Made in Israel

you really want to compare the contributions of a nation propped up with foreign aid to a people that have been displaced, face constant fear of bombardment and death, have their movement and access to basic needs restricted...

yeah. fair comparison.

however you may feel about the israel and the palestinians you have to realize that this is not a fair comparison.
How about all the other Muslim shitholes, what are they contributing to modern civilization but backward thinking, hatred and terror.

Oh I forgot, oil. Ha ha ha.
oh you're right. that doesn't matter at all.

israel is unique not because her people are somehow better or special - it's special because of the influx of foreign capital and support.

but if you want to be racist that's your right.

It's not what you have, but what you do with what you have.
Where in the Middle East?
Non of your beezwax. I know more about that region and it's peoples than your ignorant ass will ever know.

There are areas of the ME that are hostile, illiterate and impoverished. so where you are from does matter.
Where are the areas in the ME that are not hostile, illiterate, and impoverished? Even in the wealthiest of them that are drowning in oil money, the corrupt leaders and their cronies are living like emperors while their people are eating dirt. Their wives, yes, live like queens while most of the population suffers. So no, they aren't bathing five times a day. Far from it. Maybe once a week if they're lucky.
[ame=]Israel - a hi-tech superpower - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Secrets about the Israeli Technology - YouTube[/ame]
Sometime during the late '40s in school, I had to do a report on the settlers and the re-birth of the land. How they turned malarial swamps and arid desert into lush farmland. During that time in the U.S., the goings on in Israel were hot topics. Every week the Weekly Reader continued serial stories about Israel and all the newsreels in the movies had a segment on Israeli progress. And now the Palestinians in Gaza have a good bit of that land. I would like to see the current conditions.

Tikkun Olam..."Repairing the World". The first "Green movement" started in Israel

Made in Israel -- Clean and Green - YouTube

Amen, Tikkun Olam, absolutely!

The world needs lots of V'Emet Emunah and lots of Tikkun Olam - to repair the word through good deeds.

In my book, the only thing that outweighs the V'ohavtah and Tikkun Olam is the principle of Pikuah Nefesh.

Tikkun Olam is often a term associated with the "Left", but that is just crap. Tikkun Olam applies to all of us. We are one species under G-d.

Amen. I live and I will die by the principle of Tikkun Olam.

Pretty good vid, it was fun to watch.

Thanks for sharing, [MENTION=25505]Jroc[/MENTION]!
How about all the other Muslim shitholes, what are they contributing to modern civilization but backward thinking, hatred and terror.

Oh I forgot, oil. Ha ha ha.
oh you're right. that doesn't matter at all.

israel is unique not because her people are somehow better or special - it's special because of the influx of foreign capital and support.

but if you want to be racist that's your right.

It's not what you have, but what you do with what you have.

Keyn, keyn, keyn!!!
In Judaism, the highest form of giving is acheived when the recipient doesn't even know who the giver was and the giver doesn't try to "out" himself about it.

If every homo-sapiens were to go around helping where he saw need, using common sense and compassion as Hashem commands, then there would be far less problems across the globe.

The honor of getting to help another human soul, the joy of witnessing the birth of a life, all of the parts of the life cycle, they are gifts from Hashem, gifts we often forget.

Imagine what would happen to many corners of the USA were each and ever person to decide to apply Tikkun Olam to his or her own life...

Now, just think about that.

Ideas bring consequences with them. And the consequences of this idea are superlative, imo.
This is an example of Tikkun Olam, in Oklahoma:

Oklahoma Legislature Lauds Jewish Tornado Assistance - Chabad-Lubavitch News


...Goldfeder, whose district in Queens, N.Y., was one of the hardest hit areas during Hurricane Sandy, traveled to Oklahoma to offer his assistance to the victims of the tornado. He has been working with Chabad, the National Council of Young Israel and the Masbia organization to facilitate the delivery of 20,000 pounds of food from Agri Star Meat & Poultry in Iowa, a national supplier of kosher meat.

Upon recognizing the need for food, Rabbi Goldman quickly made arrangements with Agri Star to prepare delivery to the Chabad center for distribution in Oklahoma.

Masbia, which provides food relief services in New York City, assumed the responsibility of raising the funds necessary to pay for the food to be trucked from the Agri Star facility in Iowa to Oklahoma.

Upon learning of the need for funds, the National Council of Young Israel, which worked together with Masbia in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, immediately offered to cover the shipping costs so the food could get to Oklahoma as soon as possible.
Right On! You bet Israel is special "because of the influx of foreign capital and support." And every time the Palestinians act like Palestinians by attacking their provider, more foreign capital & support keep on pouring in for Israel. Heh Heh!

you really want to compare the contributions of a nation propped up with foreign aid to a people that have been displaced, face constant fear of bombardment and death, have their movement and access to basic needs restricted...

yeah. fair comparison.

however you may feel about the israel and the palestinians you have to realize that this is not a fair comparison.
How about all the other Muslim shitholes, what are they contributing to modern civilization but backward thinking, hatred and terror.

Oh I forgot, oil. Ha ha ha.
oh you're right. that doesn't matter at all.

israel is unique not because her people are somehow better or special - it's special because of the influx of foreign capital and support.

but if you want to be racist that's your right.
Right On! You bet Israel is special "because of the influx of foreign capital and support." And every time the Palestinians act like Palestinians by attacking their provider, more foreign capital & support keep on pouring in for Israel. Heh Heh!

How about all the other Muslim shitholes, what are they contributing to modern civilization but backward thinking, hatred and terror.

Oh I forgot, oil. Ha ha ha.
oh you're right. that doesn't matter at all.

israel is unique not because her people are somehow better or special - it's special because of the influx of foreign capital and support.

but if you want to be racist that's your right.
science, medicine, technology, environment, education and military advancements have come from Israel.
If you want to boycott Israel, start with your internet and cell phones. So many new ideas and intellectual discoveries that the world would be less advanced without Israel.
I think we should be accepting of buying things from Israel as any other country. I think we should be thankful for the advancements in cancer research, treatment and prevention that have come out of Israel. We use programs, aps and technology everyday without thinking that has come from Israel.
Every form of social media is connected to some programing that was Israeli.

Enough with the anti Israeli nonsense! Time to accept Israel and move forward without the the hate and rhetoric.
EU is not going to boycott Israel. Academics might soon loose credibility as sources on papers and studies for the prejudice.
Colleges will lose funding that support boycotting. Organizations and even web sites will be shut down that promote prejudice and anti-semitism.
Posters on so many boards have lost credibility for copying or referencing libels from hate and disinformation sites and authors.
Got a problem? leave out the fact that it has anything to do with Israel or jewish and discuss the topic without prejudice.

Got a problem with a policy, discuss it analytically and not as an attack on jews or Israel.
Hate is the most destructive thing in the world and there is far too much displaced hate and frustration that is heaped on Israel instead of on the people dishing it out. Want change, be active, not an arm chair propagandist adding fuel to the fire.
Find solutions, rational and equitable solutions instead of attacking others.
This is an example of Tikkun Olam, in Oklahoma:

Oklahoma Legislature Lauds Jewish Tornado Assistance - Chabad-Lubavitch News


...Goldfeder, whose district in Queens, N.Y., was one of the hardest hit areas during Hurricane Sandy, traveled to Oklahoma to offer his assistance to the victims of the tornado. He has been working with Chabad, the National Council of Young Israel and the Masbia organization to facilitate the delivery of 20,000 pounds of food from Agri Star Meat & Poultry in Iowa, a national supplier of kosher meat.

Upon recognizing the need for food, Rabbi Goldman quickly made arrangements with Agri Star to prepare delivery to the Chabad center for distribution in Oklahoma.

Masbia, which provides food relief services in New York City, assumed the responsibility of raising the funds necessary to pay for the food to be trucked from the Agri Star facility in Iowa to Oklahoma.

Upon learning of the need for funds, the National Council of Young Israel, which worked together with Masbia in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, immediately offered to cover the shipping costs so the food could get to Oklahoma as soon as possible.

[ame=]Rabbi Sacks on Tikkun Olam - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Agriculture technologies - Israeli expertise feeds the world - YouTube[/ame]
Israel's greatest agricultural experts and companies came together at its 18th International Agricultural Exhibition.

With over 7,000 visitors from 115 countries, the atmosphere was electric (and loud). Representative of Israeli companies explain their projects and products, all on the cutting edge, all designed to better feed the world.
Amazing achievements by Israel. Especially when we consider that Israel has Palestinians to deal with.

science, medicine, technology, environment, education and military advancements have come from Israel.
If you want to boycott Israel, start with your internet and cell phones. So many new ideas and intellectual discoveries that the world would be less advanced without Israel.
I think we should be accepting of buying things from Israel as any other country. I think we should be thankful for the advancements in cancer research, treatment and prevention that have come out of Israel. We use programs, aps and technology everyday without thinking that has come from Israel.
Every form of social media is connected to some programing that was Israeli.

Enough with the anti Israeli nonsense! Time to accept Israel and move forward without the the hate and rhetoric.
EU is not going to boycott Israel. Academics might soon loose credibility as sources on papers and studies for the prejudice.
Colleges will lose funding that support boycotting. Organizations and even web sites will be shut down that promote prejudice and anti-semitism.
Posters on so many boards have lost credibility for copying or referencing libels from hate and disinformation sites and authors.
Got a problem? leave out the fact that it has anything to do with Israel or jewish and discuss the topic without prejudice.

Got a problem with a policy, discuss it analytically and not as an attack on jews or Israel.
Hate is the most destructive thing in the world and there is far too much displaced hate and frustration that is heaped on Israel instead of on the people dishing it out. Want change, be active, not an arm chair propagandist adding fuel to the fire.
Find solutions, rational and equitable solutions instead of attacking others.


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