Majority in US wants gov't to regulate prescription costs

Price controls...brilliant..........or maybe
Did Drug CEOs ADMIT To Violating Robinson-Patman? Price discrimination where the differential in price is not reasonably related to the actual differences in packaging, production and delivery predicated on the quantity purchased, and where one buyer is disadvantaged over another such that injury to competition takes place is unlawful.
we should be allowed to negotiate a bulk discount for Medicare prescripts, as ALL OTHER NATIONS DO, with Pharma....


instead we have republicans writing law that RESTRICTS the free market and does not allow us to negotiate a bulk discount with them....

that's simply wrong, wrong, and wrong.

Then why didn't Obama and the Democrat Super Majority address this during the passage of Obamacare?
obamacare is not MEDICARE....

I'm sorry...did Obamacare not expand Medicaid?

I'm pretty sure it did. So why didn't they fix this? They had a super majority.

(Stephanie beat me to the punch here...Trump is promising to do this very thing)
medicare is not medicaid.

Bill to Let Medicare Negotiate Drug Prices Is Blocked

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WASHINGTON, April 18 — A pillar of the Democratic political program tumbled today when Republicans in the Senate blocked a proposal to allow Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices for millions of older Americans, a practice now forbidden by law.

2007 really

when did the democrats control the presidents office and majority in the house and senate

for 72 days, the democrats had a filibuster proof Senate, under Obama...that's it....

The Myth of the Filibuster-Proof Democratic Senate
R&D of prescription drugs is a significant cost to drug companies and they legitimately need to recoup the costs in order to make a profit. The federal government can't flip a freaking hamburger without a hundred page instruction manual printed in half a dozen languages. The FDA was in charge of the Flint Mich. water debacle and they couldn't isolate a sample of heavy metal in a freaking test tube. God help us if they try to dictate the cost of prescription drugs. That having been said, it seems the drug companies unholy alliance with the ad agencies needs some scrutiny.
oh for goodness sake whitehall...

every business that buys bulk, negotiates a discount....NOT allowing customers who purchase a huge amount of a product the ability to negotiate a good price for the huge purchase


it is the OPPOSITE of the way the ''market'' should work.

What freaking wholesale prescription market that purchases a huge amount of drugs doesn't get a better price? Look at the long lines at Walmart. We are talking about two different things here. The first thing is a freaking poll that is unidentified and the second thing is that there are huge discounts in prescription drugs if you shop around. It's a made up issue designed by desperate lefties who ain't got a plan but remember Bill and Hill's attack on big pharm to deflect attention from his peculiar sexual urges.
R&D of prescription drugs is a significant cost to drug companies and they legitimately need to recoup the costs in order to make a profit. The federal government can't flip a freaking hamburger without a hundred page instruction manual printed in half a dozen languages. The FDA was in charge of the Flint Mich. water debacle and they couldn't isolate a sample of heavy metal in a freaking test tube. God help us if they try to dictate the cost of prescription drugs. That having been said, it seems the drug companies unholy alliance with the ad agencies needs some scrutiny.
oh for goodness sake whitehall...

every business that buys bulk, negotiates a discount....NOT allowing customers who purchase a huge amount of a product the ability to negotiate a good price for the huge purchase


it is the OPPOSITE of the way the ''market'' should work.

What freaking wholesale prescription market that purchases a huge amount of drugs doesn't get a better price? Look at the long lines at Walmart. We are talking about two different things here. The first thing is a freaking poll that is unidentified and the second thing is that there are huge discounts in prescription drugs if you shop around. It's a made up issue designed by desperate lefties who ain't got a plan but remember Bill and Hill's attack on big pharm to deflect attention from his peculiar sexual urges.
is trump a leftie?

And if it was ''no big deal'' why did republicans change the law and make bulk discounts illegal and make buying our drugs at a cheaper cost from Canada, (who does negotiate with pharma for their drugs bought from American companies) illegal?
R&D of prescription drugs is a significant cost to drug companies and they legitimately need to recoup the costs in order to make a profit. The federal government can't flip a freaking hamburger without a hundred page instruction manual printed in half a dozen languages. The FDA was in charge of the Flint Mich. water debacle and they couldn't isolate a sample of heavy metal in a freaking test tube. God help us if they try to dictate the cost of prescription drugs. That having been said, it seems the drug companies unholy alliance with the ad agencies needs some scrutiny.
oh for goodness sake whitehall...

every business that buys bulk, negotiates a discount....NOT allowing customers who purchase a huge amount of a product the ability to negotiate a good price for the huge purchase


it is the OPPOSITE of the way the ''market'' should work.

What freaking wholesale prescription market that purchases a huge amount of drugs doesn't get a better price? Look at the long lines at Walmart. We are talking about two different things here. The first thing is a freaking poll that is unidentified and the second thing is that there are huge discounts in prescription drugs if you shop around. It's a made up issue designed by desperate lefties who ain't got a plan but remember Bill and Hill's attack on big pharm to deflect attention from his peculiar sexual urges.
is trump a leftie?

And if it was ''no big deal'' why did republicans change the law and make bulk discounts illegal and make buying our drugs at a cheaper cost from Canada, (who does negotiate with pharma for their drugs bought from American companies) illegal?
Big pharma, government and Barry are all in bed together...
we should be allowed to negotiate a bulk discount for Medicare prescripts, as ALL OTHER NATIONS DO, with Pharma....


instead we have republicans writing law that RESTRICTS the free market and does not allow us to negotiate a bulk discount with them....

that's simply wrong, wrong, and wrong.

Then why didn't Obama and the Democrat Super Majority address this during the passage of Obamacare?
obamacare is not MEDICARE....

I'm sorry...did Obamacare not expand Medicaid?

I'm pretty sure it did. So why didn't they fix this? They had a super majority.

(Stephanie beat me to the punch here...Trump is promising to do this very thing)
medicare is not medicaid.

Bill to Let Medicare Negotiate Drug Prices Is Blocked

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WASHINGTON, April 18 — A pillar of the Democratic political program tumbled today when Republicans in the Senate blocked a proposal to allow Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices for millions of older Americans, a practice now forbidden by law.

that's not exactly an unbiased article from the nyslimes. and the Democrats had a super majority for two years. Republican couldn't do anything
The Myth of the Filibuster-Proof Democratic Senate

for 3 months they had a filibuster proof Senate....not two years stephanie.
Then why didn't Obama and the Democrat Super Majority address this during the passage of Obamacare?
obamacare is not MEDICARE....

I'm sorry...did Obamacare not expand Medicaid?

I'm pretty sure it did. So why didn't they fix this? They had a super majority.

(Stephanie beat me to the punch here...Trump is promising to do this very thing)
medicare is not medicaid.

Bill to Let Medicare Negotiate Drug Prices Is Blocked

Continue reading the main story Share This Page
WASHINGTON, April 18 — A pillar of the Democratic political program tumbled today when Republicans in the Senate blocked a proposal to allow Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices for millions of older Americans, a practice now forbidden by law.

that's not exactly an unbiased article from the nyslimes. and the Democrats had a super majority for two years. Republican couldn't do anything
The Myth of the Filibuster-Proof Democratic Senate

for 3 months they had a filibuster proof Senate....not two years stephanie.
Dems had control of Congress for 2 years. In that time they passed all manner of legislation, from Dodd Frank to ACA. These were all big bills that made major changes. The biggest source of resistence on much of this was Democrats. Republicans were mostly or wholly shut out from the process.

On the OP, I would prefer to pay market prices for drugs today so I can have better drugs tomorrow. The OP's approach would be to have cheap subsidized penicillin but no new generation antibiotics.
Who says money paid to Congress doesn't work?

Poll: Majority in US wants gov't to curb prescription costs |

WASHINGTON (AP) — Regardless of political affiliation, Americans strongly support government action to control prescription drug costs, according to a poll released Thursday.
While the 2016 presidential candidates continue to debate President Barack Obama's 5-year-old law expanding coverage for the uninsured, the latest Kaiser Family Foundation survey suggests the public is shifting to other health care issues.


We have a Constitution for a reason

we don't get to vote and force companies to do a fucking thing. It's completely unamerican and ignorant as all get out.

this is what will happen; you force a med to cost less, the company will either; make an inferior product or raise the cost of other products, so nothing happens except fools got to pass an idiotic law.
Who says money paid to Congress doesn't work?

Poll: Majority in US wants gov't to curb prescription costs |

WASHINGTON (AP) — Regardless of political affiliation, Americans strongly support government action to control prescription drug costs, according to a poll released Thursday.
While the 2016 presidential candidates continue to debate President Barack Obama's 5-year-old law expanding coverage for the uninsured, the latest Kaiser Family Foundation survey suggests the public is shifting to other health care issues.


We have a Constitution for a reason

we don't get to vote and force companies to do a fucking thing. It's completely unamerican and ignorant as all get out.

this is what will happen; you force a med to cost less, the company will either; make an inferior product or raise the cost of other products, so nothing happens except fools got to pass an idiotic law.
Libs are bad at econ. And math. And history. And....
Who says money paid to Congress doesn't work?

Poll: Majority in US wants gov't to curb prescription costs |

WASHINGTON (AP) — Regardless of political affiliation, Americans strongly support government action to control prescription drug costs, according to a poll released Thursday.
While the 2016 presidential candidates continue to debate President Barack Obama's 5-year-old law expanding coverage for the uninsured, the latest Kaiser Family Foundation survey suggests the public is shifting to other health care issues.


We have a Constitution for a reason

we don't get to vote and force companies to do a fucking thing. It's completely unamerican and ignorant as all get out.

this is what will happen; you force a med to cost less, the company will either; make an inferior product or raise the cost of other products, so nothing happens except fools got to pass an idiotic law.
Libs are bad at econ. And math. And history. And....
If socialist understood economic, they wouldn't be socialist.

Math is racist.

and history can be rewritten; four legs good, two legs better!
we should be allowed to negotiate a bulk discount for Medicare prescripts, as ALL OTHER NATIONS DO, with Pharma....


instead we have republicans writing law that RESTRICTS the free market and does not allow us to negotiate a bulk discount with them....

that's simply wrong, wrong, and wrong.

Obama made the deal with the drug companies.
we should be allowed to negotiate a bulk discount for Medicare prescripts, as ALL OTHER NATIONS DO, with Pharma....


instead we have republicans writing law that RESTRICTS the free market and does not allow us to negotiate a bulk discount with them....

that's simply wrong, wrong, and wrong.

Obama made the deal with the drug companies.
Here is the message the GOP members on here would like to send to those that are sick and need to buy perscription drugs on a fixed income budget;

FUCK YOU ALL. the drug companies should be able to charge you what they want and US Repubs in COngress will make sure it stays that way.

And you wonder why you dont have much support among the general population.
It's what Republicans in Congress do...from background checks for gun sales to negotiating drug prices. The GOP is there to ensure that the American people don't get what the majority wants.
we should be allowed to negotiate a bulk discount for Medicare prescripts, as ALL OTHER NATIONS DO, with Pharma....


instead we have republicans writing law that RESTRICTS the free market and does not allow us to negotiate a bulk discount with them....

that's simply wrong, wrong, and wrong.

Obama made the deal with the drug companies.

Once again the left forgets history and wishes to make up their own.
Internal Memo Confirms Big Giveaways In White House Deal With Big Pharma

Internal Memo Confirms Big Giveaways In White House Deal With Big Pharma

A memo obtained by the Huffington Post confirms that the White House and the pharmaceutical lobby secretly agreed to precisely the sort of wide-ranging deal that both parties have been denying over the past week.
The memo, which according to a knowledgeable health care lobbyist was prepared by a person directly involved in the negotiations, lists exactly what the White House gave up, and what it got in return.
It says the White House agreed to oppose any congressional efforts to use the government's leverage to bargain for lower drug prices or import drugs from Canada -- and also agreed not to pursue Medicare rebates or shift some drugs from Medicare Part B to Medicare Part D, which would cost Big Pharma billions in reduced reimbursements.

In exchange, the Pharmaceutical Researchers and Manufacturers Association (PhRMA) agreed to cut $80 billion in projected costs to taxpayers and senior citizens over ten years. Or, as the memo says: "Commitment of up to $80 billion, but not more than $80 billion."

It's what Republicans in Congress do...from background checks for gun sales to negotiating drug prices. The GOP is there to ensure that the American people don't get what the majority wants.

What exactly has the GOP done to either of those? And since when do you speak for the majority? Since Obama, as I linked, is the one that made the deal with the drug companies what say you about him?

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