Lyndsey Graham Who Was Directly Lied To Says House Benghazi Report Full of C R A P

South Carolina Republican congressman Trey Gowdy claimed he has evidence of “a systematic, intentional decision to withhold certain documents from Congress” about the Benghazi attacks and alleged White House cover-up.

Gowdy had this intel before The House Intelligence Committee released their findings on Benghazi. FACT !

so why didn't he come forward with that intel and inform The House Intelligence Committee with the damning evidence and seal the fate of Clinton and Obama ?

because Gowdy is full of shit and dopes like HoHo believe him systematically ,and intentionally

Only troll feeders will take your bait.
I would be very surprised if Hillary Clinton wouldn't now ruefully admit that the decisions made back then were probably not in her best interest now, Sarah. I'm a history major...history tells us that the cover-up almost always gets you in bigger trouble than the initial problem.
I would agree with this in part. What I don't believe is that the matter would have been done with if the administration had done things differently. The Republican congress has nothing better to do than spend their days obstructing. Can't wait to see what they do over the next two years when they don't have Democrats to blame.

It's a pretty easy call actually, Sarah. You've got a main stream media that is sympathetic to you. Use it! Admit that you miscalculated, take full blame for what happened and promise to fix the issue. That sympathetic media is going to hold it against you for a brief amount of time and then it would just be one more mountain that became a molehill. It's literally YEARS later now and the scandal still is an issue BECAUSE of the cover-up!
What coverup. You have to stop pulling this stuff out of thin air.

"What coverup. You have to stop pulling this stuff out of thin air."

OF COURSE it's a cover up!

Try answering this question:

Senator Lindsey Graham: Was there any airplane launched anywhere in the world before the attack was concluded?

General Martin Dempsey: If you’re talking about a strike aircraft, no, Senator.

Why the fizzuck NOT???

If you can't answer that question then shut up until you can...

I believe that will be AFTER the Gowdy Committee issues it's findings.

Ooo keyboard commando. I doubt you'd ever tell anyone IRL to shut up, especially not your wife or any woman. Old man.

And as far as your assertion, I was interviewing a possible new hire around the time of the 9/11 attacks and she was a mouthy type who knew not to stfu during the interview and she said something that rubbed me the wrong way and I indeed did tell her to, "shut up."

Needless to say she wasn't hired.

No brag.

Just fact.
HoHo believes ..

well then, that's settles THAT !


Senator Lindsey Graham: Was there any airplane launched anywhere in the world before the attack was concluded?

General Martin Dempsey: If you’re talking about a strike aircraft, no, Senator.

Why the fizzuck NOT???
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I would agree with this in part. What I don't believe is that the matter would have been done with if the administration had done things differently. The Republican congress has nothing better to do than spend their days obstructing. Can't wait to see what they do over the next two years when they don't have Democrats to blame.

It's a pretty easy call actually, Sarah. You've got a main stream media that is sympathetic to you. Use it! Admit that you miscalculated, take full blame for what happened and promise to fix the issue. That sympathetic media is going to hold it against you for a brief amount of time and then it would just be one more mountain that became a molehill. It's literally YEARS later now and the scandal still is an issue BECAUSE of the cover-up!
What coverup. You have to stop pulling this stuff out of thin air.

"What coverup. You have to stop pulling this stuff out of thin air."

OF COURSE it's a cover up!

Try answering this question:

Senator Lindsey Graham: Was there any airplane launched anywhere in the world before the attack was concluded?

General Martin Dempsey: If you’re talking about a strike aircraft, no, Senator.

Why the fizzuck NOT???

If you can't answer that question then shut up until you can...

I believe that will be AFTER the Gowdy Committee issues it's findings.

Ooo keyboard commando. I doubt you'd ever tell anyone IRL to shut up, especially not your wife or any woman. Old man.

And as far as your assertion, I was interviewing a possible new hire around the time of the 9/11 attacks and she was a mouthy type who knew not to stfu during the interview and she said something that rubbed me the wrong way and I indeed did tell her to, "shut up."

Needless to say she wasn't hired.

No brag.

Just fact.
Sure. HaHa
South Carolina Republican congressman Trey Gowdy claimed he has evidence of “a systematic, intentional decision to withhold certain documents from Congress” about the Benghazi attacks and alleged White House cover-up.

Gowdy had this intel before The House Intelligence Committee released their findings on Benghazi. FACT !

so why didn't he come forward with that intel and inform The House Intelligence Committee with the damning evidence and seal the fate of Clinton and Obama ?

because Gowdy is full of shit and dopes like HoHo believe him systematically ,and intentionally

Only troll feeders will take your bait.

what BAIT ? I stated the facts,... youre an idiot.
South Carolina Republican congressman Trey Gowdy claimed he has evidence of “a systematic, intentional decision to withhold certain documents from Congress” about the Benghazi attacks and alleged White House cover-up.

Gowdy had this intel before The House Intelligence Committee released their findings on Benghazi. FACT !

so why didn't he come forward with that intel and inform The House Intelligence Committee with the damning evidence and seal the fate of Clinton and Obama ?

because Gowdy is full of shit and dopes like HoHo believe him systematically ,and intentionally

Only troll feeders will take your bait.

what BAIT ? I stated the facts,... youre an idiot.

Gowdy acted within the law and according to HIS playbook rather than from a knee JERK reaction like you are accustomed to expecting from the short sighted, Liberal hardwired and untrustworthy politicians you'd prefer.


Belongs is a stroller.
It's a pretty easy call actually, Sarah. You've got a main stream media that is sympathetic to you. Use it! Admit that you miscalculated, take full blame for what happened and promise to fix the issue. That sympathetic media is going to hold it against you for a brief amount of time and then it would just be one more mountain that became a molehill. It's literally YEARS later now and the scandal still is an issue BECAUSE of the cover-up!
What coverup. You have to stop pulling this stuff out of thin air.

"What coverup. You have to stop pulling this stuff out of thin air."

OF COURSE it's a cover up!

Try answering this question:

Senator Lindsey Graham: Was there any airplane launched anywhere in the world before the attack was concluded?

General Martin Dempsey: If you’re talking about a strike aircraft, no, Senator.

Why the fizzuck NOT???

If you can't answer that question then shut up until you can...

I believe that will be AFTER the Gowdy Committee issues it's findings.

Ooo keyboard commando. I doubt you'd ever tell anyone IRL to shut up, especially not your wife or any woman. Old man.

And as far as your assertion, I was interviewing a possible new hire around the time of the 9/11 attacks and she was a mouthy type who knew not to stfu during the interview and she said something that rubbed me the wrong way and I indeed did tell her to, "shut up."

Needless to say she wasn't hired.

No brag.

Just fact.
Sure. HaHa

Okay, have it YOUR way.

So after she mouthed off I bitch slapped her and bent her over my desk and shagged her like an Afghan shaggs sheep.

You like that better?

I don't, but this is about YOU.

What coverup. You have to stop pulling this stuff out of thin air.

"What coverup. You have to stop pulling this stuff out of thin air."

OF COURSE it's a cover up!

Try answering this question:

Senator Lindsey Graham: Was there any airplane launched anywhere in the world before the attack was concluded?

General Martin Dempsey: If you’re talking about a strike aircraft, no, Senator.

Why the fizzuck NOT???

If you can't answer that question then shut up until you can...

I believe that will be AFTER the Gowdy Committee issues it's findings.

Ooo keyboard commando. I doubt you'd ever tell anyone IRL to shut up, especially not your wife or any woman. Old man.

And as far as your assertion, I was interviewing a possible new hire around the time of the 9/11 attacks and she was a mouthy type who knew not to stfu during the interview and she said something that rubbed me the wrong way and I indeed did tell her to, "shut up."

Needless to say she wasn't hired.

No brag.

Just fact.
Sure. HaHa

Okay, have it YOUR way.

So after she mouthed off I bitch slapped her and bent her over my desk and shagged her like an Afghan shaggs sheep.

You like that better?

I don't, but this is about YOU.

Where you been, cleaninh house before your wife gets home?
"What coverup. You have to stop pulling this stuff out of thin air."

OF COURSE it's a cover up!

Try answering this question:

Why the fizzuck NOT???

If you can't answer that question then shut up until you can...

I believe that will be AFTER the Gowdy Committee issues it's findings.

Ooo keyboard commando. I doubt you'd ever tell anyone IRL to shut up, especially not your wife or any woman. Old man.

And as far as your assertion, I was interviewing a possible new hire around the time of the 9/11 attacks and she was a mouthy type who knew not to stfu during the interview and she said something that rubbed me the wrong way and I indeed did tell her to, "shut up."

Needless to say she wasn't hired.

No brag.

Just fact.
Sure. HaHa

Okay, have it YOUR way.

So after she mouthed off I bitch slapped her and bent her over my desk and shagged her like an Afghan shaggs sheep.

You like that better?

I don't, but this is about YOU.

Where you been, cleaninh house before your wife gets home?

My stars!
so, to sum things up:

Repubs have found there to be "no there there" in their exhaustive & EXPENSIVE hearings but the USMB eXtreme rw don't accept it. :eusa_think:


yeah, that's about it .. but who knows, 13 investigations, 25,000 pages of documents, and over 50 briefings later, they might find the TRUTH .. next time :p

Maybe next time, the most transparent Administration ever will simply tell the American people the truth without having to go through all of the above!
So POTUS forced Issa's (R) committee to blow $13MILLION in taxpayer dollars for their witch hunt? You're fiunny :laugh: Oldstyle
In congress you negotiate, not just say no to everything.

Unless you're a democrat, right? Then you just cross your arms and tell the other side to sit in the back of the bus and STFU, right hypocrite?
EC 10221119
The Benghazi Report, for example, exonerates the CIA, yet Lyndsey Graham was personally lied to by the CIA on Benghazi.

You mean Petraeus's CIA lied to a US Senator? Are you saying Petraeus betrayed you right wingers with his lies?

You just called Dempsey a liar and you were wrong. How long will it take to see how wrong you are about Petraeus lying to that war-monger Graham? Isn't Rand Paul leading Republicans away from the warmonger wing of the GOP that's been long led by Graham and McCain?
so, to sum things up:

Repubs have found there to be "no there there" in their exhaustive & EXPENSIVE hearings but the USMB eXtreme rw don't accept it. :eusa_think:


yeah, that's about it .. but who knows, 13 investigations, 25,000 pages of documents, and over 50 briefings later, they might find the TRUTH .. next time :p

Maybe next time, the most transparent Administration ever will simply tell the American people the truth without having to go through all of the above!
So POTUS forced Issa's (R) committee to blow $13MILLION in taxpayer dollars for their witch hunt? You're fiunny :laugh: Oldstyle

You're the one whining about all the money that was spent trying to get an honest answer from this Administration, Dottie...I'm the one simply pointing out that if the Obama White House hadn't been reclassifying documents to hide them from Congressional investigators this entire issue could have been dealt with a LONG time ago.

I've asked the same question repeatedly and none of you wants to step up and answer...

Why did the Obama White House reclassify the Ben Rhodes emails to Susan Rice before she went out to do the Sunday shows? Why did Jay Carney tell such an obvious lie about those emails not having anything to do with Benghazi when questioned about them after they were finally discovered because of the Judicial Watch lawsuit?
OS 10235966
It was why Ben Rhodes sent Susan Rice out to those Sunday morning talk shows to push a false narrative.

Susan Rice spoke verbatim the CIA talking points that the CIA wrote for the White House and Congress members like Kurt Gowdy and Lindsay Graham. We know that is a fact because rhe CIA admits that in all the emails that the White House released to the public.

The one lie we know for certain that is being told is the rightwinger lie that Susan Rice was sent out to those Sunday morning talk shows to push a false narrative. And Oldstyle repeats that lie again right here. Its not looking good for Econ(theIrish)Chick's forecast once again.
Trey Gowdy has had serious investigations underway that already refute the stupid report.

If what you say is true why didn't Republican leadership in the House put a hold on the 'stupid' report and wait for Trey Gowdy's 'serious' report to be finalized? It appears you are once again being a partisan wingnut hack once again being forced to call your political leadership stupid and not capable of serious investigations.
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