MAGA Influencer Apologizes to Putin on Twitter Over Ukraine Funding

First of all, it’s not an “apology” to Putin.

He is merely pointing out to Putin that the vast majority of Americans do not support this indefinite proxy war with Russia, which is true.

Let's be honest:

Putin is a cold blooded killer, and no one should be addressing him in such a fashion.

Let's be honest:

Zelensky is a corrupt CIA puppet who has banned his political opposition and closed down churches, and no one should be subsidizing his rule.

I think I'm more tired of this than even the Israel/Palestine shit.

Can we please put America First again?
A major MAGA influencer on Twitter who goes by the pseudonym "Gunther Eagleman" wrote a tweet to Vladimir Putin yesterday apologizing for our nation funding Ukraine's defense against Russia's invasion. While I have my own reservations about the extent of our involvement in Ukraine this should be flat our embarrassing for the MAGA movement. This man has over 600,000 followers on Twitter and with the retweets and attention it's getting his message will end up with millions of views, of which he will make money off of based on Twitter's engagement formula. Trump world gets offended when they're accused of being puppets of Putin. Major influencers like this guy make it difficult to shake that stereotype.

Oh nozies! Not a major MAGA “influencer.”

Oh! The horror.
Never heard tell of him. So just how does one go about being an "influencer" anyway? :dunno:

I found this:

I don't know, seems like something for the non gainfully employed and as such they seem just as easily disregarded.

I'm not a fan of blogs either so don't go there.
It doesn't have to be a pissing match over who's dad can beat up my dad. You have the ability to read and understand the concept of 'escalation control' and how it's essential that the Ukraine regain that power that it had in the first month of the war.

Ironic that your link addresses that but in a non-military sense.
it's essential that the Ukraine regain that power that it had in the first month of the war.

No, that's just what the "News" keeps telling you.

If they weren't telling you that?

You wouldn't even care.

Esp. once you realized what was happening in your own backyard.

Just another media casualty.
Screen Shot 13.jpg

Let's be honest:

Putin is a cold blooded killer, and no one should be addressing him in such a fashion.

Let's be honest:

Zelensky is a corrupt CIA puppet who has banned his political opposition and closed down churches, and no one should be subsidizing his rule.

I think I'm more tired of this than even the Israel/Palestine shit.

Can we please put America First again?
Then stop throwing rocks at your fellow Americans, and begin to address the issue on how America has relinquished control to escalate over Russia and China.

This money to the Ukraine is a totally insufficient gesture at this point in time. America's involvement is critical, but of course there's MAD. The article I posted has addressed that stumbling block.
Let's be honest:

Putin is a cold blooded killer, and no one should be addressing him in such a fashion.

Let's be honest:

Zelensky is a corrupt CIA puppet who has banned his political opposition and closed down churches, and no one should be subsidizing his rule.

I think I'm more tired of this than even the Israel/Palestine shit.

Can we please put America First again?
Of course Putin is a cold blooded killer, just as most leaders are.

That is why he is addressing him and basically asking him to not retaliate against America because most Americans do not support this warmongering Agenda that Washington lives by.
Of course Putin is a cold blooded killer, just as most leaders are.

That is why he is addressing him and basically asking him to not retaliate against America because most Americans do not support this warmongering Agenda that Washington lives by.

How about: Instead of blabbing to Vladdy - he advocate for sealing America's border?

Maybe he does it all the time, but most Republicans don't idolize Putin - and seeming to even potentially do so just hands the Left a propaganda win....over an issue that shouldn't even be in our top 20 priorities.

I'll be honest: The truth is this Ukraine funding bill and the Speaker's pathetic capitulation to the globalist agenda has me more black pilled than I've been in a while.

I'll get over it. ;)
No, that's just what the "News" keeps telling you.
The media hasn't said a word about it. It can't even be imagined and would be sacrireligious to even try.
If they weren't telling you that?

You wouldn't even care.

Esp. once you realized what was happening in your own backyard.

Just another media casualty.
Iran may not have taken 'escalation control' away from the Zionist regime.
Are you even capable of understanding the concept??

Note how Natural Citizen attempts to troll the audience instead of trying to address the issue.
“We don’t like “?

That’s Republican Congress people saying that
It‘s a neocon RINO saying it. They speak the same language as the Globalist Dems that put America last and want unlimited funding for indefinite wars.

Unlike you I don’t automatically praise or defend someone because they are in my political party.
Then stop throwing rocks at your fellow Americans, and begin to address the issue on how America has relinquished control to escalate over Russia and China.

This money to the Ukraine is a totally insufficient gesture at this point in time. America's involvement is critical, but of course there's MAD. The article I posted has addressed that stumbling block.
How much money is your country sending to ukraine?
It‘s a neocon RINO saying it. They speak the same language as the Globalist Dems that put America last and want unlimited funding for indefinite wars.

Unlike you I don’t automatically praise or defend someone because they are in my political party.
Any time a Republican speaks the truth he automatically becomes a RINO
I've tried to rescue this thread for Taz, but he doesn't seem to want to save it from the spammers and rock throwers himself.

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