'Mad Max' Self-Incriminates During Insane Rant Calling For President Trump To Be Indicted For 1st Degree Murder


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Maxine Waters

Maxine Waters: Trump ā€˜Absolutely Should
Be Charged with 'Premeditated Murderā€™

"Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) said Tuesday on MSNBCā€™s ā€œThe ReidOutā€ that former President Donald Trump should ā€œabsolutely be charged with premeditated murderā€ for inciting the deadly riots on Capitol Hill on January 6."

Rep Waters claimed that not only did President Trump know beforehand that the attack on the Capitol was going to happen, she claimed member of President Trump's re-election campaign HELPED PLAN the attack.

"Whatā€™s so interesting about all of this is they tried to make themselves the victim when indeed they are following the president of the United States of America who had advance planning about the invasion that took place in our Capitol. Even thereā€™s information that some of the planning came out of individuals working in this campaign. As a matter of fact, he absolutely should be charged with premeditated murder because of the lives that were lost with this invasion, with this insurrection.ā€"


First Degree Murder, or 'Premeditated' Murder, is defined as 'An unlawful killing that is both willful and premeditated, meaning that it was committed after intentional planning to carry out the murder'.

President Trump did not kill anyone. Even that is enough to destroy her insane claim that President Trump committed the crime of 1st-Degree murder on 6 January, there is probably not 1 person on the planet other than 'Mad Max' believes President Trump showed up at the Capitol on 6 January with the intention of murdering a US Capitol Guard after planning to do so.

In 2016 it was proven that the Hillary campaign hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump[ supporters ate Trump rallies. That is the closest thing to what 'Mad Max' is claiming that has happened.


When asked to provide the evidence to back up her claims 'Mad Max', just like in the Democrats' 1st Impeachment, was UNABLE TO PROVIDE ANY.

At this point 'Mad Max' went on a ranting tirade, one in which she incriminated herself as being a threat to our national security and democracy by 'inciting violence':

"So yes, we are threatened, but we canā€™t back up. Weā€™ve got to fight as hard as we can to see to it that thereā€™s some justice. For the president of the United States to sit and watch the invasion and the insurrection and not say a word because he knew that he had absolutely initiated it, and as some of them said, he invited us to come. Weā€™re here at the invitation of the president of the United States. When he rallied, he said go to the Capitol, fight hard."

Maxine Waters declared, "WE HAVE TO FIGHT AS HARD AS WE CAN'. According to 'MAD MAX's OWN WORDS, she declared the word 'FIGHT' is a CALL TO VIOLENCE:

"When he rallied, he said go to the Capitol, fight hard."

So, according to Waters, the use of the word 'FIGHT' is a call to physical violence, which means when Maxine Waters declared, "We have to FIGHT AS HARD AS WE CAN" SHE was inciting violence, calling for Leftists to engage in violence over the Capitol riot and to secure / protect the Biden win.

I understand Democrats, the Socialist Fake News Media, and snowflakes DEMAND to 'have it both ways', but you really CAN'T have it both ways. If you claim the President, by saying 'Fight Hard' was inciting violence / an insurrection', then Maxine Waters' calling on Leftists to 'Fight' is also a call to violence!

Oh, but there is MORE.....

Maxine Waters has a history of calling for confrontation, harassment, and violent rhetoric against Republicans. She was a contributor to Democrat party rhetoric that was so violent that it inspired an assassination attempt against GOP politicians. By her own argument, 'Mad Max' should have been arrested for inciting / aiding and abetting the attempted assassination of GOP politicians and the attempted murder of Steve Scalise who was wounded in that attack.

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According to the DNI there is no evidence of any planning having been conducted by Conservatives or Trump supporters prior to the Capitol Riot; however, it has been reported that Antifa and BLM DID use Twitter and Facebook to organize / plan showing up at the Capitol on 6 Jan!
In 2016 it was proven that the Hillary campaign hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump[ supporters ate Trump rallies.


Strange, "it was proven" five years ago yet ------------- no proof here. No link, no quote, no pic, no nuttin'.

Kind of like the next quote coming up {SPOILER ALERT}

When asked to provide the evidence to back up her claims 'Mad Max', just like in the Democrats' 1st Impeachment, was UNABLE TO PROVIDE ANY.


Why does this sound so much like "b-but but I won the election! Landslide! Fraud! Find me the votes!"
In 2016 it was proven that the Hillary campaign hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump[ supporters ate Trump rallies.
Strange, "it was proven" five years ago yet ------------- no proof here. No link, no quote, no pic, no nuttin'.

I stopped reading the rest of your lies after destroying what little credibility you had left.....

In 2016 it was proven that the Hillary campaign hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump[ supporters ate Trump rallies.
Strange, "it was proven" five years ago yet ------------- no proof here. No link, no quote, no pic, no nuttin'.

I stopped reading the rest of your lies after destroying what little credibility you had left.....


So today I called out the fact that Sleazy posted an ass-sertion for which he had no proof.

In response Sleazy posted not one but two links, both of which confirm he has no proof.

I don't really need all this validation. But OK.
Anytime the liberal Democrat's point to a conservative Republican and accuse him/her of being unhinged.
All we need to do is mention wacky loon Maxine Water's crazed behavior and insane rants.
And they will quickly shut up or change the subject. ... :cool:
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In 2016 it was proven that the Hillary campaign hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump[ supporters
The above is a lie.

Don't tell lies.

In 2016 it was proven that the Hillary campaign hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump[ supporters ate Trump rallies.
Strange, "it was proven" five years ago yet ------------- no proof here. No link, no quote, no pic, no nuttin'.

I stopped reading the rest of your lies after destroying what little credibility you had left.....


So today I called out the fact that Sleazy posted an ass-sertion for which he had no proof.

In response Sleazy posted not one but two links, both of which confirm he has no proof.

I don't really need all this validation. But OK.
Thank you for pointing out that I posted 2 of the many links proving Hillary and her team hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters...

Trump supporters, opponents clash at Berkeley rally

Leftist Thugs and assholes victimize Conservatives and Trump supporters all the time then attempt to make the conservatives and trump supporters out to be the bad guys......but sometimes their lies and propaganda blow up in their faces...and they have to pay out the ass....

Native American elder mocked by young Donald Trump supporters in MAGA hats?  It's not that simple - ABC News

But back to the thread topic and how Mad max just self-incriminated by calling for violence (by her definition) after having a history of inciting violence and assassination attempts.
Maxine Waters

Maxine Waters: Trump ā€˜Absolutely Should
Be Charged with 'Premeditated Murderā€™

"Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) said Tuesday on MSNBCā€™s ā€œThe ReidOutā€ that former President Donald Trump should ā€œabsolutely be charged with premeditated murderā€ for inciting the deadly riots on Capitol Hill on January 6."

Rep Waters claimed that not only did President Trump know beforehand that the attack on the Capitol was going to happen, she claimed member of President Trump's re-election campaign HELPED PLAN the attack.

"Whatā€™s so interesting about all of this is they tried to make themselves the victim when indeed they are following the president of the United States of America who had advance planning about the invasion that took place in our Capitol. Even thereā€™s information that some of the planning came out of individuals working in this campaign. As a matter of fact, he absolutely should be charged with premeditated murder because of the lives that were lost with this invasion, with this insurrection.ā€"


First Degree Murder, or 'Premeditated' Murder, is defined as 'An unlawful killing that is both willful and premeditated, meaning that it was committed after intentional planning to carry out the murder'.

President Trump did not kill anyone. Even that is enough to destroy her insane claim that President Trump committed the crime of 1st-Degree murder on 6 January, there is probably not 1 person on the planet other than 'Mad Max' believes President Trump showed up at the Capitol on 6 January with the intention of murdering a US Capitol Guard after planning to do so.

In 2016 it was proven that the Hillary campaign hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump[ supporters ate Trump rallies. That is the closest thing to what 'Mad Max' is claiming that has happened.


When asked to provide the evidence to back up her claims 'Mad Max', just like in the Democrats' 1st Impeachment, was UNABLE TO PROVIDE ANY.

At this point 'Mad Max' went on a ranting tirade, one in which she incriminated herself as being a threat to our national security and democracy by 'inciting violence':

"So yes, we are threatened, but we canā€™t back up. Weā€™ve got to fight as hard as we can to see to it that thereā€™s some justice. For the president of the United States to sit and watch the invasion and the insurrection and not say a word because he knew that he had absolutely initiated it, and as some of them said, he invited us to come. Weā€™re here at the invitation of the president of the United States. When he rallied, he said go to the Capitol, fight hard."

Maxine Waters declared, "WE HAVE TO FIGHT AS HARD AS WE CAN'. According to 'MAD MAX's OWN WORDS, she declared the word 'FIGHT' is a CALL TO VIOLENCE:

"When he rallied, he said go to the Capitol, fight hard."

So, according to Waters, the use of the word 'FIGHT' is a call to physical violence, which means when Maxine Waters declared, "We have to FIGHT AS HARD AS WE CAN" SHE was inciting violence, calling for Leftists to engage in violence over the Capitol riot and to secure / protect the Biden win.

I understand Democrats, the Socialist Fake News Media, and snowflakes DEMAND to 'have it both ways', but you really CAN'T have it both ways. If you claim the President, by saying 'Fight Hard' was inciting violence / an insurrection', then Maxine Waters' calling on Leftists to 'Fight' is also a call to violence!

Oh, but there is MORE.....

Maxine Waters has a history of calling for confrontation, harassment, and violent rhetoric against Republicans. She was a contributor to Democrat party rhetoric that was so violent that it inspired an assassination attempt against GOP politicians. By her own argument, 'Mad Max' should have been arrested for inciting / aiding and abetting the attempted assassination of GOP politicians and the attempted murder of Steve Scalise who was wounded in that attack.

Neither did Al Capone.
Maxine Waters

Maxine Waters: Trump ā€˜Absolutely Should
Be Charged with 'Premeditated Murderā€™

"Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) said Tuesday on MSNBCā€™s ā€œThe ReidOutā€ that former President Donald Trump should ā€œabsolutely be charged with premeditated murderā€ for inciting the deadly riots on Capitol Hill on January 6."

Rep Waters claimed that not only did President Trump know beforehand that the attack on the Capitol was going to happen, she claimed member of President Trump's re-election campaign HELPED PLAN the attack.

"Whatā€™s so interesting about all of this is they tried to make themselves the victim when indeed they are following the president of the United States of America who had advance planning about the invasion that took place in our Capitol. Even thereā€™s information that some of the planning came out of individuals working in this campaign. As a matter of fact, he absolutely should be charged with premeditated murder because of the lives that were lost with this invasion, with this insurrection.ā€"


First Degree Murder, or 'Premeditated' Murder, is defined as 'An unlawful killing that is both willful and premeditated, meaning that it was committed after intentional planning to carry out the murder'.

President Trump did not kill anyone. Even that is enough to destroy her insane claim that President Trump committed the crime of 1st-Degree murder on 6 January, there is probably not 1 person on the planet other than 'Mad Max' believes President Trump showed up at the Capitol on 6 January with the intention of murdering a US Capitol Guard after planning to do so.

In 2016 it was proven that the Hillary campaign hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump[ supporters ate Trump rallies. That is the closest thing to what 'Mad Max' is claiming that has happened.


When asked to provide the evidence to back up her claims 'Mad Max', just like in the Democrats' 1st Impeachment, was UNABLE TO PROVIDE ANY.

At this point 'Mad Max' went on a ranting tirade, one in which she incriminated herself as being a threat to our national security and democracy by 'inciting violence':

"So yes, we are threatened, but we canā€™t back up. Weā€™ve got to fight as hard as we can to see to it that thereā€™s some justice. For the president of the United States to sit and watch the invasion and the insurrection and not say a word because he knew that he had absolutely initiated it, and as some of them said, he invited us to come. Weā€™re here at the invitation of the president of the United States. When he rallied, he said go to the Capitol, fight hard."

Maxine Waters declared, "WE HAVE TO FIGHT AS HARD AS WE CAN'. According to 'MAD MAX's OWN WORDS, she declared the word 'FIGHT' is a CALL TO VIOLENCE:

"When he rallied, he said go to the Capitol, fight hard."

So, according to Waters, the use of the word 'FIGHT' is a call to physical violence, which means when Maxine Waters declared, "We have to FIGHT AS HARD AS WE CAN" SHE was inciting violence, calling for Leftists to engage in violence over the Capitol riot and to secure / protect the Biden win.

I understand Democrats, the Socialist Fake News Media, and snowflakes DEMAND to 'have it both ways', but you really CAN'T have it both ways. If you claim the President, by saying 'Fight Hard' was inciting violence / an insurrection', then Maxine Waters' calling on Leftists to 'Fight' is also a call to violence!

Oh, but there is MORE.....

Maxine Waters has a history of calling for confrontation, harassment, and violent rhetoric against Republicans. She was a contributor to Democrat party rhetoric that was so violent that it inspired an assassination attempt against GOP politicians. By her own argument, 'Mad Max' should have been arrested for inciting / aiding and abetting the attempted assassination of GOP politicians and the attempted murder of Steve Scalise who was wounded in that attack.

Jesus she can scare a hot dog off a bun.
Maxine Waters

Maxine Waters: Trump ā€˜Absolutely Should
Be Charged with 'Premeditated Murderā€™

"Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) said Tuesday on MSNBCā€™s ā€œThe ReidOutā€ that former President Donald Trump should ā€œabsolutely be charged with premeditated murderā€ for inciting the deadly riots on Capitol Hill on January 6."

Rep Waters claimed that not only did President Trump know beforehand that the attack on the Capitol was going to happen, she claimed member of President Trump's re-election campaign HELPED PLAN the attack.

"Whatā€™s so interesting about all of this is they tried to make themselves the victim when indeed they are following the president of the United States of America who had advance planning about the invasion that took place in our Capitol. Even thereā€™s information that some of the planning came out of individuals working in this campaign. As a matter of fact, he absolutely should be charged with premeditated murder because of the lives that were lost with this invasion, with this insurrection.ā€"


First Degree Murder, or 'Premeditated' Murder, is defined as 'An unlawful killing that is both willful and premeditated, meaning that it was committed after intentional planning to carry out the murder'.

President Trump did not kill anyone. Even that is enough to destroy her insane claim that President Trump committed the crime of 1st-Degree murder on 6 January, there is probably not 1 person on the planet other than 'Mad Max' believes President Trump showed up at the Capitol on 6 January with the intention of murdering a US Capitol Guard after planning to do so.

In 2016 it was proven that the Hillary campaign hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump[ supporters ate Trump rallies. That is the closest thing to what 'Mad Max' is claiming that has happened.


When asked to provide the evidence to back up her claims 'Mad Max', just like in the Democrats' 1st Impeachment, was UNABLE TO PROVIDE ANY.

At this point 'Mad Max' went on a ranting tirade, one in which she incriminated herself as being a threat to our national security and democracy by 'inciting violence':

"So yes, we are threatened, but we canā€™t back up. Weā€™ve got to fight as hard as we can to see to it that thereā€™s some justice. For the president of the United States to sit and watch the invasion and the insurrection and not say a word because he knew that he had absolutely initiated it, and as some of them said, he invited us to come. Weā€™re here at the invitation of the president of the United States. When he rallied, he said go to the Capitol, fight hard."

Maxine Waters declared, "WE HAVE TO FIGHT AS HARD AS WE CAN'. According to 'MAD MAX's OWN WORDS, she declared the word 'FIGHT' is a CALL TO VIOLENCE:

"When he rallied, he said go to the Capitol, fight hard."

So, according to Waters, the use of the word 'FIGHT' is a call to physical violence, which means when Maxine Waters declared, "We have to FIGHT AS HARD AS WE CAN" SHE was inciting violence, calling for Leftists to engage in violence over the Capitol riot and to secure / protect the Biden win.

I understand Democrats, the Socialist Fake News Media, and snowflakes DEMAND to 'have it both ways', but you really CAN'T have it both ways. If you claim the President, by saying 'Fight Hard' was inciting violence / an insurrection', then Maxine Waters' calling on Leftists to 'Fight' is also a call to violence!

Oh, but there is MORE.....

Maxine Waters has a history of calling for confrontation, harassment, and violent rhetoric against Republicans. She was a contributor to Democrat party rhetoric that was so violent that it inspired an assassination attempt against GOP politicians. By her own argument, 'Mad Max' should have been arrested for inciting / aiding and abetting the attempted assassination of GOP politicians and the attempted murder of Steve Scalise who was wounded in that attack.

LMAO They should indict her for stupidity. She could write a book on it.
In 2016 it was proven that the Hillary campaign hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump[ supporters ate Trump rallies.
Strange, "it was proven" five years ago yet ------------- no proof here. No link, no quote, no pic, no nuttin'.

I stopped reading the rest of your lies after destroying what little credibility you had left.....


So today I called out the fact that Sleazy posted an ass-sertion for which he had no proof.

In response Sleazy posted not one but two links, both of which confirm he has no proof.

I don't really need all this validation. But OK.
Thank you for pointing out that I posted 2 of the many links proving Hillary and her team hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters...

View attachment 452557

Leftist Thugs and assholes victimize Conservatives and Trump supporters all the time then attempt to make the conservatives and trump supporters out to be the bad guys......but sometimes their lies and propaganda blow up in their faces...and they have to pay out the ass....

View attachment 452559

But back to the thread topic and how Mad max just self-incriminated by calling for violence (by her definition) after having a history of inciting violence and assassination attempts.

Thank you for proving you have no clue what the word "proving" means.
In 2016 it was proven that the Hillary campaign hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump[ supporters ate Trump rallies.
Strange, "it was proven" five years ago yet ------------- no proof here. No link, no quote, no pic, no nuttin'.

I stopped reading the rest of your lies after destroying what little credibility you had left.....


So today I called out the fact that Sleazy posted an ass-sertion for which he had no proof.

In response Sleazy posted not one but two links, both of which confirm he has no proof.

I don't really need all this validation. But OK.
Thank you for pointing out that I posted 2 of the many links proving Hillary and her team hired thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters...

View attachment 452557

Leftist Thugs and assholes victimize Conservatives and Trump supporters all the time then attempt to make the conservatives and trump supporters out to be the bad guys......but sometimes their lies and propaganda blow up in their faces...and they have to pay out the ass....

View attachment 452559

But back to the thread topic and how Mad max just self-incriminated by calling for violence (by her definition) after having a history of inciting violence and assassination attempts.

Thank you for proving you have no clue what the word "proving" means.
I will facilitate your attempt to hijack the thread momentarily to remind you that these discussions about Hillary's campaign paying thugs to attack Trump supporters and Leftist thugs attacking Conservatives have been held in the past - dozens of threads, hundreds of posts, and a lot of irrefutable evidence you rejected, as you are doing now.

You can say 'NUH-UH' all day, but your BS isn't fooling anyone.

Pelosi, Schumer, Maxine Waters, and other Democrats encouraged confrontation, crime, and violence against Conservatives and especially Republican politicians to the point where they inspired the attempted assassination of GOP politicians in a public park.

Republican candidate HQs in states have been vandalized and burned, candidates have been assaulted, Conservatives and Trump supporters have been harassed, beaten, and bloodied...and you just demonstrated you even reject photographs and news reports. That's because you are one of a handful of TROLLS on this board who reject even the most irrefutable evidence against Democrats and make the most ludicrous, already debunked comments meant to 'gas-light'.

You and Maxine Waters have that in common. (I am giving you both the benefit of the doubt that you are not just brain damaged.) Waters' claim that the former President should be charged with 'Premeditated 1st Degree MURDER', when HE did not kill anyone, is just INSANE and meant to inflame mentally unstable, irrational hate-driven, 'Orange Man Bad' TDS-suffering Trump-hating sheep who will hear such f*-ed up comments and will actually believe it.

So I ask you, Pogo:

Do you think Maxine Waters is right, that former President Trump committed Premeditated 1st Degree Murder on 6 January, 2021?

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