Mafia Discussion Thread: Keep Your Torches and Pitchforks at Home!

Personally, I lost interest after a certain prick started crapping up games.
certain prick?

Aren't you supposed to be the biggest prick in our games here :D
Personally, I lost interest after a certain prick started crapping up games.

House, It's good to see you again!! I hope all is well.

Who's the prick?

Not that it matters, someone over there did the math and there's something like 40 games going on at any given time, so you can avoid your black-listeds. Also there's been considerable WoTC and WoTM of late.
Personally, I lost interest after a certain prick started crapping up games.

House, It's good to see you again!! I hope all is well.

Who's the prick?

Not that it matters, someone over there did the math and there's something like 40 games going on at any given time, so you can avoid your black-listeds. Also there's been considerable WoTC and WoTM of late.

Have not run into that AFAIK.
I've been seeing it a fair bit.

It comes mainly from this summer, when certain persons would join a bunch of games, then never post and have to be replaced. Pain in the ass. A few others have gone over the edge with bad behavior...

It's not always announced in the queue OP, but after an unwanted player posts an /in the mod will tell him he can't play that game.

Lots of new alts...
mafiascum is like "Wal*Mart". It just takes business and kills communities. You don't have to go to Mafiascum but they have a huge selection at lower rates. You think it's fine but then one day you realize something has been lost and it probably will never come back...

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mafiascum is like "Wal*Mart". It just takes business and kills communities. You don't have to go to Mafiascum but they have a huge selection at lower rates. You think it's fine but then one day you realize something has been lost and it probably will never come back...


I find the games there are far better than the ones here. There is a changing dynamic and not so many trolls. Many core players ensure the games move forward when they would otherwise stall out.

The draw here is that i have been posting with some of these people for a long time.
I liked the games here and have no problem with them. I moved over to mafiascum because the games are more frequent and I found a bunch of people I like playing with. Also, a lot of people that played here, play there. I would play here again if we could get some of the same peeps back that played before plus a couple of new good ones. I'd say Fire and Ice was the best game here by far but lulz's game was pretty good too. Rebels in the Palace was a blast also. Mostly because of Titus, IMO. Luckily, I can hook up with her over at mafiascum still. She's one of my favorite players. Cafe was great also. Hope everything is o.k. with her. I know she was having some issues when she left.
It's been awhile.

The main headache when running games here was the drama, and the replacing out. It was tough to keep a game going.

At the other place there's a lot more fluidity. If I knew it was easier to have members play here, and that bitter drama wouldn't keep happening, I'd make it happen here.

The other place is just fine for Mafia. May run a game here, may not; not making any promises. Hell, been so busy I can't even get a theme game going yet though I've had permission for a long while. Whatever the first theme game looks like, it'll be massive, and more interesting than most Mafia games out there. I write up these ideas. These... sketches. They're the bare bones, but then I stop, file it, and re-work it. I know how to make a fucking good game. It's just taking awhile with life getting in the way. That, and I may have befriended a nice lady, too.

Aw, hell.

I like you guys. It was fun playing. Would like to play again.

If you want, you can PM me and friend me on Facebook. :)
It's been awhile.

The main headache when running games here was the drama, and the replacing out. It was tough to keep a game going.

At the other place there's a lot more fluidity. If I knew it was easier to have members play here, and that bitter drama wouldn't keep happening, I'd make it happen here.

The other place is just fine for Mafia. May run a game here, may not; not making any promises. Hell, been so busy I can't even get a theme game going yet though I've had permission for a long while. Whatever the first theme game looks like, it'll be massive, and more interesting than most Mafia games out there. I write up these ideas. These... sketches. They're the bare bones, but then I stop, file it, and re-work it. I know how to make a fucking good game. It's just taking awhile with life getting in the way. That, and I may have befriended a nice lady, too.

Aw, hell.

I like you guys. It was fun playing. Would like to play again.

If you want, you can PM me and friend me on Facebook. :)
You know I have been waiting for a sonar role in your games :D

I thought it might have been in the last one but was disappointed ;)
Wake, if you occasionally hang around over at MS, I'm sure we'll keep in touch. If you move on, then let me know and I'll PM you my FB link.
There aren't enough people here interested in Mafia. :( It's impossible to get a large game going.
I assume that the main MS site is down for everyone atm...

Cant get on right now.
Yeah, it crashed.

You have to reset all your bookmarks and anything from Sunday afternoon might be poofed.
Yeah, it crashed.

You have to reset all your bookmarks and anything from Sunday afternoon might be poofed.
was a bummer but it came back up without me having to do anything to my pages. I don't use bookmarks though so that might have something to do with it. I use Firefox and the 'pin tab' option. Works very nice as I pin one tab with my role and the next with the game it belongs in. Always keeps me at the current page I am reading.
Sorry for the spam.
If you believe this post brings nothing can delete it.

In my forum we are organizing a game in English (we are a Spanish community), perhaps they would like to participate. It could also bring users here to play a game of style.


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