Mad Dog Mattis to Trump:"You're gonna have to get the next Defense Sec to lose to ISIS. not me, pal"

Wouldn't you think a retired Marine General would have enough sense to stay out of a volatile political arena and refrain from criticizing the Commander-in-Chief? Maybe he needs the money and democrats were ready to finance his treason.
Wouldn't you think a retired Marine General would have enough sense to stay out of a volatile political arena and refrain from criticizing the Commander-in-Chief? Maybe he needs the money and democrats were ready to finance his treason.
he doesn't need the money, i can assure you, and he is not treasonous to Trump

not the first time two great men had a falling out!
Wouldn't you think a retired Marine General would have enough sense to stay out of a volatile political arena and refrain from criticizing the Commander-in-Chief? Maybe he needs the money and democrats were ready to finance his treason.

The political slant of the article was admittedly solely the interviewer's. As the interviewer admits,

Here is where I am compelled to note that I did not learn any of these details from Mattis himself. Nor did I learn them from his new book, Call Sign Chaos: Learning to Lead, which he wrote with the former Marine officer Bing West. The book is an instructive and entertaining leadership manual for executives, managers, and military officers. Mattis is a gifted storyteller, and his advice will be useful to anyone who runs anything. The book is not, however, an account of his time in service to the 45th president.
Wouldn't you think a retired Marine General would have enough sense to stay out of a volatile political arena and refrain from criticizing the Commander-in-Chief? Maybe he needs the money and democrats were ready to finance his treason.

Damn dude, move to Russia if you think criticizing the president is treason
Let's face it, Mattis will never go down in history as a Marine General who made any impact on the military or an influential member of a political administration. His book will end up in the dollar store and his legacy will include being fired from his position in the Trump administration. There is reason to assume that the former Marine is willingly being used by agents who are determined to bring down his former Commander-in-Chief and he is going along with it either to fulfill his contract for the book publisher or he has allowed his emotions get the better of his judgement.
The President found out that even guys with cool nicknames who belong to organizations he admires might really be pussies rather than mad dogs or even traitors if the price is right.

Or maybe the President is an ignorant politico moron not interested in Mattis advisory.
Maybe Mattis has become a tool of morons who are determined to overthrow the results of a presidential election.

...put down that crack pipe son.
The President found out that even guys with cool nicknames who belong to organizations he admires might really be pussies rather than mad dogs or even traitors if the price is right.

Or maybe the President is an ignorant politico moron not interested in Mattis advisory.
Maybe Mattis has become a tool of morons who are determined to overthrow the results of a presidential election.

...put down that crack pipe son.
How do you argue with crazy lefties who have no frame of reference other than a freaking crack pipe?
"Mattis also vouched- repeatedly- for the character of Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes, who was a sociopathic fraudster

His service to America is deeply appreciated. Doesn’t mean he’s always right."
Mattis is a gentlemanly ladies man but a lifelong bachelor, who dedicated his life completely to the success and safety of the warriors he commands.

in return, he is deeply beloved by them.

his constant study of history and philosophy has earned him the affectionate nicknames the Warrior Monk and Mad Dog. he made being smart and well-read cool, elevating the anti-itellectual tribal Marine culture
"either the commander of the 51st Mechanized Iraqi Division is going to surrender his army to me, or he and all his men are going to die!" - Mad Dog, 2003 Iraq War
"The most important territory on the battlefield is the 6 inches between your ears. be able to deploy without chaos on eight days' notice!" - Mad Dog Mattis to his beloved Marines
part of why Mad Dog was so revered among his Marines was his direct and plain language. if marines were thinking it, they could count on Mad Dog to say it, even if it got him in trouble with his bosses, as it usually did.

Mad Dog told the marines clearly to pay their life insurance premiums and write their final love letters.

he told them that when it came to the privileges of rank, there would be none. no general would be allowed more gear than the lowest infantry lance corporal, and the comforts of home were banned. they were travelling light.

in this battle, they would live and fight like the Spartan Warriors of ancient Greece!
"anyone with a weapon is declared hostile. if it's a woman walking away from you with a weapon on her back, shoot her. if there is a young armed iraqi out there, shoot him. i dont care if you hit him with a 40mm grenade in the chest

if you're taking fire from a building, you level the fucking building" - Mad Dog
I see the TDS afflicted Moon Bats are off their meds again today.

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