MAGA = Make America Evil Again

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Do I believe the angry extreme hype coming from the most militant LGBTQ groups in America?

I don't know, I need proof from them..

But you know what?

Two things asshole...

#1. I'm actually open to the proof of possibilities.

#2.Its not about what I believe or what I'm willing to believe before opening up a fucking book derived from current knowledge from modern facts.

Its about I believe that the LGBTQ community has the right to the American dream too.
Your MAGA doesn't and it's actions prove that.

Do I believe that marijuana is a 21st century miracle cure all?
Only about as much as heroin was in the early 20th century...
Which is Not at all.

But you know what?
If I want a joint I'm going to fucking have one.
There are worse things that I could do and have done.

And here in New Hampshire, I'm a husband not a master.

MAGA = Make America Evil Again.


So long as the LGBTQ (<<<Whatever the hell that's supposed to mean) community wants to align itself with drag queens, groomers, and pedophiles, they can go back to where they came from...



So long as the LGBTQ (<<<Whatever the hell that's supposed to mean) community wants to align itself with drag queens, groomers, and pedophiles, they can go back to where they came from...



If people want to dress in the clothing trends of the opposite sex they have the right to do that.

What is grooming and what is education is dependent on the age of the student, but I don't pay my tax dollars to send my kid to school today and have my kids grow up to use the language about other people, of my now nearly 100 year old dad.

And it's nobodys problem that you think people are pedophiles, that's your problem.

The LGBTQ community doesn't stand by pedophiles.

Guilty Pedophiles are in prison...
The accused are in court.

Proof, or fuck you.
Do I believe the angry extreme hype coming from the most militant LGBTQ groups in America?

I don't know, I need proof from them..

But you know what?

Two things asshole...

#1. I'm actually open to the proof of possibilities.

#2.Its not about what I believe or what I'm willing to believe before opening up a fucking book derived from current knowledge from modern facts.

Its about I believe that the LGBTQ community has the right to the American dream too.
Your MAGA doesn't and it's actions prove that.

Do I believe that marijuana is a 21st century miracle cure all?
Only about as much as heroin was in the early 20th century...
Which is Not at all.

But you know what?
If I want a joint I'm going to fucking have one.
There are worse things that I could do and have done.

And here in New Hampshire, I'm a husband not a master.

MAGA = Make America Evil Again.
Okay so you are a groomer enabler. LGBTQ crap of grooming kids about trannies and homos is perfectly fine with you?

Your sense of good and evil is warped.
If people want to dress in the clothing trends of the opposite sex they have the right to do that.

What is grooming and what is education is dependent on the age of the student, but I don't pay my tax dollars to send my kid to school today and have my kids grow up to use the language about other people, of my now nearly 100 year old dad.

And it's nobodys problem that you think people are pedophiles, that's your problem.

The LGBTQ community doesn't stand by pedophiles.

Guilty Pedophiles are in prison...
The accused are in court.

Proof, or fuck you.


Plenty of proof out there all one has to do is look...

Deniers like yourself are disingenuous in your responses and are the real problem in this country.


Do I believe the angry extreme hype coming from the most militant LGBTQ groups in America?

I don't know, I need proof from them..

But you know what?

Two things asshole...

#1. I'm actually open to the proof of possibilities.

#2.Its not about what I believe or what I'm willing to believe before opening up a fucking book derived from current knowledge from modern facts.

Its about I believe that the LGBTQ community has the right to the American dream too.
Your MAGA doesn't and it's actions prove that.

Do I believe that marijuana is a 21st century miracle cure all?
Only about as much as heroin was in the early 20th century...
Which is Not at all.

But you know what?
If I want a joint I'm going to fucking have one.
There are worse things that I could do and have done.

And here in New Hampshire, I'm a husband not a master.

MAGA = Make America Evil Again.

It's been proven that marijuana shrinks your brain and your dick. LMAO

If I'm a moron so is the American dream.

No, the American dream is just fine. Morons, like you, are jealous of those who are successful, so you want to burn everything down.

Because you ARE an idiot.
People need to learn that something besides themselves exist and they have the same rights as they in this country.

Spoken like a true Chinese stooge.

You FOB, or ABC?
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