'MAGA' re-branding to 'MEGA'! The Douche 700B Tax Plan for Foreign Stockowners! Or into DrumpF LLC!

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
Trump’s $700 Billion Gift to Wealthy Foreigners
Thus far, the debate over Republicans’ proposed tax cut has focused on how much the wealthiest Americans would get compared with everybody else. But there’s a new group of winners in the mix: foreigners who own shares of US companies.

A new analysis from Steven Rosenthal, a senior fellow at the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center (TPC), has found that foreign shareholders will net $70 billion per year in the short run as a consequence of Republicans’ proposed corporate tax cut. That is three times the amount the TPC predicts middle-income Americans would save per year under President Donald Trump’s tax plan.
Opinion | Trump’s $700 Billion Gift to Wealthy Foreigners

:dunno:Today would be a great day for the Great Orange Douche to release IT's Tax returns.
Since the Douche could never get American investors, he went to super wealthy
Foreigners, who owner Yuge amounts of America company stocks. I'm sure Douche LLC
is buying stock options now.
FFS!? Kinda makes you proud to be a Douche Voter for that old MAGA program. Can you say MEGA? Make Europeans Great Again.
----------------------- DANG!

Btw: Souce two:
“Americans are left with a pretty lousy deal,” Rosenthal tells Mother Jones. “We’re shoveling lots of money to foreigners and racking up a huge national debt,” he adds, noting that larger deficits threaten entitlement programs. “We can’t expect the foreigners to bail out our Social Security in a couple of decades. That’s not going to happen.” By enacting a tax plan that benefits people who already own stock, Rosenthal argues Republicans are providing a “windfall for existing investment, not future investment.”
Trump's tax plan is a huge giveaway to foreign stockowners
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Just more in a long bipartisan trend toward wealth redistribution toward and worker subsidation of the aristocracy.
Dang.. DOPers don't care they could get DOUCHED again?

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