Macron, Trudeau, Johnson, and Princess Ann laugh at Trump.

Well the American people laugh at them....

Yes, there are a lot of fools in the USA who don't see how their loser of a President, is costing them money, jobs, trade, and security. Macron sat in that press conference and ripped Trump a new one about his tweet that he was pulling out of Syria, without so much as a phone call to warn his NATO allies who also had troops in Syria, what was about to go down, putting French, British and Canadian soldiers assisting in the war against ISIS in Syria, at risk.

And Macron made a point of ripping him in French so that all Trump could do was sit on his ass looking miserable as the translator told him what Macron was saying. Macron could have said it all in English because Macron is a well-educated man, but he made Trump sit there like a whipped dog while his translator told him what Macron was saying.

What Pelosi does to Trump in their every confrontation, and Trudeau did to Trump at their last meeting, Macron did here. Do you think that ANY of these people have any faith that Trump is their ally, when he has shown his allegiance to Putin and Russia over his NATO allies, time and time again.

The rest of the world is re-ordering world trade, and strategic alliances around a new world order that doesn't include you. Once that happens, the US military will be SENT home, because they represent a threat to this new world order. Your corporate vultures will not be allowed to sell their goods to the world and ship home the wealth. And we're reducing our reliance on American goods.

American exports are DOWN, under Trump. We're buying and selling more of our goods from Europe and South America. As is China. If you people want to continue your drift into authoriitarian dictatorship and continue to degrade the spending on research, education and technology, have at it. Don't expect the rest of the world to go with you.

Did you run out of coloring books?
Well the American people laugh at them....

Yes, there are a lot of fools in the USA who don't see how their loser of a President, is costing them money, jobs, trade, and security. Macron sat in that press conference and ripped Trump a new one about his tweet that he was pulling out of Syria, without so much as a phone call to warn his NATO allies who also had troops in Syria, what was about to go down, putting French, British and Canadian soldiers assisting in the war against ISIS in Syria, at risk.

And Macron made a point of ripping him in French so that all Trump could do was sit on his ass looking miserable as the translator told him what Macron was saying. Macron could have said it all in English because Macron is a well-educated man, but he made Trump sit there like a whipped dog while his translator told him what Macron was saying.

What Pelosi does to Trump in their every confrontation, and Trudeau did to Trump at their last meeting, Macron did here. Do you think that ANY of these people have any faith that Trump is their ally, when he has shown his allegiance to Putin and Russia over his NATO allies, time and time again.

The rest of the world is re-ordering world trade, and strategic alliances around a new world order that doesn't include you. Once that happens, the US military will be SENT home, because they represent a threat to this new world order. Your corporate vultures will not be allowed to sell their goods to the world and ship home the wealth. And we're reducing our reliance on American goods.

American exports are DOWN, under Trump. We're buying and selling more of our goods from Europe and South America. As is China. If you people want to continue your drift into authoriitarian dictatorship and continue to degrade the spending on research, education and technology, have at it. Don't expect the rest of the world to go with you.

Did you run out of coloring books?
Is that the best you can do with a reply. We know who uses coloring books. The only books you use. Trump supporters continually show their stupidity.
Trump was intelligent enough to beat the corrupt washington insiders at their own game on the first try

Which is the only context that matters
He sure did

He took corrupt to a new level
Trump has done nothing illegal as president

If he had the democrats would have impeached him long ago
Republicsans ran Congress until Jan of this year you stupid shit.
No Paul Ryan ran it and Paul Ryan hates Trump even more than you do....
Paul Ryan is a Republican.

Quit trying to make excuses for your stupid post. Republicans would never start impeachment against their orange leader.
Paul Rayan is a washington swamp rat who was in someones back pocket

And he hates trump

So much that he was willing to lose the House just to hurt trump
Trump has done nothing illegal as president

If he had the democrats would have impeached him long ago
They just recently learned he solicited a foreign national to help him find dirt on a political rival.
Trump is the chief law enforcement officer in America

He can investigate wrongdoing by corrupt US officials anywhere in the world
He can. But he can't solicit foreign nationals to help with his campaign.
So biden is immune from any wrongdoing if he runs for president?

All his sins are forgiven

Like you grant to Trump?
Trump has sins but no crimes

We think biden broke the law but need an investigation to prove it
You're still stuck in the last election, Fake.
Hillary lost that election fair and square, time to move on.

Only if you consider Russian help as being fair which I am sure you do.

So, all your bitching & complaining about Obama was you being stuck in the 2008 & 2012 elections. You actually love the ACA & everything Obama did in office, right?

Look, you & I both know that you voted for Trump thinking his campaign approach of lying & hate spewing would end when he took office. You thought he would be the businessman & work all the time not golf as he promised. Now that Trump has just magnified his lies & corruption, you are too embarrassed to admit it. Instead you pretend to support Trump being a flaming asshole. Trump has made a total fool out of you & your Trumpette hoard.
I challenged Obama's policies, Fake.....not the person. I was never a birther, never called him a chimp.
There is nothing wrong challenging the opposition's policy.
You attack the man, because you can't attack his policies.
I know you're not honest or mature enough to do the same..
I voted for Trump for one reason, and that was the Supreme Court pick....period.
Everything else that he's done for the economy, military, etc. was icing on the cake.

His policies which have led to the Federal Fund Rate being lowered the last two consecutive quarters?
At least he has a fed fund rate....Obama never did. Yes....his policies. :dance:
The Fed dropped the rate to its lowest possible level under Bush because of his failed policies. Meanwhile, while you're bragging about the economy under Trump, the reality is the Fed had to lower the Federal Fund rate the last two quarters.
Nobody was bragging about the economy, Faun, the economy hasn't crashed like the left predicted and is going in the right direction
You want to argue about that....we can have that discussion, but, don't put words in my mouth and argue.

As for the fed rates under Obama....they were at 0 or near 0 his entire is sad that his policies had that effect.
Only idiots like you care what the rest of the world thinks. I sure don't especially since a lot of the rest of the world gets foreign aid from we tax payers. I'd do away with that as well.

Trump is making America great again, for Americans.

You can always move to one of those countries you admire so much. Adios shithead.

Yes, I do care

We rely on the rest of the world to assist us in military actions. Often picking up much of the on the ground combat

We also rely on them for trade deals and international treaties
We are not alone on this planet

The fact that our leader is not trusted and mocked as a fool does not help us

Assist us in military actions?? Your delusional. No one assists us. In fact, they expect us to carry the load.

We work our own trade deals and treaties.

We might as well be alone on this planet as everyone on the planet expects us to fund them and protect them at our tax payers expense.

I couldn't care less if they mock Trump and I'd bet he couldn't care less either. As for being trusted? They sure trust us when they need out protection and our money.

Your one stupid biased asshole.

Sorry, but you are the stupid biased asshole.

NATO troops have assisted us many many times,.

Operations and missions: past and present

Read it.

No. NATO decided the missions were needed. Not the US. We have assisted many times UNDER NATO.

Your an idiot.
"Your an idiot"...these jokes write themselves sometimes. :auiqs.jpg:
Not like you ever would do that, huh, "Howdy Dowdy"? :auiqs.jpg:
He sure did

He took corrupt to a new level
Trump has done nothing illegal as president

If he had the democrats would have impeached him long ago
Republicsans ran Congress until Jan of this year you stupid shit.
No Paul Ryan ran it and Paul Ryan hates Trump even more than you do....
Paul Ryan is a Republican.

Quit trying to make excuses for your stupid post. Republicans would never start impeachment against their orange leader.
So is Romney....Trump is an outsider running on the republican ticket...that is why you dems blew could have gotten your way with Trump like no other republican president with the right amount of finesse...too late for that we will have a frozen government until 2020....
The left cried wolf too soon and too often to have any credibility now
You're still stuck in the last election, Fake.
Hillary lost that election fair and square, time to move on.

Only if you consider Russian help as being fair which I am sure you do.

So, all your bitching & complaining about Obama was you being stuck in the 2008 & 2012 elections. You actually love the ACA & everything Obama did in office, right?

Look, you & I both know that you voted for Trump thinking his campaign approach of lying & hate spewing would end when he took office. You thought he would be the businessman & work all the time not golf as he promised. Now that Trump has just magnified his lies & corruption, you are too embarrassed to admit it. Instead you pretend to support Trump being a flaming asshole. Trump has made a total fool out of you & your Trumpette hoard.
I challenged Obama's policies, Fake.....not the person. I was never a birther, never called him a chimp.
There is nothing wrong challenging the opposition's policy.
You attack the man, because you can't attack his policies.
I know you're not honest or mature enough to do the same..
I voted for Trump for one reason, and that was the Supreme Court pick....period.
Everything else that he's done for the economy, military, etc. was icing on the cake.

His policies which have led to the Federal Fund Rate being lowered the last two consecutive quarters?
At least he has a fed fund rate....Obama never did. Yes....his policies. :dance:
So you assfucks are still blaming Obama for the Bush recession?
Did I say that, you moron?
If I did, please show me where I have ever mentioned that Obama was the cause of the recession.
If not, just STFU
Only if you consider Russian help as being fair which I am sure you do.

So, all your bitching & complaining about Obama was you being stuck in the 2008 & 2012 elections. You actually love the ACA & everything Obama did in office, right?

Look, you & I both know that you voted for Trump thinking his campaign approach of lying & hate spewing would end when he took office. You thought he would be the businessman & work all the time not golf as he promised. Now that Trump has just magnified his lies & corruption, you are too embarrassed to admit it. Instead you pretend to support Trump being a flaming asshole. Trump has made a total fool out of you & your Trumpette hoard.
I challenged Obama's policies, Fake.....not the person. I was never a birther, never called him a chimp.
There is nothing wrong challenging the opposition's policy.
You attack the man, because you can't attack his policies.
I know you're not honest or mature enough to do the same..
I voted for Trump for one reason, and that was the Supreme Court pick....period.
Everything else that he's done for the economy, military, etc. was icing on the cake.

His policies which have led to the Federal Fund Rate being lowered the last two consecutive quarters?
At least he has a fed fund rate....Obama never did. Yes....his policies. :dance:
So you assfucks are still blaming Obama for the Bush recession?
Did I say that, you moron?
If I did, please show me where I have ever mentioned that Obama was the cause of the recession.
If not, just STFU
If you are going to attack Obama for something he did not cause, have the balls to admit it when you are caught. You panty waisted Trumpettes are just too funny. And yes, there was an interest rate by the Fed when Obama was President.

Poster: Trump's policies led to the Fed bailing us out twice

Dumbfuck you : Obama had no rate. his policies.

Now you can be the lying fuck that you are but your comment said Obama's policies caused the Fed to have a zero rate.

Maybe this tactic of lies works among your hoard of uneducated dumbass Trumpettes, but it won't fly here.
Trump is an idiot who is laughed at by our allies. They still respect the US, but not him. They will all celebrate when the orange fool is gone, and we can resume our place as a respected country.

Many Americans in turn laugh back at these heads of state and appeasers like yourself who only “respect” US when there is a global appeaser in the White House that they can shape and mold. The heads of state laughing at US because of a Reagan, Bush, or Trump in the White House can kiss my ass as I don’t give a flying fuck what they think or feel; and, the stark reality is those laugh heads need US more than we need them.
Yopu are confusing the United States of America with Donald Trump.

They are laughing at Trump & wondering what the fuck happened in the US to elect him.

They ought to be crying among themselves why their countries are not strong as US. They can mock Trump and those of US that supported Trump. Again, I don’t give a fuck what they think or how they feel.... they need US more than we need them. I wouldn’t imagine they would like Trump because unlike an Obama, Clinton or Kerry, Trump is not going to be pushed around.

Russia & NK are playing Trump like a drum.

Maybe if Trump capitulated and appeased them by sending palettes of $1.7B in cash in the dark of night; that would be a show of fortitude?
Well the American people laugh at them....

Yes, there are a lot of fools in the USA who don't see how their loser of a President, is costing them money, jobs, trade, and security. Macron sat in that press conference and ripped Trump a new one about his tweet that he was pulling out of Syria, without so much as a phone call to warn his NATO allies who also had troops in Syria, what was about to go down, putting French, British and Canadian soldiers assisting in the war against ISIS in Syria, at risk.

And Macron made a point of ripping him in French so that all Trump could do was sit on his ass looking miserable as the translator told him what Macron was saying. Macron could have said it all in English because Macron is a well-educated man, but he made Trump sit there like a whipped dog while his translator told him what Macron was saying.

What Pelosi does to Trump in their every confrontation, and Trudeau did to Trump at their last meeting, Macron did here. Do you think that ANY of these people have any faith that Trump is their ally, when he has shown his allegiance to Putin and Russia over his NATO allies, time and time again.

The rest of the world is re-ordering world trade, and strategic alliances around a new world order that doesn't include you. Once that happens, the US military will be SENT home, because they represent a threat to this new world order. Your corporate vultures will not be allowed to sell their goods to the world and ship home the wealth. And we're reducing our reliance on American goods.

American exports are DOWN, under Trump. We're buying and selling more of our goods from Europe and South America. As is China. If you people want to continue your drift into authoriitarian dictatorship and continue to degrade the spending on research, education and technology, have at it. Don't expect the rest of the world to go with you.

Did you run out of coloring books?
Is that the best you can do with a reply. We know who uses coloring books. ...

Yeah, blubbering, arrested development liberals who need to soothe their triggered little emotions.
I challenged Obama's policies, Fake.....not the person. I was never a birther, never called him a chimp.
There is nothing wrong challenging the opposition's policy.
You attack the man, because you can't attack his policies.
I know you're not honest or mature enough to do the same..
I voted for Trump for one reason, and that was the Supreme Court pick....period.
Everything else that he's done for the economy, military, etc. was icing on the cake.

His policies which have led to the Federal Fund Rate being lowered the last two consecutive quarters?
At least he has a fed fund rate....Obama never did. Yes....his policies. :dance:
So you assfucks are still blaming Obama for the Bush recession?
Did I say that, you moron?
If I did, please show me where I have ever mentioned that Obama was the cause of the recession.
If not, just STFU
If you are going to attack Obama for something he did not cause, have the balls to admit it when you are caught. You panty waisted Trumpettes are just too funny. And yes, there was an interest rate by the Fed when Obama was President.

Poster: Trump's policies led to the Fed bailing us out twice

Dumbfuck you : Obama had no rate. his policies.

Now you can be the lying fuck that you are but your comment said Obama's policies caused the Fed to have a zero rate.

Maybe this tactic of lies works among your hoard of uneducated dumbass Trumpettes, but it won't fly here.

Hissy fit alert!!!!
They just recently learned he solicited a foreign national to help him find dirt on a political rival.
Trump is the chief law enforcement officer in America

He can investigate wrongdoing by corrupt US officials anywhere in the world
He can. But he can't solicit foreign nationals to help with his campaign.
So biden is immune from any wrongdoing if he runs for president?

All his sins are forgiven


Uh, no, he's not immune. Nor did I say he is. Is Trump the only person on the planet who could have asked Ukraine to look into that?
It appears that most of the ukraine specialists in the white house were obama plants with no interest in uncovering the truth

These people are not "Obama plants". Professor Hill previously worked for George W. Bush as one of his Russia specialists. All of the people who testified were Trump hires, and either non-partisan military and state department people, some of whom were originally hired by Ronald Reagan. There is no way you can impeach any of the witnesses as "partisans".

Gordon Sondland was a Trump loyalist who donated $1 million to Trump's "inauguration fund" to buy that embassadorship. He was the strongest witness against Trump in the hearings. He confirmed the quid pro quo, and that President Trump personally was directing this extortion campaign.
They just recently learned he solicited a foreign national to help him find dirt on a political rival.
Trump is the chief law enforcement officer in America

He can investigate wrongdoing by corrupt US officials anywhere in the world
He can. But he can't solicit foreign nationals to help with his campaign.
So biden is immune from any wrongdoing if he runs for president?

All his sins are forgiven

Like you grant to Trump?
Trump has sins but no crimes

We think biden broke the law but need an investigation to prove it

Fact say otherwise. It's Biden who has committed no crimes.
Trump is an idiot who is laughed at by our allies. They still respect the US, but not him. They will all celebrate when the orange fool is gone, and we can resume our place as a respected country.

Many Americans in turn laugh back at these heads of state and appeasers like yourself who only “respect” US when there is a global appeaser in the White House that they can shape and mold. The heads of state laughing at US because of a Reagan, Bush, or Trump in the White House can kiss my ass as I don’t give a flying fuck what they think or feel; and, the stark reality is those laugh heads need US more than we need them.
Yopu are confusing the United States of America with Donald Trump.

They are laughing at Trump & wondering what the fuck happened in the US to elect him.

They ought to be crying among themselves why their countries are not strong as US. They can mock Trump and those of US that supported Trump. Again, I don’t give a fuck what they think or how they feel.... they need US more than we need them. I wouldn’t imagine they would like Trump because unlike an Obama, Clinton or Kerry, Trump is not going to be pushed around.

Russia & NK are playing Trump like a drum.

Maybe if Trump capitulated and appeased them by sending palettes of $1.7B in cash in the dark of night; that would be a show of fortitude?

What a stupid remark.
Trump is the chief law enforcement officer in America

He can investigate wrongdoing by corrupt US officials anywhere in the world
He can. But he can't solicit foreign nationals to help with his campaign.
So biden is immune from any wrongdoing if he runs for president?

All his sins are forgiven

Like you grant to Trump?
Trump has sins but no crimes

We think biden broke the law but need an investigation to prove it

Fact say otherwise. It's Biden who has committed no crimes.
Your facts are bogus
He can. But he can't solicit foreign nationals to help with his campaign.
So biden is immune from any wrongdoing if he runs for president?

All his sins are forgiven

Like you grant to Trump?
Trump has sins but no crimes

We think biden broke the law but need an investigation to prove it

Fact say otherwise. It's Biden who has committed no crimes.
Your facts are bogus

You're promoting Russian propaganda. Why?
I challenged Obama's policies, Fake.....not the person. I was never a birther, never called him a chimp.
There is nothing wrong challenging the opposition's policy.
You attack the man, because you can't attack his policies.
I know you're not honest or mature enough to do the same..
I voted for Trump for one reason, and that was the Supreme Court pick....period.
Everything else that he's done for the economy, military, etc. was icing on the cake.

His policies which have led to the Federal Fund Rate being lowered the last two consecutive quarters?
At least he has a fed fund rate....Obama never did. Yes....his policies. :dance:
So you assfucks are still blaming Obama for the Bush recession?
Did I say that, you moron?
If I did, please show me where I have ever mentioned that Obama was the cause of the recession.
If not, just STFU
If you are going to attack Obama for something he did not cause, have the balls to admit it when you are caught. You panty waisted Trumpettes are just too funny. And yes, there was an interest rate by the Fed when Obama was President.

Poster: Trump's policies led to the Fed bailing us out twice

Dumbfuck you : Obama had no rate. his policies.

Now you can be the lying fuck that you are but your comment said Obama's policies caused the Fed to have a zero rate.

Maybe this tactic of lies works among your hoard of uneducated dumbass Trumpettes, but it won't fly here.
Fake, because of Obama's anti business policies, the fed felt a need to keep fed rates at HISTORIC lows, for
an HISTORIC length of time. Just the mere mention of a rate hike sent the markets falling. I need to mention that the
recession was over officially right after Obama took office. You need to look at a chart for rate hikes for the last 20 years
to give you an idea what you're trying to talk about.

Trump is the chief law enforcement officer in America

He can investigate wrongdoing by corrupt US officials anywhere in the world
He can. But he can't solicit foreign nationals to help with his campaign.
So biden is immune from any wrongdoing if he runs for president?

All his sins are forgiven

Like you grant to Trump?
Trump has sins but no crimes

We think biden broke the law but need an investigation to prove it

Fact say otherwise. It's Biden who has committed no crimes.
Shouldn't we investigate to find out? I mean, if his name was Trump you certainly would want one.
Not sure how a vice president's son, who's expertise is with a white powder, straw, and mirror and not
with an oil firm, was able to get such a lucrative salary in a foreign nation without his daddy's pull.
Even those in the know from the left stated it had bad optics.
No. NATO decided the missions were needed. Not the US.
The US requested NATO assistance in Afghanistan.

No. NATO sent civilians to speak with Afghanis. Any military action they took wasn't because they were helping us.

NATO and Afghanistan

You lying piece of shit. How dare you denigrate the contributions of other nations to the American war. The blood they shed. The financial costs of executed the war. Troops from 39 NATO nations went to Afghanistand and some of them are still there.

158 Canadian troops were killed in Afghanistan fighting on behalf of NATO. Our troops executed your war for 10 years, and Canadians are still paying the price for our "wounded warriors". Thousands more were injured, and our government is still dealing with their injuries and disabilities.

Canada and the War in Afghanistan | The Canadian Encyclopedia

You stupid piece of shit. If they were there it was under NATO. If the Canadian Govt. authorized those troops then they knew what could happen. You think they didn't know they would have dead and wounded??

No one is forgetting the dad and injured. Only an idiot like you would try to play that card.

You really are one stupid piece of shit.
You are an evil bitch. 450 British soldiers were killed in the Stan and another 150 in Iraq. Tempted there by American lies.
--------------------------- and then Rigby in ' blighty' and a few more on
london bridge' and that's in downtown 'lighty' Are your military all Volunteer and just doing their jobs that they are paid money to do Tommy ??
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