Magic Johnson endorses Kamala Harris

The Demtards keep dragging out these has beens, wanna be's, and never was, fruit loops shilling for lying Konrade Kamala.
Like anyone gives a flip. .... :cuckoo:
You realize Donald cheated on all 3 wives. Magic isn't even running for President. Donald said him surviving his sexual escapades was his personal Vietnam. You're filth.
Magic cheated on his wife! He bragged he slept with 300 women every year. Personal Vietnam? lol! That is pretty funny, thanks.
Duly noted you let Trump make you stupid.

Game, set and match.. Janey
Duly noted you attempt to dismiss magic because he cheated on his wife yet have no problem with a guy who cheated on 3 wives running for President. Depending on the day, you are either king or queen of the hypocrites
Duly noted you attempt to dismiss magic because he cheated on his wife yet have no problem with a guy who cheated on 3 wives running for President. Depending on the day, you are either king or queen of the hypocrites

Thread is about AIDS inflicted Johnson and his support for Harris. Not Trump

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