Mac Needs a Commission to Explain the Economy to Him

none of the candidates are--they're going to need some serious advice and CONNECTIONS.

A good leader has to have his/her own economic judgment, and not treat a financial crisis like it's some sort of national security investigation. If the GOP is no longer the principled party of Reagan, but rather an indecisive bunch of numbnuts who need investigations and commissions in order to understand economics, then there really is nothing left for those of us on the fiscal right.
A good leader has to have his/her own economic judgment, and not treat a financial crisis like it's some sort of national security investigation. If the GOP is no longer the principled party of Reagan, but rather an indecisive bunch of numbnuts who need investigations and commissions in order to understand economics, then there really is nothing left for those of us on the fiscal right.

like I said----there's no one up there who is qualified.
You may want to check out Obama's stance on the current "crisis" he wants a commission also. But well that is just different, right?
A good leader has to have his/her own economic judgment, and not treat a financial crisis like it's some sort of national security investigation. If the GOP is no longer the principled party of Reagan, but rather an indecisive bunch of numbnuts who need investigations and commissions in order to understand economics, then there really is nothing left for those of us on the fiscal right.

MUCH of the problem we're facing right now can be laid squarely on the alter of REAGANONMICS, sport.

I know that is hard for you to understand, but it's true nevertheless.

Economic policies take a long time to play out in the economy.

Deregulating our banking industry was something Reagan wanted and those changes to our system made the booms and busts we've had in the world of finance not only possible, but INEVITABLE.
How many advisers does L'il 'O have? Around 2500...300 if whom are for foreign policy (and he was still behind McCain vis-a-vi Russia-Georgia). He claims his being able to employ so many advisers is his qualification for being chief executive of the US.

MUCH of the problem we're facing right now can be laid squarely on the alter of REAGANONMICS, sport.

Because it was so ineffective at knocking down Carter's inflation and putting people back to work?

And let's see, Glass-Steagall, the most important act protecting depositors and consumer debt holders from collapsing investment banks was repealed under Clinton. And it was Clinton's OMB chief who later ran Fannie during its accounting scandals. And it was one of Obama's biggest fundraisers, Jim Johnson, who ran it previously and wanted the company to expand into low credit grade mortgages.

But keep biting the hand that's feeding you, if it makes you feel better.
We are screwed this election year. Both Obama and McCain don't have a clue about the economy.

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