Made in China

You know, it's easy to say that we need to bring manufacturing back to the US, but nobody will tell us how they propose to do it.

The really bad thing is that there are no investors out there who are willing to build a factory, outfit it with the equipment required to make the product, and then wait a few years to show a profit.

Especially not when they can make more money by having it made in China.
You have already been told how. By levying tariffs on Chinese exports until they start competing honestly.

Great idea. More tariffs that come out of our pockets. That will teach them.

If you don't buy it, why are you paying tariffs, dumbass?
You know, it's easy to say that we need to bring manufacturing back to the US, but nobody will tell us how they propose to do it.

The really bad thing is that there are no investors out there who are willing to build a factory, outfit it with the equipment required to make the product, and then wait a few years to show a profit.

Especially not when they can make more money by having it made in China.
You have already been told how. By levying tariffs on Chinese exports until they start competing honestly.

Great idea. More tariffs that come out of our pockets. That will teach them.

If you don't buy it, why are you paying tariffs, dumbass?

Tariffs are a tax on the buyer dumb ass.

Hey you stupid MFer, how do you pay a tax on something you did not buy?

You are the GD dumbest human being with access to the internet! Go back to your closet, play with yourself, clean up the mess, and leave the rest of the intelligent world alone.

Your brain is so dense that its gravity sucks the IQ points out of anyone in your vicinity.

Everyone would be smart to ignore your pathetic ignorant mental meanderings.

As always, I will give your remarks all the consideration they deserve
Beijing Sends 150,000 Wuhan Virus Testing Kits to Prague, 80% Fail.

Half of my career was spent dealing with offshore manufacturing quality issues in medical and aerospace. You know - those things nobody wants to fail.

Time to get key things back into America.

And yet Amazon rates them 3 stars-go figure! *(joke about no matter how many people complain about the products like micro SD cards and report the product as faulty and scam, Amazon still carries the product and allows its customers to be riped off and abused by suspect China manufacturers and sellers.)
So as long as we allow our service industries to push faulty manufacturing and scams without holding them accountable, then we can't complain about we ourselves tolerate and make acceptable practices. Standards people, we need to set standards.
Amazon doesn't give them 3 stars, customers who rate the product give them three stars.
No, many times the ratings never match the customers views and even use other versions or products by the seller to bump their rating or hide issues with a product version. They also disallow certain reviews (censor) to control the real setiment.
lol If they were, how would you know? There is no reason to believe Amazon is doing anything but publishing the reviews that are sent in.
Beijing Sends 150,000 Wuhan Virus Testing Kits to Prague, 80% Fail.

Half of my career was spent dealing with offshore manufacturing quality issues in medical and aerospace. You know - those things nobody wants to fail.

Time to get key things back into America.

And yet Amazon rates them 3 stars-go figure! *(joke about no matter how many people complain about the products like micro SD cards and report the product as faulty and scam, Amazon still carries the product and allows its customers to be riped off and abused by suspect China manufacturers and sellers.)
So as long as we allow our service industries to push faulty manufacturing and scams without holding them accountable, then we can't complain about we ourselves tolerate and make acceptable practices. Standards people, we need to set standards.
Amazon doesn't give them 3 stars, customers who rate the product give them three stars.
No, many times the ratings never match the customers views and even use other versions or products by the seller to bump their rating or hide issues with a product version. They also disallow certain reviews (censor) to control the real setiment.
lol If they were, how would you know? There is no reason to believe Amazon is doing anything but publishing the reviews that are sent in.
I know by the few rejected reviews that should not have been discarded. They also allow a lot of bait and switch to take place, sometimes by their own doing with links that is supposed to be the same item, but is a sneaky switch. And don't get me started with the hidden charges deep into checkout after you fill out everything in checkout.
Beijing Sends 150,000 Wuhan Virus Testing Kits to Prague, 80% Fail.

Half of my career was spent dealing with offshore manufacturing quality issues in medical and aerospace. You know - those things nobody wants to fail.

Time to get key things back into America.

And yet Amazon rates them 3 stars-go figure! *(joke about no matter how many people complain about the products like micro SD cards and report the product as faulty and scam, Amazon still carries the product and allows its customers to be riped off and abused by suspect China manufacturers and sellers.)
So as long as we allow our service industries to push faulty manufacturing and scams without holding them accountable, then we can't complain about we ourselves tolerate and make acceptable practices. Standards people, we need to set standards.
Amazon doesn't give them 3 stars, customers who rate the product give them three stars.
No, many times the ratings never match the customers views and even use other versions or products by the seller to bump their rating or hide issues with a product version. They also disallow certain reviews (censor) to control the real setiment.
lol If they were, how would you know? There is no reason to believe Amazon is doing anything but publishing the reviews that are sent in.
I know by the few rejected reviews that should not have been discarded. They also allow a lot of bait and switch to take place, sometimes by their own doing with links that is supposed to be the same item, but is a sneaky switch. And don't get me started with the hidden charges deep into checkout after you fill out everything in checkout.
This is just silly. I've been buying frequently from Amazon for years and there is no evidence of any of the things you are alleging. Do you really think Jeff Bezos would put his whole operation in jeopardy just to sell a few defective items? Buying online requires trust and what you are suggesting is just ridiculous.
Time to get key things back into America.

so what's your plan?

>”The U.S. can no longer make penicillin. The last U.S. penicillin fermentation plant closed in 2004. Industry data reveal that Chinese companies formed a cartel, colluded to sell product on the global market at below market price, and drove all U.S. European, and Indian producers out of business. Once they gained dominant global market share, prices increased.”

>”The U.S. can no longer make generic antibiotics. Because the U.S. has allowed the industrial base to wither, the U.S. cannot produce generic antibiotics for children’s ear infections, strep throat, pneumonia, urinary tract infections, sexually-transmitted diseases, Lyme disease, superbugs and other infections that are threats to human life. We cannot make the generic antibiotics for anthrax exposure. After the anthrax attacks on Capitol Hill and elsewhere in 2001, the U.S. government turned to a European company to buy 20 million doses of the recommended treatment for anthrax exposure, doxycycline. That company had to buy the chemical starting material from China. What if China were the anthrax attacker?”

>”Beyond antibiotics, the U.S. industrial base for generic drug manufacturing is on the brink of collapse. Generic drugs are 90 percent of the medicines Americans take. Examples of generic drugs made in China by domestic companies and sold in the United States include: antibiotics, anti-depressants, birth control pills, chemotherapy for cancer treatment for children and adults, medicine for Alzheimer’s, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, Parkinson’s, and epilepsy, to name a few. If past performance is indicative of future performance, China’s generic drug companies will engage in cartel formation and predatory pricing, and drive out U.S. and other western generic companies.”

China is acting like gangsters. They get control of a industry, drop prices so low others cannot compete
and then jack prices up again once the competition disappears.

One of the principle reforms in the wake of this virus panic has to be regaining our ability to produce our own
drugs and medicines.

We've let China (thanks to politicians like Joe Biden) take away our ability to protect ourselves. Time to take back our rights.
You know, it's easy to say that we need to bring manufacturing back to the US, but nobody will tell us how they propose to do it.

The really bad thing is that there are no investors out there who are willing to build a factory, outfit it with the equipment required to make the product, and then wait a few years to show a profit.

Especially not when they can make more money by having it made in China.

They can continue to make cheap junk we can use for awhile and throw away...but we must bring back our important industries. We do this by incentives...the same kind of incentives under past administrations to not only allow, but encourage companies to move there. Our eyes are wide open FINALLY...when they threatened to withhold antibiotics from us, they sealed their fate.
Beijing Sends 150,000 Wuhan Virus Testing Kits to Prague, 80% Fail.

Half of my career was spent dealing with offshore manufacturing quality issues in medical and aerospace. You know - those things nobody wants to fail.

Time to get key things back into America.

And yet Amazon rates them 3 stars-go figure! *(joke about no matter how many people complain about the products like micro SD cards and report the product as faulty and scam, Amazon still carries the product and allows its customers to be riped off and abused by suspect China manufacturers and sellers.)
So as long as we allow our service industries to push faulty manufacturing and scams without holding them accountable, then we can't complain about we ourselves tolerate and make acceptable practices. Standards people, we need to set standards.
Amazon doesn't give them 3 stars, customers who rate the product give them three stars.
No, many times the ratings never match the customers views and even use other versions or products by the seller to bump their rating or hide issues with a product version. They also disallow certain reviews (censor) to control the real setiment.
lol If they were, how would you know? There is no reason to believe Amazon is doing anything but publishing the reviews that are sent in.
I know by the few rejected reviews that should not have been discarded. They also allow a lot of bait and switch to take place, sometimes by their own doing with links that is supposed to be the same item, but is a sneaky switch. And don't get me started with the hidden charges deep into checkout after you fill out everything in checkout.
This is just silly. I've been buying frequently from Amazon for years and there is no evidence of any of the things you are alleging. Do you really think Jeff Bezos would put his whole operation in jeopardy just to sell a few defective items? Buying online requires trust and what you are suggesting is just ridiculous.
You know this means your next few purchases are gonna make you eat those words=The law of nature.
One week I had 3 of 5 orders bait and switch and next order months later the same, actually changed the words after purchase and opened up another seller profile baiting the switch in similar form.
Regarding selling false items look up in Amazon or search engines the complaints about micro sd cards being fake print and coded to show more storagw then the cards hold. 256gb cards holding 64 gb 128gb cards holding 32gb and not functioning. Knock off cards, open packages etc
Anyone can read the reviews and see Amazon is allowing these to continue selling even as the customer complains directly to Amazon.
Beijing Sends 150,000 Wuhan Virus Testing Kits to Prague, 80% Fail.

Half of my career was spent dealing with offshore manufacturing quality issues in medical and aerospace. You know - those things nobody wants to fail.

Time to get key things back into America.

And yet Amazon rates them 3 stars-go figure! *(joke about no matter how many people complain about the products like micro SD cards and report the product as faulty and scam, Amazon still carries the product and allows its customers to be riped off and abused by suspect China manufacturers and sellers.)
So as long as we allow our service industries to push faulty manufacturing and scams without holding them accountable, then we can't complain about we ourselves tolerate and make acceptable practices. Standards people, we need to set standards.
Amazon doesn't give them 3 stars, customers who rate the product give them three stars.
No, many times the ratings never match the customers views and even use other versions or products by the seller to bump their rating or hide issues with a product version. They also disallow certain reviews (censor) to control the real setiment.
lol If they were, how would you know? There is no reason to believe Amazon is doing anything but publishing the reviews that are sent in.
I know by the few rejected reviews that should not have been discarded. They also allow a lot of bait and switch to take place, sometimes by their own doing with links that is supposed to be the same item, but is a sneaky switch. And don't get me started with the hidden charges deep into checkout after you fill out everything in checkout.
This is just silly. I've been buying frequently from Amazon for years and there is no evidence of any of the things you are alleging. Do you really think Jeff Bezos would put his whole operation in jeopardy just to sell a few defective items? Buying online requires trust and what you are suggesting is just ridiculous.
You know this means your next few purchases are gonna make you eat those words=The law of nature.
One week I had 3 of 5 orders bait and switch and next order months later the same, actually changed the words after purchase and opened up another seller profile baiting the switch in similar form.
Regarding selling false items look up in Amazon or search engines the complaints about micro sd cards being fake print and coded to show more storagw then the cards hold. 256gb cards holding 64 gb 128gb cards holding 32gb and not functioning. Knock off cards, open packages etc
Anyone can read the reviews and see Amazon is allowing these to continue selling even as the customer complains directly to Amazon.
I've been shopping at Amazon since 2011 I believe and while I have had some complaints about delivery, which customer service quickly corrected and gave me credit for, I have had only one complaint about the product I received not being what I had ordered. If your experience has been as bad as you say, Amazon's return policies are very generous and I hope you are taking advantage of them.
You know, it's easy to say that we need to bring manufacturing back to the US, but nobody will tell us how they propose to do it.

The really bad thing is that there are no investors out there who are willing to build a factory, outfit it with the equipment required to make the product, and then wait a few years to show a profit.

Especially not when they can make more money by having it made in China.

After this, that shit is ending, son.
China can't make anything right....why we let them take over is horrid to contemplate....maybe that is how Obama and Biden became Billionaires....

We should be asking former living presidents that question, especially Bubba Clinton and the 44th president that drove the final nail into the coffin.
You know, it's easy to say that we need to bring manufacturing back to the US, but nobody will tell us how they propose to do it.

The really bad thing is that there are no investors out there who are willing to build a factory, outfit it with the equipment required to make the product, and then wait a few years to show a profit.

Especially not when they can make more money by having it made in China.
How does the government make people stop doing things they don’t like (such as smoking)?

Sorry, but a commercial telling a person how bad smoking is for them isn't really doing much. And, putting out commercials to try to bring back manufacturing here in the US isn't going to work.

By the way, lots of people are still smoking. I see them gathered outside every day.
And, putting out commercials to try to bring back manufacturing here in the US isn't going to work.

You don't want it to work but it will, despite you leftist humps equating bringing manufacturing home with hating Trump. If you knew anything about markets you'd know American manufacturing went to China with the blessing of Wall St. and the democrap traitors they own in Congress. I never thought I'd see the GOP become the voice of the working man and woman in the US but that's what's happened. Soon the baby food, dog food, and laundry items will again be safe to use.....Wallboard won't be laced with pesticides, hammers won't break before an addition is framed. China built is shit built...we've had enough of them.
You know, it's easy to say that we need to bring manufacturing back to the US, but nobody will tell us how they propose to do it.

The really bad thing is that there are no investors out there who are willing to build a factory, outfit it with the equipment required to make the product, and then wait a few years to show a profit.

Especially not when they can make more money by having it made in China.
You have already been told how. By levying tariffs on Chinese exports until they start competing honestly.

Great idea. More tariffs that come out of our pockets. That will teach them.

If you don't buy it, why are you paying tariffs, dumbass?
because they have no idea what the trade commission does. He thinks our taxes pay tariffs. He doesn't know that every shipment requires a commercial invoice which identifies with who pays the fees. It could be the shipper or the receiver. Depends on the invoice. But again, he thinks his taxes pay it . You and I can't solve stupid. And that dude has no desire to learn.
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And, putting out commercials to try to bring back manufacturing here in the US isn't going to work.

You don't want it to work but it will, despite you leftist humps equating bringing manufacturing home with hating Trump. If you knew anything about markets you'd know American manufacturing went to China with the blessing of Wall St. and the democrap traitors they own in Congress. I never thought I'd see the GOP become the voice of the working man and woman in the US but that's what's happened. Soon the baby food, dog food, and laundry items will again be safe to use.....Wallboard won't be laced with pesticides, hammers won't break before an addition is framed. China built is shit built...we've had enough of them.
they don't want their fellow citizens working. they want to destroy our country. why would they ever be for a proposal that would improve those two things? they are fking evil fks.

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