Made in china.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Is cheaper than make in U.S.A.

We complain about U.S. Olympic uniforms being made in China when we probably exported the material that China made the uniforms with because it is cheaper for China to make them than for U.S. corporations.
oh great..Harry Reid throws a tantrum and we now get a dozen threads on this
Is cheaper than make in U.S.A.

We complain about U.S. Olympic uniforms being made in China when we probably exported the material that China made the uniforms with because it is cheaper for China to make them than for U.S. corporations.

Why is it cheaper? I am sure Out of Control Union Contracts, and over bearing government Regulations have nothing to do with it right?

Is cheaper than make in U.S.A.

We complain about U.S. Olympic uniforms being made in China when we probably exported the material that China made the uniforms with because it is cheaper for China to make them than for U.S. corporations.

Being cheaper to produce there is not the same thing as the desire to have profit margins as high as humanly possible by wanting to cut as many corners as possible and a willingness to employ people who have no sorts of worker rights protections.

That's why they go to china. Not because things are too hard and too expensive for them here.

Come on man, you have to think like a greedy ass mother-fucking businessman who cares about profits over country.
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Is cheaper than make in U.S.A.

We complain about U.S. Olympic uniforms being made in China when we probably exported the material that China made the uniforms with because it is cheaper for China to make them than for U.S. corporations.

Why is it cheaper? I am sure Out of Control Union Contracts, and over bearing government Regulations have nothing to do with it right?


Not really, we have sweat shops still here in the US of A.
I didn't hear anyone complaining about where the US Olympic uniforms come from.

May I suggest you expand your news sources. Senator Harry Reid suggested that all the uniforms be burned in a large pile.

Has Harry Reid also suggested we set fire to many of our Chinese Wind turbines as well?:lol:
[ame=]80% Of Green Jobs Stimulus Money Going Overseas - YouTube[/ame]
I didn't hear anyone complaining about where the US Olympic uniforms come from.

They should have been made in the US though, from material sourced in the US. These days, every bloody thing you buy is made in freaking China. Gets on your nerves after awhile.
Is cheaper than make in U.S.A.

We complain about U.S. Olympic uniforms being made in China when we probably exported the material that China made the uniforms with because it is cheaper for China to make them than for U.S. corporations.

Why is it cheaper? I am sure Out of Control Union Contracts, and over bearing government Regulations have nothing to do with it right?


What "over-bearing regulations" are you yippen about? Do you mean the ones the corporations themselves enacted through their vast lobby power? You know the ones that only carry a meager fine(s), no imprisonment, etc. IF the reg's are even enforced to begin with? You mean those?:cool:

As well, what "out of control union contracts" are you writing about? Facts show unions have given more in concession's than has any corporation. Union jobs only make up 11% of the nations workforce and has been dropping in membership thanks to the con party's love of corporations and hate of unions. That's not taking into account wage stagnation or worse, rising unemployment, etc. in the working classes VS record profits, bonuses, etc. for those corporations and those in the upper 10% (i.e. wall st, exec's, ceo's, etc, etc.....).

If anything can be deduced from this data it is this country has too many fools in it like yourself.
Is cheaper than make in U.S.A.

We complain about U.S. Olympic uniforms being made in China when we probably exported the material that China made the uniforms with because it is cheaper for China to make them than for U.S. corporations.

Why is it cheaper? I am sure Out of Control Union Contracts, and over bearing government Regulations have nothing to do with it right?


Regardless, labor will always be far cheaper in China until overpaid American workers learn to work for reasonable wages like their Chinese counterparts.
Are you stating that we should be like china, a communist dictatorship? Really? Hmmmmmmm! Sure would be a big help if you blind con followers realized that the shit you are posting, without seemingly giving it much thought and plenty of hate filled bs, can be used against you on a later date if when the powers that be see fit. I guarandamntee very few of you worthless con loving pos would ever speak to someone face to face the way you write to many. Seems you think what you write is just pixel dust and will disappear. I got breaking news for ya, you best re-evaluate and wake tf up!
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Slave labor in a country that doesn't follow EPA regulations will always be cheaper than American workers. Unless you advocate putting tariffs on goods coming from shitholes like China you shouldn't complain.
Agreed - there is no way to avoid buying goods from a country like China. US workers will never accept the conditions Chinese workers have to endure.
Agreed - there is no way to avoid buying goods from a country like China. US workers will never accept the conditions Chinese workers have to endure.

As much as some want us to... in the name of profits. Down with minimum wage! Hell, down with any wage!
Is cheaper than make in U.S.A.

We complain about U.S. Olympic uniforms being made in China when we probably exported the material that China made the uniforms with because it is cheaper for China to make them than for U.S. corporations.

Yes we need to furthwer lower our wages in order to compete with China, India, Bangladesh, etc.

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