Macron, Trudeau, Johnson, and Princess Ann laugh at Trump.

Trump was intelligent enough to beat the corrupt washington insiders at their own game on the first try

Which is the only context that matters
He sure did

He took corrupt to a new level
Trump has done nothing illegal as president

If he had the democrats would have impeached him long ago
Republicsans ran Congress until Jan of this year you stupid shit.
No Paul Ryan ran it and Paul Ryan hates Trump even more than you do....
Paul Ryan is a Republican.

Quit trying to make excuses for your stupid post. Republicans would never start impeachment against their orange leader.
So is Romney....Trump is an outsider running on the republican ticket...that is why you dems blew could have gotten your way with Trump like no other republican president with the right amount of finesse...too late for that we will have a frozen government until 2020....
Trump is an idiot who is laughed at by our allies. They still respect the US, but not him. They will all celebrate when the orange fool is gone, and we can resume our place as a respected country.

The world laughs at Trump. But his idiotic supporters find him god like.
The US has produced this freak of nature disgusting group of people, about 60 million, who lack morality and look for the white man to rule again. There hope is led by Trump. History will not treat Trump and his minions kindly.
First of all, Hillary got 3 million more votes than your fat assed orange buddy.

Second, the election is over. We are now concerned about America & how you low IQ assfucks are trying to destroy it.
You're still stuck in the last election, Fake.
Hillary lost that election fair and square, time to move on.

Only if you consider Russian help as being fair which I am sure you do.

So, all your bitching & complaining about Obama was you being stuck in the 2008 & 2012 elections. You actually love the ACA & everything Obama did in office, right?

Look, you & I both know that you voted for Trump thinking his campaign approach of lying & hate spewing would end when he took office. You thought he would be the businessman & work all the time not golf as he promised. Now that Trump has just magnified his lies & corruption, you are too embarrassed to admit it. Instead you pretend to support Trump being a flaming asshole. Trump has made a total fool out of you & your Trumpette hoard.
I challenged Obama's policies, Fake.....not the person. I was never a birther, never called him a chimp.
There is nothing wrong challenging the opposition's policy.
You attack the man, because you can't attack his policies.
I know you're not honest or mature enough to do the same..
I voted for Trump for one reason, and that was the Supreme Court pick....period.
Everything else that he's done for the economy, military, etc. was icing on the cake.

His policies which have led to the Federal Fund Rate being lowered the last two consecutive quarters?
At least he has a fed fund rate....Obama never did. Yes....his policies. :dance:
So you assfucks are still blaming Obama for the Bush recession?
Cheap college and the training for opportunity dumbass. And our infrastructure has been falling apart for 30 years. Enjoy the lead in your water.
Lol have you seen public schools in inner cities!? Haha are you fucking retarted that we would allow you idiots to waste my tax money on more teacher unions to produce crime? Lol

How many public schools have you ever been to that are in the inner city?
Well since I grew up in inner city of Boston are all of them

“Grew up” :lmao:
You are so frustrated aren’t cha haha

Because you’re a pathological liar?

Uh, no, he's not immune. Nor did I say he is. Is Trump the only person on the planet who could have asked Ukraine to look into that?
It appears that most of the ukraine specialists in the white house were obama plants with no interest in uncovering the truth
Trump has been president for nearly 3 years now. This has nothing to do with Obama.
I think it does

Obama was president when the soft coup to overthrow trump was launched
There was no coup. Not even a soft coup.
In my opinion the actions of the DOJ and FBI are far more serious

Whether they were working under orders from obama or entirely on their own the goal was to bring trump down by any means at their disposal

And the Deep State has a lot of means
Deep State hahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
His college closed down and he paid a settlement for defrauding people.
They gave it. A+ rating .. :)

It's a bit more complicated as it was a D- at one point.

It was also successfully sued by former students because they were ripped off.

Trump University Had D- Rating in 2010: Business Bureau
Lol Colleges are always sued dumb ass
You blaming college for your lack of education again?
Huh? No I blame democrats for millions of Americans struggling..
I thought everyone was making more money & the economy was great?
Huh? No I blame democrats for millions of Americans struggling..

Yeah, that's not a weird non sequitur or anything.
It’s actually a fact democrats have destroyed public education

You weirdo, are you completely incapable of debating?

Someone: The sky is blue because blue light scatters more due to it's shorter smaller waves

You: mamma let me mow the lawn today.
Umm ok lol

Welcome to what you look like.
Are you saying inner cities schools are doing good!!???? Huh
Yeah, that's not a weird non sequitur or anything.
It’s actually a fact democrats have destroyed public education

You weirdo, are you completely incapable of debating?

Someone: The sky is blue because blue light scatters more due to it's shorter smaller waves

You: mamma let me mow the lawn today.
Umm ok lol

Welcome to what you look like.
Are you saying inner cities schools are doing good!!???? Huh

I'm basically calling you an idiot but you're too much of an idiot to realize you're an idiot. Get it, idiot?
Well the American people laugh at them....

Yes, there are a lot of fools in the USA who don't see how their loser of a President, is costing them money, jobs, trade, and security. Macron sat in that press conference and ripped Trump a new one about his tweet that he was pulling out of Syria, without so much as a phone call to warn his NATO allies who also had troops in Syria, what was about to go down, putting French, British and Canadian soldiers assisting in the war against ISIS in Syria, at risk.

And Macron made a point of ripping him in French so that all Trump could do was sit on his ass looking miserable as the translator told him what Macron was saying. Macron could have said it all in English because Macron is a well-educated man, but he made Trump sit there like a whipped dog while his translator told him what Macron was saying.

What Pelosi does to Trump in their every confrontation, and Trudeau did to Trump at their last meeting, Macron did here. Do you think that ANY of these people have any faith that Trump is their ally, when he has shown his allegiance to Putin and Russia over his NATO allies, time and time again.

The rest of the world is re-ordering world trade, and strategic alliances around a new world order that doesn't include you. Once that happens, the US military will be SENT home, because they represent a threat to this new world order. Your corporate vultures will not be allowed to sell their goods to the world and ship home the wealth. And we're reducing our reliance on American goods.

American exports are DOWN, under Trump. We're buying and selling more of our goods from Europe and South America. As is China. If you people want to continue your drift into authoriitarian dictatorship and continue to degrade the spending on research, education and technology, have at it. Don't expect the rest of the world to go with you.
Trip a success. Eurotrash agree to pay up more of what they owe to NATO! Means less welfare for Muzzies in their countries.
Well the American people laugh at them....

Yes, there are a lot of fools in the USA who don't see how their loser of a President, is costing them money, jobs, trade, and security. Macron sat in that press conference and ripped Trump a new one about his tweet that he was pulling out of Syria, without so much as a phone call to warn his NATO allies who also had troops in Syria, what was about to go down, putting French, British and Canadian soldiers assisting in the war against ISIS in Syria, at risk.

And Macron made a point of ripping him in French so that all Trump could do was sit on his ass looking miserable as the translator told him what Macron was saying. Macron could have said it all in English because Macron is a well-educated man, but he made Trump sit there like a whipped dog while his translator told him what Macron was saying.

What Pelosi does to Trump in their every confrontation, and Trudeau did to Trump at their last meeting, Macron did here. Do you think that ANY of these people have any faith that Trump is their ally, when he has shown his allegiance to Putin and Russia over his NATO allies, time and time again.

The rest of the world is re-ordering world trade, and strategic alliances around a new world order that doesn't include you. Once that happens, the US military will be SENT home, because they represent a threat to this new world order. Your corporate vultures will not be allowed to sell their goods to the world and ship home the wealth. And we're reducing our reliance on American goods.

American exports are DOWN, under Trump. We're buying and selling more of our goods from Europe and South America. As is China. If you people want to continue your drift into authoriitarian dictatorship and continue to degrade the spending on research, education and technology, have at it. Don't expect the rest of the world to go with you.
You can't make us believe we would be better off under a democrat or a swammpy RINO no matter how hard you try....sorry...52% approval for Trump today...up 4 points in one day...a day after the funniest clown show the house has ever displayed...
Yeah, that's not a weird non sequitur or anything.
It’s actually a fact democrats have destroyed public education

You weirdo, are you completely incapable of debating?

Someone: The sky is blue because blue light scatters more due to it's shorter smaller waves

You: mamma let me mow the lawn today.
Umm ok lol

Welcome to what you look like.
Are you saying inner cities schools are doing good!!???? Huh
At least inner city schools are not producing many Trump minions.
What school did you go to? I hope they did a better job on the other students, than they did on you.
Well the American people laugh at them....

No. Some of Trump's nut bags do, but that's only because they are too stupid to understand how dumb that is.
Trump's "nut bags" outnumber your "nut bags" to be you....52% approval for Trump today....

Only among Retrumpcans.
Good thing there are more of us than you.....

Time will tell.

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