Major Hole In Stormy Daniels Case.....The Story Was Already Published In 2011....Why Would Trump Pay Hush Money If It Was Already Made Public?

Seems this is the reason nobody would touch this case with a ten meter cattleprod.

You would have to assume that Trump had something to hide. But the fact is Stormy Daniels had been shopping the story around for 5 years and nobody would touch it.....because she had already sold the story to a publisher in 2011 and nobody cared. She was extorting money from Trump and he refused to pay because he knew that the word was already out.

So, this is in favor of the prosecution....
Trump can not claim that he paid to hide it from Melanie.... It had already been outed....Though not nationwide...?

Stormy went to the National Enquire to try to sell the story. Normally Pecker said he would have paid Stormy the $130k for Trump but he had just paid $150,000 to Karen McDougal and $30,000 to the doorman without any reimbursement yet, and had been advised by lawyers he could be breaking campaign finance laws, and other reasons that all added up to Pecker turning down Stormy... but Pecker put Stormy's lawyer in touch with Michael Cohen to handle it with Trump.

The whole point the prosecutors are trying to prove, is that the Stormy NDA and McDougal catch and kill, were done to protect his campaign, were done for campaign purposes....

And it seems, that part was solidly proven.
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He's stupid?

I mean that's gotta be it, right? 'Cause the fact that he paid hush money isn't in dispute by him or his lawyers.
Psst... they're very common and legal. They're also called non-disclosure agreements. It's only a crime if you are Orange Man Bad... In NYC he WILL be convicted, no matter the evidence but if it percolates up to a Federal appelas court it will be overturned and in EITHER case, it won't harm his electoral chances.
Psst... they're very common and legal. They're also called non-disclosure agreements. It's only a crime if you are Orange Man Bad... In NYC he WILL be convicted, no matter the evidence but if it percolates up to a Federal appelas court it will be overturned and in EITHER case, it won't harm his electoral chances.
Lol, hush money and NDAs are not the same thing, kid.

I don't know which RWNJ "news" site told you guys that but you should stop repeating it because it's just a dumb thing to say.
you folks do realize this is all deep state bread & circuses ........ ;) ~S~
Psst... they're very common and legal. They're also called non-disclosure agreements. It's only a crime if you are Orange Man Bad... In NYC he WILL be convicted, no matter the evidence but if it percolates up to a Federal appelas court it will be overturned and in EITHER case, it won't harm his electoral chances.
Wrong. This is not about a NDA.
He's stupid?

I mean that's gotta be it, right? 'Cause the fact that he paid hush money isn't in dispute by him or his lawyers.
You are simply lying. There is absolutely no evidence of "hush money". And they have never said they paid "hush money". The fake news media just made that shit up.
So, this is in favor of the prosecution....
Trump can not claim that he paid to hide it from Melanie.... It had already been outed....Though not nationwide...?

Stormy went to the National Enquire to try to sell the story. Normally Pecker said he would have paid Stormy the $130k for Trump but he had just paid $150,000 to Karen McDougal and $30,000 to the doorman without any reimbursement yet, and had been advised by lawyers he could be breaking campaign finance laws, and other reasons that all added up to Pecker turning down Stormy... but Pecker put Stormy's lawyer in touch with Michael Cohen to handle it with Trump.

The whole point the prosecutors are trying to prove, is that the Stormy NDA and McDougal catch and kill, were done to protect his campaign, were done for campaign purposes....

And it seems, that part was solidly proven.
No it hasn't
That is what is being reported in the REAL 😁 news...!

I love it when Leftists shoot themselves in the foot--they can't help doing it these days.

They could have just focused on how unseemly the entire thing is--and it IS unseemly--but no, they had to use the justice system to make their point. HUGE BACKFIRE.

In the end it's sad for all of us though, because you cannot share a nation with people who pervert our system like this.
That is what is being reported in the REAL 😁 news...!
Well, you need stop listening to the liars in the legacy media because they're being paid to feed us a line of bull shit 10 miles long.
They no longer are required to be honest to us.
It's a bit tougher to sue them for slander or libel since Obama made sure the law was changed.
The MSM lost the trust of the public many years ago.
I love it when Leftists shoot themselves in the foot--they can't help doing it these days.

They could have just focused on how unseemly the entire thing is--and it IS unseemly--but no, they had to use the justice system to make their point. HUGE BACKFIRE.

In the end it's sad for all of us though, because you cannot share a nation with people who pervert our system like this.
Who is THEY?

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