MAGA! Santa Fe shooter followed Donald Trump, Melania and Ivanka On Instagram

I think you just proved Seawythc's point. If it's a guy shouting 'alla akbar', it's an open and shut case.

If it's an racist piece of shit trying to start a race war you can't even admit he's on the right.


He's holding his allah akbar.
Dude the Democrats were the south. Fk I hate it when you left don’t know your history

The KKK was formed to terrorize Republicans, black and white.

Did you say terrorize? The KKK is a right wing organization, are you calling them a right wing terrorist organization or are you going to play dumb and pretend they are liberals?
I see no kkk symbols in that photo.

Yeah, these guys were raising their hands because they had the same question.

So, you are linking the confederate flag to the kkk, and you are linking both of them to the right wing. How do you make those connections? You know that there are right and left racists and members of both parties are surely also members of the kkk.

Furthermore, why is the kkk and race even being brought into this? Was this a racial shooting? Did he go in and shoot only the minority students? What exactly is your agenda with trying to exclusively link the right wing to racism?
You know there are extremists on the left and the right but reading the absolutely moronic bullshit you righties spout on threads like this it makes it hard to not consider you all morons or partisan tools.
"Guys the left is KKK and Nazi its true herp derp"

So, I'm liberal. I agree there are bad elements on the far left. I think the difference is the far left is mostly shunned by liberals where as the right.....well with the right we get threads like this.

Newsflash Jeenius:

You're not liberal. You're a Marxist Commie douche. I'm more liberal than you. I've observed your posting and deduced you're unteachable, therefore, there's no way you're a liberal.

What you are is a Progressive Marxist Authoritarian masquerading as a liberal.

Neat, is this your way of trying to get away from the fact that the klan is right wing and you agree with them more than I do?
You know there are extremists on the left and the right but reading the absolutely moronic bullshit you righties spout on threads like this it makes it hard to not consider you all morons or partisan tools.
"Guys the left is KKK and Nazi its true herp derp"

So, I'm liberal. I agree there are bad elements on the far left. I think the difference is the far left is mostly shunned by liberals where as the right.....well with the right we get threads like this.

Newsflash Jeenius:

You're not liberal. You're a Marxist Commie douche. I'm more liberal than you. I've observed your posting and deduced you're unteachable, therefore, there's no way you're a liberal.

What you are is a Progressive Marxist Authoritarian masquerading as a liberal.

Neat, is this your way of trying to get away from the fact that the klan is right wing and you agree with them more than I do?

Oh wow! Now you're clairvoyant, too!

I'd like to suggest you go on a nature swim with some Tiger sharks.
Dude the Democrats were the south. Fk I hate it when you left don’t know your history

The KKK was formed to terrorize Republicans, black and white.

Did you say terrorize? The KKK is a right wing organization, are you calling them a right wing terrorist organization or are you going to play dumb and pretend they are liberals?
I see no kkk symbols in that photo.

Yeah, these guys were raising their hands because they had the same question.

So, you are linking the confederate flag to the kkk, and you are linking both of them to the right wing. How do you make those connections? You know that there are right and left racists and members of both parties are surely also members of the kkk.

Furthermore, why is the kkk and race even being brought into this? Was this a racial shooting? Did he go in and shoot only the minority students? What exactly is your agenda with trying to exclusively link the right wing to racism?

For starters, if you want to know how we got here then read the thread, I don't have time to recap for you.

Secondly, yes the klan uses the rebel flag all the time and conservatives have defended it often.

I'm beginning to think WheelieAddict's response to you was probably best.
People who defend or fly the confederate flag remind me of kids who wear Che Guevara shirts. They are either ignorant of the bloody history behind the imagery or they don’t care. The main difference is, most of those kids grow up and leave it behind them while many of those sporting the confederate flag ARE grown up.
You know there are extremists on the left and the right but reading the absolutely moronic bullshit you righties spout on threads like this it makes it hard to not consider you all morons or partisan tools.
"Guys the left is KKK and Nazi its true herp derp"

So, I'm liberal. I agree there are bad elements on the far left. I think the difference is the far left is mostly shunned by liberals where as the right.....well with the right we get threads like this.

Newsflash Jeenius:

You're not liberal. You're a Marxist Commie douche. I'm more liberal than you. I've observed your posting and deduced you're unteachable, therefore, there's no way you're a liberal.

What you are is a Progressive Marxist Authoritarian masquerading as a liberal.

Neat, is this your way of trying to get away from the fact that the klan is right wing and you agree with them more than I do?

Oh wow! Now you're clairvoyant, too!

I'd like to suggest you go on a nature swim with some Tiger sharks.

One doesn't need to be clairvoyant when the other speaks so clearly as you have.
Or it could be that he hated them.

Wingers, always desperate for advantage, both ends.
Don’t pretend to be a centrist by going “both sides“ on me, Trump lover. Embrace your Trumpism without shame
Actually Mac is right. There is no evidence thus far he had any strong political ideology or that this was done out of political motivation do we? Instead we have armchair quarterbacks on both sides dissecting his every detail whether it is the emblems he adorned himself with or his instagram, trying to pin an ideology on him.

What is ignored is that mental illness has no ideology, or religion, nor does it rally the base or produce useful poster children to raise funds on. It is the first thing for which funfpding is cut and the last thing to be acknowledged in events like this. Who cares what his politics are? It is irrelevant. A 17 yr old took time to plan a massacre, carry it out, and make sure those he liked remained alive so they could “tell his story”. What did we miss in this child?
The problem we're going to have with this issue is the same problem we face with most others: The loudest voices, the people on the ends of the spectrum, are desperate to assign one (1) reason for this, and of course, it originates on the "other side".

The fact is that this is a complex issue. It involves availability of guns, it involves mental illness, it involves social media, it involves our culture. As much as some want to keep this nice and easy, it isn't. And we're not going to effectively address it unless and until we can stop the childish finger pointing and honestly admit to the larger picture.
Or it could be that he hated them.

Wingers, always desperate for advantage, both ends.
Don’t pretend to be a centrist by going “both sides“ on me, Trump lover. Embrace your Trumpism without shame
Actually Mac is right. There is no evidence thus far he had any strong political ideology or that this was done out of political motivation do we? Instead we have armchair quarterbacks on both sides dissecting his every detail whether it is the emblems he adorned himself with or his instagram, trying to pin an ideology on him.

What is ignored is that mental illness has no ideology, or religion, nor does it rally the base or produce useful poster children to raise funds on. It is the first thing for which funfpding is cut and the last thing to be acknowledged in events like this. Who cares what his politics are? It is irrelevant. A 17 yr old took time to plan a massacre, carry it out, and make sure those he liked remained alive so they could “tell his story”. What did we miss in this child?
The problem we're going to have with this issue is the same problem we face with most others: The loudest voices, the people on the ends of the spectrum, are desperate to assign one (1) reason for this, and of course, it originates on the "other side".

The fact is that this is a complex issue. It involves availability of guns, it involves mental illness, it involves social media, it involves our culture. As much as some want to keep this nice and easy, it isn't. And we're not going to effectively address it unless and until we can honestly admit to the larger picture.

Absolutely, and that is much more difficult to address. It is far easier to rally around politics, religion or race then dive into deeper issues. And it won’t fit into a tweet, sound byte or bumper sticker.

I am glad this one did not kill himself...maybe we can learn something.
People who defend or fly the confederate flag remind me of kids who wear Che Guevara shirts. They are either ignorant of the bloody history behind the imagery or they don’t care. The main difference is, most of those kids grow up and leave it behind them while many of those sporting the confederate flag ARE grown up.

Because you know, history. State legislature approved.




As for Che Geuvara T-shirt wearers, they should be rounded up and air-dropped into the middle of Hialeah to receive a beatdown with super-heavy purses wielded by old Cuban women.
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People who defend or fly the confederate flag remind me of kids who wear Che Guevara shirts. They are either ignorant of the bloody history behind the imagery or they don’t care. The main difference is, most of those kids grow up and leave it behind them while many of those sporting the confederate flag ARE grown up.

Because you know, history.


As for Che Geuvara T-shirt wearers, they should be rounded up and air-dropped into the middle of Hialeah.
Along with the confederate flaggots.
People who defend or fly the confederate flag remind me of kids who wear Che Guevara shirts. They are either ignorant of the bloody history behind the imagery or they don’t care. The main difference is, most of those kids grow up and leave it behind them while many of those sporting the confederate flag ARE grown up.

Because you know, history.


As for Che Geuvara T-shirt wearers, they should be rounded up and air-dropped into the middle of Hialeah.
Along with the confederate flaggots.

Only one of those groups is likely to be attacked by the locals. ;)

Confederates didn't murder their family, Che Guevara did.
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You know there are extremists on the left and the right but reading the absolutely moronic bullshit you righties spout on threads like this it makes it hard to not consider you all morons or partisan tools.
"Guys the left is KKK and Nazi its true herp derp"

So, I'm liberal. I agree there are bad elements on the far left. I think the difference is the far left is mostly shunned by liberals where as the right.....well with the right we get threads like this.
I mean how hard is it to just say these people are scum and don't represent conservative values. Instead it's some comical bullshit blaming others like the newest "deep state" meme. That guys a republican and I don't like what he is doing? Deep state
People who defend or fly the confederate flag remind me of kids who wear Che Guevara shirts. They are either ignorant of the bloody history behind the imagery or they don’t care. The main difference is, most of those kids grow up and leave it behind them while many of those sporting the confederate flag ARE grown up.

Because you know, history.


As for Che Geuvara T-shirt wearers, they should be rounded up and air-dropped into the middle of Hialeah.
Along with the confederate flaggots.
Hey! if the banners keep having their way it won't be long before the only way to get a confederate flag is on the black market!
People who defend or fly the confederate flag remind me of kids who wear Che Guevara shirts. They are either ignorant of the bloody history behind the imagery or they don’t care. The main difference is, most of those kids grow up and leave it behind them while many of those sporting the confederate flag ARE grown up.

Because you know, history.


As for Che Geuvara T-shirt wearers, they should be rounded up and air-dropped into the middle of Hialeah.
Along with the confederate flaggots.
Hey! if the banners keep having their way it won't be long before the only way to get a confederate flag is on the black market!

There's an old farmer man that flies one.


Did you know it wasn't the flag CSA flag either?

Anyway, the flag is defended by right wing nuts, the klan and those like them and pretty much most people in the GOP. I'm not sure if you're trying to convince me or yourself.

Freedom of speech is defended, scumbag. You seek to outlaw words and symbols not approved of by the party.

Did you know it wasn't the flag CSA flag either?

Anyway, the flag is defended by right wing nuts, the klan and those like them and pretty much most people in the GOP. I'm not sure if you're trying to convince me or yourself.

Freedom of speech is defended, scumbag. You seek to outlaw words and symbols not approved of by the party.

Hence is not liberal.
I follow the USFS, democrat politicians and Planned Parenthood. It's not because I support them.

Leftists like to pretend to be rightwing when they do really depraved things. They get tired of waiting for us to act like them.
The shooter is a Trump fan, folks, and not a thing you can do except go "nuh uh."
Newsflash: The Confederate flag is not a foreign jihad symbol.

Newsflash - so what? It's about your lacking ability to point out right wing extremism as you have no problem identifying terrorism.
Where is the right wing extremism in that photo?

I think it's the racist who tried to start race war holding the confederate flag. You may have to squint your eyes a little to see it.
The confederate flag is not the symbol of the conservative party.....

Did you know it wasn't the flag CSA flag either?

Anyway, the flag is defended by right wing nuts, the klan and those like them and pretty much most people in the GOP. I'm not sure if you're trying to convince me or yourself.
The confederate battle flag is something you don't see much of any more, and mostly if you do see it, you see it in southern states. It's not something that is supported by "the right wing" there may be some right wing people who still support it, as well as some left wing people.

It is not a symbol that is representative of conservatives or republicans, and you can't paint everyone with the same brush. You can't take a few people from a party and paint everyone with the same idealism.

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