prison that can't read other sources.

You really do have anger manaement issues. You should see to that.
the GOp has nothing, they've never had anything, and they'll never have anything ... starting with the birth certificate at day 1 and up to right now, all they've managed to do is BITCH ... boo hoo.

Has Lois been arrested yet ?
the GOp has nothing, they've never had anything, and they'll never have anything ... starting with the birth certificate at day 1 and up to right now, all they've managed to do is BITCH ... boo hoo.

Has Lois been arrested yet ?

No, thanks to people like Eric Holder, Lois Lerner is living comfortably on the government pension that we citizens are obliged to provide for her...which is rather ironic since she should be doing prison time for the violation of our rights.
EC 10227996
I talk to Kris Paronto on a daily basis, shit for brains

Did he tell you that a U.S. military response would have saved the lives of the four Americans killed in the Benghazi attacks?

What's troubling isn't that a military response didn't get there in time to save those four Americans, Notfooled...what's troubling is they never sent one at all.
OS 10235966
It was why Ben Rhodes sent Susan Rice out to those Sunday morning talk shows to push a false narrative.

Susan Rice spoke verbatim the CIA talking points that the CIA wrote for the White House and Congress members like Kurt Gowdy and Lindsay Graham. We know that is a fact because rhe CIA admits that in all the emails that the White House released to the public.

The one lie we know for certain that is being told is the rightwinger lie that Susan Rice was sent out to those Sunday morning talk shows to push a false narrative. And Oldstyle repeats that lie again right here. Its not looking good for Econ(theIrish)Chick's forecast once again.

If that really WAS the case, Notfooled? Why were Ben Rhodes' emails reclassified to hide them? Why did Jay Carney lie about what was changed in the intelligence talking points by the White House?
In congress you negotiate, not just say no to everything.

Unless you're a democrat, right? Then you just cross your arms and tell the other side to sit in the back of the bus and STFU, right hypocrite?
I really wish it would work to just tell you to stfu. Jeezus you are overbearing.


So I'm "boring" and now Unkotare is "overbearing"? You REALLY don't like anyone to disagree with you, Sarah? You know could hang out at one of the far left sites and only talk to people who agree with you. That way you could avoid everyone who poses uncomfortable questions to you that make you actually have to think!
In congress you negotiate, not just say no to everything.

Unless you're a democrat, right? Then you just cross your arms and tell the other side to sit in the back of the bus and STFU, right hypocrite?
I really wish it would work to just tell you to stfu. Jeezus you are overbearing.


So I'm "boring" and now Unkotare is "overbearing"? You REALLY don't like anyone to disagree with you, Sarah? You know could hang out at one of the far left sites and only talk to people who agree with you. That way you could avoid everyone who poses uncomfortable questions to you that make you actually have to think!
Well since you're the boring one, I think you should be the one to go.
In congress you negotiate, not just say no to everything.

Unless you're a democrat, right? Then you just cross your arms and tell the other side to sit in the back of the bus and STFU, right hypocrite?
I really wish it would work to just tell you to stfu. Jeezus you are overbearing.


So I'm "boring" and now Unkotare is "overbearing"? You REALLY don't like anyone to disagree with you, Sarah? You know could hang out at one of the far left sites and only talk to people who agree with you. That way you could avoid everyone who poses uncomfortable questions to you that make you actually have to think!
Well since you're the boring one, I think you should be the one to go.

well, there's that too ..
Quote me doing any such thing.
Keep in mind ... this is from the same poster who falsely claimed that Obama invoked executive privilege on 14,000 documents about Benghazi. :eek:

Everyone knows that committee is stove piped. This will boomerang in your faces because the holes are so big it's got to be one of the shittiest reports ever out of the House.

No one knows why that idiot Rogers signed off....he will lose credibility too. Trey Gowdy has had serious investigations underway that already refute the stupid report.

Gee, a Republican thinks a Republican report is shitty. What's the world coming to?

Most Republicans on that committee didn't have a chance to weigh in on it, moron. If you actually read anything other than liberal rags you'd know that.

Between what Gowdy is about to do with his Select Committee, and the way the Republicans on THIS committee are going to correct Roger's's going to be fun watching you libs come unglue in a few weeks from now.

Can hardly wait.

Give us a link to that. Give us proof. Or shut the fuck up, poser.


Now, I -UNLIKE YOU LIBS that keep breaking the rules (which is being documented)- will make this relevant to the thread.

All one has to do is look at alternative sources of information to know that Col Bauer showed up on a radio station yesterday and he took the report apart one piece at a time. It was right out there in public for anyone to listen to..

I can't help you're an indoctrinated criminal stuck in prison that can't read other sources.

You really do have anger manaement issues. You should see to that.
Do electrodes on the nipples help?
OC 10243146
what's troubling is they never sent one at all.

There has been no scandal related to the reality that a military response could not have saved two Americans at the consulate where over twenty Americans were safely evacuated. And a military response other than saturation bombing of every square meter of a two mile radius around the perimeter of the CIA Annex would have worked. Woods and Dougherty were killed by random mortar fire that came after a lull in attacks hours after the Consulate had been attacked.
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OS 10243162
If that really WAS the case, Notfooled

It really was the case. You can try to make the case against Jay Carney and whatever you are trying to divert to, but those are probably going nowhere too.

All I can do is provide you with the facts. Here are some of the fact of what Susan Rice said that are irrefutable:

Ambassador Susan Rice, as you can see in the following direct quotes, did not 'blame the movie' or 'blame a crowd' or 'blame a protest' or 'blame a video' for the attacks on Benghazi. On every show she went on she blamed "extremists'. She very clearly stated with the best information we have at the time we 'BLAME':

(a) "individual clusters of extremists who came with heavier weapons"

(b) "extremist elements, individuals, joined in that -- in that effort with heavy weapons"

(c) "opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons"

(d) "and those with extremist ties joined the fray and came with heavy weapons"

RICE: We believe that folks in Benghazi, a small number of people came to the embassy to -- or to the consulate, rather, to replicate the sort of challenge that was posed in Cairo. And then as that unfolded, it seems to have been hijacked, let us say, by some individual clusters of extremists who came with heavier weapons, weapons that as you know in -- in the wake of the revolution in Libya are -- are quite common and accessible. And it then evolved from there. [ABC News, This Week with George Stephanopoulos, 9/16/12]
"it seems to have been hijacked, let us say, by some individual clusters of extremists who came with heavier weapons"

RICE: -- sparked by this hateful video. But soon after that spontaneous protest began outside of our consulate in Benghazi, we believe that it looks like extremist elements, individuals, joined in that -- in that effort with heavy weapons of the sort that are, unfortunately, readily now available in Libya post-revolution. And that it spun from there into something much, much more violent. [CBS News, Face the Nation, 9/16/12]
"it looks like extremist elements, individuals, joined in that -- in that effort with heavy weapons"

SCHIEFFER: Do you agree or disagree with him that al Qaeda had some part in this? ... SUSAN RICE: Well, we'll have to find out that out. I mean I think it's clear that there were extremist elements that joined in and escalated the violence. Whether they were al Qaeda affiliates, whether they were Libyan-based extremists or al Qaeda itself I think is one of the things we'll have to determine. [CBS News, Face the Nation, 9/16/12]
"I think it's clear that there were extremist elements that joined in and escalated the violence"

GREGORY: Well, let's talk -- talk about-- well, you talked about this as spontaneous. Can you say definitively that the attacks on-- on our consulate in Libya that killed ambassador Stevens and others there security personnel, that was spontaneous, was it a planned attack? Was there a terrorist element to it?

MS. RICE: Well, let us-- let me tell you the-- the best information we have at present. First of all, there's an FBI investigation which is ongoing. And we look to that investigation to give us the definitive word as to what transpired. But putting together the best information that we have available to us today our current assessment is that what happened in Benghazi was in fact initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in Cairo, almost a copycat of-- of the demonstrations against our facility in Cairo, which were prompted, of course, by the video. What we think then transpired in Benghazi is that opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons which unfortunately are readily available in post revolutionary Libya. And it escalated into a much more violent episode. Obviously, that's-- that's our best judgment now. We'll await the results of the investigation. And the president has been very clear--we'll work with the Libyan authorities to bring those responsible to justice. [MSNBC, Meet the Press, 9/16/12]

"What we think then transpired in Benghazi is that opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons which unfortunately are readily available in post revolutionary Libya. And it escalated into a much more violent episode."

WALLACE: Let's talk about the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi this week that killed four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.
The top Libyan official says that the attack on Tuesday was, quote, his words "preplanned". Al Qaeda says the operation was revenge for our killing a top Al Qaeda leader.
What do we know?
RICE: Well, first of all, Chris, we are obviously investigating this very closely. The FBI has a lead in this investigation. The information, the best information and the best assessment we have today is that in fact this was not a preplanned, premeditated attack. That what happened initially was that it was a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired in Cairo as a consequence of the video. People gathered outside the embassy and then it grew very violent and those with extremist ties joined the fray and came with heavy weapons, which unfortunately are quite common in post-revolutionary Libya and that then spun out of control.
But we don't see at this point signs this was a coordinated plan, premeditated attack. Obviously, we will wait for the results of the investigation and we don't want to jump to conclusions before then. But I do think it's important for the American people to know our best current assessment. [Fox News, Fox News Sunday, 9/16/12]
"People gathered outside the embassy and then it grew very violent and those with extremist ties joined the fray and came with heavy weapons, which unfortunately are quite common in post-revolutionary Libya and that then spun out of control."

Susan Rice spoke the CIA talking points verbatim. Nothing was altered.
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OS 10243162
Why were Ben Rhodes' emails reclassified to hide them?

Do you mean the email that contains this:

“To underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy.”

Do you see the plural use of the word 'protests' ?
OC 10243146
what's troubling is they never sent one at all.

There has been no scandal related to the reality that a military response could not have saved two Americans at the consulate where over twenty Americans were safely evacuated. And a military response other than saturation bombing of every square meter of a two mile radius around the perimeter of the CIA Annex would have worked. Woods and Dougherty were killed by random mortar fire that came after a lull in attacks hours after the Consulate had been attacked.

The "scandal", Notfooled is that there never was a military response to the attacks even though those in charge didn't know how long the battle might go on. You're right, people WERE killed by mortar fire that came hours after the Consulate had been attacked and there was still no military response. We couldn't even secure the consulate for weeks after the attacks because they STILL hadn't had a military response. It's akin to someone in charge of emergency responses to 911 calls saying that they didn't dispatch a fire truck to a fire because they didn't think they could save the house...or didn't send an ambulance because they didn't think the person having the heart attack was likely to survive until one got there.
OS 10243162
If that really WAS the case, Notfooled

It really was the case. You can try to make the case against Jay Carney and whatever you are trying to divert to, but those are probably going nowhere too.

All I can do is provide you with the facts. Here are some of the fact of what Susan Rice said that are irrefutable:

Ambassador Susan Rice, as you can see in the following direct quotes, did not 'blame the movie' or 'blame a crowd' or 'blame a protest' or 'blame a video' for the attacks on Benghazi. On every show she went on she blamed "extremists'. She very clearly stated with the best information we have at the time we 'BLAME':

(a) "individual clusters of extremists who came with heavier weapons"

(b) "extremist elements, individuals, joined in that -- in that effort with heavy weapons"

(c) "opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons"

(d) "and those with extremist ties joined the fray and came with heavy weapons"

RICE: We believe that folks in Benghazi, a small number of people came to the embassy to -- or to the consulate, rather, to replicate the sort of challenge that was posed in Cairo. And then as that unfolded, it seems to have been hijacked, let us say, by some individual clusters of extremists who came with heavier weapons, weapons that as you know in -- in the wake of the revolution in Libya are -- are quite common and accessible. And it then evolved from there. [ABC News, This Week with George Stephanopoulos, 9/16/12]
"it seems to have been hijacked, let us say, by some individual clusters of extremists who came with heavier weapons"

RICE: -- sparked by this hateful video. But soon after that spontaneous protest began outside of our consulate in Benghazi, we believe that it looks like extremist elements, individuals, joined in that -- in that effort with heavy weapons of the sort that are, unfortunately, readily now available in Libya post-revolution. And that it spun from there into something much, much more violent. [CBS News, Face the Nation, 9/16/12]
"it looks like extremist elements, individuals, joined in that -- in that effort with heavy weapons"

SCHIEFFER: Do you agree or disagree with him that al Qaeda had some part in this? ... SUSAN RICE: Well, we'll have to find out that out. I mean I think it's clear that there were extremist elements that joined in and escalated the violence. Whether they were al Qaeda affiliates, whether they were Libyan-based extremists or al Qaeda itself I think is one of the things we'll have to determine. [CBS News, Face the Nation, 9/16/12]
"I think it's clear that there were extremist elements that joined in and escalated the violence"

GREGORY: Well, let's talk -- talk about-- well, you talked about this as spontaneous. Can you say definitively that the attacks on-- on our consulate in Libya that killed ambassador Stevens and others there security personnel, that was spontaneous, was it a planned attack? Was there a terrorist element to it?

MS. RICE: Well, let us-- let me tell you the-- the best information we have at present. First of all, there's an FBI investigation which is ongoing. And we look to that investigation to give us the definitive word as to what transpired. But putting together the best information that we have available to us today our current assessment is that what happened in Benghazi was in fact initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in Cairo, almost a copycat of-- of the demonstrations against our facility in Cairo, which were prompted, of course, by the video. What we think then transpired in Benghazi is that opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons which unfortunately are readily available in post revolutionary Libya. And it escalated into a much more violent episode. Obviously, that's-- that's our best judgment now. We'll await the results of the investigation. And the president has been very clear--we'll work with the Libyan authorities to bring those responsible to justice. [MSNBC, Meet the Press, 9/16/12]

"What we think then transpired in Benghazi is that opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons which unfortunately are readily available in post revolutionary Libya. And it escalated into a much more violent episode."

WALLACE: Let's talk about the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi this week that killed four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.
The top Libyan official says that the attack on Tuesday was, quote, his words "preplanned". Al Qaeda says the operation was revenge for our killing a top Al Qaeda leader.
What do we know?
RICE: Well, first of all, Chris, we are obviously investigating this very closely. The FBI has a lead in this investigation. The information, the best information and the best assessment we have today is that in fact this was not a preplanned, premeditated attack. That what happened initially was that it was a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired in Cairo as a consequence of the video. People gathered outside the embassy and then it grew very violent and those with extremist ties joined the fray and came with heavy weapons, which unfortunately are quite common in post-revolutionary Libya and that then spun out of control.
But we don't see at this point signs this was a coordinated plan, premeditated attack. Obviously, we will wait for the results of the investigation and we don't want to jump to conclusions before then. But I do think it's important for the American people to know our best current assessment. [Fox News, Fox News Sunday, 9/16/12]
"People gathered outside the embassy and then it grew very violent and those with extremist ties joined the fray and came with heavy weapons, which unfortunately are quite common in post-revolutionary Libya and that then spun out of control."

Susan Rice spoke the CIA talking points verbatim. Nothing was altered.

Do you really not know that the Clinton State Department fought tooth and nail with the intelligence people to get the initial talking points changed? How ignorant are you on this subject?
OC 10243146
what's troubling is they never sent one at all.

There has been no scandal related to the reality that a military response could not have saved two Americans at the consulate where over twenty Americans were safely evacuated. And a military response other than saturation bombing of every square meter of a two mile radius around the perimeter of the CIA Annex would have worked. Woods and Dougherty were killed by random mortar fire that came after a lull in attacks hours after the Consulate had been attacked.

The "scandal", Notfooled is that there never was a military response to the attacks even though those in charge didn't know how long the battle might go on. You're right, people WERE killed by mortar fire that came hours after the Consulate had been attacked and there was still no military response. We couldn't even secure the consulate for weeks after the attacks because they STILL hadn't had a military response. It's akin to someone in charge of emergency responses to 911 calls saying that they didn't dispatch a fire truck to a fire because they didn't think they could save the house...or didn't send an ambulance because they didn't think the person having the heart attack was likely to survive until one got there.

If we responded with military attacks in every country where we had a consulate that had been attacked, those countries would likely kick us out. And then where would we be? The fact is that a military response was always a non-starter in this case, and would not have saved our people.
OS 10243162
If that really WAS the case, Notfooled

It really was the case. You can try to make the case against Jay Carney and whatever you are trying to divert to, but those are probably going nowhere too.

All I can do is provide you with the facts. Here are some of the fact of what Susan Rice said that are irrefutable:

Ambassador Susan Rice, as you can see in the following direct quotes, did not 'blame the movie' or 'blame a crowd' or 'blame a protest' or 'blame a video' for the attacks on Benghazi. On every show she went on she blamed "extremists'. She very clearly stated with the best information we have at the time we 'BLAME':

(a) "individual clusters of extremists who came with heavier weapons"

(b) "extremist elements, individuals, joined in that -- in that effort with heavy weapons"

(c) "opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons"

(d) "and those with extremist ties joined the fray and came with heavy weapons"

RICE: We believe that folks in Benghazi, a small number of people came to the embassy to -- or to the consulate, rather, to replicate the sort of challenge that was posed in Cairo. And then as that unfolded, it seems to have been hijacked, let us say, by some individual clusters of extremists who came with heavier weapons, weapons that as you know in -- in the wake of the revolution in Libya are -- are quite common and accessible. And it then evolved from there. [ABC News, This Week with George Stephanopoulos, 9/16/12]
"it seems to have been hijacked, let us say, by some individual clusters of extremists who came with heavier weapons"

RICE: -- sparked by this hateful video. But soon after that spontaneous protest began outside of our consulate in Benghazi, we believe that it looks like extremist elements, individuals, joined in that -- in that effort with heavy weapons of the sort that are, unfortunately, readily now available in Libya post-revolution. And that it spun from there into something much, much more violent. [CBS News, Face the Nation, 9/16/12]
"it looks like extremist elements, individuals, joined in that -- in that effort with heavy weapons"

SCHIEFFER: Do you agree or disagree with him that al Qaeda had some part in this? ... SUSAN RICE: Well, we'll have to find out that out. I mean I think it's clear that there were extremist elements that joined in and escalated the violence. Whether they were al Qaeda affiliates, whether they were Libyan-based extremists or al Qaeda itself I think is one of the things we'll have to determine. [CBS News, Face the Nation, 9/16/12]
"I think it's clear that there were extremist elements that joined in and escalated the violence"

GREGORY: Well, let's talk -- talk about-- well, you talked about this as spontaneous. Can you say definitively that the attacks on-- on our consulate in Libya that killed ambassador Stevens and others there security personnel, that was spontaneous, was it a planned attack? Was there a terrorist element to it?

MS. RICE: Well, let us-- let me tell you the-- the best information we have at present. First of all, there's an FBI investigation which is ongoing. And we look to that investigation to give us the definitive word as to what transpired. But putting together the best information that we have available to us today our current assessment is that what happened in Benghazi was in fact initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in Cairo, almost a copycat of-- of the demonstrations against our facility in Cairo, which were prompted, of course, by the video. What we think then transpired in Benghazi is that opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons which unfortunately are readily available in post revolutionary Libya. And it escalated into a much more violent episode. Obviously, that's-- that's our best judgment now. We'll await the results of the investigation. And the president has been very clear--we'll work with the Libyan authorities to bring those responsible to justice. [MSNBC, Meet the Press, 9/16/12]

"What we think then transpired in Benghazi is that opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons which unfortunately are readily available in post revolutionary Libya. And it escalated into a much more violent episode."

WALLACE: Let's talk about the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi this week that killed four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.
The top Libyan official says that the attack on Tuesday was, quote, his words "preplanned". Al Qaeda says the operation was revenge for our killing a top Al Qaeda leader.
What do we know?
RICE: Well, first of all, Chris, we are obviously investigating this very closely. The FBI has a lead in this investigation. The information, the best information and the best assessment we have today is that in fact this was not a preplanned, premeditated attack. That what happened initially was that it was a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired in Cairo as a consequence of the video. People gathered outside the embassy and then it grew very violent and those with extremist ties joined the fray and came with heavy weapons, which unfortunately are quite common in post-revolutionary Libya and that then spun out of control.
But we don't see at this point signs this was a coordinated plan, premeditated attack. Obviously, we will wait for the results of the investigation and we don't want to jump to conclusions before then. But I do think it's important for the American people to know our best current assessment. [Fox News, Fox News Sunday, 9/16/12]
"People gathered outside the embassy and then it grew very violent and those with extremist ties joined the fray and came with heavy weapons, which unfortunately are quite common in post-revolutionary Libya and that then spun out of control."

Susan Rice spoke the CIA talking points verbatim. Nothing was altered.
Face the Nation transcripts September 16 2012 Libyan Pres. Magariaf Amb. Rice and Sen. McCain - CBS News

Face the Nation transcripts September 16 2012 Libyan Pres. Magariaf Amb. Rice and Sen. McCain - Page 2 - CBS News

You are so full of shit, Notfooled! There is the transcript from "Face the Nation"...tell me again that Rice didn't blame the Benghazi attacks on a video!

Then take note that the Libyan leader speaking before Rice makes it clear that they believed without question that this was a pre-planned attack carried out by an Al Queda affiliated group. Then Rice gets on and totally contradicts that statement with the statements that she's been sent out to give by Ben Rhodes.
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OC 10243146
what's troubling is they never sent one at all.

There has been no scandal related to the reality that a military response could not have saved two Americans at the consulate where over twenty Americans were safely evacuated. And a military response other than saturation bombing of every square meter of a two mile radius around the perimeter of the CIA Annex would have worked. Woods and Dougherty were killed by random mortar fire that came after a lull in attacks hours after the Consulate had been attacked.

The "scandal", Notfooled is that there never was a military response to the attacks even though those in charge didn't know how long the battle might go on. You're right, people WERE killed by mortar fire that came hours after the Consulate had been attacked and there was still no military response. We couldn't even secure the consulate for weeks after the attacks because they STILL hadn't had a military response. It's akin to someone in charge of emergency responses to 911 calls saying that they didn't dispatch a fire truck to a fire because they didn't think they could save the house...or didn't send an ambulance because they didn't think the person having the heart attack was likely to survive until one got there.

If we responded with military attacks in every country where we had a consulate that had been attacked, those countries would likely kick us out. And then where would we be? The fact is that a military response was always a non-starter in this case, and would not have saved our people.

Why would a military response to an attack on American soil be a "non-starter"? Explain to me how anyone could have known that sending help wouldn't have helped?

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