'Made In America' Policies Hugely Popular, Survey Shows


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2011
sw mizzouri
Overwhelming majorities of people from all political parties said they supported "Buy America" policies that would mandate that taxpayer money can only be used on goods that were made in America.

Nearly 9 out of 10 Republicans and Independents and 91 percent of Democrats said they support "Buy America" preferences, according to the survey,which was conducted by the Democratic-leaning Mellman Group.

Close to a quarter of the survey respondents said they had heard something about "Buy America" policies from ABC's Diane Sawyer as part of her "Made in America" series .

About half of the respondents said they have heard Romney talk about made in America policies and 66 percent said they've heard Obama push for U.S. made good.

Paul said the president has done a "better than average" job supporting Buy America policies. All of his campaign swag is made in the U.S.A., as is Romney's. But four of the former GOP presidential contenders- Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul and Herman Cain - got their campaign t-shirts overseas.

'Made In America' Policies Hugely Popular, Survey Shows - Yahoo! News

Thank goodness
Republicans hate that phrase. Obviously. Otherwise they wouldn't support leaders who work for "Made in China".
so why should this poll surprise anyone..?

Of course they would support things made in America..but the majority of people buy what THEY CAN AFFORD
No, if you read the article many of the politicans do support this wave of enthusiasm that has spread. R's and D's both agree, how many people just died!?, So it is a consensus at last for Congress and the preisidental candidates. Although it states that Obama was better at it.
Mitt Romney's plans will create 800,000 jobs.

Sadly, they are overseas.

Right now, the U.S. tax code gives multinational corporations tax breaks for moving jobs overseas. President Obama not only wants to eliminate those tax breaks, but plans to create a new tax credit for companies that bring jobs back home.

In contrast, Mitt Romney’s tax plan would not only protect those existing tax breaks, but would create larger incentives for companies to ship U.S. jobs overseas. In fact, according to a new economic analysis, Romney’s economic plan could actually create 800,000 jobs in foreign countries.

Here’s how:

  • Romney would eliminate all taxes on the foreign profits of U.S. companies. Currently, U.S. corporations don’t have to pay U.S. taxes on profits earned overseas until those profits are brought back into the United States. If elected, Romney would completely eliminate all U.S. taxes on these profits. Therefore, for the first time in modern history, an American company could move a factory overseas and never pay a single dollar in U.S. taxes on the profits generated by that factory.
  • Eliminating taxes on foreign profits could create 800,000 jobs overseas. No longer required to pay taxes on foreign profits, companies would now have new incentives to move their operations out of the United States. Economist Kim Clausing, an expert in international taxation, estimated that Romney’s plan to eliminate these taxes could lead to the creation of 800,000 jobs overseas. These jobs, created in China and other countries, could replace American jobs, drive down the wages of American middle-class workers, and undermine our economic recovery.
  • Romney’s plan would also undercut the U.S. tax base. Free to avoid paying taxes back home on profits earned abroad, multinational corporations could exploit accounting rules to make it appear that a large share of their profits are earned overseas. This gimmick would further undermine the U.S. tax base, which could increase the deficit and force small businesses and middle-class families to bear a higher share of the tax burden.

Mitt Romney’s guide to creating 800,000 jobs overseas — Barack Obama
No, if you read the article many of the politicans do support this wave of enthusiasm that has spread. R's and D's both agree, how many people just died!?, So it is a consensus at last for Congress and the preisidental candidates. Although it states that Obama was better at it.

Pardon my cynicism, but it smells of feel-good politicking to me.

I can't imagine much change coming of it.
No, if you read the article many of the politicans do support this wave of enthusiasm that has spread. R's and D's both agree, how many people just died!?, So it is a consensus at last for Congress and the preisidental candidates. Although it states that Obama was better at it.

yeah so what are they going to do about it...next force people to buy only things make in America?

good grief
No, if you read the article many of the politicans do support this wave of enthusiasm that has spread. R's and D's both agree, how many people just died!?, So it is a consensus at last for Congress and the preisidental candidates. Although it states that Obama was better at it.

yeah so what are they going to do about it...next force people to buy only things make in America?

good grief

Really, where would you carry such cynacism in a small body.
You hate Americans and thier products. Everytime you eat, you are eating USA manufactured food. We are the worlds bread basket. take pride in your country and the future rebuilding of the USA.

China is in a slump and is infusing cash into the system, the trend is going to where more companies and rich people are moving here from Europe and India, investing in the USA. They have no cynicism about their future.
One last thing, during the '70's there was a buy America wave going on. in the '80s also. Wal mart was one of the largest promotors of buy USA products.
I'm democrat but remember it was our guy clinton that pushed through nafta and most favored nation. Obama made some gestures about looking into nafta. He never did. His trade representative? A free trader. Both parties are guilty. They know most of us are against offshoring of jobs but they don't care. Obama's blaming romney for sending jobs out of the country at the same time he's signing trade deals with korea, colombia and others. How about Trans Pacific Partnership, started under bush but favored also by obama. Very little in the news about that one.

Republicans hate that phrase. Obviously. Otherwise they wouldn't support leaders who work for "Made in China".
No, if you read the article many of the politicans do support this wave of enthusiasm that has spread. R's and D's both agree, how many people just died!?, So it is a consensus at last for Congress and the preisidental candidates. Although it states that Obama was better at it.

Pardon my cynicism, but it smells of feel-good politicking to me.

I can't imagine much change coming of it.

As they say in the 45th inf. bgd. Lead, follow or get the hell out of the way.
hanging chicken feeder......metal made in america 17.99 or 18 bucks.....plastic made in twain was 14.99....or 15 bucks....no choice for me...i always try to buy american....unless its cars...then i buy subarus...textiles are hard to find....but if you look hard you can find made in america....only by us buying from each other will we ever recover....

i am sicken by the cars being produced..the ads make 30 mpg sound good......i have driven a 30 mpg car since 1986

o and ralph lauren should be boycotted and his mallie uniforms replaced....if i were one of the american athletes i would refuse to wear that damn thing....looks like crap
I'm democrat but remember it was our guy clinton that pushed through nafta and most favored nation. Obama made some gestures about looking into nafta. He never did. His trade representative? A free trader. Both parties are guilty. They know most of us are against offshoring of jobs but they don't care. Obama's blaming romney for sending jobs out of the country at the same time he's signing trade deals with korea, colombia and others. How about Trans Pacific Partnership, started under bush but favored also by obama. Very little in the news about that one.

Republicans hate that phrase. Obviously. Otherwise they wouldn't support leaders who work for "Made in China".

Corporations are the ones that pushed the trade agreements, they wanted new markets to sell in. Right now they want a trade treaty with China and Asia.
No, if you read the article many of the politicans do support this wave of enthusiasm that has spread. R's and D's both agree, how many people just died!?, So it is a consensus at last for Congress and the preisidental candidates. Although it states that Obama was better at it.

yeah so what are they going to do about it...next force people to buy only things make in America?

good grief

Really, where would you carry such cynacism in a small body.
You hate Americans and thier products. Everytime you eat, you are eating USA manufactured food. We are the worlds bread basket. take pride in your country and the future rebuilding of the USA.

China is in a slump and is infusing cash into the system, the trend is going to where more companies and rich people are moving here from Europe and India, investing in the USA. They have no cynicism about their future.
One last thing, during the '70's there was a buy America wave going on. in the '80s also. Wal mart was one of the largest promotors of buy USA products.

yeah right, I hate Americans and their products, the dramatics are touching...I just happen to live IN REALITY...people buy what they can AFFORD...you might not like it but that's life...
No, if you read the article many of the politicans do support this wave of enthusiasm that has spread. R's and D's both agree, how many people just died!?, So it is a consensus at last for Congress and the preisidental candidates. Although it states that Obama was better at it.

Pardon my cynicism, but it smells of feel-good politicking to me.

I can't imagine much change coming of it.

As they say in the 45th inf. bgd. Lead, follow or get the hell out of the way.

Don't misunderstand me, MG.

I'd LOVE to see tariffs and taxes on Chinese crap.
Exactly what the presumptive republican nominee has proposed doing during his first days in office.

I just don't have high hopes for real policy change.

All I can do is all I can do.

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