Mainstream Media Ignores Occupy Wall Street Protests - Matt Tiabbi on Countdown


VIP Member
Jan 17, 2010
[ame=]Mainstream Media Ignores Occupy Wall Street Protests - Matt Tiabbi on Countdown with Keith Olbermann - YouTube[/ame]
The only thing I want from mainstream media on this issue is honesty from one named Chris Matthews
from MSNBC...

I want him to show the same amount of anger towards this group as he showed towards the Tea Party in the sense of who makes up the overwhelming amount of people...

I see white people here Chris,a whole lot of them,just like you saw at the Tea Party rallies...
Come on Chris be honest in one of your broadcasts for a change.
What's this "Occupy Wall Street" you speak of? If it was that important the major media outlets would report on it.

Fox is reporting on a Seal Team widow who lost her wedding ring and a shipwreck recovery. CNN is reporting on "FlugTag in Tampa" and a special report from Gay CNN reporter Anderson Cooper "Bullying. It Stops Here". Plus the usual inane chit-chat between the talking heads.

All is well!
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