Lyndsey Graham Who Was Directly Lied To Says House Benghazi Report Full of C R A P

That's your guy, Barry...R-Derp! Six years of zip, nada, nothing...and then all of a sudden he hooks up with Emile Jones and he's a bill passing MACHINE!
In 1998, according to the Congressional daily newspaper The Hill, Graham was describing himself on his website as an Operation Desert Shield andDesert Storm veteran. In reality, he never left South Carolina.

Bob Somerby notes that Lindsey Graham escaped from the incident relatively unscathed. In 2002, when Graham was running for his Senate seat, Joe Conason discovered that Graham’s website still had the misleading biography. And it was still leading people to write stories claiming Graham served overseas. But Graham was elected anyway.

Since then, everyone seems to have completely forgotten that Lindsey Graham lied about being a war veteran.

lindsey graham the hill desert storm veteran - Google Search

Another Republican hero. A GOP leader made up of nothing but lies. Why am I not surprised? Anyone surprised? Anyone?
What are you talking about?
You know how you guys LOVE going in your time machines to 2001 - 2008 to try and indict Bush Co.?

Well, hop in your hoopty and tell us what you dug up about Obama that everyone needs to know to make an informed choice in the 2008 Presidential election, okay?

Oh, you mean you learned investigative journalism as a result of the Obama regime?

Chalk up one positive for Obozo.

What are you talking about?
He doesn't know, he has completely checked out.
OS 10245931
I really can't believe that there is anyone out there who STILL is trying to argue that Susan Rice didn't try and blame the attacks on a spontaneous protest over a video! That was the WHOLE REASON FOR HER GOING ON THOSE TALK SHOWS THAT SUNDAY MORNING!!!

She pointed out that the video caused protests all around the globe. Because they did. But she clearly blamed the attack in Benghazi on heavily armed extremists with possible ties to al Qaeda.
OC 10243146 There has been no scandal related to the reality that a military response could not have saved two Americans at the consulate where over twenty Americans were safely evacuated. And a military response other than saturation bombing of every square meter of a two mile radius around the perimeter of the CIA Annex would have worked. Woods and Dougherty were killed by random mortar fire that came after a lull in attacks hours after the Consulate had been attacked.

The "scandal", Notfooled is that there never was a military response to the attacks even though those in charge didn't know how long the battle might go on. You're right, people WERE killed by mortar fire that came hours after the Consulate had been attacked and there was still no military response. We couldn't even secure the consulate for weeks after the attacks because they STILL hadn't had a military response. It's akin to someone in charge of emergency responses to 911 calls saying that they didn't dispatch a fire truck to a fire because they didn't think they could save the house...or didn't send an ambulance because they didn't think the person having the heart attack was likely to survive until one got there.

If we responded with military attacks in every country where we had a consulate that had been attacked, those countries would likely kick us out. And then where would we be? The fact is that a military response was always a non-starter in this case, and would not have saved our people.

Why would a military response to an attack on American soil be a "non-starter"? Explain to me how anyone could have known that sending help wouldn't have helped?

On CBS' "Face the Nation" Sunday, Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates knocked critics of the Obama administration's response to the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, saying many have a "cartoonish view of military capabilities."
"We don't have a ready force standing by in the Middle East, despite all the turmoil that's going on — with planes on strip alert, troops ready to deploy at a moment's notice — and so getting somebody there in a timely way would have been very difficult, if not impossible," Gates told interviewer Bob Schieffer.

Read more: Gates Benghazi Critic Cartoonish Military - Business Insider

I keep hearing that excuse, Siete...and I keep asking the same did they know how long the attack was going to last? If they sent offensive aircraft to the Benghazi area and they arrived too late then fine...I can see Gate's point and would say that they tried their best. But they never scrambled ANY air response at all!

It didn't matter how long it was going to last. We don't have the capability to launch countermeasures anywhere in the world on a moment's notice. No one does.
If we responded with military attacks in every country where we had a consulate that had been attacked, those countries would likely kick us out. And then where would we be? The fact is that a military response was always a non-starter in this case, and would not have saved our people.

Why would a military response to an attack on American soil be a "non-starter"? Explain to me how anyone could have known that sending help wouldn't have helped?

On CBS' "Face the Nation" Sunday, Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates knocked critics of the Obama administration's response to the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, saying many have a "cartoonish view of military capabilities."
"We don't have a ready force standing by in the Middle East, despite all the turmoil that's going on — with planes on strip alert, troops ready to deploy at a moment's notice — and so getting somebody there in a timely way would have been very difficult, if not impossible," Gates told interviewer Bob Schieffer.

Read more: Gates Benghazi Critic Cartoonish Military - Business Insider

I keep hearing that excuse, Siete...and I keep asking the same did they know how long the attack was going to last? If they sent offensive aircraft to the Benghazi area and they arrived too late then fine...I can see Gate's point and would say that they tried their best. But they never scrambled ANY air response at all!

We don't have a ready force standing by in the Middle East, despite all the turmoil that's going on — with planes on strip alert, troops ready to deploy at a moment's notice.

what part of Gates comment has you so confused ?

You honestly believe that the United States of America doesn't have ANY air assets in the Middle East that are "ready" at a moments notice for action? If that IS the case, Siente it's a scandal of it's own! I don't believe that for a second however and never have.

Having forces station in a region, and having them ready on a moment's notice, are two different things. No one does.
Say whatever you want to about Mitt...he's always been someone who got the job done.

Mitt in 2012 said if he were elected he'd have unemployment below 6% in four years. Obama did it in two. Obama is twice better than Mitt. Case is closed.
Oldstyle has no credibility because... I wrote this:

NF 10246852
I do not ignore what Rice actually said after she mentions the video demonstration that the CIA said was there first.

Oldstyle cited the above and then wrote this:

OS 10247647
You just claimed that she never mentioned the video. YOU WERE WRONG!!!

Oldstyle cannot argue against what I actually write so he makes it up as he goes.
What is the lie? That obama and hilary lied about the attack...immediately after the attack and weeks after the attack, they arrested a film maker who had nothing to do with the attack....that someone high up in the adminstration, like hilary, denied repeated requests directly from the Ambassador for more security, that no one has explained why he was at that building on the anniversary of 9/11 with little or no security, or why someone high up refused to send in a rescue team.....

Gee....we must be silly to ask questions like that....
OS 10247647
How long are you going to pretend that she doesn't blame the attacks on a protest over a video that was then exploited by extremists with heavy weapons...when the heavy weapons were there from the START and there was no protest that took place before the attack?

Susan Rice used the assessment that came from the CIA that there was a spontaneous demonstration.

Here is what the CIA draft sent to the White House for comment. said:

ORIGINAL CIA revised draft of TALKING POINTS (9/14/12 04:42 PM We believe based on currently available information that the demonstrations in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against the U.S. Consulate and subsequently its annex. This assessment may change as additional information is collected and analyzed and currently available information continues to be evaluated.
OS 10245931
I really can't believe that there is anyone out there who STILL is trying to argue that Susan Rice didn't try and blame the attacks on a spontaneous protest over a video! That was the WHOLE REASON FOR HER GOING ON THOSE TALK SHOWS THAT SUNDAY MORNING!!!

She pointed out that the video caused protests all around the globe. Because they did. But she clearly blamed the attack in Benghazi on heavily armed extremists with possible ties to al Qaeda.
OS 10247647
How long are you going to pretend that she doesn't blame the attacks on a protest over a video that was then exploited by extremists with heavy weapons...when the heavy weapons were there from the START and there was no protest that took place before the attack?

Susan Rice used the assessment that came from the CIA that there was a spontaneous demonstration.

Here is what the CIA draft sent to the White House for comment. said:

ORIGINAL CIA revised draft of TALKING POINTS (9/14/12 04:42 PM We believe based on currently available information that the demonstrations in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against the U.S. Consulate and subsequently its annex. This assessment may change as additional information is collected and analyzed and currently available information continues to be evaluated.

You're amusing, Notfooled! What exactly is an "original...revised draft"? That would be the same as calling someone a virgin...slut.

If you didn't have your head so far up your'd know that the Hillary Clinton led State Department had a running battle with the intelligence community to revise the original talking points to take out things such as saying it was an Al Queda affiliate that conducted the attack. That "original...revised" version of the talking points was what they arrived at after REPEATED requests from the State Department to change the talking points.
Or did you sleep through the whole embarrassing White House presser where Jay Carney tried to explain why he wasn't lying when he said the White House only changed one word of the original intelligence talking points?

Since you obviously's a copy of the transcript of CNN coverage from that presser: - Transcripts
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Well, he did subsidize unemployment... Cancel thousands of Oil and Gas exploration leases ... and claim to write two books about his life, which had amounted to zip.

So... pretty much everything he could to prolong sustained unemployment, lower US Production of Energy and to advance deceit, fraud and ignorance as a means to influence the ignorant.
Rdean Im not quoting that massive post but that was ten minutes you'll never get back. Hes already in the TP zone.
they lied that the attack was spontaneous...and in fact Hilary told the family members that they were going to get the film maker who icit d the attack....standing over the coffins of their dead family members....
OS 10249195
You're amusing, Notfooled! What exactly is an "original...revised draft"?

If you dont know what you are talking about you shouldnt comment on it as if you did. That is from the released emails on the CIA talking points. Apparently the CiA produced a draft among themselves and revised it among themselves before sending it to the White House. The point is that the phrase "spontaneous demonstration" came from the CIA with no editing by Secretary Clinton or anyone else in the Administration. Rightwing accusations regarding the editing process are exaggerated and false.
Your post is against the rules. It had nothing to do with this topic. And we conservatives are tired of you libs getting away with breaking the rules day in and day out.

What a fucking whiny bitch. Grow the fuck up and quit whining. WAH WAH.
I think Obama should quit lying, he did say the lie of the year. Why don't you grow up, and think for yourself for once?
And a third failed deflection.

Understandable given the fact 'Benghazi' was a phony scandal.
The Obama administration lied about bengazi, to save his presidential campaign. He said the terrorists were defeated and bengazi proved him wrong. Quit swallowing the lies from Obama.

He never said that.

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