Majority Don’t Buy Governmedia’s Racist Police Hogwash

And...the mother of a black teen has nothing to worry about if her son A) Doesnt commit crime and B) Doesnt attack police.

If a black teen follows the rules and doesnt fight cops...theres almost no possible way he'll be harmed by police.
And...the mother of a black teen has nothing to worry about if her son A) Doesnt commit crime and B) Doesnt attack police.

If a black teen follows the rules and doesnt fight cops...theres almost no possible way he'll be harmed by police.
Not as much as you hope.
Reality on Main Street America speaks for itself, therefore no need to purposely attempt to influence us with rhetoric and hype. Citizens are living the reality of our government, and the reality of law enforcement. Once we leave the TV set, the radio, and the newspaper, and step outside the door, it's easy to see whether or not we were told the truth or fairy tale world fiction.

Reality is that law abiding citizens have little to fear from the police. Thugs and wannabe gangstas have plenty to fear, as they should. Too politically incorrect for ya?
Then please explain the innocent people in our prisons and jails. Please explain quota tickets that serve no purpose except revenue generation for local governments. Explain innocent people having their cell phones taken away from them because they're filming and recording police actions at a safe distance and not restricting the activities of the cops. Please explain the 92 year old woman in Austell Georgia that was murdered by cops while she was in her own home unarmed. Explain the 12 year boy shot and killed by a cop while playing in the park. Explain the teenage girl raped by a cop. Go ahead, explain what happened to all the innocent people murdered and abused by cops. So, if one doesn't break any laws, they have nothing to worry about? Pleeeeeeeease. Give me a break.
What makes it racist?
Are you kidding? Someone photoshopped an actual protest sign for the sake of stirring up racist bullshit on the internet.
No, they photoshopped the pic to point out the absurdity in the protest, no race necessary. Except to the protestors and apparently you.
What's your point? It's already acknowledged that the picture was manipulated. What's your point?
The point is fuck off.
Left wing reasoning manifests itself again. Just like clock work.
Reality on Main Street America speaks for itself, therefore no need to purposely attempt to influence us with rhetoric and hype. Citizens are living the reality of our government, and the reality of law enforcement. Once we leave the TV set, the radio, and the newspaper, and step outside the door, it's easy to see whether or not we were told the truth or fairy tale world fiction.

Reality is that law abiding citizens have little to fear from the police. Thugs and wannabe gangstas have plenty to fear, as they should. Too politically incorrect for ya?
Then please explain the innocent people in our prisons and jails. Please explain quota tickets that serve no purpose except revenue generation for local governments. Explain innocent people having their cell phones taken away from them because they're filming and recording police actions at a safe distance and not restricting the activities of the cops. Please explain the 92 year old woman in Austell Georgia that was murdered by cops while she was in her own home unarmed. Explain the 12 year boy shot and killed by a cop while playing in the park. Explain the teenage girl raped by a cop. Go ahead, explain what happened to all the innocent people murdered and abused by cops. So, if one doesn't break any laws, they have nothing to worry about? Pleeeeeeeease. Give me a break.

Explain it? Ok.

Nearly 1, 000, 000 cops in America. Average career length...5 years. 50% quit within 5 years.

So...its a huge number of US citizens cycling through the ranks..just like the Army.

And...they recruit from the general population of America. So its inevitable that bad ones get in.

When you show police a pool of flawless superhumans to recruit...they will.

But until then...they hire from the same pool that produces teachers who rape students...priests who molest kids...military officers that commit felonies...military enlisted that are gang members...CEOs who murder...doctors who rape...lawyers who lie...plumbers who steal...carpenters who rob stores..... get the point. The % of bad cops is quite low compared to the whole. Human nature happens.
Pants up...don't loot.

Rasmussen Finds Majority Don’t Buy Governmedia’s Racist Police Hogwash

You can fool some of the people some of the time, but even in a culture lobotomized by television, the spectacle staged by the establishment media and the Obama Regime in Ferguson is not fooling most. From Rasmussen::

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 24% of Likely U.S. Voters think white police officers shooting innocent black people is a bigger problem in America today than blacks shooting each other. Sixty-two percent (62%) believe black people shooting other blacks is the bigger problem.… 61% think the media instead overhype incidents in which blacks are shot by white police officers. Twenty-eight percent (28%) disagree…


Some do agree with the media’s viewpoint.

Ras is a biased right wing organization.
The FBI and even Rand Paul disagree with their "poll".
Thread fail.
O/P as usual goes for effect rather than fact. One trick pony attention getter.

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