Made in Israel: Medical

One of a series of 5 vids Documenting just some of the Tech advances by the amazing little country. Now home to an ever-increasing presence of companies like Intel.

CBN TV - Made in Israel : Medicine


Plus lots more here:

Health - YouTube

Did you see that machine at 6:45 called the re-walk ?? Amazing !
the guy was injured in battle in Lebanon and he couldn't walk anymore. But the re-walk machine literally makes him walk !! Amazing !!
And these are just medical inventions. There are lots more in other fields.
Half+ Desert Israel will become a Net Water Exporter by next year.

Israel Recycles 80% of it's water, 8x more than second place Spain at 10%.

An Israeli Kibbutz Invented Drip Irrigation which helps feed hundreds of millions worldwide. (and irrigates many an expensive vineyard)

CBN TV - Made in Israel: Water

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And these are just medical inventions. There are lots more in other fields.
Half+ Desert Israel will become a Net Water Exporter by next year.

Israel Recycles 80% of it's water, 8x more than second place Spain at 10%.

An Israeli Kibbutz Invented Drip Irrigation which helps feed hundreds of millions worldwide. (and irrigates many an expensive vineyard)

CBN TV - Made in Israel: Water

Amazing what Israel has able to accomplish in such a short period of time.
And these are just medical inventions. There are lots more in other fields.
Half+ Desert Israel will become a Net Water Exporter by next year.

Israel Recycles 80% of it's water, 8x more than second place Spain at 10%.

An Israeli Kibbutz Invented Drip Irrigation which helps feed hundreds of millions worldwide. (and irrigates many an expensive vineyard)

CBN TV - Made in Israel: Water

Amazing what Israel has able to accomplish in such a short period of time.

And with the neighbors Israel has...
And these are just medical inventions. There are lots more in other fields.

Are there any medical advances for Goyims?
They don't count..........only Juden medical advances are to be praised. .. :cool:
Why, Sunni Man, is anyone stopping you from posting the Muslim medical advances in the world of today. One would think that with the billions the Sunni Saudis have taken in for their oil for years and years, they would have many, many research labs working on different medical advances which will benefit all the eople on this planet. Meanwhile, no one will force you to use one of the Israeli medical innovations if you ever need one. Just tell your doctors that you don't want to avail yourself of anything that was invented by Jews.

New bone-growing treatment accelerates healing | ISRAEL21c
Half+ Desert Israel will become a Net Water Exporter by next year.

Israel Recycles 80% of it's water, 8x more than second place Spain at 10%.

An Israeli Kibbutz Invented Drip Irrigation which helps feed hundreds of millions worldwide. (and irrigates many an expensive vineyard)

CBN TV - Made in Israel: Water

Palestinians always bitch moan & attack Israel for not sharing their water. Why can't Palestine recycle or share their own water?
Palestinians always bitch moan & attack Israel for not sharing their water. Why can't Palestine recycle or share their own water?

Because they often do not have access to sources of fresh water.

The largest water source in the region is the Jordan River, from which Israel has removed so much water that the Dead Sea is disappearing by a metre or two every year.

Both sides have failed to address the issues of water usage sensibly.

As for the OP - yes, Israel has done amazing things for a small country. But how much of that is either military development, or has the military as the end user and bank?

I think you'll find it's quite a large amount.
Gotta love it that even such a positive thread is a troll-magnate.

Some people can simply not stand that Israel does positive and good things.

too bad, morons.

As for the thread itself, it is always nice and well appreciated that our state and people help saving the world and donate to modern medicine.

However, sadly we still lack hospitals and young-medicine students in Israel. Hope that will improve in the foreseen future:)
Rothschild Boulevard has always been one of the grandest streets in Tel Aviv, with its broad tree-lined central promenade and elegant Bauhaus architecture.

The cafes, kiosks and benches teem with young entrepreneurs who seem to survive on a diet of caffeine and wi-fi. Of Israel’s 5,000 tech companies, city planners have counted 600 start-ups in the single square mile around Rothschild. Israel has more companies on Nasdaq than any country beside the US and China, and it attracts more venture funding per capita than anywhere in the world. Its tech sector employs 230,000 people in a population of eight million, earning more than a quarter of the country’s total exports.

There are similar tech hubs in many cities throughout the world, but Avner Warner, Director of International Economic Development at the Tel Aviv Global City Administration, says Tel Aviv stands apart because of a single overriding influence on early-stage Israeli companies: the Israeli armed forces.

BBC - Future - Technology - Israel: Boot camp for start-up success
Rothschild Boulevard has always been one of the grandest streets in Tel Aviv, with its broad tree-lined central promenade and elegant Bauhaus architecture.

The cafes, kiosks and benches teem with young entrepreneurs who seem to survive on a diet of caffeine and wi-fi. Of Israel’s 5,000 tech companies, city planners have counted 600 start-ups in the single square mile around Rothschild. Israel has more companies on Nasdaq than any country beside the US and China, and it attracts more venture funding per capita than anywhere in the world. Its tech sector employs 230,000 people in a population of eight million, earning more than a quarter of the country’s total exports.

There are similar tech hubs in many cities throughout the world, but Avner Warner, Director of International Economic Development at the Tel Aviv Global City Administration, says Tel Aviv stands apart because of a single overriding influence on early-stage Israeli companies: the Israeli armed forces.

BBC - Future - Technology - Israel: Boot camp for start-up success

The training a person receives in the military provides a great deal of transferable skills for use in civilian life in this case entrepreneurial skills. Generally speaking some materiel employed in the military is later conformed for use by the civilian population.
Just as any nation such as the US would capitalize and nurture its scientific and technological community for the advancements of its military. But to point to the military as the sole reason, and discount the education, drive, upbringing, ambition, of its people, is usually what those who can't handle Israel's successes usually do.
I keep reading threads about how great Israel is doing in the hi-tech sector and it's booming economy.

Yet, every year Israel extends it's tin begging cup and asks the U.S. for another 3 billion in money and weapons.

Why should the American tax payer be forced to subsidizing the already affluent Israeli lifestyle? .. :cool:
Rothschild Boulevard has always been one of the grandest streets in Tel Aviv, with its broad tree-lined central promenade and elegant Bauhaus architecture.

The cafes, kiosks and benches teem with young entrepreneurs who seem to survive on a diet of caffeine and wi-fi. Of Israel’s 5,000 tech companies, city planners have counted 600 start-ups in the single square mile around Rothschild. Israel has more companies on Nasdaq than any country beside the US and China, and it attracts more venture funding per capita than anywhere in the world. Its tech sector employs 230,000 people in a population of eight million, earning more than a quarter of the country’s total exports.

There are similar tech hubs in many cities throughout the world, but Avner Warner, Director of International Economic Development at the Tel Aviv Global City Administration, says Tel Aviv stands apart because of a single overriding influence on early-stage Israeli companies: the Israeli armed forces.

BBC - Future - Technology - Israel: Boot camp for start-up success

The training a person receives in the military provides a great deal of transferable skills for use in civilian life in this case entrepreneurial skills. Generally speaking some materiel employed in the military is later conformed for use by the civilian population.
Almost too many inventions to mention. Things like aerosol cans, Zippo lighters, thousands of other items we take for granted; Airplanes,radar, GPS, depth finders, lasers, etc, etc.

Military invention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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