Macron, Trudeau, Johnson, and Princess Ann laugh at Trump.

Many Americans in turn laugh back at these heads of state and appeasers like yourself who only “respect” US when there is a global appeaser in the White House that they can shape and mold. The heads of state laughing at US because of a Reagan, Bush, or Trump in the White House can kiss my ass as I don’t give a flying fuck what they think or feel; and, the stark reality is those laugh heads need US more than we need them.
Yopu are confusing the United States of America with Donald Trump.

They are laughing at Trump & wondering what the fuck happened in the US to elect him.

They ought to be crying among themselves why their countries are not strong as US. They can mock Trump and those of US that supported Trump. Again, I don’t give a fuck what they think or how they feel.... they need US more than we need them. I wouldn’t imagine they would like Trump because unlike an Obama, Clinton or Kerry, Trump is not going to be pushed around.
Russia & NK are playing Trump like a drum.

Maybe if Trump capitulated and appeased them by sending palettes of $1.7B in cash in the dark of night; that would be a show of fortitude?

What a stupid remark.

It’s a remark rooted in fact. The stupidity was the act of shipping cash to a nation state deemed not friendly to the US.
So biden is immune from any wrongdoing if he runs for president?

All his sins are forgiven

Like you grant to Trump?
Trump has sins but no crimes

We think biden broke the law but need an investigation to prove it

Fact say otherwise. It's Biden who has committed no crimes.
Your facts are bogus

You're promoting Russian propaganda. Why?
I am promoting common sense

the russians did not cause trump to be president

you had a lousy candidate who ran a lackluster campaign

Libs cannot accept the fact that trump beat them at their own game
Like you grant to Trump?
Trump has sins but no crimes

We think biden broke the law but need an investigation to prove it

Fact say otherwise. It's Biden who has committed no crimes.
Your facts are bogus

You're promoting Russian propaganda. Why?
I am promoting common sense

the russians did not cause trump to be president

you had a lousy candidate who ran a lackluster campaign

Libs cannot accept the fact that trump beat them at their own game

New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

Face it. Trump would not be president without Putin's help.
Trump has sins but no crimes

We think biden broke the law but need an investigation to prove it

Fact say otherwise. It's Biden who has committed no crimes.
Your facts are bogus

You're promoting Russian propaganda. Why?
I am promoting common sense

the russians did not cause trump to be president

you had a lousy candidate who ran a lackluster campaign

Libs cannot accept the fact that trump beat them at their own game

New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

Face it. Trump would not be president without Putin's help.

Funny. I thought it was Comey, not Putin who reopened the Hillary investigation 2 weeks before the general election.
But, I digress...:abgg2q.jpg:.
Fact say otherwise. It's Biden who has committed no crimes.
Your facts are bogus

You're promoting Russian propaganda. Why?
I am promoting common sense

the russians did not cause trump to be president

you had a lousy candidate who ran a lackluster campaign

Libs cannot accept the fact that trump beat them at their own game

New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

Face it. Trump would not be president without Putin's help.

Funny. I thought it was Comey, not Putin who reopened the Hillary investigation 2 weeks before the general election.
But, I digress...:abgg2q.jpg:.
Liberals prefer not to think about that
Your facts are bogus

You're promoting Russian propaganda. Why?
I am promoting common sense

the russians did not cause trump to be president

you had a lousy candidate who ran a lackluster campaign

Libs cannot accept the fact that trump beat them at their own game

New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

Face it. Trump would not be president without Putin's help.

Funny. I thought it was Comey, not Putin who reopened the Hillary investigation 2 weeks before the general election.
But, I digress...:abgg2q.jpg:.
Liberals prefer not to think about that

They're removed from reality combined with having no sense of recent history longer than 2 weeks ago.
Fact say otherwise. It's Biden who has committed no crimes.
Your facts are bogus

You're promoting Russian propaganda. Why?
I am promoting common sense

the russians did not cause trump to be president

you had a lousy candidate who ran a lackluster campaign

Libs cannot accept the fact that trump beat them at their own game

New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

Face it. Trump would not be president without Putin's help.

Funny. I thought it was Comey, not Putin who reopened the Hillary investigation 2 weeks before the general election.
But, I digress...:abgg2q.jpg:.
That helped Trump as well.

Also, the failure of Trump not being fully vetted before the election, and his sleaze and crimes being unknown to the public helped a lot, too.
Your facts are bogus

You're promoting Russian propaganda. Why?
I am promoting common sense

the russians did not cause trump to be president

you had a lousy candidate who ran a lackluster campaign

Libs cannot accept the fact that trump beat them at their own game

New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

Face it. Trump would not be president without Putin's help.

Funny. I thought it was Comey, not Putin who reopened the Hillary investigation 2 weeks before the general election.
But, I digress...:abgg2q.jpg:.
That helped Trump as well.

Also, the failure of Trump not being fully vetted before the election, and his sleaze and crimes being unknown to the public helped a lot, too.

Well tickle my ass with a feather you hard-hitting political maestro! :auiqs.jpg:
It's funny watching the tards attempt to claim Putin's interference had no effect when they were crowing all summer and fall of 2016 over the devastating impact of the leaked DNC emails on Clinton's voters.

Now they try to claim Putin just bought a few Facebook ads. They all parrot the exact same bullshit fed to them by their propagandists.

What a breathtaking bunch of submissive cucks.
Until they need money or U.S. military then they will pucker up and kiss that ass.
Your facts are bogus

You're promoting Russian propaganda. Why?
I am promoting common sense

the russians did not cause trump to be president

you had a lousy candidate who ran a lackluster campaign

Libs cannot accept the fact that trump beat them at their own game

New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

Face it. Trump would not be president without Putin's help.

Funny. I thought it was Comey, not Putin who reopened the Hillary investigation 2 weeks before the general election.
But, I digress...:abgg2q.jpg:.
That helped Trump as well.

Also, the failure of Trump not being fully vetted before the election, and his sleaze and crimes being unknown to the public helped a lot, too.
Your facts are bogus

You're promoting Russian propaganda. Why?
I am promoting common sense

the russians did not cause trump to be president

you had a lousy candidate who ran a lackluster campaign

Libs cannot accept the fact that trump beat them at their own game

New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

Face it. Trump would not be president without Putin's help.

Funny. I thought it was Comey, not Putin who reopened the Hillary investigation 2 weeks before the general election.
But, I digress...:abgg2q.jpg:.
That helped Trump as well.

Also, the failure of Trump not being fully vetted before the election, and his sleaze and crimes being unknown to the public helped a lot, too.
the truth hurt hillar
Your facts are bogus

You're promoting Russian propaganda. Why?
I am promoting common sense

the russians did not cause trump to be president

you had a lousy candidate who ran a lackluster campaign

Libs cannot accept the fact that trump beat them at their own game

New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

Face it. Trump would not be president without Putin's help.

Funny. I thought it was Comey, not Putin who reopened the Hillary investigation 2 weeks before the general election.
But, I digress...:abgg2q.jpg:.
That helped Trump as well.

Also, the failure of Trump not being fully vetted before the election, and his sleaze and crimes being unknown to the public helped a lot, too.
the truth hurt hillary
Hillary will never recover.
She is currently on a slum tour being recently interviewed by an over-the-hill shock jock.
She shoulda stayed in the woods where she belongs.
------------------------------------------------------------ USA is doing fine , TRUMP works for Americans like me and he doesn't work for the world and foreigners HJoy .

No, he takes his ball and goes home apparently. Unless he's trying to strong arm another president to work for his reelection campaign.
----------------------------------------------------- if he owns or controls the Ball it is his ball to do with as he wishes HJoy .

He doesn't own or control any ball that isn't his. His fee fees got hurt so he left instead of making nice with our allies.
--------------------------------------- no azz kissin for the TRUMP HJoy .

So Trump's choices were to go home because he doesn't know how to communicate with others or kiss ass? NATO is probably our most important treaty and shit for brains can't get over high school.
Doesn't surprise me that CRCs think that there are only those two options.......binary thinking is simpler.
No, he takes his ball and goes home apparently. Unless he's trying to strong arm another president to work for his reelection campaign.
----------------------------------------------------- if he owns or controls the Ball it is his ball to do with as he wishes HJoy .

He doesn't own or control any ball that isn't his. His fee fees got hurt so he left instead of making nice with our allies.
--------------------------------------- no azz kissin for the TRUMP HJoy .

So Trump's choices were to go home because he doesn't know how to communicate with others or kiss ass? NATO is probably our most important treaty and shit for brains can't get over high school.
Doesn't surprise me that CRCs think that there are only those two options.......binary thinking is simpler.

The casual lurker at USMB has no idea what a CRC is.
So your posts, as usual, have miniscule impact....
Your facts are bogus

You're promoting Russian propaganda. Why?
I am promoting common sense

the russians did not cause trump to be president

you had a lousy candidate who ran a lackluster campaign

Libs cannot accept the fact that trump beat them at their own game

New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

Face it. Trump would not be president without Putin's help.

Funny. I thought it was Comey, not Putin who reopened the Hillary investigation 2 weeks before the general election.
But, I digress...:abgg2q.jpg:.
That helped Trump as well.

Also, the failure of Trump not being fully vetted before the election, and his sleaze and crimes being unknown to the public helped a lot, too.

This one I hold the MSM fully responsible for.the public not being fully informed about Trump's previous sleazy and criminal behaviour. His business history is a matter of public record, as is his record of sleaze and graft; the fact that American banks stopped lending to Trump after his Atlantic City bankrupcies in the 1990's; his questionable Florida real estate deal in 2008; his continuing refusal to disclose his tax returns; his record of stiffing his subtrades; his endless lies.

As some who worked in construction and real estate law, I find his treatment of his subtrades to be the most odious. So many of the clients we worked with were the kinds of guys Trump so frequently stiffed. My husband worked for such a company - a cabinet and millwork company with 30 employees. He drove so many of these companies out of business with his scams, and left others with crippling debt.
You're promoting Russian propaganda. Why?
I am promoting common sense

the russians did not cause trump to be president

you had a lousy candidate who ran a lackluster campaign

Libs cannot accept the fact that trump beat them at their own game

New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

Face it. Trump would not be president without Putin's help.

Funny. I thought it was Comey, not Putin who reopened the Hillary investigation 2 weeks before the general election.
But, I digress...:abgg2q.jpg:.
That helped Trump as well.

Also, the failure of Trump not being fully vetted before the election, and his sleaze and crimes being unknown to the public helped a lot, too.

This one I hold the MSM fully responsible for.the public not being fully informed about Trump's previous sleazy and criminal behaviour. His business history is a matter of public record, as is his record of sleaze and graft; the fact that American banks stopped lending to Trump after his Atlantic City bankrupcies in the 1990's; his questionable Florida real estate deal in 2008; his continuing refusal to disclose his tax returns; his record of stiffing his subtrades; his endless lies.

As some who worked in construction and real estate law, I find his treatment of his subtrades to be the most odious. So many of the clients we worked with were the kinds of guys Trump so frequently stiffed. My husband worked for such a company - a cabinet and millwork company with 30 employees. He drove so many of these companies out of business with his scams, and left others with crippling debt.

This totally has nothing, not one iota to do, with Eurotrash NATO countries and Canada meeting their NATO debts.

An American Taxpayer
Only if you consider Russian help as being fair which I am sure you do.

So, all your bitching & complaining about Obama was you being stuck in the 2008 & 2012 elections. You actually love the ACA & everything Obama did in office, right?

Look, you & I both know that you voted for Trump thinking his campaign approach of lying & hate spewing would end when he took office. You thought he would be the businessman & work all the time not golf as he promised. Now that Trump has just magnified his lies & corruption, you are too embarrassed to admit it. Instead you pretend to support Trump being a flaming asshole. Trump has made a total fool out of you & your Trumpette hoard.
I challenged Obama's policies, Fake.....not the person. I was never a birther, never called him a chimp.
There is nothing wrong challenging the opposition's policy.
You attack the man, because you can't attack his policies.
I know you're not honest or mature enough to do the same..
I voted for Trump for one reason, and that was the Supreme Court pick....period.
Everything else that he's done for the economy, military, etc. was icing on the cake.

His policies which have led to the Federal Fund Rate being lowered the last two consecutive quarters?
At least he has a fed fund rate....Obama never did. Yes....his policies. :dance:
The Fed dropped the rate to its lowest possible level under Bush because of his failed policies. Meanwhile, while you're bragging about the economy under Trump, the reality is the Fed had to lower the Federal Fund rate the last two quarters.
Nobody was bragging about the economy, Faun, the economy hasn't crashed like the left predicted and is going in the right direction
You want to argue about that....we can have that discussion, but, don't put words in my mouth and argue.

As for the fed rates under Obama....they were at 0 or near 0 his entire is sad that his policies had that effect.
"Nobody was bragging about the economy, Faun"

I have a better idea... how about you just fuck off with your lies?
I voted for Trump for one reason, and that was the Supreme Court pick....period.
Everything else that he's done for the economy, military, etc. was icing on the cake.
(emphasis added to highlight meister's bullshit)
  • Thanks
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Like you grant to Trump?
Trump has sins but no crimes

We think biden broke the law but need an investigation to prove it

Fact say otherwise. It's Biden who has committed no crimes.
Your facts are bogus

You're promoting Russian propaganda. Why?
I am promoting common sense

the russians did not cause trump to be president

you had a lousy candidate who ran a lackluster campaign

Libs cannot accept the fact that trump beat them at their own game
Huh? What game is that?

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