Zionist genocide in Israel

Unfortunately, what Americans want doesn't matter as much to our politicians as what AIPAC etc wants.

Yes, we are still occupied by foreign Zionist lobbies.

Absolutely. I consider these politicians who have voiced unwavering support for Israel to be traitors. They disgust me.
Absolutely. I consider these politicians who have voiced unwavering support for Israel to be traitors. They disgust me.

Have you ever heard of the Symington - Glenn Amendment?

Briefly, it prohibits ANY aid to nuclear powers who do not sign the NPT.

Israel, of course won't sign so it can continue it's clandestine nuclear deals.

AIPAC etc makes sure that the $ Trillions keep flowing from America's coffers.

Finally, Israel's "Sampson Option" is another reason those $ Trillions keep flowing one way.

Thanks and enjoy...
How would you define Zionism?

Sure. Remembering the question on the table is whether or not "criticizing Zionism is antisemitic"...

For Israelis and Jews, Zionism is self-determination in our homeland. It includes return, decolonization, liberation and a national independence.

This is no different than the Arab Palestinian hope for self-determination in their homeland (or at least what they say in English out loud for the consumption of Westerners). Nor is it different than hundreds of nations which have arisen in the past hundred or so years with the large-scale dissolution of Empires. Nor is it different than the hope of other peoples around the world for their own self-determination: First Nations of the Americas, Australia and New Zealand, Catalonia, Scotland, Quebec and others.

But current usage of the words "Zionist" and "Zionism" (by those who are not Israeli or Jewish) demands incorporating elements of evil into the meaning, particularly "a form of self-determination which is deliberately and intentionally harmful to those not belonging to the collective".

Thus we have @surada claiming that Zionism = nationalism; then all nationalism is evil; then comparing Zionism to Islamic jihad and Nazism.

We have you claiming that Zionism = the desire to commit genocide.

We have people claiming that Zionism = the existence of Israel as a terrorist, or illegal, or illegitimate State; then calling for the destruction of that State.

We have people claiming that Zionism = apartheid.

Zionist is code for "bad Jew" for separating the "good" Jew from the "bad" Jew. The purpose of this code is to create a deniability around antisemitism. As in, "I'm not against Jews, I'm just against Zionists". Which is to be read, "I am not against those Jews who know their place in the world, I am only against those Jews whom I have identified as evil".

So, is criticism of Zionism antisemitic? Not if you are using the definition supplied at the beginning of this post and you apply it equally to all peoples (no double standard).

But criticism of Zionism IS antisemitic if the definition includes or requires ascribing an element of evil to the Jewish people. I would argue that nearly everyone who routinely uses the term here falls into this category.

How would you define Zionism?

How would you define Zionism?

It's identity politics, nothing more, nothing less. It is the same bullshit that the NAZI party and the KKK used to engage in, and the far left critical theorists in the states here engage in. It is the stuff MLK spoke out against.

Simply put?

While we in the states continue to try to do away with the garbage of the past, interest groups want US taxpayers to fund backwards philosophical ideas that are anti-American - in both Israel and other nations. Why? Simply for corporate and so called, "nation security interests." Machiavellian bullshit reasons, are their only considerations.

Most U.S. political elites, unless they are the ones that have duel citizenship or are Christian Zionists? They don't really care about Israel beyond the money that they get from AIPAC. :rolleyes:

Absolutely. I consider these politicians who have voiced unwavering support for Israel to be traitors. They disgust me.
Sad to hear the news about what's happened to the Hill's Rising. I can no longer go there for information.


FIERY Israel Debate - Konstantin Kisin, Briahna Joy Gray, Michael Moynihan, Eli Lake and Jake Klein​

89,013 views Premiered May 29, 2024 BROOKLYN
"Tensions run high in the heated debate on Israel's War in Gaza at Dissident Dialogues 2024.

Recorded May 3rd 2024, Brooklyn, NYC.

Konstantin Kisin moderates as Briahna Joy Gray (The Hill) and Jake Klein (The Black Sheep) argue against Israel's actions, whilst Eli Lake (The Free Press) and Michael Moynihan (The Firth Column) defend them."

Briahna CANCELED for Being Pro-Palestine? What Really Happened? (w/ Due Dissidence)​

Jun 10, 2024
Linking to Wikipedia makes my point.

Al Jazeera, the Qatari rulers' mouthpiece, is a Hamas propaganda outlet nowadays. Let's not forget that Qatar is allied with both Hamas and Iran. They've been already caught lying, by the way.

Again, linking to Al Jazeera makes my point.

Gaza shares a border with Egypt. How are Arabs in Gaza culturally and/or ethnically distinct from Egyptians?

Me thinks you just took the first definition on Google search and used it because it fits your narrative, or so you thought. Wrong choice. A territory sharing borders with more than one country is not an enclave.

Romania is surrounded only by countries whose inhabitants are culturally, ethnically, and linguistically different. So is Greece. Are Romania and Greece enclaves?

Qatar is a small country that shares the South Pars gas field with Iran and they have a substantial Shia population. Why wouldn't they be close to Iran?

Palestinians are nothing like Egyptians. Are you still trying to erase the Palestinians?

Have you ever been to Egypt or Palestine?
Why? Let's see. Let's go count how many each side has killed in every armed conflict and decide who the bad guy is from who killed more.

Who does this? Why is this always the microscope when it comes to Israel?

If you're so concerned, GO TO GAZA AND HELP!!!

Gaza is like the Warsaw Ghetto. 70% of the population is under 18 and most residents are refugees forced out of East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Have you ever been to Palestine? Do you know any Palestinians? Demonizing the neighbors is an old tactic. Read the Old Testament.
The idiots claiming that Israel is conducting a genocide against the Palestinians, clearly have no concept of what an actual genocide is. The idiots need to be forced to go to each and every former Nazi concentration camp for reference.

Gaza is like the Warsaw Ghetto.
Qatar is a small country that shares the South Pars gas field with Iran and they have a substantial Shia population. Why wouldn't they be close to Iran?
Qatar supports terrorist organizations funded by Iran. I don't trust anything published by their official media.

Palestinians are nothing like Egyptians. Are you still trying to erase the Palestinians?

Let's ask a Palestinian:

"Brothers, half of the Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis".

Who's erasing Palestinians?

Have you ever been to Egypt or Palestine?
I live in Israel, I know Arabs whose grandfathers came to Palestine from Egypt, Morocco, Hejaz, or Algeria. One Arab sarcastically remarked that his grandfather, who came from Morocco and settled west of the Jordan River, became a Palestinian, while his sister, who settled east of the Jordan River, became a Jordanian.

Even a cursory glance at Palestinians' family names clearly shows the various regions of origin. Many of them are Bedouins, indigenous to the Arabian Peninsula. There are also Kurds, Turks, Arameans, gypsies, and other ethnicities.
Qatar supports terrorist organizations funded by Iran. I don't trust anything published by their official media.

Let's ask a Palestinian:

"Brothers, half of the Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis".

Who's erasing Palestinians?

I live in Israel, I know Arabs whose grandfathers came to Palestine from Egypt, Morocco, Hejaz, or Algeria. One Arab sarcastically remarked that his grandfather, who came from Morocco and settled west of the Jordan River, became a Palestinian, while his sister, who settled east of the Jordan River, became a Jordanian.

Even a cursory glance at Palestinians' family names clearly shows the various regions of origin. Many of them are Bedouins, indigenous to the Arabian Peninsula. There are also Kurds, Turks, Arameans, gypsies, and other ethnicities.

Half Saudi and half Egyptian?

Your author is a ridiculous liar. Oh.. it's MEMRI. Figuresm
Half Saudi and half Egyptian?

Your author is a ridiculous liar. Oh.. it's MEMRI. Figuresm

You can tell that Israel's genocidal shills are especially desperate when Hasbara studios has to trot out bigoted rubbish like that.
It's a rather stupid lie.

Please be kind.

"Stupid lies" are all they've got in their Hasbara Handbook.

"How Israel and its partisans work to censor the Internet"

EXCERPT "As it turns out, Israel and Israeli institutions employ armies of Internet warriors—from Israeli soldiers to students—to spread propaganda online and try to get content banned that Israel doesn’t want seen.

Israel and partisans of Israel have long had a significant presence on the Internet, working to promote the Israel narrative and block facts about Palestine, the Israel lobby, and other subject matter they wish covered up.

In addition to these, however, a number of orchestrated, often well-funded projects sponsored by the Israeli government and others have come to light. These projects work to place pro-Israel content throughout the Internet, and to remove information Israel doesn’t wish people to know.

Under this program, Israeli students are paid $2,000 to work five hours per week to “lead the battle against hostile websites.” CONTINUED
Please be kind.

"Stupid lies" are all they've got in their Hasbara Handbook.

"How Israel and its partisans work to censor the Internet"

EXCERPT "As it turns out, Israel and Israeli institutions employ armies of Internet warriors—from Israeli soldiers to students—to spread propaganda online and try to get content banned that Israel doesn’t want seen.

Israel and partisans of Israel have long had a significant presence on the Internet, working to promote the Israel narrative and block facts about Palestine, the Israel lobby, and other subject matter they wish covered up.

In addition to these, however, a number of orchestrated, often well-funded projects sponsored by the Israeli government and others have come to light. These projects work to place pro-Israel content throughout the Internet, and to remove information Israel doesn’t wish people to know.

Under this program, Israeli students are paid $2,000 to work five hours per week to “lead the battle against hostile websites.” CONTINUED
Funny thing…we hear all the time about Russian or Chinese internet trolls spreading misinformation (TikTok for instance), but never a word by US media or government about the activities of Israel.

The enormous power a tiny apartheid regime nation has should concern every American, but it doesn’t.
Last edited:
Funny thing…we hear all the time about Russian or Chinese internet trolls spreading misinformation (TikTok for instance), but never a word by US media or government about the activities of Israel.

The enormous power a tiny apartheid regime nation has should concern every American, but it doesn’t.

I don't think that enough Americans recognize the destructive, bloody and costly effect that pro Israel Western MSM has had on US Middle East policy making.

Most Americans have seen Arabs / Muslims repeatedly depicted as villains since the cartoons they saw during their formative childhood years.

Next, the overwhelming majority of Hollywood's fictional villains, too, are Arabs / Muslims:

"Due to a limited collection of authentic Muslim and Arab representation, viewers are often exposed to misleading portrayals that adversely influence how they interact with members of these respective groups, thereby reinforcing damaging tropes and worsening Islamophobic and anti-Arab sentiment. Arabs and Muslims have almost exclusively been depicted as barbarians, violent, untrustworthy, threatening, undemocratic, and narrow-minded individuals in American films and television shows." (1)

Next, when it comes to America's supposedly factual news media, the demonizing bias against "the backwards, violent and foreign" (2) Muslims is seamless.

So, it's a sad reality that those with only a cursory interest of Middle Eastern history are steeped in anti Islamic bigotry before they hear the first pro Israel version about the first tragic event.

Finally, Israeli writer and musician, Gilad Atzmon can be counted on to pose a controversial theory (3) when he explains MSM's egregious pro Israel bias. Enjoy.

Many thanks and keep up the good work.

(1). "Reel to Real: Harmful Stereotypes of Arabs and Muslims in American Film and Television"​

(2) “Studies continually show strong pro-Israel bias in western media”

EXCERPT “Mainstream western media outlets are, by and large, infused with a pro-Israeli ideological bias that colors nearly all mainstream Western reporting on Israel-Palestine.
Israel is assumed to be good, peaceful, and like ‘us’. The Palestinians, meanwhile, are backwards, violent, and foreign. These are the assumptions that most western news outlets start with

(3). "Jews DO control the media,"

EXCERPT "Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media. We’ve got so many dudes up in the executive offices in all the big movie production companies it’s almost obscene. Just about every movie or TV show, whether it be “Tropic Thunder” or “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” is rife with actors, directors, and writers who are Jewish. Did you know that all eight major film studios are run by Jews?"

But the funny part is when any anti-Semite or anti-Israel person starts to spout stuff like, “The Jews control the media!” and “The Jews control Washington!”

Suddenly we’re up in arms. We create huge campaigns to take these people down. We do what we can to put them out of work. We publish articles. We’ve created entire organizations that exist just to tell everyone that the Jews don’t control nothin’. No, we don’t control the media, we don’t have any more sway in DC than anyone else. No, no, no, we swear: We’re just like everybody else!

Does anyone else (who’s not a bigot) see the irony of this?" CONTINUED
Half Saudi and half Egyptian?

Your author is a ridiculous liar. Oh.. it's MEMRI. Figuresm
"My author" is Hamas' internal affairs minister, Fathi Hamad. He was interviewed on Egyptian TV.

Yes, it's MEMRI. Their translations are accurate. Deal with it.
"My author" is Hamas' internal affairs minister, Fathi Hamad. He was interviewed on Egyptian TV.

Yes, it's MEMRI. Their translations are accurate. Deal with it.
Do you justify the mass killing of Palestinians because Hamas is a terrorist group and it’s members are Palestinians?
I don't think that enough Americans recognize the destructive, bloody and costly effect that pro Israel Western MSM has had on US Middle East policy making.

Most Americans have seen Arabs / Muslims repeatedly depicted as villains since the cartoons they saw during their formative childhood years.

Next, the overwhelming majority of Hollywood's fictional villains, too, are Arabs / Muslims:

"Due to a limited collection of authentic Muslim and Arab representation, viewers are often exposed to misleading portrayals that adversely influence how they interact with members of these respective groups, thereby reinforcing damaging tropes and worsening Islamophobic and anti-Arab sentiment. Arabs and Muslims have almost exclusively been depicted as barbarians, violent, untrustworthy, threatening, undemocratic, and narrow-minded individuals in American films and television shows." (1)

Next, when it comes to America's supposedly factual news media, the demonizing bias against "the backwards, violent and foreign" (2) Muslims is seamless.

So, it's a sad reality that those with only a cursory interest of Middle Eastern history are steeped in anti Islamic bigotry before they hear the first pro Israel version about the first tragic event.

Finally, Israeli writer and musician, Gilad Atzmon can be counted on to pose a controversial theory (3) when he explains MSM's egregious pro Israel bias. Enjoy.

Many thanks and keep up the good work.

(1). "Reel to Real: Harmful Stereotypes of Arabs and Muslims in American Film and Television"​

(2) “Studies continually show strong pro-Israel bias in western media”

EXCERPT “Mainstream western media outlets are, by and large, infused with a pro-Israeli ideological bias that colors nearly all mainstream Western reporting on Israel-Palestine.
Israel is assumed to be good, peaceful, and like ‘us’. The Palestinians, meanwhile, are backwards, violent, and foreign. These are the assumptions that most western news outlets start with

(3). "Jews DO control the media,"

EXCERPT "Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media. We’ve got so many dudes up in the executive offices in all the big movie production companies it’s almost obscene. Just about every movie or TV show, whether it be “Tropic Thunder” or “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” is rife with actors, directors, and writers who are Jewish. Did you know that all eight major film studios are run by Jews?"

But the funny part is when any anti-Semite or anti-Israel person starts to spout stuff like, “The Jews control the media!” and “The Jews control Washington!”

Suddenly we’re up in arms. We create huge campaigns to take these people down. We do what we can to put them out of work. We publish articles. We’ve created entire organizations that exist just to tell everyone that the Jews don’t control nothin’. No, we don’t control the media, we don’t have any more sway in DC than anyone else. No, no, no, we swear: We’re just like everybody else!

Does anyone else (who’s not a bigot) see the irony of this?" CONTINUED
Hate filled scumbag ^ says what?
Funny thing…we hear all the time about Russian or Chinese internet trolls spreading misinformation (TikTok for instance), but never a word by US media or government about the activities of Israel.

The enormous power a tiny apartheid regime nation has should concern every American, but it doesn’t.

I don't think that enough Americans recognize the destructive, bloody and costly effect that pro Israel Western MSM has had on US Middle East policy making.

Most Americans have seen Arabs / Muslims repeatedly depicted as villains since the cartoons they saw during their formative childhood years.

Next, the overwhelming majority of Hollywood's fictional villains, too, are Arabs / Muslims:

"Due to a limited collection of authentic Muslim and Arab representation, viewers are often exposed to misleading portrayals that adversely influence how they interact with members of these respective groups, thereby reinforcing damaging tropes and worsening Islamophobic and anti-Arab sentiment. Arabs and Muslims have almost exclusively been depicted as barbarians, violent, untrustworthy, threatening, undemocratic, and narrow-minded individuals in American films and television shows." (1)

Next, when it comes to America's supposedly factual news media, the demonizing bias against "the backwards, violent and foreign" (2) Muslims is seamless.

So, it's a sad reality that those with only a cursory interest of Middle Eastern history are steeped in anti Islamic bigotry before they hear the first pro Israel version about the first tragic event.

Finally, Israeli writer and musician, Gilad Atzmon can be counted on to pose a controversial theory (3) when he explains MSM's egregious pro Israel bias. Enjoy.

Many thanks and keep up the good work.

(1). "Reel to Real: Harmful Stereotypes of Arabs and Muslims in American Film and Television"​

(2) “Studies continually show strong pro-Israel bias in western media”

EXCERPT “Mainstream western media outlets are, by and large, infused with a pro-Israeli ideological bias that colors nearly all mainstream Western reporting on Israel-Palestine.
Israel is assumed to be good, peaceful, and like ‘us’. The Palestinians, meanwhile, are backwards, violent, and foreign. These are the assumptions that most western news outlets start with

(3). "Jews DO control the media,"

EXCERPT "Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media. We’ve got so many dudes up in the executive offices in all the big movie production companies it’s almost obscene. Just about every movie or TV show, whether it be “Tropic Thunder” or “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” is rife with actors, directors, and writers who are Jewish. Did you know that all eight major film studios are run by Jews?"

But the funny part is when any anti-Semite or anti-Israel person starts to spout stuff like, “The Jews control the media!” and “The Jews control Washington!”

Suddenly we’re up in arms. We create huge campaigns to take these people down. We do what we can to put them out of work. We publish articles. We’ve created entire organizations that exist just to tell everyone that the Jews don’t control nothin’. No, we don’t control the media, we don’t have any more sway in DC than anyone else. No, no, no, we swear: We’re just like everybody else!

Does anyone else (who’s not a bigot) see the irony of this?" CONTINUED
IMO, you both are underestimating what is going on.

I have seen in some suppressed reporting that those campus protests are actually causing some divestment. . . and folks are starting to wake up.

This is causing a shake up in both the MSM and independent media, at least among the younger consumers, which will have far reaching and long lasting consequences on both American politics and domestic Israeli politics. We can safely ignore much of what the boomers and Gen X consumers of MSM whine about on this site.

I'll be surprised if Shapiro and the Daily Wire survive this in all honesty.

Daily Wire Caught GAGGING Employees & Spying On Candace Owens!​

Jun 13, 2024

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