Majority of Violent Crime in London is Black!

I think Paul is just like this in real life lol
No surprise here, the criminal black race isn't smart enough to be honest.

And yet except for a few exceptions, all serial killers in history were white.
How do you explain that ?
It has been stated and it is true....white people LOVE to kill.
The number of black hunters is dwarfed by white sport killers

Too many blacks are indeed savages, but so are too many whites is my point.

The lack of black serial killers is easily explained. It's not true. Are there any black serial killers? The answer is Yes.

Black serial killers don't get the same publicity. This list doesn't even include the Beltway snipers, Muhammad and Malvo. Black killers get away with many more murders because the police are always looking for the white guy. Especially in the case of John Muhammad and Lee Malvo. The police wasted weeks looking for the white guy.

Lonnie David Franklin Jr. Known as the Grim Sleeper murdered 25 women while the police searched for and didn't find evidence of the white guy.

The White Guy serial killer is so vital that Richard 'Night Stalker' Ramirez wasn't even allowed to keep his Hispanic ethnicity and was described as an American mass murderer. The term White Hispanic hadn't been invented yet.

Looking for the mythic white guy has basically legalized murder by minorities.
Them Jewish serial killers are very dangerous
That “ son of Sam “ was a real menace
No surprise here, the criminal black race isn't smart enough to be honest.

And yet except for a few exceptions, all serial killers in history were white.
How do you explain that ?
It has been stated and it is true....white people LOVE to kill.
The number of black hunters is dwarfed by white sport killers

Too many blacks are indeed savages, but so are too many whites is my point.


What a laughable assertion. In areas where whites are the majority, guess what, they are going to be the majority of serial killers. Go to Africa and the opposite is true. In one case alone, Rwanda, the black serial killers murdered more people in a month, than ALL of the white serial killers here in the USA have in all of this country's history.

Whites have been responsible for 2 world wars and colonization which has led to the deaths of more than 1 billion people.

Not only that hitler and stalin murdered millions upon millions ..two white dudes ...remeber that :D:p

Wave to your white progressive "allies" now and give em a big smile

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You put Malcolm X pic up. He said whites are devils. You dumb bastard

The man had a hatred for white people that came from the very pit of his soul. He hated white people with every fibre of his being and if you were a black man born in his era that is 100% understandable.

And no he didn't change sh*t when he left the NOI. He still hated white people

The insecure racist has to try and superimpose his own weakness and fear onto others in order to live with himself. It’s pathetic.
He truly wants to kill anyone white lol
His hate is not for me and if I was a mod - he be gone

Meh. He’s only a danger to himself. This is all just a performance art bit for him. No doubt he’s a very ‘flamboyant,’ ‘theatrical’ fella in real life (if you know what I mean).
I just hope he does not own any firearms
He should be “ red flagged “ as a time bomb

I'm pretty sure he has no 'guns' of any kind, and would shoot nothing but 'blanks' in any case.
The insecure racist has to try and superimpose his own weakness and fear onto others in order to live with himself. It’s pathetic.
You are speaking about yourself. You're just as racist as anyone else.

Well, let's see. There are hundreds and hundreds of posts here by YOU indicating in no uncertain terms how much YOU hate people based on race. YOU have even posted many hundreds of times about all of the violence YOU fantasize about based on YOUR racist hatred. It speaks very clearly to YOUR weakness and cowardice. If YOU were a man YOU might understand some of this.

Go find even ONE post of mine where I express hatred for any people based on race. Go on, go find ONE.

Had enough?
The insecure racist has to try and superimpose his own weakness and fear onto others in order to live with himself. It’s pathetic.
You are speaking about yourself. You're just as racist as anyone else.

Well, let's see. There are hundreds and hundreds of posts here by YOU indicating in no uncertain terms how much YOU hate people based on race. YOU have even posted many hundreds of times about all of the violence YOU fantasize about based on YOUR racist hatred. It speaks very clearly to YOUR weakness and cowardice. If YOU were a man YOU might understand some of this.

Go find even ONE post of mine where I express hatred for any people based on race. Go on, go find ONE.

Had enough?
I have made racial comments here but 2/3 was hyperbole and most against my own people !!
The insecure racist has to try and superimpose his own weakness and fear onto others in order to live with himself. It’s pathetic.
You are speaking about yourself. You're just as racist as anyone else.

Well, let's see. There are hundreds and hundreds of posts here by YOU indicating in no uncertain terms how much YOU hate people based on race. YOU have even posted many hundreds of times about all of the violence YOU fantasize about based on YOUR racist hatred. It speaks very clearly to YOUR weakness and cowardice. If YOU were a man YOU might understand some of this.

Go find even ONE post of mine where I express hatred for any people based on race. Go on, go find ONE.

Had enough?
I have made racial comments here but 2/3 was hyperbole and most against my own people !!

When you have someone on ignore, you have to be careful about who you are responding to. My comments were directed at little paulie.

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