Majority of Americans favor wealth tax on very rich: Reuters/Ipsos poll

State's rights issue, what's the point?

Point is taxation has never been fair to everybody, and probably never will.

What should the maximum amount of taxes be.....outside of wartime?

And what do you suppose it is today....fed, state, sales, fees, total?

I guess that would all depend where you live. The taxes are outrageous in blue cities and states, while the red states enjoy lower taxes and lower cost of living. What I do think is the 47% of our country that pay no income tax should at least be paying something.

We have over 325 million people in this country, over 250 million of those are adults. So figure that about 110 million people pay no income tax. Even if they paid a hundred bucks a year, that would amount to something.
Our President pays no income tax, same with major corporations
We need to fix that

He pays no income taxes because he's doing the job for free. There are only a handful of companies out there that pay no income tax.

You bitch because someone making $20k pays no federal taxes but shrug off when billionaires and corporations pay no taxes
I answered

Somewhere around one percent on every stock transaction
It would generate massive tax revenue
We could probably reduce taxes elsewhere

Typical of far-left Progressives, you're answering a question not asked.

You mysteriously avoided my question. I'll try again. "Please show us all a tax or fee, that it was said, "it is only a small fee" in the beginning, and is a small fee or tax today?"
Asked and answered
I answered

Somewhere around one percent on every stock transaction
It would generate massive tax revenue
We could probably reduce taxes elsewhere

Typical of far-left Progressives, you're answering a question not asked.

You mysteriously avoided my question. I'll try again. "Please show us all a tax or fee, that it was said, "it is only a small fee" in the beginning, and is a small fee or tax today?"
Asked and answered

You sound like Nancy Pelosi or Adam Schiff.

You mysteriously avoided my question...again! I'll try again. "Please show us all a tax or fee, that it was said, "it is only a small fee" in the beginning, and is a small fee or tax today?"
Point is taxation has never been fair to everybody, and probably never will.

What should the maximum amount of taxes be.....outside of wartime?

And what do you suppose it is today....fed, state, sales, fees, total?

I guess that would all depend where you live. The taxes are outrageous in blue cities and states, while the red states enjoy lower taxes and lower cost of living. What I do think is the 47% of our country that pay no income tax should at least be paying something.

We have over 325 million people in this country, over 250 million of those are adults. So figure that about 110 million people pay no income tax. Even if they paid a hundred bucks a year, that would amount to something.
Our President pays no income tax, same with major corporations
We need to fix that

He pays no income taxes because he's doing the job for free. There are only a handful of companies out there that pay no income tax.

You bitch because someone making $20k pays no federal taxes but shrug off when billionaires and corporations pay no taxes

It's true that some corporations pay no taxes based on their legal deductions, however what billionaire that you are aware of that doesn't pay taxes either?
So I could legally pay the least amount of taxes possible. I also wanted to anticipate the size of the check I'd have to write that year.

One year Tony advised me to buy an SUV before the year's end. They are built on a truck frame and chassis and weighed over 6,000 pounds. That made them equipment and qualified me for a $25,000 tax credit, not deduction, a credit. I hated it and couldn't wait to sell it but I saved a pile of money!

In one post you showed everything that is wrong with our tax code.

But you big government statist just love it the way it is.
I answered

Somewhere around one percent on every stock transaction
It would generate massive tax revenue
We could probably reduce taxes elsewhere

Typical of far-left Progressives, you're answering a question not asked.

You mysteriously avoided my question. I'll try again. "Please show us all a tax or fee, that it was said, "it is only a small fee" in the beginning, and is a small fee or tax today?"
Asked and answered

You sound like Nancy Pelosi or Adam Schiff.

You mysteriously avoided my question...again! I'll try again. "Please show us all a tax or fee, that it was said, "it is only a small fee" in the beginning, and is a small fee or tax today?"
I’m....I did
One percent on all stock transactions

Do you have difficulty reading?
What should the maximum amount of taxes be.....outside of wartime?

And what do you suppose it is today....fed, state, sales, fees, total?

I guess that would all depend where you live. The taxes are outrageous in blue cities and states, while the red states enjoy lower taxes and lower cost of living. What I do think is the 47% of our country that pay no income tax should at least be paying something.

We have over 325 million people in this country, over 250 million of those are adults. So figure that about 110 million people pay no income tax. Even if they paid a hundred bucks a year, that would amount to something.
Our President pays no income tax, same with major corporations
We need to fix that

He pays no income taxes because he's doing the job for free. There are only a handful of companies out there that pay no income tax.

You bitch because someone making $20k pays no federal taxes but shrug off when billionaires and corporations pay no taxes

It's true that some corporations pay no taxes based on their legal deductions, however what billionaire that you are aware of that doesn't pay taxes either?

How 'bout us home schoolers?

Same thing. Even worse if your children attend a private school, because then you are supporting the public school with your property tax, and paying the bill to the private school for your children's education. That's what happened to my sister. She sent her kids to a religious school.
State's rights issue, what's the point?

Point is taxation has never been fair to everybody, and probably never will.

What should the maximum amount of taxes be.....outside of wartime?

And what do you suppose it is today....fed, state, sales, fees, total?

I guess that would all depend where you live. The taxes are outrageous in blue cities and states, while the red states enjoy lower taxes and lower cost of living. What I do think is the 47% of our country that pay no income tax should at least be paying something.

We have over 325 million people in this country, over 250 million of those are adults. So figure that about 110 million people pay no income tax. Even if they paid a hundred bucks a year, that would amount to something.

Yup.....everybody should have skin in the game.
You do when you believe that they shouldn't be taxed and get to keep all expenditures. You are the problem. I am saying cut their taxes by over 100 % with no expenditures and so many of you people have lost your mind. Try and keep up.

I don't even know what to make of this point. If there is even a point. I can't even translate what you've written to anything that could be understood. Please elaborate. Scratch that - Please clarify.

You do not understand cutting their tax rate by over 100% but eliminating their expenditures?

If you eliminate expenditures and Capital purchases, you are essentially saying that the costs of goods for their product is essentially zero (this includes labor). So the government would be taxing 100% of revenue. Is that what you mean?

Cutting anything by 100% yields zero. So you're saying no tax burden at all?

Nope, the only expenditure the corporations can deduct are wages. They already have a deduction from 21% to 10%. They can pay for upgrading their own systems and equipment to make more profits. Why should you and I?

I've read through this thread twice, and still have no idea what you are attempting to say here.

However, I will just point out this...

Any money that it taken away from the corporation, is money that comes from one of two areas. Either it comes from employees in lower benefits, or it comes from customers in higher prices.

Companies do not have magic trees from which to pick off the dollars leaves, and pay taxes with. The money has to come from someplace.

So whether you lay the burden directly on the public, from a sales tax, or income tax on employees or consumers.... or whether you indirectly lay the taxes on employees and consumers, by placing it on corporations that pass on those costs to employees or consumers.... either way... the employees and the consumers are who pay the tax.

Now to clarify, it is rare that you end up a company that directly cuts employee compensation, although that does in fact happen. I worked at a company laid everyone off, and then sent out a letter to rehire everyone, at a dollar less an hour.

However, most of the time, the way you pay taxes on the back of employees, is by simply not having yearly cost of living raises.

Take a company with $10 Million in gross profits. You have $2 Million for advertising. $2 Million in upkeep funds. $4 Million in R&D. $1 Million for shareholders. $1 Million for pay increased to employees, either through better benefits or higher direct pay.

Now if you increase taxes by $1 Million, who is going to get cut? Advertising? Of course not. Without advertising, the company will lose more in sales, and everything else will have to be cut.

The upkeep? So when the heater on the roof goes out, we just don't fix it? When the roof starts leaking, we just issue buckets to the employees?

Of course not. Upkeep has to be paid for.

The shareholders? The people who invested and own the company? And then we'll pay millions in legal fees, fighting the shareholders because they rightfully should get a benefit since they own the company? Which we'll lose by the way.

Or we can cut the R&D budget which is our only hope for a future? So in the short term, everything is great, but then in a few years, our competitors will be rolling us, because we didn't keep pace with them by investing in our future?

And most R&D projects have a set budget. I actually got this from an example with a car company from some years ago, where they set aside $400 Million for a specific product. When things got tight, they had to cut everything but the R&D budget, because you can't partially build a car, and just stop.

So there is only one thing on the budget that can be cut.... the compensation increase for the employees.

So I'll say it again....

Companies do not have magic money trees to pay for taxation. Money to pay taxes comes from either the employees, or the consumers. Those are the only two areas money comes from. A company does not have one penny, that does not come from either the customer in higher prices, or the employees in lower benefits. That's it.
thank you for this nice post. However, you're talking to a box of rocks who have no fking clue about how this all works. someone on the left tells them, bad to make money and they fall into line.

So whether you lay the burden directly on the public, from a sales tax, or income tax on employees or consumers.... or whether you indirectly lay the taxes on employees and consumers, by placing it on corporations that pass on those costs to employees or consumers.... either way... the employees and the consumers are who pay the tax.

this is like gibberish to them. And that's me being kind.
The problem is, government.

Government loves having an insane tax system, because that's how they threaten and extort money from business.

This is exactly why we were never supposed to have an income tax at all, because the founders knew this would happen.

You have it backwards. Business loves a complex tax system. That’s how they exploit loopholes.
are loopholes legal?
Technically yes.

I was about to ask the same thing. Did you have a point?
well you seem irritated that they use legal tools. Why is that? why does your ass get chaffed because a company follows laws? MY POINT!
You have it backwards. Business loves a complex tax system. That’s how they exploit loopholes.
are loopholes legal?
Technically yes.

I was about to ask the same thing. Did you have a point?
well you seem irritated that they use legal tools. Why is that? why does your ass get chaffed because a company follows laws? MY POINT!

I'm chaffed because this is how the wealthy manipulate the system to their advantage.

I was about to ask the same thing. Did you have a point?
well you seem irritated that they use legal tools. Why is that? why does your ass get chaffed because a company follows laws? MY POINT!

I'm chaffed because this is how the wealthy manipulate the system to their advantage.
well again, manipulate the system, what does that mean? if the system allows it, there is no manipulation, it is use of the available tools. you're just pissed you're not rich. I get it. angery that they stole your money.
I guess that would all depend where you live. The taxes are outrageous in blue cities and states, while the red states enjoy lower taxes and lower cost of living. What I do think is the 47% of our country that pay no income tax should at least be paying something.

We have over 325 million people in this country, over 250 million of those are adults. So figure that about 110 million people pay no income tax. Even if they paid a hundred bucks a year, that would amount to something.
Our President pays no income tax, same with major corporations
We need to fix that

He pays no income taxes because he's doing the job for free. There are only a handful of companies out there that pay no income tax.

You bitch because someone making $20k pays no federal taxes but shrug off when billionaires and corporations pay no taxes

It's true that some corporations pay no taxes based on their legal deductions, however what billionaire that you are aware of that doesn't pay taxes either?


I love how you leftists make comments based on your thoughts instead of any proof.

I was about to ask the same thing. Did you have a point?
well you seem irritated that they use legal tools. Why is that? why does your ass get chaffed because a company follows laws? MY POINT!

I'm chaffed because this is how the wealthy manipulate the system to their advantage.
well again, manipulate the system, what does that mean? if the system allows it, there is no manipulation, it is use of the available tools. you're just pissed you're not rich. I get it. angery that they stole your money.
They manipulate the system so that it does allow it. That’s why the tax code is complex. They don’t want a simple tax code since that can’t be manipulated.

You don’t know anything about me. I do very well for myself.
Problem I have with giving BIG tax cuts to the major rich company's & an expiring little to the rest of us.
Pay Ratio CEO verses Average Worker
Canada 20.1
Mexico 47.1
Britain 22.1
France 15.1
Germany 12.1
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The idea of imposing a wealth tax on the richest Americans has elicited sharply divergent views across a spectrum of politicians, with President Donald Trump branding it socialist and progressive Democratic presidential contenders Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders prominently endorsing it.


Among the 4,441 respondents to the poll, 64% strongly or somewhat agreed that “the very rich should contribute an extra share of their total wealth each year to support public programs” - the essence of a wealth tax. Results were similar across gender, race and household income. While support among Democrats was stronger, at 77%, a majority of Republicans, 53%, also agreed with the idea.

Majority of Americans favor wealth tax on very rich: Reuters/Ipsos poll

If this is true, then the experiment called the United States of America as we know it is done....

I'm a Democrat and don't support the Wealth Tax, nor will I vote in the primary for either Sanders or Warren. What I do support is fair taxation, and the Federal Tax Brackets need to be expanded, not only to raise the highest bracket but to include tax credits for health care for all filers.
Problem I have with giving BIG tax cuts to the major rich company's & an expiring little to the rest of us.
Pay Ratio CEO verses Average Worker
Canada 20.1
Mexico 47.1
Britain 22.1
France 15.1
Germany 12.1

If the CEO pay was 50 to 1, that doesn't mean a company will overpay their workers.

I was about to ask the same thing. Did you have a point?
well you seem irritated that they use legal tools. Why is that? why does your ass get chaffed because a company follows laws? MY POINT!

I'm chaffed because this is how the wealthy manipulate the system to their advantage.
well again, manipulate the system, what does that mean? if the system allows it, there is no manipulation, it is use of the available tools. you're just pissed you're not rich. I get it. angery that they stole your money.
They manipulate the system so that it does allow it. That’s why the tax code is complex. They don’t want a simple tax code since that can’t be manipulated.

You don’t know anything about me. I do very well for myself.
They manipulate the system so that it does allow it

WTF does this mean? you are kooo koo. Dude you said what they do is legal. therefore, by your own writing, they aren't manipulating anything. you need to look up what manipulation means.
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The idea of imposing a wealth tax on the richest Americans has elicited sharply divergent views across a spectrum of politicians, with President Donald Trump branding it socialist and progressive Democratic presidential contenders Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders prominently endorsing it.


Among the 4,441 respondents to the poll, 64% strongly or somewhat agreed that “the very rich should contribute an extra share of their total wealth each year to support public programs” - the essence of a wealth tax. Results were similar across gender, race and household income. While support among Democrats was stronger, at 77%, a majority of Republicans, 53%, also agreed with the idea.

Majority of Americans favor wealth tax on very rich: Reuters/Ipsos poll

If this is true, then the experiment called the United States of America as we know it is done....

I'm a Democrat and don't support the Wealth Tax, nor will I vote in the primary for either Sanders or Warren. What I do support is fair taxation, and the Federal Tax Brackets need to be expanded, not only to raise the highest bracket but to include tax credits for health care for all filers.
'fair taxation', there it is again. what does that mean? you posted it, now explain what it means. You won't, you just feel proud saying it because you think it means something you can't even explain. too fking funny. That makes you a loser leftist.

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