Macron, Trudeau, Johnson, and Princess Ann laugh at Trump.

It appears that most of the ukraine specialists in the white house were obama plants with no interest in uncovering the truth
Trump has been president for nearly 3 years now. This has nothing to do with Obama.
I think it does

Obama was president when the soft coup to overthrow trump was launched
There was no coup. Not even a soft coup.
So far its only an attempted coup
It's not even an attempted coup.

A coup is the violent overthrow of a government.

There has been no violence to overthrow the government and Trump is not the government.
Thats why we refer to it as a soft coup
Trump did not violate any law
Of course he did. Asking Zelensky to investigate a political rival is a thing of value to his own campaign. Zelensky is a foreign national. It's illegal to solicit a foreign national to contribute anything of value towards his campaign.
What you are saying is that presidential candidates are the sacred cows of American politics
I said no such thing. I even clarified I didn't when you made that same mistake earlier.
A sacred cow is the practical result of your complaint against trump

Politicians in both parties are cashing in on their positions of power and its time they were called out for it
"A sacred cow is the practical result of your complaint against trump"


Uh, no, it's not. I never said Biden couldn't, or even shouldn't, be investigated. Virtually anybody else could have asked for it. But not someone running for the same office as Biden.

So how on Earth does that make Biden a "sacred cow?"
I understand

Obama would have called one of his flunkies to the Oval Office and said “do this and forget I told you to”

But trump is not a seasoned swamp rat driven by polls and focus groups
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Trump is an idiot who is laughed at by our allies. They still respect the US, but not him. They will all celebrate when the orange fool is gone, and we can resume our place as a respected country.

Many Americans in turn laugh back at these heads of state and appeasers like yourself who only “respect” US when there is a global appeaser in the White House that they can shape and mold. The heads of state laughing at US because of a Reagan, Bush, or Trump in the White House can kiss my ass as I don’t give a flying fuck what they think or feel; and, the stark reality is those laugh heads need US more than we need them.
Yopu are confusing the United States of America with Donald Trump.

They are laughing at Trump & wondering what the fuck happened in the US to elect him.

They ought to be crying among themselves why their countries are not strong as US. They can mock Trump and those of US that supported Trump. Again, I don’t give a fuck what they think or how they feel.... they need US more than we need them. I wouldn’t imagine they would like Trump because unlike an Obama, Clinton or Kerry, Trump is not going to be pushed around.

Yet he can easily be led around by the nose. Note how easily Putin directs his actions.

Where is the video of Trump telling Putin proxies he will have more flexibility after the Election?
Trump has been president for nearly 3 years now. This has nothing to do with Obama.
I think it does

Obama was president when the soft coup to overthrow trump was launched
There was no coup. Not even a soft coup.
In my opinion the actions of the DOJ and FBI are far more serious

Whether they were working under orders from obama or entirely on their own the goal was to bring trump down by any means at their disposal

And the Deep State has a lot of means
That's still not a coup. And as far as who was involved, we should be finding out next week when Horowitz's report gets released.
You mean its not a coup if the left and friends in the Deep State twist the law to cover their aggression

Thats an age old tactic

I am not calling you a nazi but everything hitler did was covered by german law when he did it
No, it's not a coup in any terms a cording to the definition of the word, "coup."
I think it does

Obama was president when the soft coup to overthrow trump was launched
There was no coup. Not even a soft coup.
In my opinion the actions of the DOJ and FBI are far more serious

Whether they were working under orders from obama or entirely on their own the goal was to bring trump down by any means at their disposal

And the Deep State has a lot of means
That's still not a coup. And as far as who was involved, we should be finding out next week when Horowitz's report gets released.
You mean its not a coup if the left and friends in the Deep State twist the law to cover their aggression

Thats an age old tactic

I am not calling you a nazi but everything hitler did was covered by german law when he did it
No, it's not a coup in any terms a cording to the definition of the word, "coup."
Like the man said, a rose by any other name...
The first sign of serious mental illness is to care more about how others see you than how you see yourself. All the worse if the people you worry about are all flaming jackasses.

Only a jackass cares what other jackasses think.
If everyone is laughing at you and you didn’t tell a need to wonder what the reason is

Trump is openly mocked around the much for making America Great

Only idiots like you care what the rest of the world thinks. I sure don't especially since a lot of the rest of the world gets foreign aid from we tax payers. I'd do away with that as well.

Trump is making America great again, for Americans.

You can always move to one of those countries you admire so much. Adios shithead.

Yes, I do care

We rely on the rest of the world to assist us in military actions. Often picking up much of the on the ground combat

We also rely on them for trade deals and international treaties
We are not alone on this planet

The fact that our leader is not trusted and mocked as a fool does not help us

When was the last time the rest of the world was laughing at the POTUS.
Obama's Red Line. The world was busting a gut, except for those who Assad gassed of course.

You idiots keep talking about Obama's "Red Line in the Sand", but forget why he didn't carry through on that threat: Because the Republican Congress and Senate refused to authorize the use of force. Unlike your orange faced clown, Obama respected the will of the people and didn't use military force.

Trump keeps trying to find ways to get around Congress, or just do whatever he wants anyway, which is why Trump is being impeached.
Putin interfered in the election. But there is insufficient evidence to tie Trump to Putin's actions. That's not a coup.

Trump chose to withhold congressional approved aid to Ukraine, and not schedule a state visit, unless Ukraine reopened an investigation that had been closed by a previous administration of Trump's political opponent. That is illegal. No one forced Trump to do it, and as Turley argues .. it's not gonna get him kicked outta office

And the reason Trump is going to be impeached is really as simple as he's a bully with no respect for other people or the law, and the only thing he does respect is getting his own ass kicked.
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No. NATO decided the missions were needed. Not the US.
The US requested NATO assistance in Afghanistan.

No. NATO sent civilians to speak with Afghanis. Any military action they took wasn't because they were helping us.

NATO and Afghanistan

You lying piece of shit. How dare you denigrate the contributions of other nations to the American war. The blood they shed. The financial costs of executed the war. Troops from 39 NATO nations went to Afghanistand and some of them are still there.

158 Canadian troops were killed in Afghanistan fighting on behalf of NATO. Our troops executed your war for 10 years, and Canadians are still paying the price for our "wounded warriors". Thousands more were injured, and our government is still dealing with their injuries and disabilities.

Canada and the War in Afghanistan | The Canadian Encyclopedia

You stupid piece of shit. If they were there it was under NATO. If the Canadian Govt. authorized those troops then they knew what could happen. You think they didn't know they would have dead and wounded??

No one is forgetting the dad and injured. Only an idiot like you would try to play that card.

You really are one stupid piece of shit.
You are an evil bitch. 450 British soldiers were killed in the Stan and another 150 in Iraq. Tempted there by American lies.
Trump is an idiot who is laughed at by our allies. They still respect the US, but not him. They will all celebrate when the orange fool is gone, and we can resume our place as a respected country.

Here is a simple explanation from someone who lived in different countries and have friends all over the world. We all knew that third of Americans are extremely dumb and educated and Trump is just a reflection of that. You don't need to listen to him or them just look at their faces and body languages. Some of those dumb people they say well screw the rest of the world, and that just sums up their dumbness. America without the world is nothing and vise versa...we have been and we will live in this big small village we call it the world.

So instead of coming here to vent your stupidity, do us a favor and start educating yourself about why the US needs the rest of the world. Oh when you sip that coffee in the morning check what part of the world it came from, also that coffee machine, oh and that computer or cellphone you are writing your stupidity from.
A third of America is black and brown which makes your post racist.


Being a stupid fuck is not a race. ...

It’s just your lifestyle?
Farmers and big companies?
Why did the epa stop farmers from growing?
Better question:

When do you think the EPA stopped farmers from farming?
Epa- Democrat’s creating laws to control people, I’m thinking 1978 on
Allowing people to live longer is so controlling.

Trump's recent actions will sicken/kill, thousands of Americans every year.

Maybe one will be you or someone you know.
--------------------------------------------------------- maybe , or maybe NOT RDave .

Trump claims hos actions here are helping corporations. The only way they would help would be allowing them to pollute more. Lowering the air standards will leasd to increased deaths & ill nesses. Ask the American Lung Association.

There is no maybe. Pollution kills
Trump is an idiot who is laughed at by our allies. They still respect the US, but not him. They will all celebrate when the orange fool is gone, and we can resume our place as a respected country.

Here is a simple explanation from someone who lived in different countries and have friends all over the world. We all knew that third of Americans are extremely dumb and educated and Trump is just a reflection of that. You don't need to listen to him or them just look at their faces and body languages. Some of those dumb people they say well screw the rest of the world, and that just sums up their dumbness. America without the world is nothing and vise versa...we have been and we will live in this big small village we call it the world.

So instead of coming here to vent your stupidity, do us a favor and start educating yourself about why the US needs the rest of the world. Oh when you sip that coffee in the morning check what part of the world it came from, also that coffee machine, oh and that computer or cellphone you are writing your stupidity from.
A third of America is black and brown which makes your post racist.


Being a stupid fuck is not a race. ...
I didn't vote for Trump.

It’s just your lifestyle?
Trump is an idiot who is laughed at by our allies. They still respect the US, but not him. They will all celebrate when the orange fool is gone, and we can resume our place as a respected country.

/—-/ Who cares what those twerps think. They can just line up with their hats in their hands begging for US Taxpayer dollars. Let them stew.

Trump is an idiot who is laughed at by our allies. They still respect the US, but not him. They will all celebrate when the orange fool is gone, and we can resume our place as a respected country.

Many Americans in turn laugh back at these heads of state and appeasers like yourself who only “respect” US when there is a global appeaser in the White House that they can shape and mold. The heads of state laughing at US because of a Reagan, Bush, or Trump in the White House can kiss my ass as I don’t give a flying fuck what they think or feel; and, the stark reality is those laugh heads need US more than we need them.
Yopu are confusing the United States of America with Donald Trump.

They are laughing at Trump & wondering what the fuck happened in the US to elect him.

They ought to be crying among themselves why their countries are not strong as US. They can mock Trump and those of US that supported Trump. Again, I don’t give a fuck what they think or how they feel.... they need US more than we need them. I wouldn’t imagine they would like Trump because unlike an Obama, Clinton or Kerry, Trump is not going to be pushed around.

Russia & NK are playing Trump like a drum.
I'd bet that, at some level, Trumpsters understand why so many people mock him and his behaviors.

They won't admit it, because they have to keep their defenses up at all times, but they know he's a buffoon.

It may be a few layers down, but it's in there somewhere. I give them the benefit of the doubt.
Trump is not a professional politician

He’s an ordinary guy who is not poll driven or focus group tested

Obama, bush, biden, hillary and the other washington swamp rats are buffoons also

But being plastic and contrived do not display their buffonary quite as often

But we have glimpses of it for every one
I'm not talking about behaviors within a political context. I'm talking about behaviors within the context of a normally-functioning, relatively intelligent adult.

Again, I'll bet you know that, at some level.
Trump was intelligent enough to beat the corrupt washington insiders at their own game on the first try

Which is the only context that matters
He sure did

He took corrupt to a new level
Trump has done nothing illegal as president

If he had the democrats would have impeached him long ago
Republicsans ran Congress until Jan of this year you stupid shit.
No. NATO decided the missions were needed. Not the US.
The US requested NATO assistance in Afghanistan.

No. NATO sent civilians to speak with Afghanis. Any military action they took wasn't because they were helping us.

NATO and Afghanistan

You lying piece of shit. How dare you denigrate the contributions of other nations to the American war. The blood they shed. The financial costs of executed the war. Troops from 39 NATO nations went to Afghanistand and some of them are still there.

158 Canadian troops were killed in Afghanistan fighting on behalf of NATO. Our troops executed your war for 10 years, and Canadians are still paying the price for our "wounded warriors". Thousands more were injured, and our government is still dealing with their injuries and disabilities.

Canada and the War in Afghanistan | The Canadian Encyclopedia

You stupid piece of shit. If they were there it was under NATO. If the Canadian Govt. authorized those troops then they knew what could happen. You think they didn't know they would have dead and wounded??

No one is forgetting the dad and injured. Only an idiot like you would try to play that card.

You really are one stupid piece of shit.
You are an evil bitch. 450 British soldiers were killed in the Stan and another 150 in Iraq. Tempted there by American lies.

Sorry they couldn’t find a war that was more your speed, like Las Malvinas.
Trump is not a professional politician

He’s an ordinary guy who is not poll driven or focus group tested

Obama, bush, biden, hillary and the other washington swamp rats are buffoons also

But being plastic and contrived do not display their buffonary quite as often

But we have glimpses of it for every one
I'm not talking about behaviors within a political context. I'm talking about behaviors within the context of a normally-functioning, relatively intelligent adult.

Again, I'll bet you know that, at some level.
Trump was intelligent enough to beat the corrupt washington insiders at their own game on the first try

Which is the only context that matters
He sure did

He took corrupt to a new level
Trump has done nothing illegal as president

If he had the democrats would have impeached him long ago
Republicsans ran Congress until Jan of this year you stupid shit.
No Paul Ryan ran it and Paul Ryan hates Trump even more than you do....
They sent advisors after 2014 and after they helped us invade the county, at our behest

No. one tells NATO what to do. NATO made that decision after conferring with the members.

If they decided to assist in Afghanistan it was because they thought it was for the best. Not because the US requested it.

Wrong yet least you are consistent.
Nato approves military support for US

“NATO has approved the United State’s eight specific request....”

Do you not get tired of always being wrong?

NATO approved it. The NATO members approved it.

Not the US. Don't you ever get tired of being wrong??

Yes they approved it AFTER we asked for claimed we did not request were wrong...just move on
The US requested NATO assistance in Afghanistan.

No. NATO sent civilians to speak with Afghanis. Any military action they took wasn't because they were helping us.

NATO and Afghanistan

You lying piece of shit. How dare you denigrate the contributions of other nations to the American war. The blood they shed. The financial costs of executed the war. Troops from 39 NATO nations went to Afghanistand and some of them are still there.

158 Canadian troops were killed in Afghanistan fighting on behalf of NATO. Our troops executed your war for 10 years, and Canadians are still paying the price for our "wounded warriors". Thousands more were injured, and our government is still dealing with their injuries and disabilities.

Canada and the War in Afghanistan | The Canadian Encyclopedia

You stupid piece of shit. If they were there it was under NATO. If the Canadian Govt. authorized those troops then they knew what could happen. You think they didn't know they would have dead and wounded??

No one is forgetting the dad and injured. Only an idiot like you would try to play that card.

You really are one stupid piece of shit.
Trump is questioning the need to keep any troops in afghanistan

Its a piece of shit place not worth fighting for

We should have gone in in 2002, killed as many foreign fighters as we could in six months and then pulled out

I agree. We should have done the same in Iraq. Go in, kill the fuckers and leave. Let them rebuild.

Hearts and minds my ass.

Exactly. Once we toppled the government, we were tied into nation building.
I'm not talking about behaviors within a political context. I'm talking about behaviors within the context of a normally-functioning, relatively intelligent adult.

Again, I'll bet you know that, at some level.
Trump was intelligent enough to beat the corrupt washington insiders at their own game on the first try

Which is the only context that matters
He sure did

He took corrupt to a new level
Trump has done nothing illegal as president

If he had the democrats would have impeached him long ago
Republicsans ran Congress until Jan of this year you stupid shit.
No Paul Ryan ran it and Paul Ryan hates Trump even more than you do....
Paul Ryan is a Republican.

Quit trying to make excuses for your stupid post. Republicans would never start impeachment against their orange leader.
He sure did

He took corrupt to a new level
Trump has done nothing illegal as president

If he had the democrats would have impeached him long ago
They just recently learned he solicited a foreign national to help him find dirt on a political rival.
Trump is the chief law enforcement officer in America

He can investigate wrongdoing by corrupt US officials anywhere in the world
He can. But he can't solicit foreign nationals to help with his campaign.
So biden is immune from any wrongdoing if he runs for president?

All his sins are forgiven

Like you grant to Trump?

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