Maher and Affleck own guns...hmmmm...

We're not. But Japan is. 0% homicide rate.
A Land Without Guns: How Japan Has Virtually Eliminated Shooting Deaths
A Land Without Guns How Japan Has Virtually Eliminated Shooting Deaths - The Atlantic

This is how Japan stops all crime...not just gun crime...this is the paper by Kopel mentioned in the Atlantic article...

Japan Gun Control and People Control

Robbery in Japan is about as rare as murder. Japan's annual robbery rate is 1.8 per 100,000 inhabitants; America's is 205.4. Do the gun banners have the argument won when they point to these statistics? No, they don't. A realistic examination of Japanese culture leads to the conclusion that gun control has little, if anything, to do with Japan's low crime rates. Japan's lack of crime is more the result of the very extensive powers of the Japanese police, and the distinctive relation of the Japanese citizenry to authority. Further, none of the reasons which have made gun control succeed in Japan (in terms of disarming citizens) exist in the U.S.

The Japanese criminal justice system bears more heavily on a suspect than any other system in an industrial democratic nation. One American found this out when he was arrested in Okinawa for possessing marijuana: he was interrogated for days without an attorney, and signed a confession written in Japanese that he could not read. He met his lawyer for the first time at his trial, which took 30 minutes.

Unlike in the United States, where the Miranda rule limits coercive police interrogation techniques, Japanese police and prosecutors may detain a suspect indefinitely until he confesses. (Technically, detentions are only allowed for three days, followed by ten day extensions approved by a judge, but defense attorneys rarely oppose the extension request, for fear of offending the prosecutor.) Bail is denied if it would interfere with interrogation.

Even after interrogation is completed, pretrial detention may continue on a variety of pretexts, such as preventing the defendant from destroying evidence. Criminal defense lawyers are the only people allowed to visit a detained suspect, and those meetings are strictly limited.

Partly as a result of these coercive practices, and partly as a result of the Japanese sense of shame, the confession rate is 95%.

For those few defendants who dare to go to trial, there is no jury. Since judges almost always defer to the prosecutors' judgment, the trial conviction rate for violent crime is 99.5%.
Of those convicted, 98% receive jail time.

In short, once a Japanese suspect is apprehended, the power of the prosecutor makes it very likely the suspect will go to jail. And the power of the policeman makes it quite likely that a criminal will be apprehended.

The police routinely ask "suspicious" characters to show what is in their purse or sack. In effect, the police can search almost anyone, almost anytime, because courts only rarely exclude evidence seized by the police -- even if the police acted illegally.

New York police can't even do "stop and frisk" anymore because of the complaints....try any of that here and see what happens...
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You're the moron. It happens on a daily basis!

Yes, every day violent criminals murder innocent people...and other the number of 10-12,000 people a year on average...

And everyday law abiding citizens use guns to save lives and stop violent criminals 1.4 million times a year...that number is derived from taking an average of all the gun studies numbers, I think I took the highest numbers from each, and came out with that might be different, I have found a couple more studies...including one from obama's CDC that found 500,000-3 million times a year....

Guns save more lives than criminals kill with them...

I laugh at you. 1.4 million times per year. Have you stopped to think about that?
Have you stopped to think about that?

Have you looked at the numbers from 19 different studies, by separate researchers, by both private and government, and over a 40 year period...from universities, to the Dept. of Justice to the CDC....I have thought about it quite a bit...and the research is the research...Do you want me to post those numbers so you can see the studies and the numbers they found...the only study that is less than 100,000 a year is the National Crime Victimization Survey which I don't think anyone but gun grabbers take seriously...
1.4 million times per year.

Yes, that is the average...not the highest or the lowest number...think about that...
What is 1.4 million divided by 365?


There were 3835 instances of law abiding citizens using guns to save lives and stop violent crimes in the last 24 hours?

You think? Where? Got any details?

How stupid do you feel?
Well, here are the studies, again...I would ask how stupid you feel, but the better question is how stupid are you? Just for you, I bolded the studies where the number was close to or over 1 million least 3 studies put the number at 3 million and Dr. Gary Kleck's, probably the most accurate, puts the number at 2.5 million... are all the studies that actually give numbers for guns used to save lives and stop crimes taken from the table I provided from

GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys

Here are the years of the various studies and their number for the number of times lives are saved and violent crimes stopped...I list them because for some reason when I post the collection of the studies they don't paste...



DMIa 1978...2,141,512






L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,682

Tarrance... 1994... 764,036

Here is a breakdown of the studies...

Table 1
Survey:FieldBorduaCambridge ReportsDMIaDMIbHartOhio
Year of Interview1976197719781978197819811982
Population CoveredNoninst. AdultsNoninst. AdultsNoninst. AdultsRegistered votersRegistered votersRegistered voters"Residents"
Gun Type CoveredHandgunsAll gunsHandgunsAll gunsAll gunsHandgunsHandguns
Recall Period:Ever/1, 2 yrs.EverEverEverEver5 yrs.Ever
Excluded Uses Against AnimalsNoNoNoNoYesYesNo
Excluded Military, Police Uses?YesNoNoYesYesYesNo
Defensive question asked of:All RsAll RsProtection hgun ownersAll RsAll RsAll RsRs in hgun households
Defensive question refers to:RespondentRespondentRespondentHouseholdHouseholdHouseholdRespondent
% Who Used1.4/3/8.6[a]5.01815746.5
% Who Fired Gun2.9n.a.126n.a.n.a.2.6
Implied number of def. gun uses
[Page 183]

Table 1 (continued)

Survey:Time/CNNMauserGallupGallupL.A. TimesTarrance
Year of Interview198919901991199319941994
Population Covered"Firearm owners"ResidentsNoninst. AdultsNoninst. AdultsNoninst. AdultsNoninst. Adults
Gun Type CoveredAll gunsAll gunsAll gunsAll gunsAll gunsAll guns
Recall Period:Ever5 yrs.EverEverEver5 yrs.
Excluded Uses Against AnimalsNoYesNoNoNoYes
Excluded Military, Police Uses?YesYesNoYesYesYes
Defensive question asked of:Gun ownersAll RsRs in hgun hshldsGun ownersAllAll
Defensive question refers to:RespondentHshld.RespondentRespondentRespondentRespondent/
% Who Usedn.a.3.798118[c]1/2[d]
% Who Fired Gun9-16en.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.
Implied number of def. gun uses
Source: Gary, Kleck and Marc Gertz, "Armed Resistance to Crime: The Prevalence and Nature of Self-Defense with a Gun," Table 1, Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 1995, Vol. 86 No. 1.
DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million
(Subsequent to Kleck's study, the Department of Justice sponsored a survey in 1994 titled, Guns in America: National Survey on Private Ownership and Use of Firearms (text,PDF). Using a smaller sample size than Kleck's, this survey estimated 1.5 million DGU's annually.)
Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..
.(Lawrence Southwick, Jr.,Guns and Justifiable Homicide: Deterrence and Defense-concludes there are at least 400,000 "fewer violent crimes due to civilian self-defense use of guns" and at least "800,000 violent crimes are deterred each year because of gun ownership and use by civilians.")

Obama's CDC...

from an article on CDC obama's era...500-3 million defensive gun uses

Handguns suicides mass shootings deaths and self-defense Findings from a research report on gun violence.

7. Guns are used for self-defense often and effectively. “Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year … in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008,” says the report. The three million figure is probably high, “based on an extrapolation from a small number of responses taken from more than 19 national surveys.”
"Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[17] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year."
As shown in the previous footnote, this study did not use a nationally representative population. To correct for this, Just Facts used the following equation:

As Kleck points out in his paper...
All of the eleven surveys yielded results that implied over 700,000 uses per year. None of the surveys implied estimates even remotely like the 65,000 to 82,000 figures derived from the NCVS. To date, there has been no confirmation of even the most approximate sort of the NCVS estimates. Indeed, no survey has ever yielded an estimate which is of the same magnitude as those derived from the NCVS.​

Okay, again, 19 different studies, by multiple sources, private and government, done over 40 years....

You tell me they are all wrong...
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Well, it would be interesting to see if either of these guys has preached any sermons on would also be interesting to know which lefty actors preach against gun ownership...and have guns of their own...or who have hired gunmen to carry guns for them...

Affleck Maher We Own Guns to Protect Our Homes and Families

Leftists always want to disarm the citizenry, most especially those Leftists protected by body guards.

In fact, all data shows the more weapons are in a community, the less crime. Duh.

More important than that, is that the 2nd Amendment specifically states that one of the reasons for the 2nd Amendment was included was to arm ourselves from an tyrannical government, which would of course not want us armed. Res Ipsa Loquitur.
The nutters are their own worse enemies and are accomplishing exactly what they say their fear.

"Worst," Pillowbite.

Further, if you leftists "support gun ownership" then what makes us "nutters?" The idea that non-party members be afforded civil rights?

How are we accomplishing restrictions of civil rights to self-defense? I have not advocated the forced disarming of my political enemies.

Easy question. People like you and Winterborn and Billo are gun nutters because you are OBSESSED with guns.
Look up the word obsession if the meaning eludes you.

Gun obsession = gun nutters.
Easy question. People like you and Winterborn and Billo are gun nutters because you are OBSESSED with guns.

Not obsessed with guns...obsessed with natural rights and the U.S. Constitution...which is under constant attack by real nutters...sort of like you...
What is 1.4 million divided by 365?


There were 3835 instances of law abiding citizens using guns to save lives and stop violent crimes in the last 24 hours?

You think? Where? Got any details?

How stupid do you feel?

I have been asking the exact same question for DAYS. And of course, not a single gun nutter has an actual example to share. I find one or two in the "Net. But 3, 835 instances a day? Ain't happening.

But people like a Billo CLING to those numbers like they were thrown a life jacket at sea. But when you question the accuracy, all they got is; take it up with the surveys.

It's kinda like the Gospel and Christians. You gotta take those reported DGU's as the Gods honest truth, or you can't be a gun nutter anymore.
Easy question. People like you and Winterborn and Billo are gun nutters because you are OBSESSED with guns.

Not obsessed with guns...obsessed with natural rights and the U.S. Constitution...which is under constant attack by real nutters...sort of like you...

Dude, you are obsessed. Do a search on thread titles and look at yourself. Two, three, four thread a day started per day about guns and your fears.

Has anyone you know had there guns taken away from them yesterday? Day before? Week before. When did this happen that they had their gun taken away?. Providing they could legally own guns.

How about Congressional legislation? Any legislation being presented that will take away your guns?

No to both eh? You are obsessed with guns dude.

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