Maher: Drudge Racist for Showing Pics of Six Black Men


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
And Maher is an idiot for far more than six episodes of grotesque stupidity.

Bill Maher: 'The problem with racism is Matt Drudge' | The Daily Caller

On his weekly show on Friday night, HBO host Bill Maher suggested that the content that appears on the Drudge Report obviously demonstrates “racism in America.”

In objecting to accusations of racism against Gwyneth Paltrow for a a June 1 tweet with the heading “Ni**as in paris for real,” Maher directed his audience to Matt Drudge as a foil for, in his mind, actual racism.

Maher’s evidence of Drudge’s alleged racism came in the form of six images of black men, which appeared on the webmaster’s website, the Drudge Report, during the month of April.

This shit is beyond stupid now....
Eh, let them continue to shoot themselves in the foot...the more they cry racism in a crowded room, the less people hear them.
Here's the stuff asswipe Bill forgot to tell his few viewers:

The Mike Tyson image accompanied an April 12 story in which the former boxer expressed disgust at the fact that George Zimmerman, the Florida man charged in the murder of Trayvon Martin, had not yet been shot.
The Louis Farrakhan picture was attached to an April 17 story in which the black nationalist heaped praise on conservative commentator Pat Buchanan — calling him a “great Republican.”
On April 5, a picture of Marion Barry was featured atop a story of the D.C. Council member and former D.C. mayor expressing anger at the District’s Asian-American community for opening businesses in the city, instead of African Americans. “We got to do something about these Asians coming in and opening up businesses and dirty shops,” Barry said. “They ought to go. I’m going to say that right now. But we need African-American businesspeople to be able to take their places, too.”
The picture of MSNBC host Al Sharpton and Attorney General Eric Holder appeared on April 11, with a story about Holder praising the left-wing activist for his efforts — protesting and rallying — on behalf of slain Florida teen Trayvon Martin.
Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s picture was featured with an April 10 story about the president’s former pastor claiming that “white supremacy” is driving “world policy” and that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas worships “some other god.
April 27’s Michael Jordan picture appeared with a story about how the Charlotte Bobcats’ basketball team owner presided over the “NBA’s worst team ever.”

Whether BM (how suitable!) knew the context of the stories relating to the featured pics is immaterial. His job is just to shill for the radical lefty pukes.

Bill Maher: 'The problem with racism is Matt Drudge' | The Daily Caller
Mahar is the biggest racist in this country and just a nasty ugly hearted person who goes around calling women VP candidates Cxxts..

He must laugh his ass off at the people who pay to watch his garbage...all the way to the bank..
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And Maher is an idiot for far more than six episodes of grotesque stupidity.

Bill Maher: 'The problem with racism is Matt Drudge' | The Daily Caller

On his weekly show on Friday night, HBO host Bill Maher suggested that the content that appears on the Drudge Report obviously demonstrates “racism in America.”

In objecting to accusations of racism against Gwyneth Paltrow for a a June 1 tweet with the heading “Ni**as in paris for real,” Maher directed his audience to Matt Drudge as a foil for, in his mind, actual racism.

Maher’s evidence of Drudge’s alleged racism came in the form of six images of black men, which appeared on the webmaster’s website, the Drudge Report, during the month of April.

This shit is beyond stupid now....

Yes it is beyond stupid.

Stop being racist assholes and face that that is why black people dont vote for the republicans.
Mahar is the biggest racist in this country and just a nasty ugly hearted person who goes around calling women VP candidates Cxxts..

He must laugh his ass off at the people who pay to watch his garbabe...all the way to the bank..

Ah the Pee Wee defense
[ame=]I know you are but what am I - Pee Wee - YouTube[/ame]
answer why black people vote for your right wing party in such few numbers without insulting black people.

You cant do it.

your the racist party
And Maher is an idiot for far more than six episodes of grotesque stupidity.

Bill Maher: 'The problem with racism is Matt Drudge' | The Daily Caller

On his weekly show on Friday night, HBO host Bill Maher suggested that the content that appears on the Drudge Report obviously demonstrates “racism in America.”

In objecting to accusations of racism against Gwyneth Paltrow for a a June 1 tweet with the heading “Ni**as in paris for real,” Maher directed his audience to Matt Drudge as a foil for, in his mind, actual racism.

Maher’s evidence of Drudge’s alleged racism came in the form of six images of black men, which appeared on the webmaster’s website, the Drudge Report, during the month of April.

This shit is beyond stupid now....

Yes it is beyond stupid.

Stop being racist assholes and face that that is why black people dont vote for the republicans.

TM why is it that your posts are almost always 1) predictable, 2) relay on unwarranted assertions and ad hominem, and 3) are a complete waste of everyone's time?

Do yourself and the rest of us a favor and look at the posts from Worldwatcher and maybe you can immitate his use of reason and facts.
You have to love the media. Now, when you want to get your point across, you just cut out the entire article and put what you think makes the other view of a subject look like ass despite what was actually said. No wonder people in this country have no idea what is happening...there is no way of knowing what information is correct and which is a lie.

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