MAGA Missing The Point! 5 Dead In 140 Cities In One Night--Is Not A Basis For More Murders!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Having created the Stimulus and Bail-out Programs, The Trump Agenda pushed all that aside in the circus photo-op at the Church, "Burn Baby, Burn!" and suggesting that MAGA was "Soul Brother" Black supportive. The relatively non-violent night in 140 cities resulted in only 5 deaths. The Military commenced rebellion, but against the MAGA Trump Agenda.

There is a concept, "Revolution of Rising Expectations," often used to describe a source of violent revolutionary government change.

After $3.0 tril. new spending-friendly agenda in less than 12 weeks--so clearly Liberal, in the compare and contrast--nothing like that is underway.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Deut 23: 19-20 is clearly not about Foreign Aid, and is not in play in recent current events!)
Having created the Stimulus and Bail-out Programs, The Trump Agenda pushed all that aside in the circus photo-op at the Church, "Burn Baby, Burn!" and suggesting that MAGA was "Soul Brother" Black supportive. The relatively non-violent night in 140 cities resulted in only 5 deaths. The Military commenced rebellion, but against the MAGA Trump Agenda.

There is a concept, "Revolution of Rising Expectations," often used to describe a source of violent revolutionary government change.

After $3.0 tril. new spending-friendly agenda in less than 12 weeks--so clearly Liberal, in the compare and contrast--nothing like that is underway.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Deut 23: 19-20 is clearly not about Foreign Aid, and is not in play in recent current events!)

The irony of your stupidity.

400+ dead from your riots.

1 dead is not a basis for over 400 murders. You CANNOT justify what you've done. You are evil, and you know it.
MAGA Missing The Point! 5 Dead In 140 Cities In One Night--Is Not A Basis For More Murders!

What you're saying is that just because the rioters and looters are killing people does not mean anyone should kill them to stop the killing. Got it. Let them kill. If they need to kill we need to give them space to kill. If they need to destroy then we need to give them space to destroy. Got it.
Having created the Stimulus and Bail-out Programs, The Trump Agenda pushed all that aside in the circus photo-op at the Church, "Burn Baby, Burn!" and suggesting that MAGA was "Soul Brother" Black supportive. The relatively non-violent night in 140 cities resulted in only 5 deaths. The Military commenced rebellion, but against the MAGA Trump Agenda.

There is a concept, "Revolution of Rising Expectations," often used to describe a source of violent revolutionary government change.

After $3.0 tril. new spending-friendly agenda in less than 12 weeks--so clearly Liberal, in the compare and contrast--nothing like that is underway.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Deut 23: 19-20 is clearly not about Foreign Aid, and is not in play in recent current events!)
Whereas one dead thug is a basis for more murders?
One murdered detainee--clear violation of civil rights--sparked defiance of the theft of civil rights in 140 cities, and deaths easily attributable to police violating civil rights--the original problem.

Great Censoring Uncensored200 poster even fails sourcing any data, showing in fact who was killing who--showing how MAGA becomes systematically not relevant to any event--current, past or future--whatsoever.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30, of Imperial Roman Backdrop--of Baby Abandonment to predators and dogs--is basis even in MAGA prayers--"They Kingdom Come. . . .!" Therein is the basis, even, of the anti-abortion kinds of folks!"
Again, why all the commentary from the right over 2 percent of the 10,000 protesters arrested? Out of millions of protesters, 200 have actually rioted. So this consistent focus on such a small number is petty and purposefully divisive.
Again, why all the commentary from the right over 2 percent of the 10,000 protesters arrested? Out of millions of protesters, 200 have actually rioted. So this consistent focus on such a small number is petty and purposefully divisive.
Again, why all the commentary from the right over 2 percent of the 10,000 protesters arrested? Out of millions of protesters, 200 have actually rioted. So this consistent focus on such a small number is petty and purposefully divisive.
If only 200 thugs looted, they are all multi-millionaires now who caused billions in damage. WTF does he get this shit?
In the matter of looting, The famous Los Angeles gangland members--not rioters / protesters--were more likely in play. They monitored the police--likely as usual, (the income source of drug-dealing is widely recorded). They piled into the luxury cars and found themselves in the pricey neighborhood stores. At last they would be said to have felt welcomed--not as usual(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"

(Matt 25: 14-30, of Imperial Roman Backdrop--of Baby Abandonment to predators and dogs--is basis even in MAGA prayers--"They Kingdom Come. . . .!" Therein is the basis, even, of the anti-abortion kinds of folks!")
There is a concept, "Revolution of Rising Expectations," often used to describe a source of violent revolutionary government change.

Is this what you imagine yourself as accomplishing?
Barack Obama calls it a "Mindset" change. Anyone else calls it an arithmetic-based, "Paradigm" change--the usury arithmetic problem exploited in Deut 23: 19-20: Not noted by Adam Smith, Karl Marx, Keynes, Friedman or anyone else. Treat Matt 20: 1-16, as a rectangle--little equal income raises little dots from the left side, to the right, and parallel to the bottom and the top. Then draw in the usury raise, a diagonal from the lower left to the upper right. Lower incomes get successively less income raise amounts, to the matter of insufficiency.

Since 1913, anyone can the see a credit market in fact in place--the source of the investments creating the raises.

In the last 12 weeks, USA created $3.0 tril. of spending-friendly social and economic investment, centerpiece the Equal Amounts stimulus.

That is what has changed. It is not created from understanding Adam Smith, Karl Marx, Keynes or Milton Friedman. The usury problem was Moses ascribed to mthology, "Deity," and not to subjugating Pharaoh.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(It's actually not about school, even(?)!)
Baby genital mutilating Disir poster even looks impatient about it!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Teaching is clearly not possible, without the doctoral degree: Unless it is believed that some kids are better than other kids, and that all the other kids are not worth the extra effort--Supportive of the Old Wrong Ways, instead!)
Again, why all the commentary from the right over 2 percent of the 10,000 protesters arrested? Out of millions of protesters, 200 have actually rioted. So this consistent focus on such a small number is petty and purposefully divisive.

200 were arrested you ignorant fool..most of the scum is white..thousands rioted. Once again you clever Buthuz are being owned.. This time by Antifa.
And once again.............Mascale is refusing to answer the question and attempting to deflect. Never fails.
The baby-genital mutilation--created lawfully, via usury arithmetic: Is what Disir poster supports, the "Revolution of Rising Expectations," change from that: The message of Mascale, clearly answered many times. . . .many times! Disir does not cite what the Mascale deflect-language is to be understood.

(Question Answer: "Barack Obama calls it a "Mindset" change. Anyone else calls it an arithmetic-based, "Paradigm" change. . . ." Answering language is clearly offered.)

(Question Asked: Is this what you imagine yourself as accomplishing?)

Out with the Baby Genital Mutilators--Civil Rights violating, law supportive: Is the message! The method proposed is different from suggesting that everyone go out and drink some bleach(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Teaching is clearly not possible, without the doctoral degree: Unless it is believed that some kids are better than other kids and that all the other kids are not worth the extra effort--Supportive of the Old Wrong Ways instead!)
Again, why all the commentary from the right over 2 percent of the 10,000 protesters arrested? Out of millions of protesters, 200 have actually rioted. So this consistent focus on such a small number is petty and purposefully divisive.

I don't know if your numbers are accurate but you usually decry the use of numbers. So here's one for you: 2 million black people arrested so far this year and 88 dead - only 9 unarmed. The 88 figure is .0045 percent. Why all the commentary from BLM over .0045 percent of the 2 million interactions between black Americans and the police so far in 2020.

Same answer for both questions: right and wrong matters. When someone breaks the law in the United States, they should get the appropriate legal consequences.
Again, why all the commentary from the right over 2 percent of the 10,000 protesters arrested? Out of millions of protesters, 200 have actually rioted. So this consistent focus on such a small number is petty and purposefully divisive.

I don't know if your numbers are accurate but you usually decry the use of numbers. So here's one for you: 2 million black people arrested so far this year and 88 dead - only 9 unarmed. The 88 figure is .0045 percent. Why all the commentary from BLM over .0045 percent of the 2 million interactions between black Americans and the police so far in 2020.

Same answer for both questions: right and wrong matters. When someone breaks the law in the United States, they should get the appropriate legal consequences.

You choose to miss the overall picture to repeat a right wing meme used to dismiss the fact that blacks are more likely to be harassed and brutalized by police. I have no problem with numbers and the number of police killing unarmed citizens should be zero. Do not recite any more tucker carlson or Larry Elders crap. Disagreeing with distorted numbers used to argue white supremacy is not decrying the use of numbers

As the U.S. entered a second week of protests after the death of George Floyd, conservative radio host Larry Elder argued that "cops rarely kill anybody, let alone an unarmed black person."

"Last year, there were nine unarmed black people killed. Nineteen unarmed white people," Elder said June 2 on Fox News host Sean Hannity’s TV show.

A reader asked us about Elder’s numbers, which he repeated on Twitter, so we decided to put them to the Truth-O-Meter.

We found that Elder was speaking broadly about police killings but pulling his numbers from the Washington Post’s more narrow tally of fatal shootings by police officers in the line of duty.

The Washington Post’s tally doesn’t account for off-duty police or the use by on-duty officers of other force that can be lethal, such as tasers or physical restraint.

That means the number of unarmed people killed in encounters with law enforcement in 2019 is higher for both races than Elder claimed. How much higher is not clear.

What is clear, experts told us, is that despite what Elder’s absolute numbers may suggest, black people in the U.S. have died from fatal encounters with police at a disproportionate rate.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and FBI keep tabs on deaths resulting from interactions with police, but both sources provide incomplete data that takes years to record.

More reliable data comes from the Washington Post and projects such as Mapping Police Violence and Fatal Encounters.

In emails to PolitiFact, Elder cited a tweet and a Wall Street Journal op-ed that pulled numbers from the Washington Post’s database.

According to the Washington Post data through June 3, police in the line of duty fatally shot 10 unarmed black people and 20 unarmed white people in 2019. (The data is updated as new facts emerge, and by June 5 the numbers jumped to 15 unarmed blacks and 25 unarmed whites.)

But Elder incorrectly claimed that his statistics represented the numbers of all black and white Americans who were killed by police, not the number of "shootings in which a police officer, in the line of duty, shoots and kills a civilian," as the Washington Post describes its data.

The Washington Post doesn’t account for deaths like Floyd’s, for example. Floyd died in police custody May 25 after an officer in Minneapolis kneeled on his neck.

You can query the number of unarmed by race using this link.

"There may be more unarmed whites than unarmed blacks killed each year, but the rate of shooting unarmed blacks is much larger," Fridell said, citing a report from the Washington Post that summarized years of findings from its database.

Black Americans represent 13% of the U.S. population, the report said, but they accounted for about a quarter of police shooting victims over four and a half years of data collection.

The racists only argue proportion when it comes to murder. They do not consider per capita when it comes to issues like this, poverty, income and other areas. It is why I do not accept the per capita argument in regard to crime.


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