MAGA: WOW!?.. The Dow Jones is down almost 1000 points in 7 days. WTF? More Winning somehow?

Let’s start a pool to see how long or many posts it takes for one of the Trumpets to blame Obama.

Market correction so far, nothing more.

I just hope the lull lasts until April, when my company matches my 401k contributions. Getting shares at a discount would be sweet.
Market corrections happen. Just how bad will this fall? Over this year. If it goes back to
Obama staring point. It tells us somethang about this MAGA BS Scam at least.
I see no new market drive bubble scam like the mortgage mess. Or tech/ dot com here.
I questioned the run-up from 6800-20K by Obama. in 6 years, Way overvalued now.
From reviews on rational stock market growth pattern history. by some good 35% at least.
I would really hate to see after Dubya's and Obama's runs, see the value of 401k's
back to where the values were when Dubya started in 2001. FFS!

If you are old enough where a serious drop would screw you over your portfolio should be mostly in low risk/volatility items anyway.

I'm 42 and 95% of my funds are stock funds which seek capital increases, so I could get crushed by a market drop.

However I also know that as long as we don't see the end of the market as we know it, it will bounce back, and while dropped I will get shares at a discount.

I've been through my 401k being $150 or so and losing $20-$30k, at $330K as it is now, I won't be worried until it drops $60k.

At this point for people with less than 1M. If can. As I would park 60% plus of stock funds/value, that is not profits, that is not taxable by IRS. Even more for the people in the 3M range. Past this point, you're in another whole different ball game.

For a nice buy return later on. I really see the DOW going back down this year, most likely over the coming six months. Even 3500 points down can turn into
at great buy gain with the parked 60%.
So, 7 days ago.. the Dow was at
01/26/2018 ---26,606- Crazy btw.

Today...WOW!? -441 off/down.
Dow DOWN in just 7 days. :oops8:TO...

02/02/2018--- 25,733.
Dow Jones Industrial Average
INDEXDJX: .DJI - Google Search

DANG!?..... Where is CIC Lying Bone Spur on this Great FAKE NEWS? This can't be happening, the Great Douche is in charge. So, Douche Spur, we need you, we need some ALT-FACTS LIES.
Clearly, investors are worried about the emerging evidence of criminal activity deep within the Obama Justice Department and perhaps in the Obama WH.

You mean the Great Douche Russia crimes.
Celebrating short term market moves is a sign of either abject ignorance or standard hardcore partisan bullshit. Either side of the spectrum. Both sides of the spectrum. Zero credibility.
Your "both sides" nonsense is getting old. Be careful out there in the middle of the road.
You didn't dispute my point. Good. You can't.

And for that "middle of the road" crap, the second line of my sig is for people like you.
Worst week in 2 years. Will we give the credit to Trump too? Or should we blame "Nambia".
Let’s start a pool to see how long or many posts it takes for one of the Trumpets to blame Obama.

Market correction so far, nothing more.

I just hope the lull lasts until April, when my company matches my 401k contributions. Getting shares at a discount would be sweet.
Market corrections happen. Just how bad will this fall? Over this year. If it goes back to
Obama staring point. It tells us somethang about this MAGA BS Scam at least.
I see no new market drive bubble scam like the mortgage mess. Or tech/ dot com here.
I questioned the run-up from 6800-20K by Obama. in 6 years, Way overvalued now.
From reviews on rational stock market growth pattern history. by some good 35% at least.
I would really hate to see after Dubya's and Obama's runs, see the value of 401k's
back to where the values were when Dubya started in 2001. FFS!

If you are old enough where a serious drop would screw you over your portfolio should be mostly in low risk/volatility items anyway.

I'm 42 and 95% of my funds are stock funds which seek capital increases, so I could get crushed by a market drop.

However I also know that as long as we don't see the end of the market as we know it, it will bounce back, and while dropped I will get shares at a discount.

I've been through my 401k being $150 or so and losing $20-$30k, at $330K as it is now, I won't be worried until it drops $60k.

At this point for people with less than 1M. If can. As I would park 60% plus of stock funds/value, that is not profits, that is not taxable by IRS. Even more for the people in the 3M range. Past this point, you're in another whole different ball game.

For a nice buy return later on. I really see the DOW going back down this year, most likely over the coming six months. Even 3500 points down can turn into
at great buy gain with the parked 60%.

If this is the start of the correction it's already too late to start moving stuff. Right now I'm ok to stand pat, and again, hope my match hits at the bottom of the correction.

Then it's just a case of timing my age 48-52 move of 10% or so the assets to a bond fund.
One of things Trump Admin should address is High frequency trading. So many bots now that stuff like this snowballs
All econ news is solid......
I would assume that a certain small amount of this is indeed due to the realization there is apparent biases (putting it politely) that has occurred within our intelligence agencies. And that has nothing to do with Trump.

Dow Jones Down 1039 points in 7 days.

to new MAGA record loss of 1039 points in 7 days to 25,553.00 points.


Can a DOPer get The Great Douche Twitler, to spew about this FAKE NEWS!?
So, 7 days ago.. the Dow was at
01/26/2018 ---26,606- Crazy btw.

Today...WOW!? -441 off/down.
Dow DOWN in just 7 days. :oops8:TO...

02/02/2018--- 25,733.
Dow Jones Industrial Average
INDEXDJX: .DJI - Google Search

DANG!?..... Where is CIC Lying Bone Spur on this Great FAKE NEWS? This can't be happening, the Great Douche is in charge. So, Douche Spur, we need you, we need some ALT-FACTS LIES.

Yes I think we've had more than too much winning by now. Lying Trump's supporters must also see a 1,000 point drop in the stock market as 'winning'. If it drops another 1,000 they'll think the rapture is coming.
So, 7 days ago.. the Dow was at
01/26/2018 ---26,606- Crazy btw.

Today...WOW!? -441 off/down.
Dow DOWN in just 7 days. :oops8:TO...

02/02/2018--- 25,733.
Dow Jones Industrial Average
INDEXDJX: .DJI - Google Search

DANG!?..... Where is CIC Lying Bone Spur on this Great FAKE NEWS? This can't be happening, the Great Douche is in charge. So, Douche Spur, we need you, we need some ALT-FACTS LIES.
It has to do with the Droompfer getting into deeper doo-doo, makes the stock market go down, and it makes the dollar drop too.

It's not related to his economic handling, but him being closer to impeachment/scandals.
Any sound mind can blame only eight years of stupid Obama
So, 7 days ago.. the Dow was at
01/26/2018 ---26,606- Crazy btw.

now 02/02/2018 4pm

DOWN 665.75 points just today..MAGA!
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So, 7 days ago.. the Dow was at
01/26/2018 ---26,606- Crazy btw.

Today...WOW!? -441 off/down.
Dow DOWN in just 7 days. :oops8:TO...

02/02/2018--- 25,733.
Dow Jones Industrial Average
INDEXDJX: .DJI - Google Search

DANG!?..... Where is CIC Lying Bone Spur on this Great FAKE NEWS? This can't be happening, the Great Douche is in charge. So, Douche Spur, we need you, we need some ALT-FACTS LIES.

Yes I think we've had more than too much winning by now. Lying Trump's supporters must also see a 1,000 point drop in the stock market as 'winning'. If it drops another 1,000 they'll think the rapture is coming.

THAT BE 1089 POINTS in 7 days.


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Yep, just heard some of the fall is said to be due to the memo as well as interest rates rising. Borrowing is going to be more expensive.
Friday’s are also traditionally lower as well.
So, 7 days ago.. the Dow was at
01/26/2018 ---26,606- Crazy btw.

Today...WOW!? -441 off/down.
Dow DOWN in just 7 days. :oops8:TO...

02/02/2018--- 25,733.
Dow Jones Industrial Average
INDEXDJX: .DJI - Google Search

DANG!?..... Where is CIC Lying Bone Spur on this Great FAKE NEWS? This can't be happening, the Great Douche is in charge. So, Douche Spur, we need you, we need some ALT-FACTS LIES.
It has to do with the Droompfer getting into deeper doo-doo, makes the stock market go down, and it makes the dollar drop too.

It's not related to his economic handling, but him being closer to impeachment/scandals.

Would it be fair? If The Great Douche is shown to have had help from Russia.
Should anythang IT signed or done in actions be void ASAP? Straight to jail as it will run to Russia.

If the Great Douche is shown to be a YUGE criminal Money Launder he is, and working to obstruct justice
with the Mueller investigation. Would it be fair to void most everythang it signed?
And the Greatest Douche of all times, be allowed to pay Yuge fines and turn in others to stay out of jail?.
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All part of Trumpys’ master plan to give hard working people (who are now flush with all that extra money from tax cuts and bonuses) a chance to get into the market at reasonable prices.
So, 7 days ago.. the Dow was at
01/26/2018 ---26,606- Crazy btw.


DOWN 665.75 points just today..MAGA!
wITH THE fbi AND DEMS POINTING OUT THAT THE REPUKES LEFT OUT SO MUCH PERTINENT INFORMATION that changes the entire complexion of the documents people are pulling back and getting ready for the rumps hanging.
All part of Trumpys’ master plan to give hard working people (who are now flush with all that extra money from tax cuts and bonuses) a chance to get into the market at reasonable prices.

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