Made in China

And, putting out commercials to try to bring back manufacturing here in the US isn't going to work.

You don't want it to work but it will, despite you leftist humps equating bringing manufacturing home with hating Trump. If you knew anything about markets you'd know American manufacturing went to China with the blessing of Wall St. and the democrap traitors they own in Congress. I never thought I'd see the GOP become the voice of the working man and woman in the US but that's what's happened. Soon the baby food, dog food, and laundry items will again be safe to use.....Wallboard won't be laced with pesticides, hammers won't break before an addition is framed. China built is shit built...we've had enough of them.
they don't want their fellow citizens working. they want to destroy our country. why would they ever be for a proposal that would improve those two things? they are fking evil fks.

They had no choice in the matter after 13 years in the government schools...they don't know anything useful, most of them don't even know what gender they are....two lost generations in a row. If we lose a third we're pretty much finished as a country.

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