MADDOW, a PRO lost it tonight regarding babies in detention


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2018
I've never seen this woman break up on air. She couldn't read the AP news copy, kept trying and trying finally passed it off to the guy who followed her. We've all REACHED our limit....

Maddow breaks down on-air while describing 'tender age' migrant shelters
BY AVERY ANAPOL - 06/19/18 10:42 PM EDT


MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow broke down in tears on-air over a report about the Trump administration operating “tender age” shelters for migrant babies and toddlers.

Maddow choked up while reading the first lines of the Associated Press’ report on the three facilities where children under the age of 13 are being sent after being separated from their parents at the border.

She was unable to read the description of the shelters, first asking a producer to display a graphic, and then deciding to abruptly end her segment.

“I think I’m going to have to hand this off, sorry,” the MSNBC host said through tears.

The AP reported Tuesday that at least three Texas facilities are currently operational and holding hundreds of crying babies and toddlers. The government is reportedly planning to open a fourth “tender age” detainment shelter in Houston as the number of separated children grows.

Justin Baragona on Twitter

Maddow apologized later in a Twitter thread, and shared the story again.

“Ugh, I’m sorry,” she wrote. “If nothing else, it is my job to actually be able to speak while I’m on TV.”

“I apologize for losing it there for a moment,” she added. “Not the way I intended that to go, not by a mile.”
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I've never seen this woman break up on air. She couldn't read the AP news copy, kept trying and trying finally passed it off to the guy who followed her. We've all REACHED our limit....

Maddow breaks down on-air while describing 'tender age' migrant shelters
BY AVERY ANAPOL - 06/19/18 10:42 PM EDT


MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow broke down in tears on-air over a report about the Trump administration operating “tender age” shelters for migrant babies and toddlers.

Maddow choked up while reading the first lines of the Associated Press’ report on the three facilities where children under the age of 13 are being sent after being separated from their parents at the border.

She was unable to read the description of the shelters, first asking a producer to display a graphic, and then deciding to abruptly end her segment.

“I think I’m going to have to hand this off, sorry,” the MSNBC host said through tears.

The AP reported Tuesday that at least three Texas facilities are currently operational and holding hundreds of crying babies and toddlers. The government is reportedly planning to open a fourth “tender age” detainment shelter in Houston as the number of separated children grows.

Justin Baragona on Twitter

Maddow apologized later in a Twitter thread, and shared the story again.

“Ugh, I’m sorry,” she wrote. “If nothing else, it is my job to actually be able to speak while I’m on TV.”

“I apologize for losing it there for a moment,” she added. “Not the way I intended that to go, not by a mile.”

What other country does this evil shit? Maybe Israel but do they separate toddlers and babies from their parents?
Is madcow still around?

pathetic person...these are not her times anymore. Go away ....just go
She is trying out for hollyweird… Maybe she could get bill's wife to introduce her to Harvey Wienerstiener...
Like that man-cow has real emotions.

She gets all choked up over a video of crying kids. Well thats funny, I hear the same shit as a paying passenger on Southwest Airlines. Nobody gave a shit, they just wanted the damn kid to shut up so they could sleep. And who knows the authenticity of these "crying kid videos" because its just audio. I could get the same audio in the Wal Mart check out line.

If she really cared she would be asking the illegals to stop trying to sneak across the border to subject their kids to the risk of being taken away.

The ugly bitch acts like we go find these people. No, they give us the Mexican middle finger and sneak into our country illegally. The FIRST thing they do is break our laws. Then rather than treat the innocent children the same as the very guilty adults, they are taken and cared for separately.

Kids shouldn't be alone with criminal parents anyway. If me or you would commit a crime with our kid we'd lose our kid too. Why should these wetbacks get special treatment?
What other country does this evil shit? Maybe Israel but do they separate toddlers and babies from their parents?
Evil shit? Enforcing a nation's immigration laws is "evil shit?"

How do you suggest these situations be resolved? Allow illegals with children to stay -- just because of the children? When the word gets out, how long do you think it will be before we are overwhelmed by illegal migrants with children?

It's an unhappy situation but it's time to put a foot down on this immigration problem. Let that word get out and the flow of illegals will be substantially reduced.
How many people sneak into Mexico? Almost none. Why? Because word has gotten out, Mexico treats illegals caught in their country like true criminals. They throw them into Mexican hell hole jails. Funny how when you treat illegals poorly the number of illegals goes down really fast.
Where was this propagandist Comrade of the Communist movement when all of these things were going on during the last administration? I will say, I am not supportive of this separation but it is damned if you do and damned if you don't. You don't want to encourage this kind of behavior and there must be instances of people using kids for the purposes of getting into the country. You cannot bombard a nation with people and expect they can handle it smoothly, you guys have FAR too many illegals.

These people are hypocrites. She doesn't give two shytes she lives in a mansion behind a moat, dealing with the influx of illegals is for the "other people". She's full of shyte and a cuck for the socialist, progressive, Marxist movement

Just wait until there is a report about the number of children who have been abused and used during these hundreds of mile trips. This is a desperate alt-left that see people are voting for America and self interests finally, and they cannot overcome it with any substaintive policies. Even now, what is the issue they tackle? The plight of those entering America illegally.

Scary stuff, There is no way Russia would have thought the socialist movement would be this powerful within a couple of generations.
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I've never seen this woman break up on air. She couldn't read the AP news copy, kept trying and trying finally passed it off to the guy who followed her. We've all REACHED our limit....

Maddow breaks down on-air while describing 'tender age' migrant shelters
BY AVERY ANAPOL - 06/19/18 10:42 PM EDT


MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow broke down in tears on-air over a report about the Trump administration operating “tender age” shelters for migrant babies and toddlers.

Maddow choked up while reading the first lines of the Associated Press’ report on the three facilities where children under the age of 13 are being sent after being separated from their parents at the border.

She was unable to read the description of the shelters, first asking a producer to display a graphic, and then deciding to abruptly end her segment.

“I think I’m going to have to hand this off, sorry,” the MSNBC host said through tears.

The AP reported Tuesday that at least three Texas facilities are currently operational and holding hundreds of crying babies and toddlers. The government is reportedly planning to open a fourth “tender age” detainment shelter in Houston as the number of separated children grows.

Justin Baragona on Twitter

Maddow apologized later in a Twitter thread, and shared the story again.

“Ugh, I’m sorry,” she wrote. “If nothing else, it is my job to actually be able to speak while I’m on TV.”

“I apologize for losing it there for a moment,” she added. “Not the way I intended that to go, not by a mile.”

Fake acting, fake tears, fake everything.

In other news, Maddow has never stepped up to sponsor a single child and its family, and there is no evidence these lying Democrat frauds intend to or ever have, for that matter. Pelosi's net worth is $100 million more than it was before she took office, Feinstein's many many millions more, OBama's in the hundreds of millions more, ditto the Clintons; just Pelosi alone has the means to sponsor them out of her chump change, so what is the real problem here?
She's crying because her mentally ill dyke kids paid a lot of money for kids that are now being protected by the US government..and getting older by the minute. They are out that money and now they will have to find other parents who will sell their kids.

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