Main Stream Media Admits---DAMN, Trump IS running For President!


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Well the press FINALLY woke up on at least one issue. They now admit Donald Trump IS running for president. Now maybe just maybe the media will stop it's personal trolling by the likes of Meygan " the swine" Kelly.

That will help move issues to the front over personas. Trump did not cause this problem with the press only reacted to it. And let's face it. It was a loser class troll by a wanna be news maker NOT a news reporter.

How tough do the press now see Trump?
"Trump, it seems, was not made of Teflon, but chain mail."
So the press has learned their standard trolling does NOT work with Trump.
If anything he GAINS points when attacked. That really has to confuse them.

"So now the mainstream media are starting to take him seriously. The Washington Post treated his rally in Mobile, Ala., Friday not as the latest episode of “The Apprentice: Presidential Edition,” but as a serious piece of political strategy. Was Trump putting down a marker for the crucial early Southern primaries? The New York Times ran an article titled, “Why Donald Trump Won’t Fold.”

The press taking Trump seriously could have a negative impact on Hillary. I mean what happens if one morning the press wakes up some more and finds MOST Americans don't want to see her run?

"Now, that has flipped. A July ABC News/Washington Post poll showed his net favorability among Republicans at plus 17 (57 percent favorable, 40 percent unfavorable), with a more recent CNN poll last week showing similar numbers."

Okay so Trump has flipped his numbers and finds himself far more trusted by Americans then most anybody. I have read Sanders has good numbers but have not seen them yet.

I truly think at this point anyway Trump and Sanders will come out on top and the PRE planned wonk's Hillary AND Jeb can say good night to American politics. There would be no loss to this country by BOTH of them losing.
As media accepts Donald Trump, what happens now?
expect the smears and attacks to intensify.
trump scares all of them...What would happen if americans decided to elect an "america first" candidate? He would upset ALL their apple carts...
the character assassinations have just can tell how nervous they are by all the squealing they're doing, though...

Expect all kinds of lies, disinformation to try to confuse and create uncertainty in the voters. It's how they operate..

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