MADDOW, a PRO lost it tonight regarding babies in detention

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that 'they're all so childishly shallow and hypocritical'?

You made a matter-of-fact statement. So where are your facts to back them up?

And if you cannot provide said link - then we know your statement means absolutely nothing.

Spamming shithead liars and fakes don't get to make demands of anybody, dummy; go ahead and tell us how many of these 'victims' you're sponsoring and maybe we might take your infantile prattling and diaper wetting seriously.

A) I have no desire to sponsor ANY child (other then the children I sponsored through Plan International) and the daughter's of a former girlfriend (who are NOT my children) that I have (gladly) given over $40,000 to each already.

Yes, we thought so, just trolling noise, no real interest in the issue other than sniveling like a little prog nazi over 'Trump!' on cue for your handlers.

B) Nice spin maggot...the bottom line is you have no link your statement means NOTHING. Just another racist, xenophobic statement from an un-American, Trump--adoring, uneducated, low-IQ, nobody hick from Hicktown, Loser County.

lol says the idiot liar and spammer who isn't going to do squat about 'The Big Crisis' itself, typical phony sociopath. Can't give up your pot and batteries for your butt plug collection over some unimportant 'humanitarian crisis'. Phony progs have to keep your priorities 'straight' after all.

Nobody can even figure out what your dope-addled 'demand' for links even means, moron.

Now if you will excuse me - I only spend so much of my time talking to trolls every day...and you have exhausted my quota. So we are done here.

Nobody asks idiots like you for responses in the first place, scumbag. You were done a long time ago.

Have a wonderful day.

I'm having a fine day. you mentally ill gimps are never any challenge.
Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that 'they're all so childishly shallow and hypocritical'?

You made a matter-of-fact statement. So where are your facts to back them up?

And if you cannot provide said link - then we know your statement means absolutely nothing.

Spamming shithead liars and fakes don't get to make demands of anybody, dummy; go ahead and tell us how many of these 'victims' you're sponsoring and maybe we might take your infantile prattling and diaper wetting seriously.

A) I have no desire to sponsor ANY child (other then the children I sponsored through Plan International) and the daughter's of a former girlfriend (who are NOT my children) that I have (gladly) given over $40,000 to each already.

B) Nice spin maggot...the bottom line is you have no link your statement means NOTHING. Just another racist, xenophobic statement from an un-American, Trump--adoring, uneducated, low-IQ, nobody hick from Hicktown, Nazi Germany.

Now if you will excuse me - I only spend so much of my time talking to trolls every day...and you have exhausted my quota. So we are done here.

Have a wonderful day.
Surprising how many sadistic members here at USMB are enjoying this abuse of little children.

lol another fake 'humanitarian' weighs in on cue from their masters. No children are being abused, except those adopted by homo parents and the NAMBLA contingent of the democratic party. It's a fake 'crisis' generated by your ilk, and of course none of you will be caught dead helping any children.
Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that 'they're all so childishly shallow and hypocritical'?

You made a matter-of-fact statement. So where are your facts to back them up?

And if you cannot provide said link - then we know your statement means absolutely nothing.

Spamming shithead liars and fakes don't get to make demands of anybody, dummy; go ahead and tell us how many of these 'victims' you're sponsoring and maybe we might take your infantile prattling and diaper wetting seriously.

A) I have no desire to sponsor ANY child (other then the children I sponsored through Plan International) and the daughter's of a former girlfriend (who are NOT my children) that I have (gladly) given over $40,000 to each already.

B) Nice spin maggot...the bottom line is you have no link your statement means NOTHING. Just another racist, xenophobic statement from an un-American, Trump--adoring, uneducated, low-IQ, nobody hick from Hicktown, Nazi Germany.

Now if you will excuse me - I only spend so much of my time talking to trolls every day...and you have exhausted my quota. So we are done here.

Have a wonderful day.
Surprising how many sadistic members here at USMB are enjoying this abuse of little children.

Unfortunately...not surprising anymore.

Trump is a beacon for these types. Xenophobes, misogynist's, white supremacists, child molesters, child abusers...every person in America that embraces any of these disgusting 'qualities' has been attracted to Trump like the moth to the flame. He is the poster boy for hate...and every low IQ/emotionally disturbed Trumpbot seems to love him for it.

That is the one good thing about Trump as POTUS...all of these un-American sicko's are coming out of the woodwork for all of us to see...and to remember who they are when Trump is gone. So we can remind them what they said and stood for.

lol fake 'humanitarian' tries yet again to spread a lie, and can't get away with it. It doesn't even know it can sponsor as many of these kids as it wants to, it hasn't even bothered to research how it can actually help these kids it claims to be so concerned about, also typical of the fake news spammers.
I've never seen this woman break up on air. She couldn't read the AP news copy, kept trying and trying finally passed it off to the guy who followed her. We've all REACHED our limit....

Maddow breaks down on-air while describing 'tender age' migrant shelters
BY AVERY ANAPOL - 06/19/18 10:42 PM EDT


MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow broke down in tears on-air over a report about the Trump administration operating “tender age” shelters for migrant babies and toddlers.

Maddow choked up while reading the first lines of the Associated Press’ report on the three facilities where children under the age of 13 are being sent after being separated from their parents at the border.

She was unable to read the description of the shelters, first asking a producer to display a graphic, and then deciding to abruptly end her segment.

“I think I’m going to have to hand this off, sorry,” the MSNBC host said through tears.

The AP reported Tuesday that at least three Texas facilities are currently operational and holding hundreds of crying babies and toddlers. The government is reportedly planning to open a fourth “tender age” detainment shelter in Houston as the number of separated children grows.

Justin Baragona on Twitter

Maddow apologized later in a Twitter thread, and shared the story again.

“Ugh, I’m sorry,” she wrote. “If nothing else, it is my job to actually be able to speak while I’m on TV.”

“I apologize for losing it there for a moment,” she added. “Not the way I intended that to go, not by a mile.”
It's called crocodile tears. I didn't bother watching the video because I don't watch MSNBC.
I've never seen this woman break up on air. She couldn't read the AP news copy, kept trying and trying finally passed it off to the guy who followed her. We've all REACHED our limit....

Maddow breaks down on-air while describing 'tender age' migrant shelters
BY AVERY ANAPOL - 06/19/18 10:42 PM EDT


MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow broke down in tears on-air over a report about the Trump administration operating “tender age” shelters for migrant babies and toddlers.

Maddow choked up while reading the first lines of the Associated Press’ report on the three facilities where children under the age of 13 are being sent after being separated from their parents at the border.

She was unable to read the description of the shelters, first asking a producer to display a graphic, and then deciding to abruptly end her segment.

“I think I’m going to have to hand this off, sorry,” the MSNBC host said through tears.

The AP reported Tuesday that at least three Texas facilities are currently operational and holding hundreds of crying babies and toddlers. The government is reportedly planning to open a fourth “tender age” detainment shelter in Houston as the number of separated children grows.

Justin Baragona on Twitter

Maddow apologized later in a Twitter thread, and shared the story again.

“Ugh, I’m sorry,” she wrote. “If nothing else, it is my job to actually be able to speak while I’m on TV.”

“I apologize for losing it there for a moment,” she added. “Not the way I intended that to go, not by a mile.”

What other country does this evil shit? Maybe Israel but do they separate toddlers and babies from their parents?
It's truly a pearl clutching experience, huh?
Every country that puts criminals in jails separates those criminals from their children.

That’s “evil” now
California is close to deciding on a law that prevents cops from using force to apprehend criminals. Liberalism is mental retardism.
Many of these pro child abuse trump fans have no choice but to trivialize the crisis of America institutionalizing child abuse and negligence. There is no defense, hence the defense effort is focused on pretending like it is no big deal.
Really kills some of you guys that someone actually has feelings for the wellbeing of other human beings doesn't it?

You may think you are being cool anonymous trolls on an internet forum, but remember at the end of the day you have to live with what you post.

lol another phony weighs in; it's part of the campaign of lies, after all. You think you gimps are actually fooling anybody that you care about anybody else but yourselves and and the agony of losing in 2016?

How many are you standing up and sponsoring? Same number as Pelosi and Obama and Maddow?

You have no idea who is donating money or sponsoring these kids.

Of course I do. We know it isn't you or Obama or Pelosi, or any other Democrat for that matter.

In fact is even more pathetic that you make it all political when it is actually about how KIDS are being treated.

what's pathetic is you sick freaks creating these fake 'crisises' and then lying about them, and making them purely political by your 'Trump!!' rubbish. No kids are being treated 'badly', except by those like yourself and your Party who keep encouraging criminals to abuse their children in these staged mob rushes for the U.S. border just so you lying frauds and scum can have a few photo ops to lie about.

The only thing phony here is all the Trump supporters who think this shit is funny because they are trolls posting anonymously on an internet forum. 99.9% of you people on here saying this shit wouldn't say stuff like this to the face of anyone in real life.

Ah, more lies again, from a child abusing democrat. yawn. We think's it funny because you're all such bad actors and dumbasses who really think you're fooling anybody.

Now, how many are you signing up to sponsor? Same number as Pelosi, Obama, and Maddow?

Fake crisis? Are you fucking off your meds?

And keep up the "funny" rating trolling outside the Flamezone. You just continue to show how much of a troll you are.
You love this crisis don't you.

Your ilk are the scum who created the scam and insist on peddling it as a 'crisis', not me, I just like pointing out you're lying scum, is all.

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that 'they're all so childishly shallow and hypocritical'?

You made a matter-of-fact statement. So where are your facts to back them up?

And if you cannot provide said link - then we know your statement means absolutely nothing.

Spamming shithead liars and fakes don't get to make demands of anybody, dummy; go ahead and tell us how many of these 'victims' you're sponsoring and maybe we might take your infantile prattling and diaper wetting seriously.

A) I have no desire to sponsor ANY child (other then the children I sponsored through Plan International) and the daughter's of a former girlfriend (who are NOT my children) that I have (gladly) given over $40,000 to each already.

Yes, we thought so, just trolling noise, no real interest in the issue other than sniveling like a little prog nazi over 'Trump!' on cue for your handlers.

B) Nice spin maggot...the bottom line is you have no link your statement means NOTHING. Just another racist, xenophobic statement from an un-American, Trump--adoring, uneducated, low-IQ, nobody hick from Hicktown, Loser County.

lol says the idiot liar and spammer who isn't going to do squat about 'The Big Crisis' itself, typical phony sociopath. Can't give up your pot and batteries for your butt plug collection over some unimportant 'humanitarian crisis'. Phony progs have to keep your priorities 'straight' after all.

Nobody can even figure out what your dope-addled 'demand' for links even means, moron.

Now if you will excuse me - I only spend so much of my time talking to trolls every day...and you have exhausted my quota. So we are done here.

Nobody asks idiots like you for responses in the first place, scumbag. You were done a long time ago.

Have a wonderful day.

I'm having a fine day. you mentally ill gimps are never any challenge.

Nothing says "mentally ill gimp" more than the rambling disjointed silly crap you just posted.

Nothing says 'sore loser vermin' more than your comment, along with the rambling disjointed idiocy of your buddy here.
Really kills some of you guys that someone actually has feelings for the wellbeing of other human beings doesn't it?

You may think you are being cool anonymous trolls on an internet forum, but remember at the end of the day you have to live with what you post.

lol another phony weighs in; it's part of the campaign of lies, after all. You think you gimps are actually fooling anybody that you care about anybody else but yourselves and and the agony of losing in 2016?

How many are you standing up and sponsoring? Same number as Pelosi and Obama and Maddow?

You have no idea who is donating money or sponsoring these kids.

Of course I do. We know it isn't you or Obama or Pelosi, or any other Democrat for that matter.

In fact is even more pathetic that you make it all political when it is actually about how KIDS are being treated.

what's pathetic is you sick freaks creating these fake 'crisises' and then lying about them, and making them purely political by your 'Trump!!' rubbish. No kids are being treated 'badly', except by those like yourself and your Party who keep encouraging criminals to abuse their children in these staged mob rushes for the U.S. border just so you lying frauds and scum can have a few photo ops to lie about.

The only thing phony here is all the Trump supporters who think this shit is funny because they are trolls posting anonymously on an internet forum. 99.9% of you people on here saying this shit wouldn't say stuff like this to the face of anyone in real life.

Ah, more lies again, from a child abusing democrat. yawn. We think's it funny because you're all such bad actors and dumbasses who really think you're fooling anybody.

Now, how many are you signing up to sponsor? Same number as Pelosi, Obama, and Maddow?

Fake crisis? Are you fucking off your meds?

And keep up the "funny" rating trolling outside the Flamezone. You just continue to show how much of a troll you are.

Yes, fake 'crises' are the only kind you spammers can come up with. And, I only troll trolls, and you're not a challenge, obviously, or you wouldn't be sniveling like a little bitch about it.

Go finish your breakfast meth and take a nap, gimp.
Really kills some of you guys that someone actually has feelings for the wellbeing of other human beings doesn't it?

You may think you are being cool anonymous trolls on an internet forum, but remember at the end of the day you have to live with what you post.
That's hilarious!
I've never seen this woman break up on air. She couldn't read the AP news copy, kept trying and trying finally passed it off to the guy who followed her. We've all REACHED our limit....

Maddow breaks down on-air while describing 'tender age' migrant shelters
BY AVERY ANAPOL - 06/19/18 10:42 PM EDT


MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow broke down in tears on-air over a report about the Trump administration operating “tender age” shelters for migrant babies and toddlers.

Maddow choked up while reading the first lines of the Associated Press’ report on the three facilities where children under the age of 13 are being sent after being separated from their parents at the border.

She was unable to read the description of the shelters, first asking a producer to display a graphic, and then deciding to abruptly end her segment.

“I think I’m going to have to hand this off, sorry,” the MSNBC host said through tears.

The AP reported Tuesday that at least three Texas facilities are currently operational and holding hundreds of crying babies and toddlers. The government is reportedly planning to open a fourth “tender age” detainment shelter in Houston as the number of separated children grows.

Justin Baragona on Twitter

Maddow apologized later in a Twitter thread, and shared the story again.

“Ugh, I’m sorry,” she wrote. “If nothing else, it is my job to actually be able to speak while I’m on TV.”

“I apologize for losing it there for a moment,” she added. “Not the way I intended that to go, not by a mile.”
Never let a good crisis go to waste. If you think the journalistic arm of the Democratic party gives a shit about illegal aliens you should take a look at my bridges I have for sale, really cheap.
Of course progressives are all broken up with this!!:2up::bye1:

My do these people navigate in life?
Epstein sponsors about a dozen girls annually. I think it's called sponsors

Well, we all know why Serial Rapist Bill Clinton isn't going to be allowed to adopt any female children, so we can exempt the Clintons from putting up or shutting up.
Made my points on the other 30 threads.
Maddows croc tears changes nothing.
How many are smuggling kids to sell to the Epsteins of the world as a way to pay their Coyote?

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