Macron of France Bitch Slaps Biden

I think it's possible that Trump would cooperating wiith China. He would understand that there's nothing can be done to stop China taking America's place in the economic pecking order, and Trump's first priority is his own economic success.

China would also know that Trump is bribable and they would devote large amounts of money to ensure Trump's success. Mostly in the form of personal monetary gifts to Trump personally, in an above board manner.

It just doesn't make sense to know that Trump and Putin are tight for money reasons, and then China wouldn't be.

We now know that Biden represents the worst for China's initiatives, as he does against Russia's prospects of winning the war quickly.

Don't go nuts on me before giving it some thought!
So a POTUS that donated his salary [400 grand per year] is bribable eh ?? you are an idiot .
I think it's possible that Trump would cooperating wiith China. He would understand that there's nothing can be done to stop China taking America's place in the economic pecking order, and Trump's first priority is his own economic success.

China would also know that Trump is bribable and they would devote large amounts of money to ensure Trump's success. Mostly in the form of personal monetary gifts to Trump personally, in an above board manner.

It just doesn't make sense to know that Trump and Putin are tight for money reasons, and then China wouldn't be.

We now know that Biden represents the worst for China's initiatives, as he does against Russia's prospects of winning the war quickly.

Don't go nuts on me before giving it some thought!
your claims of Trump bowing to China certainly didnt happen when he was POTUS did it moron ?
First time ever that a Russian warship docked in Saudi Arabia.

The entire world sees Biden for what he is, weak and incompetent and surrounded by weak and incompetent people.
sad but true .
Wrong AGAIN, duck. Research 2014, Russia annexes Crimea, which BTW, is part of Ukraine. This was done with Obama's approval. You never get tired of being wrong do you?
your claims of Trump bowing to China certainly didnt happen when he was POTUS did it moron ?
Trump was doing a better job of cooperating with China but he had to bow to the wishes of US hate propaganda because his fans wouldn't accept anything else.

I'm quite convinced that he would have only done what was best for his monetary interests.

if you have to throw in the 'moron' stuff to demonstrate your rage, you can gfy from now on. final warning.
your claims of Trump bowing to China certainly didnt happen when he was POTUS did it moron ?
March 4 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

September 4 2022
"I got to know a lot of the foreign leaders and unlike our leader, they're at the top of their game. These are like central casting. There's nobody that could play the role in Hollywood—all of Hollywood, nobody could play the role of President Xi of China...He's a fierce person," the ex-president said.

"Putin, fierce—they're smart. You know a lot of times I'll say somebody's smart and the fake news will go 'He called President Xi smart.' He rules with an iron fist 1.5 billion people, yeah I'd say he's smart," Trump then added.
March 4 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

September 4 2022
"I got to know a lot of the foreign leaders and unlike our leader, they're at the top of their game. These are like central casting. There's nobody that could play the role in Hollywood—all of Hollywood, nobody could play the role of President Xi of China...He's a fierce person," the ex-president said.

"Putin, fierce—they're smart. You know a lot of times I'll say somebody's smart and the fake news will go 'He called President Xi smart.' He rules with an iron fist 1.5 billion people, yeah I'd say he's smart," Trump then added.
calling someone a fierce leader is not bowing to the courtry like xiden has done
March 4 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

September 4 2022
"I got to know a lot of the foreign leaders and unlike our leader, they're at the top of their game. These are like central casting. There's nobody that could play the role in Hollywood—all of Hollywood, nobody could play the role of President Xi of China...He's a fierce person," the ex-president said.

"Putin, fierce—they're smart. You know a lot of times I'll say somebody's smart and the fake news will go 'He called President Xi smart.' He rules with an iron fist 1.5 billion people, yeah I'd say he's smart," Trump then added.
and Trump sanctioned both countries more than any POTUS in history ... do you know the difference between political speech and actions faggot ?
Every week we see more and more how dreadful and incompetent the Junta is. The train wreck of foreign policy under Biden is easily the worst in American history,

Everywhere you look American foreign policy is in shambles.

French President Emmanuel Macron has argued that Europe needs its own “strategic autonomy” from the United States, potentially including its reliance on the dollar and should avoid following America into any conflict with China over Taiwan.
On the plane ride back to Paris from a three-day state visit with Chinese dictator Xi Jinping, President Emmanuel Macron once again expressed his desire for Europe to become the world’s “third superpower” and — of course — with France in the leadership position.
In an interview with the POLITICO website, Mr Macron, who is a leading proponent of the formation of a fully-fledged EU Army, emphasised the need for “strategic autonomy” for Europe from the whims of Washington. A key element of this for the French president would be ramping up the European defence infrastructure in order to reduce its reliance on American arms manufacturers.
More extraordinary, however, was Macron’s comments concerning the use of the dollar as the world reserve currency, saying that Europe should look to reduce its dependence on the “extraterritoriality of the U.S. dollar”. The comments would likely be music to the ears of those in Moscow and Beijing, both of whom have been seeking to undermine the petrodollar.


Unfortunately, you're not changing any blue votes to red. The left are just fine with the US becoming a third world country.
calling someone a fierce leader is not bowing to the courtry like xiden has done
WHEN did Biden do that? Q-NUT?

Did Biden praise China for THEIR work on COVID?
Trump did.

“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!” Trump wrote in a tweet.
WHEN did Biden do that? Q-NUT?

Did Biden praise China for THEIR work on COVID?
Trump did.

“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!” Trump wrote in a tweet.

Biden's comments downplaying China threat to U.S. fire up pols on both sides​

“China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man,” the former vice president said.

“I mean, you know, they’re not bad folks, folks.

Then of course they got him in office, and he let them fly a spy drone all across the United States to gather our military secrets....Xiden, Xi's best friend...

Chinese spy balloon gathered intelligence from sensitive U.S. military sites, despite U.S. efforts to block it​

Trump was doing a better job of cooperating with China but he had to bow to the wishes of US hate propaganda because his fans wouldn't accept anything else.

I'm quite convinced that he would have only done what was best for his monetary interests.

if you have to throw in the 'moron' stuff to demonstrate your rage, you can gfy from now on. final warning.
For the United States to wean itself out of some agendas it would be going through withdrawal. Trump had to trudge through that minefield. Joe and the Progs are just paying lip service to returning manufacturing here in any large numbers. We would cry if there was a total shutdown of products coming from China to us. And France somehow is France to us.
Xi understood how easy it is to manipulate Trump. He put on a big pageant to flatter Trump when he visited, and Trump could not stop gushing about his love of Xi and China ever since.

Trump did absolutely nothing to quash China. He stupid far left tariff war hurt American importers and no one else. It was a catastrophic failure which widened our trade deficit with China to record levels.

Biden has stupidly chosen to continue the tariff war, but that's to be expected from a leftist.

However, Biden has done more to kick China in the nuts than Trump ever did.

Biden Administration Clamps Down on China’s Access to Chip Technology

US, Japan, South Korea Launch Forum to Cut Off Chips to China

In the Tech War with China, the U.S. Is Finding Friends

On October 7, 2022, the Biden Administration unilaterally imposed a set of export controls that restrict sales to China of advanced computer chips designed for running Artificial Intelligence applications and military supercomputers as well as the manufacturing equipment for making those chips. Since U.S. companies design more than 95% of the AI chips that are used in China, and also produce manufacturing equipment that is used in every single Chinese chip factory, these export controls pose an extraordinary obstacle to China’s ambitions to lead the world in AI technology and to achieve self-sufficiency in semiconductors.

However, the export controls were also a major diplomatic gamble. If the U.S. forced U.S. industry to stop selling advanced chips and chip-making equipment to China, only for other countries to step in and replace the United States, the policy would have dealt a major blow to U.S. industry. The U.S. would suffer a huge loss of market share and revenue in China and gain in return only a fleeting national security benefit, perhaps setting China back only a matter of months. The policy’s success depended entirely upon persuading U.S. allies—particularly Taiwan, the Netherlands, and Japan—to follow the U.S. lead and adopt similar export control regulations.


In late January, the Biden Administration secured a remarkable diplomatic victory: a deal with the Netherlands and Japan to establish multilateral semiconductor technology export controls on China.
and Trump sanctioned both countries more than any POTUS in history ... do you know the difference between political speech and actions faggot ?

Sure "ACTIONS"..............

“I am very happy with over $100 Billion a year in Tariffs filling U.S. coffers,” tweeted President Trump this month. This money is “great for U.S., not good for China!”

The President’s accounting is, unfortunately, way off. First, his China tariffs last year netted the government less than a tenth of what he claims. Second, those tariffs were not paid by China, but by American companies importing Chinese goods—much of them components needed to manufacture products in the United States

Yet as we pointed out last December, Trump's tariff claims have a bigger flaw. In 2018, the U.S. government committed to paying American farmers $9.6 billion to offset their losses from Chinese tariff retaliation. This is about $1 billion more than it took in all year from Trump’s China tariffs. Tariffs, therefore, ending up not just harming American companies and consumers, but costing the government money. More money left “U.S. coffers” to offset farm losses than came into them from U.S. importers.

From 'momentous' to 'meh' — Trump's China trade deal ...​

Politico › newsletters › 2022/01/13

Jan 13, 2022 — President DONALD TRUMP hailed the Jan. 15, 2020, signing of the U.S.-China Phase One trade deal as a “momentous step … toward a future of ...

Centerpiece of Trump's trade deal with China 'failed ...​

Fortune › 2021/02/09 › trump-china-trade-de...

Feb 8, 2021 — The U.S. and China signed the “phase one” trade agreement in January 2020, and its “centerpiece” was China's pledge to purchase $200 billion ..

EVERYTHING the incompetent retard was involved in, turned to shit.
Xi understood how easy it is to manipulate Trump. He put on a big pageant to flatter Trump when he visited, and Trump could not stop gushing about his love of Xi and China ever since.

Trump did absolutely nothing to quash China. He stupid far left tariff war hurt American importers and no one else. It was a catastrophic failure which widened our trade deficit with China to record levels.

Biden has stupidly chosen to continue the tariff war, but that's to be expected from a leftist.

However, Biden has done more to kick China in the nuts than Trump ever did.

Biden Administration Clamps Down on China’s Access to Chip Technology

US, Japan, South Korea Launch Forum to Cut Off Chips to China

In the Tech War with China, the U.S. Is Finding Friends

On October 7, 2022, the Biden Administration unilaterally imposed a set of export controls that restrict sales to China of advanced computer chips designed for running Artificial Intelligence applications and military supercomputers as well as the manufacturing equipment for making those chips. Since U.S. companies design more than 95% of the AI chips that are used in China, and also produce manufacturing equipment that is used in every single Chinese chip factory, these export controls pose an extraordinary obstacle to China’s ambitions to lead the world in AI technology and to achieve self-sufficiency in semiconductors.

However, the export controls were also a major diplomatic gamble. If the U.S. forced U.S. industry to stop selling advanced chips and chip-making equipment to China, only for other countries to step in and replace the United States, the policy would have dealt a major blow to U.S. industry. The U.S. would suffer a huge loss of market share and revenue in China and gain in return only a fleeting national security benefit, perhaps setting China back only a matter of months. The policy’s success depended entirely upon persuading U.S. allies—particularly Taiwan, the Netherlands, and Japan—to follow the U.S. lead and adopt similar export control regulations.


In late January, the Biden Administration secured a remarkable diplomatic victory: a deal with the Netherlands and Japan to establish multilateral semiconductor technology export controls on China.

There is no way we can compete without tariffs. And tariffs made us a great nation economically for manufacturing. Times change I know. We were sold on the service economy replacing the manufacturing one. It just did not pan out as we were told would happen. The real wages dropped with employment created through service with other jobs created to service the service employment a lot less.
For the United States to wean itself out of some agendas it would be going through withdrawal. Trump had to trudge through that minefield.
Joe and the Progs are just paying lip service to returning manufacturing here in any large numbers. We would cry if there was a total shutdown of products coming from China to us. And France somehow is France to us.
Maybe it's like: If Joe builds it, they will come?
Full employment is a bad omen, and especially when attempting to compete with China's low labour costs and their more toward high quality.

It seems to say that there's no solution but war!
At a time when there is no progress with America's war against Russia??

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