Made in Israel

you really want to compare the contributions of a nation propped up with foreign aid to a people that have been displaced, face constant fear of bombardment and death, have their movement and access to basic needs restricted...

yeah. fair comparison.

however you may feel about the israel and the palestinians you have to realize that this is not a fair comparison.
How about all the other Muslim shitholes, what are they contributing to modern civilization but backward thinking, hatred and terror.

Oh I forgot, oil. Ha ha ha.
oh you're right. that doesn't matter at all.

israel is unique not because her people are somehow better or special - it's special because of the influx of foreign capital and support.

but if you want to be racist that's your right.

Israel is " racist" because they desire a Jewish Homeland but its O,K to have a Palestinian State with No Israelis Allowed? You're the Racist. :cuckoo:
Foreign aid to Israel until the mid 1960s was virtually negligible -----the "aid" ---
was contributions from jews-----mostly USA jews.-----and compared to FOREIGN AID
from countries-----acutally ----negligible ----but it was circa Late 1950s that I began to
read islamo nazi propaganda--------scattered about my little nazi home town in
sleazy pamphlet form----sometimes actual little magazines ----monthly periodicals.

The ISSUE "ISRAEL GETS TOO MUCH MONEY" was just as big then in the
minds of the nazis way back in the 1950s as it is now A few dollars per year
from a jewish housewife----to a children's hospital in Jerusalem DROVE THEM
NUTS ---------- That some more properous person could fund an operating
room in Jerusalem and even claim a tax deduction for a charitable contribution----
was actually the MAIN STAY of the islamo nazi pig complaints -----way back then.

some things never change

The best networked country in the entire world?

Germany. 99.27% coverage. And those are the stats from 2011, if I recall. Read it in the Kölner Rundschau right around Karneval-time in 2011.

The country growing the fastest in network coverage?


Some of the best cooperation in technology between two countries right now?

Between Eretz Yisrael and the Bundesrepublik Deutschland.

Who do Germans hold high in standing in public polls?


Who do Israelis hold high in standing in public polls?


A lot has changed since 1945 and that it a big compliment to modern Germans who have worked MIGHTILY to confront and overcome their very dark past, and a compliment to Israelis, esp. young Israelis, for recognizing this.

The development has got to be one of the most heartwarming developments I have ever seen in my life.

When I was born, Germany lay still (in many cities) in ash and ruin and Israel was fighting for it's life.

Today, Israelis book vacation flights for Berlin or Hamburg or Köln, and Germans gladly book vacation flights for Tel Aviv or Yerushlalayim.

These are statistical facts that many don't see.

I will be reporting more on this angle soon, for there are lots of interesting and true stories to tell.
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Foreign aid to Israel until the mid 1960s was virtually negligible -----the "aid" ---
was contributions from jews-----mostly USA jews.-----and compared to FOREIGN AID
from countries-----acutally ----negligible ----but it was circa Late 1950s that I began to
read islamo nazi propaganda--------scattered about my little nazi home town in
sleazy pamphlet form----sometimes actual little magazines ----monthly periodicals.

The ISSUE "ISRAEL GETS TOO MUCH MONEY" was just as big then in the
minds of the nazis way back in the 1950s as it is now A few dollars per year
from a jewish housewife----to a children's hospital in Jerusalem DROVE THEM
NUTS ---------- That some more properous person could fund an operating
room in Jerusalem and even claim a tax deduction for a charitable contribution----
was actually the MAIN STAY of the islamo nazi pig complaints -----way back then.

some things never change

Check your facts... in addition to charity from American Jews they also got foreign aid, grants and loans.
Foreign aid to Israel until the mid 1960s was virtually negligible -----the "aid" ---
was contributions from jews-----mostly USA jews.-----and compared to FOREIGN AID
from countries-----acutally ----negligible ----but it was circa Late 1950s that I began to
read islamo nazi propaganda--------scattered about my little nazi home town in
sleazy pamphlet form----sometimes actual little magazines ----monthly periodicals.

The ISSUE "ISRAEL GETS TOO MUCH MONEY" was just as big then in the
minds of the nazis way back in the 1950s as it is now A few dollars per year
from a jewish housewife----to a children's hospital in Jerusalem DROVE THEM
NUTS ---------- That some more properous person could fund an operating
room in Jerusalem and even claim a tax deduction for a charitable contribution----
was actually the MAIN STAY of the islamo nazi pig complaints -----way back then.

some things never change

Check your facts... in addition to charity from American Jews they also got foreign aid, grants and loans.
Bottom line is The US started supporting Israel in the mid 1960's, AFTER it had fought all it's major wars.

The Arab states had all become client puppets of the Soviets, therefore the US started supporting Israel as a matter of national security in order to stop the spread of Soviet imperialism.
Foreign aid to Israel until the mid 1960s was virtually negligible -----the "aid" ---
was contributions from jews-----mostly USA jews.-----and compared to FOREIGN AID
from countries-----acutally ----negligible ----but it was circa Late 1950s that I began to
read islamo nazi propaganda--------scattered about my little nazi home town in
sleazy pamphlet form----sometimes actual little magazines ----monthly periodicals.

The ISSUE "ISRAEL GETS TOO MUCH MONEY" was just as big then in the
minds of the nazis way back in the 1950s as it is now A few dollars per year
from a jewish housewife----to a children's hospital in Jerusalem DROVE THEM
NUTS ---------- That some more properous person could fund an operating
room in Jerusalem and even claim a tax deduction for a charitable contribution----
was actually the MAIN STAY of the islamo nazi pig complaints -----way back then.

some things never change

Check your facts... in addition to charity from American Jews they also got foreign aid, grants and loans.
Bottom line is The US started supporting Israel in the mid 1960's, AFTER it had fought all it's major wars.

The Arab states had all become client puppets of the Soviets, therefore the US started supporting Israel as a matter of national security in order to stop the spread of Soviet imperialism.

in 67' they didn't get support from the U.S. they bought weapons, planes from France and used modified WWII era tanks. U.S. didn't really support Israel until the 73' Yom Kippor War

[ame=]1967 The Six Day War - Tank Battle of the Sinai - YouTube[/ame]
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Foreign aid to Israel until the mid 1960s was virtually negligible -----the "aid" ---
was contributions from jews-----mostly USA jews.-----and compared to FOREIGN AID
from countries-----acutally ----negligible ----but it was circa Late 1950s that I began to
read islamo nazi propaganda--------scattered about my little nazi home town in
sleazy pamphlet form----sometimes actual little magazines ----monthly periodicals.

The ISSUE "ISRAEL GETS TOO MUCH MONEY" was just as big then in the
minds of the nazis way back in the 1950s as it is now A few dollars per year
from a jewish housewife----to a children's hospital in Jerusalem DROVE THEM
NUTS ---------- That some more properous person could fund an operating
room in Jerusalem and even claim a tax deduction for a charitable contribution----
was actually the MAIN STAY of the islamo nazi pig complaints -----way back then.

some things never change

Check your facts... in addition to charity from American Jews they also got foreign aid, grants and loans.
Bottom line is The US started supporting Israel in the mid 1960's, AFTER it had fought all it's major wars.

The Arab states had all become client puppets of the Soviets, therefore the US started supporting Israel as a matter of national security in order to stop the spread of Soviet imperialism.

Eisenhower froze foreign aid to Israel in 1953 .. I think it was over the Qibya massacre.
Check your facts... in addition to charity from American Jews they also got foreign aid, grants and loans.
Bottom line is The US started supporting Israel in the mid 1960's, AFTER it had fought all it's major wars.

The Arab states had all become client puppets of the Soviets, therefore the US started supporting Israel as a matter of national security in order to stop the spread of Soviet imperialism.

Eisenhower froze foreign aid to Israel in 1953 .. I think it was over the Qibya massacre.

US foreign aid to Israel prior to 1953 was extremely negligible ---if it got "froze"---
it would have hardly mattered. The big issue in your literature thruout the 50s ---
and prior to the 50s was JOOOOOS donating nickles and dimes to little blue boxes
and Israeli bonds
[ame=]Israel's Weizmann Institute Named Best Research Institute Outside the U.S. - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Israel: A Leader in Business Innovation - YouTube[/ame]
They do have to have some recreation. It gets old sitting around watching camels hump.

Their women look like wizzened old pigs (and probably smell worse) so they have to have porn. :cool:

Arab women in general are pretty and very clean...

Is that why they use bath tubs as toilets, or just crap in the dust at the side of roads. Walk past an Islamic enclave and you can smell the rot, faeces, decay and deprivation. You see the men walking about if filthy clothes that have never been washed and are streaked with God knows what
Their women look like wizzened old pigs (and probably smell worse) so they have to have porn. :cool:

Arab women in general are pretty and very clean...

Is that why they use bath tubs as toilets, or just crap in the dust at the side of roads. Walk past an Islamic enclave and you can smell the rot, faeces, decay and deprivation. You see the men walking about if filthy clothes that have never been washed and are streaked with God knows what

You must hang out in some really nasty places.
Their women look like wizzened old pigs (and probably smell worse) so they have to have porn. :cool:

Arab women in general are pretty and very clean...
Overweight women, all smelly from wearing veils, burkas, or other restrictive Islamic clothing in the hot sun all day? You gotta be kidding me. Generally they are smelly and ugly because they don't take care of themselves, and their husbands treat them like farm animals.

That could be because they are inbred brood mares, how many are born with birth defects because they are mated with very close family members
Whilst on the subject of water...........

The Facts About the Palestinian Arab Water Supply

Published: Thursday, February 13, 2014 6:15 AM

European Parliament head, Martin Schulz, admitted that he hadn't checked the facts before he castigated Israel - from the Knesset podium - for denying Palestinian Arabs water. Here they are.

The State of Israel Water Authority (IWA) released a PowerPoint report entitled “The Water Issue Between Israel and the Palestinians.” (the “IWA Report”) in 2012..

The IWA Report debunks the BDS (boycott-divest-sanction) myth that “Israel is stealing West Bank water from the Palestinians,”

In fact, the IWA Report provides documentary and graphic evidence that the Palestinians have ““stolen”” water from Israel in direct, and constant “breach” of the Oslo Accords.

The IWA Report is full of clear and colorful graphics which illustrate many of the "West Bank" Water issues. For example, the graphic below shows how the Tel Aviv Yarkon-Taninim coastal aquifer is recharged by rainfall in the "\West Bank" (Judea and Samaria).


Water in Israel (IWA)
The IWA Report’s main conclusions are:

Israel supplies to the Palestinian Arabs in Judea and Samaria 46 million cubic meters (MCM) a year more water than Israel is obligated to under the Oslo Accords.

Israel supplies to the Palestinian Arabs, as a whole, 52 MCM a year more water than Israel is obligated to under the Oslo accords.

In direct breach of the Oslo accords, the Palestinian Arabs have drilled over 300 unauthorized wells in the "West Bank". (This “off the books” extra water, drawn by the Palestinian Authority, is in addition to the extra 52 MCM of water Israel has allocated to the Palestinian Arabs above the required Oslo Accords allotment.)

The Palestinian Arabs do not treat their sewage water which is contaminating the Western Samarian aquifer that topographically runs westward down the western half of the Samarian "West Bank" Mountains to the Tel Aviv coastal plain aquifers. (See this reporter’s graphic compilation.)

In direct breach of the Oslo accords, the Palestinian Authority is not developing any new sources of water, either through sewage treatment or desalination.

Recently the BESA Institute released a report by the internationally renowned, Hebrew University water-expert Dr. Haim Gvirtzman entitled “The Israeli-Palestinian Water conflict: An Israeli Perspective” which asserted that “despite there being a $500 million international Donor fund available” for the building of sewage treatment plants, “The Palestinians refuse to build sewage treatment plants.”

The Gvirtzman BESA Report is an excellent and thorough explanatory paper that fills in the IWA Report, and clearly elaborates many of the underlying "West Bank" water issues.

The two reports are a “must read” for anyone trying to counter the BDS “water” blood-libel against Israel.

The Facts About the Palestinian Arab Water Supply - Op-Eds - Israel National News
Arab women in general are pretty and very clean...
Overweight women, all smelly from wearing veils, burkas, or other restrictive Islamic clothing in the hot sun all day? You gotta be kidding me. Generally they are smelly and ugly because they don't take care of themselves, and their husbands treat them like farm animals.

Good lord.. have you ever been to any Arab country?

Arab women are famous for their beauty treatments.. and everyone goes home between 1 PM and 5 PM.. plus, they bathe five times a day.

You are one ignorant person.

And you are even worse as you LIE about what they do. They don't bathe 5 times a day at all they just perform wudhu

How To Perform Ablution Before Praying in Islam

I. Steps in Performing Wudhu (Ablution)

•NIAT (Intention) Make an intention to perform ablution in one's mind for the purpose of praying or worshipping Allah. This means clearing the heart and mind, focusing entirely on perfecting the process of ablution and pleasing the creator.
•Invoking the name of Allah at the start of Ablution, by saying "BISMILLAH," which means "in the name of Allah."
•Wash both hands up to the wrists with water and allow the water to run between the fingers. Repeat three times.
•Rinse the mouth with water three times. The mouth must be empty of food.
•Sniff water in and out of the nostrils to clean it three times.
•Clean the face from the top of the forehead down to the chin and from ear to ear three times.
•Wash both arms from the elbows. Start with the right arm first then the left arm. Repeat three times.
•Wet hands and pass them over the head, from the forehead to the back of the neck, and from the back of the neck to the forehead without wetting the neck. Wipe the earlobes with the forefingers to clean the inside of the ears and the external side with the thumbs. Repeat three times.
•Lastly, wash both feet. Start with the right foot first then the left foot, up to the ankles. The feet should be rubbed while being washed and run the water between the toes. No part of the foot should remain dry. Repeat three times.

So leaving the rest of the body covered in filth and stale sweat,
you really want to compare the contributions of a nation propped up with foreign aid to a people that have been displaced, face constant fear of bombardment and death, have their movement and access to basic needs restricted...

yeah. fair comparison.

however you may feel about the israel and the palestinians you have to realize that this is not a fair comparison.
How about all the other Muslim shitholes, what are they contributing to modern civilization but backward thinking, hatred and terror.

Oh I forgot, oil. Ha ha ha.
oh you're right. that doesn't matter at all.

israel is unique not because her people are somehow better or special - it's special because of the influx of foreign capital and support.

but if you want to be racist that's your right.

Nothing to do with the Intelligence factor is it, or the fact that Israel has had more Nobel prize winners in one year than the whole of islam has had in 100 years. What has islam given the world apart from violence, death, destruction, intolerance and hate. From day one the muslims deliberately deprived themselves of any free will and thought, and then stole ideas from other cultures to claim as their own.
Overweight women, all smelly from wearing veils, burkas, or other restrictive Islamic clothing in the hot sun all day? You gotta be kidding me. Generally they are smelly and ugly because they don't take care of themselves, and their husbands treat them like farm animals.

Good lord.. have you ever been to any Arab country?

Arab women are famous for their beauty treatments.. and everyone goes home between 1 PM and 5 PM.. plus, they bathe five times a day.

You are one ignorant person.

And you are even worse as you LIE about what they do. They don't bathe 5 times a day at all they just perform wudhu

How To Perform Ablution Before Praying in Islam

I. Steps in Performing Wudhu (Ablution)

•NIAT (Intention) Make an intention to perform ablution in one's mind for the purpose of praying or worshipping Allah. This means clearing the heart and mind, focusing entirely on perfecting the process of ablution and pleasing the creator.
•Invoking the name of Allah at the start of Ablution, by saying "BISMILLAH," which means "in the name of Allah."
•Wash both hands up to the wrists with water and allow the water to run between the fingers. Repeat three times.
•Rinse the mouth with water three times. The mouth must be empty of food.
•Sniff water in and out of the nostrils to clean it three times.
•Clean the face from the top of the forehead down to the chin and from ear to ear three times.
•Wash both arms from the elbows. Start with the right arm first then the left arm. Repeat three times.
•Wet hands and pass them over the head, from the forehead to the back of the neck, and from the back of the neck to the forehead without wetting the neck. Wipe the earlobes with the forefingers to clean the inside of the ears and the external side with the thumbs. Repeat three times.
•Lastly, wash both feet. Start with the right foot first then the left foot, up to the ankles. The feet should be rubbed while being washed and run the water between the toes. No part of the foot should remain dry. Repeat three times.

So leaving the rest of the body covered in filth and stale sweat,

Have you been anywhere in the Arab world in the past 80 years?
Where in the Middle East?
Non of your beezwax. I know more about that region and it's peoples than your ignorant ass will ever know.

There are areas of the ME that are hostile, illiterate and impoverished. so where you are from does matter.

Now that describes Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi, UAE, Oman, Libya, Pakistan, afgahnistan and bangledesh. Nearly forgot Palestine from the list. So much for peaceful islam, they cant even get along with each other.

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