Majority Of America: Trump Being Treated Fairly And Is Guilty


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
"... guilty of an alleged crime ..." ???

Without consideration of The Donald's legal defense, it's super easy to think he's guilty ... however, we need to stay within the Constitution and written law during this witch hunt ... we should try to not be guilty of the offenses we're charging the Man with ...
No leader of an attempted coup against government should be allowed to negotiate his treatment.

The attempted coup leader and all the participants should have been dealt with on the spot!

Now the leader of the attempted coup has the highest court in the land, in his pocket.

Americas can debate amongst themselves on whether that's a good thing or a bad thing?
How do American believe if Trump is being treated fairly and legally?

AI Bing
According to a news article by Pew Research Center, Americans’ views on whether Trump is being treated fairly and legally vary widely by political affiliation. The article reports that Republicans and Republican-leaning independents are much more likely than Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents to say that Trump is being treated unfairly by the media, the courts, and the intelligence community .

A news article by The Hill reports that a majority of Republicans believe that Trump is being treated unfairly by the media, with 89% of Republicans saying that the media has been too critical of Trump .

Another news article by The Hill reports that a majority of Republicans also believe that Trump is being treated unfairly by the courts, with 70% of Republicans saying that the courts have been too critical of Trump .

It is important to note that these are not final conclusions and may have changed since then.
DailyKos?....I'll need confirmation from Mother Jones. :laughing0301:

As often as we see bull shit from gateway fucknuts, fucked snooze and other reich wing sites, you question Kos. Newsflash.

Yes, a clear majority of Americans believe that
P-01135909 being treated fairly and he is guilty as sin.

He broke the fucking law. He belongs behind bars.
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Try refuting the numbers instead of attacking the source. The stats were derived from a poll
GIGO poll... try to spin these bullshit coming convictions in NYC and DC,anyway you like, but the people who aren't insane with hate for Orange Man Bad are going to see right through them. What you need to be concerned with is what happens after the convictions don't stop his run for office.
The key, as always, is independents.

And it hasn't even been 72 hours since the surrender.

1. This was pre-mugshot

2. There has NEVER been a more desperate time for push-polls. I mean, for leftists
No leader of an attempted coup against government should be allowed to negotiate his treatment.

The attempted coup leader and all the participants should have been dealt with on the spot!

Now the leader of the attempted coup has the highest court in the land, in his pocket.

Americas can debate amongst themselves on whether that's a good thing or a bad thing?
There was no “attempted coup”. You sound like a slack jawed DNC stooge talking like that.
The key, as always, is independents.

And it hasn't even been 72 hours since the surrender.

Trump said everyone should buy a gas mask, and others are saying that China and Russia are planning to destroy our power grid with a device in the sky, which will disable water wells across the nation, and that it could be anywhere within the next 5 hours to two weeks. Apparently, Joe Biden ticked off his Chinese pals yesterday or the day before, and they decided to confer with Russia so China could take over the financial globals, and Russia could disable America to conquer Europe.

Thanks, Joe. As for the rest of us get gas masks before the sun sets or there won't be any tomorrow.


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